July 24, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update - At the Finish Line of Bible Prophecy

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Just a sweet gospel song about the rapture

These are all siblings who are singing together.


Thanks for the compliment. I highly recommend SwordSearcher.com for everything bible-related that you can put on your hard drive. I use a laptop with solar power backup. My websites are badtimes.yolasite.com for text and images and Badtimes on RadioPublic for many old audio cassette recordings that led to my salvation in 1982.


I use an old Dell laptop that still works. I have an even older Samsung laptop whose keys do not work, but I can operate it with a remote keyboard if need be. I am a retiree and try to make do with things I purchased in the good old days when I had a business. I am also a victim of globalist business destruction. I would suggest finding a used laptop that is not more than about 3 years old to save money.


3 posts were split to a new topic: The great awakening, is this the strong delusion?

Good morning dear Jack. Just wondering if you might have a look, and see if you can find the photo of the sheepdog. Not sure but i think one may soon be needed.
God Bless.


Yes I keep praying, trying to spread the good news about God and the rapture. My only nurse friend is now spreading the word to her sons and grandchildren. Success! She still gets angry about the news stories and I keep reminding her that this is all prophetic, stay strong and pray, get closer to God. Shared scripures with her today at work. When she actually sees what was written thousands of years ago she’s more convinced! Now if my sons would open their eyes! Keep praying, have patience and stay strong sister in Christ. Marantha!


I was born in the U.S. as John. I immigrated to Israel in 1994 and chose the Hebrew equivalent nickname Yohanan. My wife calls me Yonatan. My first wife, who passed away, called me Jonathan. Both wives were/are Jewish. Incidentally, I saw a very interesting video about the rapture, which could take place on Yom Teruah this year or next. The video is convincing that it must be on this Divine appointment called a Feast. The uncertainty of the day or hour is explained logically. There are a couple of details missing in the Jewish wedding feast, but this is still a good presentation. 📯WHY JESUS RETURNS "ON" THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS❗ 2022 PROOF - YouTube


Had to go look this up as i’m not too familiar with the Hebrew roots or messianic movements. What is the Feast of Trumpets? | GotQuestions.org
Should our Lord Jesus Christ return to call his bride on this day or any day the Father chooses, …Praise be to God! So looking forward to Jesus soon appearing dear Yohanan.


No one knows the day or hour, but one can say that it is on one of the two days of Yom Teruah, or Feast of Trumpets. Presently, Israel calls it Rosh Hashana, head of the year, but that is false. Yom Teruah falls on the seventh month. The “rapture” will occur on Yom Teruah, but we don’t know which year. It seems highly likely it is this year, looking at global developments, especially the coming global cryptocurrency (mark of the beast system). Here is an excellent video that explains in detail: This is outstanding information on the Feast of Trumpets, erroneously called “Rosh HaShana”.


I loved this! Thanks for sharing.


Hello John @Yohanan,
I’m so glad I watched this. thanks for sharing!

It all does make sense— I hope it’s true and oh how I hope this is the year!

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Why lithium? Isnt that bitcoin

Yes, GR, I am waiting for the great escape, too. It seems likely that it is this year, seeing that the CBDC (Central Bank Digital currency) is scheduled to roll out December 13, 2022. We can’t be here when the global currency system is in place. I put this and other information on my website badtimes.yolasite.com

Shalom from the future Holy Land,


Thank you for sharing this video Yohanan, it was very interesting. What do you see happening now in churchianity ( a borrowed word-best i can think of to describe “it”) are you seeing the saints being distracted in any specific ways by those still under the rulership of the enemies of the cross? And in this vid repeated many times is the phrase “We must get ready and prepare ourselves.” Are there any specific ways you and others in the Messianic community are doing this, or priorities that you feel it is best to focus on in these last days? Is there a simple gospel message you share with those in need of salvation, and which verses of scripture do you share with unbelievers to lead them to Jesus Christ? I would sincerely love to know, and if they are placed here, it could doubtless be of great help to others too. Thanks so much again.
Maranatha :dove: :dove: :dove:


I’m so tired! I just want to go home!


Jan Markell shared this on her Telegram.

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