October 22, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- Whose Side Are You On?

Although I agree with the sentiment to defend the word on our forum, I came out of a fundamentalist background where so many welll meaning folks would use the sword of the word against one another. In some ways i am not overly impressed as much by that stature. This is different though than of course defending His word from the convictions of our heart toward Him. I’ve just noticed over the decades an increase of posturing where it can become waring camps syndrome (an oppposite of John 15:12-15).

Although the % is low of those who will change their adversarial position, there have been some, Simon Greenleaf (of old) as one, and lesser known John Wise (an athiest who’s wife was Christian) recently started a youtube channel ministry to athiests, would be another. We live in a world where world view can be new age-ee (doctrine does not matter lets all hold hands) and Crusades like (fundementalism, pentecostalism, even NAR in ways). As it relates to in-house Christian tension, after having come out of the discernment ministries (who while holding to orthodoxy have loads of bad to false teaching themselves) school the Christian world on how to rightly divide. In light of this contrast, I’d say respectfully that Jason’s approach (love those who insult you) is where the superantural power of God (His spirit, nor our defending His word spirit) to be the best aim.

I understand what you are saying Ken, and there are many on the forum who share your perspective. Of the two positions a) come at others with sttrong defense and guns blazing, vs b) what Holy Writ also reveals (so many verses about), correct with gentleness and patience (Galatians 6:1). Most noteably though would be that which comes from the same bookset (1&2): “Fight the good fight.” Also is said this: 2 Tim 2:

25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,

. . . . .

Obviously we want to defend the word and plug up bitternesss and disorder and choas from forming on a forum, amen. But as this forum is a living ministry, those who oppose, in my view, would fit 2 Tim 2:25. Each era has its own controversy and its own species of opposition. Ours in our context would be heavily in the context to escatological issues. In this, I would see foremostly the error not having consideration for what they (or Bruce in this instance) also hold to want consideration in. Bruce is amillenial. The nature of his contention in his eyes is for our camp not to stirup the body but instead just allow the peace of Christ to rule in their hearts. However, the seemingly low hanging fruit issue with this approach of his is that if one wants to uphold the peace in an age Bruce believes will become increasingly godlly until Christ returns, where is his emborsadorial spirit of John 15:12-15 in doing so? He can have his differences escatologically without making giant overtures to “false teaching,” if he merely wants to engender peace for our age. In so seeing this contradiction in his own heart (regardless of defending our escatology), this would be the way most helpful to correct and restore (I would see)…for it is a perspective that he, in his own mind, finds convincing…while practicing an alternative spirit amidst his own claim toward protecting peace.

It would not be likely or perahps not even yet the time…maybe some time later…for a defense of the word to be about escatology here, I believe. Maybe in some light fashion for context, amen. But the deeper issue in how it looks, i believe, is understanding a kind of prime directive in Bruce’s own heart. The best offset would be to be the people of sober longsuffering love Bruce feels have been made unsoundly anxious by the end of the age teaching. In his having to come to terms with his very reasons for sounding an alarm (noticing we are loving, patient, and just as kind and longsuffering just as though an age were unfolding where good would win over evil increasngly daily–which as an amillenialist would be his view), this would or could help lend opportunity to Bruce to consider that end time preaching may not necessarily match the horror story version of this approach to the saints, as he has in that version of things in his own head. In his mind, he is defending the word of God…doing the same we would want to engender. Because of these earmarks of the controversies of our day, I would see Jason’s outreach and spirit extremely fitting.

I love the don’t take the bait meme, for it applies. And it serves not only as a reminder but has great practical application. But I believe if used by default (although i understand nipping in the bud), it could potentially foster a form of stoicism. Bruce may never change his tune, but 2 Tim 2:26 is in hopes of people coming to their senses. Without opportunity to do so, they would be without opportunity to do so. And that places the saints in a rather uniquely very majestic position. If that makes sense? Blessings.





That’ sum mighty fine Photoshop’n thar mister…



Teren brother for the most part I concur with all you have espoused. Equally for the most part my experience - subjective, ethnographic and myopic as it may be - remains that this body and fellowship under Christ has and continues to exemplify and exercise God-gifted grace, forbearance, patience, kindness, gentleness to all who sojourn.

When it becomes objectively evident that division and disruption is potentially being sown repeatedly, deliberately and determinately in spite of reasonable and replete responses in the spirit of such aforementioned longsuffering, the question eventually emerges:

Is this serving God?

2 Tim 2:25-26 are well cited and well placed. As is 2 Tim 2:23.

Acts 15 saw Paul and Barnabas part ways over an issue of unreliability with Mark.

This rift was seemingly reconciled, aptly enough in light of your citations, in 2 Tim. 4:11.

Such is my hope for all believers regardless which point of the rapture (de)fence they currently sit on.

In Christ


However, we are so close to the brink and I am starting to see patterns (which is a gift of sorts the Lord gave me, as it pertains to understanding the Word of God) that are showing other possibilities.

I have little doubt that we should learn from the patterns that the Lord uses to guide us. Types and shadows 1st mentions and what has been shall be again. Why because He wants us to understand and these are good ways to teach us.

This seems to be true, and I believe Abba is loosening the reigns that hold them back slowly but much faster now than before but soon suddenly the dam breaks. Abba has guided all of this for what seems that very purpose to allow evil the option to stop and live or do and die!

I expect this to be earth-shattering maybe rivaling Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Strange we hit two cities when one was more than enough and the second city had the most Christians living in it than any others I read.

It’s important to take out Elam as it houses the Nuclear facility, I see that as very important, but we also know that Damascus has chemical stockpiles.

They know a society that bends itself to pride and believes in super heroes, and not the One and True Living God of all creation, will think that they are saving the world, coming after Israel. They are so hyped up on video games and loss of reality that they forget that there are real living human beings being manipulated here, themselves and others. They are too lazy to research the truth (No wonder why God is so about the truth…Hmm?) They will believe whatever a friend, their favorite media personality, or what their “heart” tells them.

Sister, we tend to forget how we got here I have been warning for many decades now along with millions of others that our country was being taken over. We fought we voted we did much to stop the Russians the Saudis and finally the Chinese from buying and blackmailing our leaders.

At the same time these leaders were doing the same to other countries, that’s why they hate us now. Man without God will always fail and they have systematically removed God until here we are…

World War 2 was a huge nail in the coffin. We allowed Nazis to come into our country, to take over our most important Military Systems. Socialists took over the education system, and then they got a hold of Hollywood.

I don’t think we can blame anyone but the Church if we want to point fingers, we are the Warriors for Christ, salt and light, and most fell into despair and then were easy targets for what came next.

This was always going to happen. Why, as we know nothing can stand without Yeshus in complete control even the Church can’t keep it all together with the Holy Spirit but we did have a good run up until the 1940’s. So now we all know for sure it’s impossible, only Abba and what is about to happen can fix this forever!

Israel, doesn’t mean we have to. Remember Rahab. She was given grace within the nation she was apart of. Look at Lot. He was given grace in the midst of the nation he was a part of. We could still be here and our nation hates Israel. Whose to say it isn’t now? God knows the heart of man, how could we know every man’s heart?

The nations will be judged individually and people too. We are called to stand with Israel that’s a biblical fact, we know why in the long run but it also points to our current personal relationship with Abba.

I believe it is possible we will be here for the Isaiah 17 prophecy to occur…but I strongly believe we can’t be here for the other…because the blood lust will be so pronounced at that point. The bride will be potentially destroyed in my opinion, if we stay too long. If that makes sense.

That makes sense and I see that very possible too.

Sounds pretty sound to me but what do I know? :upside_down_face:
It’s good to bounce these ideas off one another without getting all dogmatic every time.

I see you are in Las Vegas do you check out Billy Krone and Sunrise Church ever?

Shalom, thank you so much for the conversation.

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Adobe CS6 brother ;/

I ain’t getting on no cloud subscription plane fool!


To cool and needed the laugh for sure!


Same here, CS2, so most of the plugins these days don’t work with it.


As long as Layer Masks still work I’m ok. Reminds me of a joke I once heard…

Q: What did Photoshop wear to the Star Wars convention?

A: A Layer Mask.

…I’m here all week. Try the Reveal.

(apologies to all for this unexpected geekery)


If we have to start wearing masks again, well I’m ready…


Yeah the Layer modes are great too… You can do a lot with screen, overlay, color burn and dodge, Multiply, darken and lighten with opacity settings too.


…said every deep state agent ever ;D


I attend that church actually. Started a few months ago…I was kind of forced to do so. :sweat_smile: I don’t like going to new places and it doesn’t go well for me…so. People have a hard time getting to know people like me. :thinking: :smile:

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@anon28331375, Dennis this really made my heart happy! I’m good with everything up to the Ark of the Covenant. I don’t know about that one. God isn’t there, but it is still His.



Nice one. :slight_smile:

Giving opportunity (even in adversity) for a person to realize to what effect they may or can bring to the body dynamic is an admirable quality. As you do. So also, the discretion to contour or abate when there is driving on a one way street for too long trafficking as a hazard more than opportunity. Amen.

Its not all that easy a tension to balance I’ve seen over the years. Tricky times, lots of mojo all over the place, and even friendly fire that can go too sideways. Lots to consider and things coming from all directions at times. We are very blessed to have you and TWI moderate this part of the time bucking bronco rodeo. I sincerely see it as an extension of JD’s heart. The forum has been through a lot. I would hope there are a lot of forums with heart like this one. I haven’t been on all that many. But there is a real spirit of family here. Blessings.


Little Johnny was in class one day and the teacher wrote on the board, four words, detail, defense, deduct, and defeat. Then she asked if anybody could make a sentence with all three of those word. Little Johnny’s hand shot up. She hung her head for a moment and then shook it as she knew Little Johnny always said the wildest things. Then she raised her head resigned to the fact that she would be sorry and said ok Little Johnny let us hear your sentence. To which Little Johnny stood up and said, “Yes ma’am: Defeat of deduct went over defense before detail.”


A really wise guy for sure.


A particularly interesting publication today by the Iranian newspaper “Kihan”, which is under the control of the Supreme Leader of Iran

In response to the question why Iran does not join the fighting for Palestine and Gaza, it is written that Iran does not participate in wars for other nations, but only pursues a policy of keeping the fighting away from Iranian territory - a strategy that has proven to be successful in neutralizing various scenarios that the US has led to.

In other words: our proxy will engage Israel, the US and the West to keep the war from being on Iran’s territory.

The Iranians have no problem “fighting” until the last Palestinian…

(Abu Ali)


“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
― Margaret Thatcher

Eventually, this deception will run out also!



That credit card is about to expire…