March 31, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- Everything Now Points To Jesus

I honestly believed you for 3 seconds, ONLY to get disappointed after reading the website name!!!
I already pictured myself wearing a watch again, after 15 years of not wearing one at all…

It’s not too late for you to get into some Swiss Watch business :joy: :joy: :joy: Start a Parody YT channel and call it: “The Swiss Watchman on or OFF the Wall”. Maybe you will do much better than all of them. :slight_smile:

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Oh, I must have misspoken, because Tom does not set days or times, ever! He only looks for Christ’ return every day. I do too! I guess I am in the small group who know that someone will get the date right, but no, it does not matter. We won’t care a lick about any of this stuff when we are with Him. That is the glorious thought that is mine daily, amen?


I want to go up in the rapture NOW, Carole Anne. I also expect Him every fraction of a second.

What I hate is false alarms, hype, sensationalism and disrespect for sound biblical prophetic doctrine.
All the ones who are irresponsibly dividing the Word of God… may the LORD have much mercy on them as He always has towards all of us…
There should not bee many teachers, as the apostle James stated. And today there are way too many of them. May the LORD help them change their ways before the rapture. I am no better than any other person on this earth, but I surely do not want to find myself teaching God’s Word irresponsibly; that is dangerous and the LORD will take care of them.

God bless you! Maranatha!

P.S. See you in the clouds tomorrow, hopefully I am wrong :slight_smile:


I love you very much Carol Anne… and I know the basis for this is Proverbs 25:2.

This is probably the number one argument from the so called watchmen on YT and other platforms, but they are completely wrong in interpreting this verse as God wanting us now to find out the day of the rapture… What those watchmen come up with is silly, nonsensical reasons that “prove” (to them) the rapture will happen today, this week, this month, next month, this year. I’ve heard it all.

One can very well live with the utmost excitement and expectancy to be raptured daily, without the wrong interpretation of this verse. There are signs, real ones that will NEVER disappoint, and those are what we should be paying attention to.

God bless you! :hugs: :pray:


Ok but unlike Tony, I kind of like to kind of mean to be contrary. And you know what? Just like all for the fun of it :grin: Well that and just knowing how utterly gracious you Anca and this forum is…does bless my heart. But this is a theme we probably wont resolve until we meet in the rapture. So anywayz…shocker :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I believe that this period might quite possibly be of His kingdom.

Now I want to just let that sting. Yeah. Mu-ha-haha-ha-ha … and stuff.

I want to accent that not to be mean contrarian. But just like with edge for purpose.

. . . . .

Now before the spiritual SWAT Team crashes down my door, please allow me to explain. The things I share are different than the general blueprint popular watcher content. But the way I mean it is not at all to keep people trusting in this world. Or be fleshy. My paradigm though is most certainly from the trasformer movie series. Just think of me perhaps as a transformer. It does not fit nicely in “anyone’s” pocket view.

What I meant by the above, is just this: If God so wills us, the church, to permit witness to some initial “apocolyptic” occurance. I think we should allow Him that. If the reason we say “don’t focus on this age” is because of NAR or Trump worship, I would suggest our view could also be a little less focused on the temporal even in coming at it even in that way. For to me that is of temporal construction thought as well aslo. This is just my personal take. And I am just saying what I say (since it at times meets: don’t trust in this world) because I don’t trust in this world. Nor the world blueprint in my head of how I need to look at things. But seriously…guys…if God uses who He uses it will probably transcend our bias. He did in the first century. Why not now too? He dosn’t have to. Just saying. :slight_smile:

I believe NAR and Trump worship is sinful and fleshy and worldly. But in the event God uses Trump (without asking the church’s permission)…I think we should be good with that. What I don’t mean is Trump the way NAR sees him. But God has already used Trump. What I am saying is that if God wants to use Trump or anyone for his purpose and its apoloclyptic in nature…we don’t have to have the answers. But we can allow believers who are true believers to resonate with the Lord in how that be for them, amen?

To me to see what is going on in the world as only deception is fleshy and trusting in our own mind. Because the obvious thing is God is sovereign and more powerful than satan and more powerful than deception and it is still the church age and it is still under the goodness of His character. We are the ones who say it is other than under His character. That is us uising the word of God to our understanding – at least potentially. Or would at least ask us to consider how we might. I believe this is the right time to post this. I am not going to keep harping. But if we think it is as just like us wanting to highlight verses mainly about deception in the world. I affirm this is in potential error because as we all stand before God today…HE IS SOVERIEGN AND HIS CHARACTER IS GREATER THAN DECEPTION and for those who do not think so…yeah…that would be too possibly worldly. I would agree.

I just say that as an offset to consider. Because we are in for a pretty crazy year. Please church don’t be too smug in thinking the way we are thinking is most holy and spiritual. We are living in the age of selfishness. Please church consider how others might process. We don’t need to be an island of “what is correct.” We would do well to understand the God honest humility of where we too might be wrong. Because of us all…I am sure I am likely the most wrong of all. Please forgive and pardon. If this is innapropriate by all means flag. Blessings.


I hear you dear sister. Yeah the way I look at all the hustle and bustle is kind of like this thing I remember a female reporter said during the Syrian uprising in 2017. She reported on sevral different groups on the ground as she was in Syria for a time. She mentioned how each group was waring hoping to bring on end times. She was not religious. Nor was the channel it came in on. It was kind of entertaining to see the diverse views of that that lady reporter experiences.

On a recent channel where a Christian theologian and atheist do like a commentary show together. In how they notice all the diverse factions and some of the cartoon ideas that can come out of the frey. They covered the red heifer with respect to how Jews and Christian would be seeing it. The Christian theologian did not study end times, but the atheist who used to be a Muslim had. Quite an interesting view in how they are seeing things. But they did respect the considerations of the red heifer, amen.

Personally I believe the red heifer has a lot to do with what is going on today and timing etc. But I try my best to keep the crazy thoughts from having me form any sense of alternative “because” of those over impassioned thoughts by others. Although, yeah…sometimes…because we are all human…it can get to me.

In your venacular Anca…I think I am more Jewish. But with a Greek transformer brain transplant. Not sure if there is such an animal. But yeah…lol…like that.

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Yes, amen. I do not look for anything except what God has revealed in His word. I dont think anyone on this forum truly listens to those who set dates, but the signs of His return are all around us and my hope cannot be any more than it is today.
Thank you for your words of encouragement. May we all be a light for as long as we are here.


Take two…ok…now i have a better sense of what you are sayig Anca…after my soap box moment.

Very good point about kings to search out a matter. I believe you are correct in that watchers can often want to be seers. And we are in danger of that today. I know some might peg me with this. But i am here on a forum that is compeltely contrary so as to keep me accountable aind in check. I have no YT audience pulpit book or following for this. That would be crazy. “Hey you guys have you seen the Teren Horse Channel. It has 1 million followers (as he spends $250 on fake bot followers).” Yeah what a sad sad way to go…lol.

But no instead I am here wanting you guys to keep me honest. You don’t really have to. Just by our forum being our forum…yeah…its like that. The views I hold can be observed by dumbing one self down. And finding the answers to the universe in a bowl of cereal. Hardly of seer quality. Pretty ghetto graffiti like. And extremely easy to pick off because I’m a one string banjo. A one trick pony I don have a shifting or alt view. I’m either seeing something helpful perhaps or suck at seeing much. Nothing to do with seer.

But just wanted to weigh in with the prettier side of redressing your post Anca. I concur. And Carol Ann is right. It is an encouragement. Blessings.

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Israel really caved in, latest on Gaza… bad bad stuff coming…


While this is true, a lot of harm and damage has been and can continue to be done by the egos that want to be the one that is right on the money as to the timing. There is nothing wrong with excitement of Jesus’s return for His bride. We all know it is coming but we all need to be patient in our waiting without thinking we can wish it into being. Regardless of what many say about not date setting, every time they bring up rapture around some natural or even man made event what they are doing is lying to themselves and trying to date set in hopes they get it right.

I know that is not an enjoyable view of people earnestly looking at prophecy but it is an observation watched over a very long number years. Every time same thing, up coming event, association of that event with an external cataclysmic event and ultimately seeing and end of the world scenario arising out of it all. So if come Tuesday morning we all wake up on this side of eternity…oops to all those pushing the high watch times like they may be the lucky ones.


I am not saying you are talking directly to me regarding date setting. In fact I hope you are not, but several replies to me seem to say this. Could you kindly tell me what it is I wrote that made you think this. I am not upset, just wondering.


That hardly seems like Netenyahu. Strange.


The below comes from an earlier reply you posted.

This seems to indicate you follow date setters as you are expecting one of them to get it right. In my estimation the only one will get it right is God. Humans have absolutely no idea what God’s timeline is for the rapture. I am sure he appreciates that people are ardently looking for it but not to pleased with those say this day or season or that day or season. He kept that info to himself for a reason which I suspect would one give to much info to Satan to use against humanity and two keep people from abusing such knowledge for self enrichment or other evil purposes.

It is very hard not to take you statement as being anything other than you are following a lot of people over Jesus about the Rapture.

I was referring to the millions of people around the world that say, “The Lord may come back today”. I also stated in more than 1 post that I expect Him every day. If that is date setting, well I guess I am guilty. Thank you for your quick reply. Of all the guesses in the world, I pray that the guess that says today is the day, is the correct one, don’t you? Love you Jack!!

P.S. I am not on Facebook or any other forum except this one. I listen to encouragement from those who are biblically sound such as JD, Watchman River Tom and John Barnett. I don’t follow anyone but Jesus. He is my only hope!!


Maybe Biden threaten him behind our backs?

One possibility is pushing Hezbollah up to river Litani in Lebanon.

Several interesting quotes from news:

Members of Congress denounced an ultimatum that U.S. President Joe Biden gave to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a Thursday phone call—made changes that Washington has called for or face the prospect of U.S. policy changes.

Former US President Donald Trump on Thursday reiterated that he believes Israel must finish its war against Hamas in Gaza soon and demurred when asked whether he stands with the Jewish state “100 percent.”

The United States warned that Israel would be judged on the results of the security cabinet’s decision late Thursday night to increase the flow of humanitarian assistance to Gaza, including opening the Erez crossing and allowing goods to move through the Ashdod Port.

Qatari UN envoy to hostages’ families: Deal is within reach


As for today sermon, I checked TCN, need $$$? to watch this interview? Can anyone verify?

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It is strange, and it seems to be another example of one thing that we are being told by the media, and another one being the reality of a situation.


I smell blackmail


Y’all need to calm down about today’s eclipse and the possibility of the rapture…

Hey?!? Where’d everybody go?



:rofl: why is the Aesop fable about the shepherd boy that cried wolf coming to mind here?……in a good way. Fortunately the rapture is an infinitely more desirable outcome and our blessed hope. Like @Flamingogirl49563, I’m ready and expectantly hopeful every day. Why not today, when everyone’s going about their usual business, some pretending not to be just a tad more excited than usual with heavenly signs in the Sun, moon and stars. All in the Lord’s perfect timing!