June 4, 2023: 1 John 2:18-20 – How we Know This is the Last Hour

Like other posters, I had tears in my eyes listening to this prophecy update. I know how true what our dear pastor said is and I am so looking forward to going home. Still, it is a bittersweet prospect knowing we all have loved ones who are blind to the truth and how devastating the coming times will be. I often put Chuck Missler Bible videos on before I go to sleep. I find them very comforting and I have seen them all many times. One really stays on my mind. His teaching on the First Rider on the White Horse . He talked about the Greek word bow “toxon” that the rider was carrying and reminded viewers that the rainbow is God’s bow, the sign of the covenant with his people following the great flood. He mentioned that this rider is a counterfeit Christ and he may be carrying something to do with the covenant. The video was made quite some time ago and I saw it on Youtube well before COVID. I watched it again and I was finally able to put together my thoughts. It seems everyone is using the word “gender” when they discuss human sexuality, repeating the word they hear the world saying. even when they confront the wrongness of saying people can identify as any one of a vast number of different genders, they say there are only two genders. I cringe when I hear those words. Plants have gender. Human beings are either of the male or female sex. For a society that is obsessed with sex, it shouldn’t be too hard to say the sentence I just wrote. I studied many foreign languages, over the years, including German and Latin that identify objects as either male, female or neuter in gender. Transhumanism has different faces. I think this is one of them. Asking people to identify themselves by their gender is a sly way of lessening their humanity. I know we won’t be here when the AC steps onto the world stage but I am certain that the 6 coloured rainbow flag, which now has two more colours, baby blue and powder pink for children will be flying around him. My tiny village took down one of our Canadian flags to hoist the rainbow flag in front of the town hall, side by side at the same height and many if not most of the cities in towns in this province are doing the same. I wish people would stop using the dehumanizing word gender when referring to humans, especially children. The first time I remember hearing gender in reference to a human being was when I was working in a custody based treatment centre for adolescents about 30 years ago and a very disturbed boy who talked about having a uterus was diagnosed with gender dysphoria. It didn’t sit well with me then either. Now, it appears to be the most commonly used word.