Nov 29 2020 - Bible Prophecy Update: What Can I Do?

Dear KarenH, you are so right in saying that we have to be careful in taking the vaccine but I think it is not yet the Mark because the mark is not IN our body, it’s on the forehead or the right hand and it comes with the adoration of the Antichrist and this fugure is not yet here and we do not worship anything by taking a vaccine. BUT…there are a lot of health issues to be considered because of the ingredients of the vaccine which can cause serious harm to the body. They want the people to be their laboratory rats, being not resposible for the consequences. This is diabolic. Yes, Karen, let’s pray for discernment, endurance and protection. I won’t take the vaccine either. May Lord Jesus help us. Stay blessed!


Thanks for mentioning the ABCs of Salvation notebooks Pastor. Orders have increased and I’ve added more designs. Blessings to you and everyone. Anthea