June 25, 2023: Topical Study -- Shining The Light

:bible2: Shining The Light

Pastor Mac provides an expositional teaching on 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 expounding on each verse that should overly express the importance of God’s people to always be shining the light of the Lord.

Watch at JDFarag.org
Shining The Light

or watch here on Youtube

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Thank you Pastor Mac

I can not begin to wrap my head around God’s splendor and glory! But I can accept it as Truth and to walk in ‘the light of His glory’ as God commands.

Moses asked God, “Now show me your glory” Exodus 33:18. God equated His glory with “all my goodness” “But,” God said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live”. God hid Moses in a cleft in the rock to protect him from the fulness of God’s glory as it passed by.


This is great uplifting viewing and great to share will unbelievers…

7TH STREET THEATER was the first prime time Christian drama TV series in the history of broadcasting when it first aired in 2007. It’s about five Christian actors who perform a weekly stage show for their community. All 3 Seasons and 64 Episodes tell a unique short story filled with spiritual lessons about a wide range of important topics.


Although shared comically; I’m happy to hear even the Mac attack has equal battles with carnality. I mean it’s a ‘duh’ ‘Captain obvious’ moment of truth that we all battle it to one degree or another - don’t look at the screen like that, you know all of you do too! But in some instances it helps to rise up and continue to fight that battle and try to encourage others with your experiences of how you’ve had to keep battling when you know others are fighting that battle too. I mean, God gives us all we need, including each other (sometimes) to overcome the temptation of the wickedness of this world (and Satan). We sometimes forget and many times ignore those tools to terminate temptation taunting. It’ll come back but at least we have the tools, thanks be to God. Just remember to oil them and keep them clean for continued use :wink:.

Thank you Pastor Mac for this teaching as well.


Thanks @Jon for your comment. It made me want to listen for myself and was very blessed!


It is my pleasure that I was able to point ya to a wonderful experience!


To me, Pastor Mac is a very special Pastor.

His strength in The Word Of God is unmatched, I always come away from his teachings with great determination and strength in these End Days…which I need.


I certainly agree.
He is exceptional especially in these end times where most are compromising. Not Pastor Mac… he is bold and courageous in his teaching the Word of God. And for his obedience, he has joy and love coming forth.


This Sunday Ps Mac will talk about Eternal Security ( Romans 8 ), I will see if he will mention Calvinism or not as I have one nice topic on this…


Thank you Brenda! I was unfamiliar with this song! :revolving_hearts: