October 3, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Thank you its very late here, I finally read,some of pdf and need to finish update video later God bless

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Keegan!!! Yes!!! I was thinking the exact same thing and got on here this morning to see if anyone would mention it. When the cyber polygon article first showed up, (after the July 4th ransomware attack that most people arent even aware of because it happened during the holiday weekend), I read the article knowing about Event 201 and what happened next. Reading through the narrative of cyber polygon, it was sooo strange how they kept equating a cyber virus to a medical virus all throughout and even used medical refwrences when describing it. I have learned to view all of these big events that are “happening” with some suspicion. After FB came back on yesterday, I started thinking of their end game in causing this - especially because of the GLOBAL impact. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about cyber polygon, and wondered if this outage was done to prepare for the spread of a computer virus as everyone will RUSH back to their social media apps to get their fix again, and how people may be used to unknowingly spread a nefarious computer virus to others through their SM apps and contacts. Interesting to see how this will play out!


You might find this interesting reading. Often times we are looking at the tree and not the forest. Yesterday wasn’t about putting a virus in or a hacker, it was about testing the shutoff switch, gauging the pubic reaction globally so they can prepare for whatever this event is to happen sometime in potentially the next 6 weeks. Again, this is not from a preacher or religious leader, but from a secular world observer tying all these events together. Evil is dropping clues and hints all around us and many are blinded to it.

MIB-Putting Us In the Red


Yes, I think it is so interesting that it is all right out in the open, but most won’t see it. Satan continues to use fear and distractions to keep our heads turned the wrong direction and to cause people to have the wrong conversations. Satan is author of confusion and fear - but God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a SOUND MIND! I have been struck by the importance of a “sound mind” over the last 18 months. When I read and receited that verse in the past, my emphasis always went to the promise that we don’t have to fear. I pushed the “sound mind” promise included in that verse to the side. Now I count on the promise of a sound mind DAILY!!


Anyone think that this global cyber attack would be the perfect time to hide millions of Christians disappearing all over the globe?

No reports anywhere, no communication and no explanation?

Just a thought


Reason for social media shutdown, they were trying to hide ths…

UK Westminster discussion about covid vaccine side effects




You have blessed me more than you know!


How is it possible that hospitals in both Canada and the USA are forbidding doctors to treat their patients with medications that have former approval? It’s too much of a coincidence. It must be a top down directive agreed upon by people who run the hospitals, governments, or deep state influence.

What I find particularly incredible is that the medical system in Canada is funded mostly by the taxpayer, and perhaps more vulnerable to government control, but not so in the United States. I thought there was more independence with respect to running medical services in the USA.

When I listen to whistleblowers, like Dr. Daniel Nagase, it makes me ill to realize the nefarious nature of the medical abuse and deception, but not sick enough to go to a hospital to get treatment for covid. I agree wth you on that Twi.

Prayer is so important right now, just to maintain the strength to take all this in. Thank you Lord Jesus, that you are with us, the body of Christ, to get all of us through these trials.


That is an interesting thought.

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I’m so humbled! All glory to our Lord! Amen!



Some official words from AHS regarding use of ivermectin. The speech from Dr Nagase was originally released as a transcript in a blog written by a former New Brunswick (pretty sure it was NB…) Premiere (aka Governor for my US fam), so that’s what they’re talking about in the first post. It goes on to explain that it’s straight up not allowed to be used on covid… so yeah, that’s socialized medical care for you. Perhaps this is just revealing how top-heavy the medical system is in the US as well? Risk for the group has overridden risk for the individual to the detriment of the individual. This is a religion for many now… But they will learn one way or another that you cannot replace God.


From the twitter thread AHS states: “In alignment with Health Canada, the FDA, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta and the Alberta College of Pharmacy, AHS does not recommend the use of ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19. 8/11”. This explains why ivermectin is banned. The provincial and state health authorities are all lining up with the FDA and Health Canada. These are top down instructions that dictate what individual doctors can prescribe.


@jasonacts177 The links at the top of this page to the links and transcript is not working - or wasn’t the few times I checked. I went to his web page and Here is the transcript page if it helps.
I just thought I should let you know.

document.pdf (subsplash.com)


Thanks so much @DallasT - the web team who upload the videos tend to put a ‘lite’ version of the Resources (sans transcript) when the video first appears, then change it to a full version with the transcript also included.

Unfortunately this means the link does actually change at some point, so thanks for having 20:12 vision and spotting it.

The hearing ear and the seeing eye,
The Lord has made them both.

Proverbs 20:12

Updated the link now in the top/main post.

Yours In Christ


Word on the street is it had to do with the segment on 60 minutes the night before regarding a supposed whistleblower on Facebook so they were busy erasing information… except some conservatives believe said whistleblower is a plant.


This has made my day just when I really needs a good laugh! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Prov. 17:22

Do you have to have a paid account with mega to view the spartacus pdf?

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I see now after going in second time I am able to download in mega without a paid account… thx

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