October 1, 2023: 1 John 5:14-15 -- Why Prayer Can Change Your Life

:bible2:1 John 5:14-15 – Why Prayer Can Change Your Life

Pastor JD :hawaiianshirt_1: explains why changing our approach towards prayer, and our view of prayer, can change our life!!!

Watch on JDFarag.org

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:mag_right: More recent services can be watched here!


Thank you Pastor. I mostly go boldly to God’s throne of Grace but there were a few things Ihad already deemed impossible. So I have just now invited Him into those areas while asking Him to do the impossible that only He can do


Amen, Praised be the Lord!


May I suggest rather implore anyone who is a true Spirit Filled worshipper of our God and Father please do not stop praying for the ones you care and love. Saved and lost! The enemy has been certainly causing prayer to cease or be slowed. As the warfare in the book of Daniel states, Gabriel was detained 21 days 10:13 during the same time Daniel was sick for three full weeks 10:2. Prayer ignites the spiritual battle we are intensely facing now. And when answers to prayer are delayed, it will affect us mentally, emotiionally , physically and spiritulally. Pastor JD is 100% on with prayer is the weapon the enemy can only fight but not defeat!
The world may not be seeing the true evidence of His soon return. I can only speak in my own life and many loved ones who are having very deep and personal sorrows on an alarming level daily! May The Lord make it clear to us all we need to continue clinging to Him.