March 3, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- What Are We Fighting For Again?

I kinda figured that out after I posted. :grimacing:
He’s so diligent at providing important information on a consistent basis. Sometimes I quickly check out the forum just to see what Dennis has posted. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you’re doing well @Myrrh !


Thanks Dennis. You are doing a very helpful work in demonstrating the breakdown and reach of CN. We tend to focus on the sensationalism of modern groups. But it is good to keep in mind that huge swaths of Christendom (Catholic/Orthodox) will necessarily be amillenial in nature. Leaving (one recent–taken within the past several years) a poll result as having 45% of Evangelical Christianity not be premillennial.

We tend to see phenomenon of what took place in the 20th century to get a contemporary understanding of what is taking place today. But prior to the reformation amillenialism was fashioned dominant in the church for like a thousand years. And is one of the elements even the reformed carried over into protestant Christianity. As seen in this document here. I put a sample of the writing indicating the issue below.

The point is, amillenialism is not a freak accident small group neo NAR belief. Its likely as old as 1500 years. I don’t say that to give it credibility. I say that to disinfect hypie view we can trend with potentially when merely seeing it as new. Premil is the new kid on the block. Granted the early church held to it, amen…and the correct view. But the amillenialism was the predominant view older than some countries today. The reason that is important, is: they are the mission field. The bulk of Christinaity is the mission field on this issue. Its not just some twisted Jonny come lately novelty. It has roots deeper than dispensationalism. As we consider the deep historic roots here, it may help us understand the “actual” backdrop we are looking at as others in the faith may see differently. Blessings.

Amillenialism has been captured to mean different things. There seems to be a few versions of it floating around. But the way I mean it and use it is a general term for a focus on the church reigning on earth aside from a tribulation or necessary focus on Christ’s returned (which in some instances seems to fit the term and in others seems to not). So in general I am just meaning by it “the focus of time period of church golden age rule on earth in some way approximate to Christ coming or ruling then or soon thereafter.”

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Thanks Anca. And great article too. Bless your heart for accurate focuses on developments along the contemporary Israeli eschatalogical trail. Even during a time when some have left our forum that would have offered various approaches of discussion concerning. Amen.

But as for me, one take away (just at this moment) that kind of stopped me in my tracks…

The Hamas concern…

“Jews were on a path of religious reawakening that would lead to the demolition of the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount.”

. . . . .

I would like at this time to introduce “Exhibit A,” to the forum. “A reawakening for Israel?” We hear that term used a lot in terms of new age beliefs of a golden age to come. However, would anyone deny that whatever happens in Israel leading to their 70th week will be that which indeed does reawaken them unto that very theater?

We know Israel has quite a ways to go. They will not repent until the end of the tribulation. But we also note some significant activity too along the way with Ezekiel 38. If Ezekiel 38 occurs prior to the rapture, would not this be in some way shape or form a use of “awakening” we may not have exact category for?

Ez 38:23
"So I will prove Myself great, show Myself holy, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the Lord.”’

We know there is no great awekening prior to the tribulation. So if Ezekiel 38 occurs prior to or at the time of the tribulation beginning, what is verse 23 then? This would be where i would imagine God’s majesty and sovereignty to challenge church escatological categories. Categories that permit Ez 38:23 a potential place at the table.

I realize we have concerns with New Age fake revivals. Amen. But the New Age does not own what that means. And as this article concerning the Jews in approximating to some form of an awakening along the way…and God perhaps coming in and redefining that even for the New Age even in our day, His catogory of definition certainly trumps the New Age. But also possibly ours? :butgod: Blessings.


Nicely done Dennis


Thank you, and I am well! Finally, and for now, I am! How are you??


Overall this place is crickets now. But you guys are doing a fine job bouncing thoughts and opinions off the walls and each other. It’s keeping the forum alive. Something to come back to.

I tread lightly chiming in with speculations or from even absorbing them from posts I see…or from JD and others who have prophecy updates. Why? Well, years of experience with these people. I began listening to JD, Amir, Hibbs and others on Understanding the Times Radio back when it was actually radio. Probably 10 plus years. Since, I’ve seen too many speculations as it were, fail to manifest in their said timeframe. Sometimes it has left my faith in a vulnerable situation.

So, while I do watch BPUs, read posts and actually come here looking for “clues” to how and when the end is going to play out, I have a dense filter. If it doesn’t digest well, I don’t consume it.

If I do sense something amiss, no matter how eager and convincing the messenger and no matter who it comes from, I choose to be quietly discreet.


I’m good.

I’m um…….going to be a grandaddy. :grin:


Amen brother. I think a lot of us can relate. I keep an open mind and heart to exactly how near we might be and how things seem to take a lot more time than many would hope. But even so, as it may be a lot longer a stay than we realize, i would imagine that because of what the USA is facing this year…it would be a good year to be involved on an eschatology forum. As far as i have seen, this is a pretty darn good place for that. And although crickets now, i would imagine that Summer and Fall to likely be some pretty active times on this forum. I cannot see it not with everything in the wings in America. Just saying. Thanks for your feedback and chime in brother. Blessings.

PS – I had no interest whatsoever in end times unitl 2017. Didn’t read Revaltion on purpose for 20 years. Not proud of that. But just noting. :slight_smile:


Absolutely. And notable that the attendance undulates. For example, October 7 and thereafter for awhile was high activity here.


This is encouraging from Michelle. God bless


Speaking of Pastor Jack Hibbs, I just saw this:

I may or may not always understand his political motivations and endorsements but do believe he’s being mischaracterized and agree that it’s an attack against Christians.

Here’s part if his prayer with some historical representations. It’s actually quite honorable and rightfully providing glory to God.

“O Lord our Heavenly Father, high and mighty King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth and reignest with power supreme and uncontrolled over all the Kingdoms, Empires and Governments; look down in mercy, we beseech Thee, on these our American States, who have fled to Thee from the rod of the oppressor and thrown themselves on Thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on Thee.”






Hamas is saying whatever suits them, without any regard for facts or truth.
Here is an overview of their standpoints in the last couple of months:

Hamas: “Israel has killed one zillion people in Gaza. Two zillion of the one zillion are women and children.”
Also Hamas: “We are winning!”

Hamas: “We can tell you exactly how many people Israel has killed in Gaza, including attacks we made up out of thin air like the hospital or the trampling incident. We can give you exact numbers!!”
Also Hamas: “We have no clue how many hostages we’re holding, where they are, or if they’re alive.”

Hamas: “We are going to do October 7th over and over. All Zionists are a valid target.”
Also Hamas: “October 7th was a military operation. No innocent civilians were targeted.”

Hamas: “Gaza was heaven before. The IDF destroyed it!”
Also Hamas: “Gaza was an open-air prison before October 7th. That’s why Hamas attacked.”

Hamas: “All Jews are pigs and we will murder them all. Hitler was right.”
Also Hamas: “The Holocaust never happened. Besides, we’re a legitimate political movement. We are not terrorists, we are freedom fighters.”

Hamas: “We are fighting for the Palestinian people.”
Also Hamas: “We are hiding in tunnels under the Palestinian people and using them as human shields.”

Hamas: “Send aid, the Palestinians are starving.”
Also Hamas: Shoots Palestinians trying to get some aid and steals all the aid.

Hamas: “We have nothing against Jews, only Zionists.”
Also Hamas: “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees.”

Hamas: “Get the Zionists out of Gaza. Ceasefire now!”
Also Hamas: “No ceasefire with the Zionists!”

Hamas: “Our fighters are courageous heroes!”
Also Hamas: “Let’s hide in a tunnel surrounded by women and children after raping and burning their family members alive.”

Hamas: “We won’t ever surrender to the Zionist regime. We are winning!”
Also Hamas: “Please don’t kill me, IDF. Please don’t strip me down to my tighty whities! I want my mommy!”

Hamas: “The Zionists are lying about October 7th. We didn’t hurt any innocent people.”
Also Hamas: “Hey mom! I’m sending you footage from my GoPro of how I murdered a Zionist family and raped the family members before killing them and after killing them! Are you proud of me, mommy?”

The world?: “They seem pretty reliable and trust worthy. I don’t see any reason not to believe Hamas.”

(Hillel Fuld on X)


Amen Anca. And thanks for being a witness for Him as history prophetically unfolds. I miss Dan (Dec) and Uturn. In the spirit of both of them (Dan with his inquisitive nature and often very helpful and intriguing research and Uturn with his profound uncanny sense of razor sharp “all things Ez 38” heroism) thank you dear sister for how God has touched your heart in this way :heart:

As for timing and IF, well yeah i would tend to lean on the same as Uturn with “as the bombs come down we go up.” That fits perfectly in my scenario anyway. But let’s say the rapture is much earlier than Ez 38. We still have a similar issue though. Like on what watcher’s blueprint does Ez:38:23 make sense? Who has prophesied (tongue-in-cheek) that once the tribulaiton hits God makes Himslef manifest to Israel? Like there is absolutely no one looking at these huge ripples in prophecy. Yet we are so certain there cannot be a huge coming to Christ now or even soon after the rapture because it must be dark and deceptive?

I just mean that as a moment to take a breath, breathe. Tilt the head back just for a moment. Exhale. Smell a flower. Giggle with a close friend. Hug a grandchild. Kiss your daughter good night…knowing the transcendent goodness of the Lord. And that just maybe…He might win hearts and minds regardless how deep our eschat blueprint heels might be on how it might or should look. And we lean on His spirit of prophecy to lead us. Beyond how our contemporary worldlings might use language and try to shape in opposition to the church. Next to Him…they are grains of sand.

So just saying…however much an IF…if its anywhere within the next 3-7 years…it does not fit our blueprint on anyones table. Where is that person that accounts for God’s light being made known near, at or during the tirublation? That person does not exist. I believe in the watcher world this would be like a J-walking ticket no? :crazy_face:


Hugs and kisses (holy) dear sister. :heart: thanks for your awesome input and of course very lovely presence as always :+1:


Once the restrainer is taken away, I cannot see anything improving. Can many be saved? Yes. When the road gets rough, people are more prone to call upon God. But at what cost? That is a different story. The saints of the Tribulation will pay the high cost of their life. But the LORD will help them, the Bible tells us so, they will be saved and that’s the best thing that can happen for a human in the Tribulation.


You are correct, lies abound these days. That’s why I said “I find it curious” that they have changed their rhetoric. I am aware that public statements made by many groups/nations are not the truth.


We have a different view of the restrainer…lol. Probably not a surprise. :wink: Seal 5 demos for us a huge number of believers in the latter seal period (which might be within its first year.5 or there abouts possibly). I’m not saying there will be a tickertape grand parade through the tribulation. I think what is helpful from watchers is a reminder of the dark and corruption and deception. That is helpful. Amen.

But the fact that we cannot make room for :butgod: much before or during to me is a redflag we might be leaning toward an impression a bity heavy on sight. What we believe to see. I would say in general dear sister on that note what is good to also consider is that our views (if too pronounced) about our blueprints and stock in them suggest the temporality in us we might hope to sway not being so much about. I believe Jupiter’s gravity is like 2.4 times that of earth. To me it can just be like having too much gravity in our own views. I understand not being postmodern and evaluating everything. But that spirit of our age does not necessarily need to gravitate us away from considering we might be a bit overly pronouncive (new word) in our views perhaps. Just saying. Blessings.


That William Roach video is exceptionally good. I’ve never heard of him but I went on to watch another one of his videos about CN. I like how he brings in Calvinism and the Reformed camp in the other video.