May 2 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Thanks for your insight, Jack. These sure are interesting times. I bet Revelation will be crystal clear soon. All the pieces of the puzzle will come together. :abcs:

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Well, the U.N. is made up of many members that make one body too. Daniel’s statue is a good reference and I like the way you put that.

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I have to wonder and some how believe we will be “witnessing” not only the Lord sending judgments but also the things going on upon the earth at least in some form or another.



MANY believe the son-in-law of Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, is the Anti-Christ. But I remind you it matters NOT AT ALL who the person is, as when their body is taken over by Satan, after the wound to the head, he will not be in control anymore (yes a “he”).
Barack -O-Bama means “lightning from on high”. Does that sound familar to anyone?
His original name was Barry Soetero, so why did he pick that particular name?


His original name was BS? :slight_smile:

Sorry… Just couldn’t resist…


The prime minister’s family hails from Poland, where their surname was Mileikowsky. Rabbi Nathan (Natan) Mileikowsky moved to the Land of Israel in 1920, where the passionately Zionist rabbi occasionally used the pen name “Netanyahu”. His sons later adopted the pen-name as their surname.

According to Abrahamovitz, the Hebrew meaning of Netanyahu derives from the word Natan (na-TAN), which means “to give.” The suffix “yahu,” which concludes the prime minister’s surname, is one of the names of God. Thus, the full meaning of his surname is “God gives.” The name Netanyahu appears a number of times in the Bible, specifically in the books of Jeremiah and Chronicles.

Biblical Origins of Netanyahu’s Name Foretold Strong Victory - Israel News (

Many of the names have been changed including Trumps!




Love your Humor!


July 2022 Update : On July 6 a doctor at the Mount Sinai West medical center in New York threaded a 1.5-inch-long implant made up of wires and electrodes into a blood vessel in the brain of a patient with ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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I knew to many on the right were standing to close to Elon.

Bumper stickers? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Blame it Jack, he started it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: