November 27th, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update – Why We're Not in the Tribulation Yet

I sent it to a friend who said it was made by a right wing untrustworthy source and pretty much ranted at me for being irresponsible

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Unfortunately I think we do have to be discerning on who to send the stew Petersen video to. As Dallas points out, there is some critique on him, some valid critique. I wish he wasn’t so sensationalized. I feel like we as born again believers here can listen to him and discern. But for others not so much. I appreciate him but I think the way in which he delivers at times and some of the critique may be difficult for others to get past. With all else, pray about it and see what to do.
I have found I really need to focus on the Gospel with others… having said that I warn about the shots when I can


Fantastic article @DallasT ; thank you for posting! I encourage everyone to read the entire thing as a reminder to ask ourselves “ How much does integrity matter?”
We cannot possibly keep up with all the information, but I for one need to be more careful, and I am truly thankful for the encouragement to do just that.


The issue is both Stew and Malone are not in good terms for some time.

Stew accused Malone for not being transparent and not go out all the way to expose those evil stuff, he mentioned Malone did not dare to say more due to losing his license.

Karen Kingston called out Malone for misleading US public about “vaccine” EUA status and liability.

Malone is accused to be controlled opposition by some anti~vaxxers:


Can you share links that expose Stew Peters as well?
There are two sides to every story.
I don’t know a lot of what either of them says but I do know that what Dr. Malone says in the article about Stew Peters is right on,
Iin my opinion, Stew Peters is a sensationalist and often blows things out of proportion for shock value to hook in his audiences.






I really don’t know specifics about either man, but I do know what Malone said is true regarding integrity. Which was my only point.

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I agree with what you said. I am also saying that when you are trying to put out TRUTH, at least have some ethics and really try to find what is TRUE without having to sensationalize it with whatever you can come up with just to get more views.

Truth will stand on its own.

Here is a video (14 mins.) explaining just how it gives everyone a BAD name and makes us all look like ‘wackos’ or ‘tin foil hat’ wearers

Documentary “Died Suddenly” Has Got Some Problems - Viva Clips (

Yes, we are adults, but we are also CHRISTIANS.
We are ambassadors for Christ and represent Him on this earth.

We especially should be double checking things before we even put it out for others to see.
We represent Christ and if we put out disinformation it reflects on His character as well as on our own Character and trustworthiness.
That’s my opinion.

Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


sweet Jesus please come quickly :yellow_heart: Maranatha :trumpet:


Alberta schoolteachers break their silence on what they’re witnessing after the shots.

“To use the new checkouts, all customers have to do is download the Woolworths app onto their phone. Then, as they shop, all they need to do is scan each product’s barcode.

At the end of the shop, customers then present a QR code at the Scan&Go checkout and pay.”

“After digging deeper into the cesspool, which means ‘follow the money’, I found Bill Gates has invested FORTY MILLION DOLLARS into Scytl software which is used in the finalising of an election here in Australia.(Queensland)”

Rather than be outraged, maybe Ubank’s customers should consider this is social credit system conditioning.

Shocking update on the story of baby Will I shared yesterday in NZ who needs open heart surgery and whose parents are requesting unvaxxed blood.

Health authorities are now seeking the guardianship of the 4-month-old be shifted from his parents to the courts so consent to use donated blood in the required open-heart surgery can be given.

Why is Apple doing the bidding of the CCP?

The EU have threatened to fine or ban Twitter unless Musk complies with the EU’s Digital Services Act, which requires tech firms to tackle problems including “abusive posts” and “disinformation”.

New Zealand Health Authorities Trying to Medically Kidnap 4-Month-Old Baby Who Needs Heart Surgery Because Parents Want Unvaccinated Blood

Your Government Wants to Sacrifice American Lives to Boost COVID-19 Vaccine Sales Before the End of 2022


Thank you Dennis for posting these. :smile:

Further research indicates Malone has a number of conflicts of interest and possible collusion with pharmaceutical companies and agenda. Will post more soon.


Alot to say with all this but, quickly, here is the quote of the day that perhaps we can use often with people if they say the doctors aren’t calling this out…

Michael Bryant “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

How appropo. Profoundly succinct and all that may be needed at times.


After a bit of research, I’m seeing articles in which it appears the BigPharma cartel is in a full on panic.

Unfortunately, it’s unwitting and deeply deceived shills are running a rather large damage control operation to suppress the truth presented in the documentary “Died Suddenly.”

The documentary “Died Suddenly, ” produced by filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer, is going viral, and the PharmaCartel and Medical Industrial Complex are in a full-on panic mode to discredit, degrade, and ridicule anyone who is outing the flagrant truth. (see Saul Alinsky and his 12 rules for radicals of disinformation for propaganda 101) also Eph5:11.

It appears Dr. Malone is upset with Stew Peters for airing the documentary “Died Suddenly” Due to one, yes he admits, one “possible” inaccurate frame in the entire 1 plus hour clip. Really? Hmmm. Bit of flimsy reason, imho. But given Malone’s major ties to BigPharma, and possible collusion thereof, it may not be a stretch or hard to see a deeper reason.

It surprised me actually. For a man of Malone’s obvious intelligence to be engaging in that level of micro fact-free nit picking. I say this because Malone cited no actual proof at all for his grievance with the “possible” error frame. He failed to substanciate his own assertion.

Here is Malone’s main beef, as I understand it now:

“The question which I do think we all need to grapple with is what is Stew Peters, and who does he represent? Based on what I have observed, he mostly represents himself. Are his ethics your ethics? Are they our ethics?”

What??? What does that have to do with this? Millions are dying from the deathshot. A different person(s) made the actual documentary. Stew was only a conduit or messenger. So, let me see if I get this: a group makes a documentary exposing something which needs to be exposed, as to the abject danger of this genocidal agenda--------but instead Malone is focused on a minutia, picking at nits while millions are dying. Infants, babies in utero, young people, athletes, pilots, Um, something is wrong with HIS ethics, Imho.


I’m sorry, was I shouting again? Okay, calm restored.

How many of us know people who are dying or who have died as a DIRECT RESULT of These dangerous injections?

What is your no-holds-barred opinion about these clotshots, and what are solutions for those like our family, who are unvakked and therefore not interested in pharmaSolutions, that do lie and mame the innocent for profit, and fulfil the sorcery agenda spoken of in prophecy?

edit, had to put the word “Not” in front of “not interested in pharma”
(what an understatement that is for me)


We are definitely dealing with insidious and evil people here.Not even sure if most of them are human anymore. If you are under Satan’s control for so long then I am sure people become reprobate. I agree, nothing will help someone who has been injected with this poison. Unless they got the more harmless shot or the saline, and yes there were saline shots, they basically have an early death sentence. The cause of their death, will however not be attributed to the MRNA shots, but to other diseases which in turn, of course, were triggered by the shots. A diabolical plan.


Well no holes barred right??? :sweat_smile:

Diana West blogged about him:

And expose on his wife:

Recently he sued Dr Breggins for over disagreements!


Dr Ana made a mistake in quoting Zechariah meaning.

These verses in context to Israel only:

Dr Andy Woods expounds in Zech study:


I don’t believe Malone - the vaccines are evil and MALONE IS JUST a SHILL -


Amen to that!

Amen again sister!

I agree, take everything with SALT you guys.

I don’t agree with everything, nor do I particularly support how “died suddenly” was presented.

It was hard to watch. I looked away a lot, and I’m not sure I would recommend watching it, reading about it would be a safer bet; especially if you are like me.

Also, I’m not perfect and I get things wrong too.

As long as the Word is King, and Jesus is my redeemer, it’s all good between me and the Lord.

Yes, be discerning. Be wise

But just because someone says something about someone else… doesn’t make it true. People lie.

So take Peters info as you will, but taking opinions as a reason to disregard info is an odd approach.

Peters lines up with scripture…people are INVENTING ways to do evil…