March 24, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Do They Know Something We Don’t?

54 years later and this coming true.


Hi Anca,

Yes, Teren is a very gracious. :slightly_smiling_face:

Britt begins with a Prophecy Round Table between himself and the originating man of it which is John Haller. The other two are Tom Hughs and Pete Garcia. This round table aired last Friday. Britt refers to a JNS article titled WHAT IF, subtitled WAR IN THE NORTH.
Britt did not expound on that video.

Britt notes that many people do not agree with him, but gives his reasons as to why he believes that Psalms 83: 6-8 and Psalms 78: 13 describe both the prayer for the Psalms 83 War and the answer to that prayer in Psalms 78.

He includes Isaiah 17: 1-3. This is the prophecy about the total ruin of Damascus. He points out that historians agree that Damascus has not yet been destroyed, so most people understand that it is a prophecy still yet unfulfilled.

He refers to his own article of many years ago listing the ancient names and today’s equivalents.
Ammonites = Jordan
Amalekites = Southern Israel and Gaza
Philistia = Gaza
Tyre = Lebanon
Assyria = Syria / Parts of Turkey and Iraq
Descendants of Lot = Jordan.

He refers to Bill Salas, who describes the inner ring and the outer ring of peoples that are enemies of Israel. The inner ring would be the people of Hamas and Hezbollah. I would include the other proxies of Iran in Qatar because of their part in blocking the waterways.

The inner ring people need to vanquish so that Israel can live peacefully. Psalms 38 happens in a time of peace in Israel. No way is that possible with Hamas and Hezbollah. This point I thought was interesting as a good possibility of how they transition to the Psalms 38 prophecy.

:peanuts::chipmunk: :slightly_smiling_face:


Emoji for pic #1 :flushed:
Emoji for pic #2 :rofl:


Emoji for pic #2 :pleading_face:
people need Jesus


Emoji #2 is a weather phenomenon in the South. :joy:
If the weatherman predicts too strong of a thunderstorm people will run and get bread and milk.


Ya mean like….today? Lol.
(Tornado watches appearing here in East Tennessee.)

@staceylovesJesus Your emoji has the right heart :heart:. No surprise coming from you.


Oh, definitely like today! :grinning:

Do you have a shelter to go to?


Yes we do :+1:t4:
It definitely feels like twister weather today and I’m highly caffeinated. Praying no tornadoes will actually materialize. I’m fascinated by them…the last one to take shelter …but my family isn’t so fascinated.


I’m glad you have a shelter to go into. :+1:

This is my weird sense of humor when you say you are highly caffeinated in preparation of a possible tornado. Are you planning to attempt a counter spin to unwind a tornado?

Growing up we used to live on a hill out in the country. Especially during the summer time you could feel the wind coming in before a strong thunderstorm. I loved to stand outside and feel the wind coming and the cooling of the temperature.


The visualization of this is hysterical :grin:

I love the power of the wind. I never want anyone to get hurt of course but there’s something about it that makes everything else seem small. All that man is doing that day (good, bad or otherwise seemingly significant) has to momentarily stop. What really matters becomes clearer.

We have roots in East Tennessee as well as Oklahoma. We’ve seen the worst in devastation in Oklahoma from tornadoes, particularly the May 3, 1999 tornado. So I have a serious respect for them yet I have something of a thrill seeking storm chaser side. If you’ve ever seen a twister slowly descend from the sky; it’s such a phenomenal feeling. I know it sounds odd but somehow I see God in intense weather.


I’m happy that you found my weird humor funny. :crazy_face::grinning:

No, I don’t find it odd at all to think of God in strong weather. I find it fascinating to witness God using a smaller portion of His power, even in the worst of devastations on our Earth. I am humbled by it all. Naturally, I don’t want anyone harmed.

I know you’ll do all that you need to do to keep your family safe. … don’t forget the bread and milk. :grin:


Wow alot has changed!


How ironic God gave us the :rainbow:rainbow as a sign he’d never destroy the earth by flood again?!? :rainbow::blush::two_hearts::pray::heart:


And the wicked in the last days would mock it and distort it. :disappointed:

Yahweh Nissi (The Lord is my banner)

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Thank you Kathryn, I appreciate your time and the nice summary. I understand his stance now. We will watch and see what the future will bring.

God bless you! :slight_smile:


Wow i hear you brother. I remember Dr. Walter Martin in regards to a Calfiironia quake years ago thought them to be of the devil. I listened to music after a big earthquake and just marvelled in the awesome power of God. Amen.

I used to take a lot of walks listening to music and thinking upon things. It would have been really neat to do a movie about Jonah. Opening scene with intense music showing Jonah picking himself up off the shore. Bleached white from whale acids. Walking tired and drained toward Nineveh. With the wonder of the town seeing this bleached white man coming down to the town…then J O N A H spring up on the screen. To His majesty. Then open with the scene moment prior to God’s original call upon his heart.

I felt the awe of God too driving through the South after a hurricane. Seeing trees everywhere. A wahsing maching sitting on a car. Desolation. Wow. Never been in a tornado or hurricane but oh my what a time to worship. Knowing a scent of His awesome power. Blessings.



Received this policy name change & major update from Airbnb today. :eyes: Thought of “Do They Know Something We Don’t?” BPU from March 24, 2024

Major Disruptive Events Policy

Foreseeable weather events ….if they result in another covered event, such as a government travel restriction or large-scale utility outage.

Not going to speculate; just wanted to share this interesting policy goes in place on & after June 6, 2024.

Reading this email made me sigh & THEN was reminded to stop & simply PRAY for all the unsaved in the world today. People need Jesus. :latin_cross:


right!! “govt travel restriction” gets my attn the most. is that in the US or? i dont know if airbnb does other countries as well…