Please pray my husband shares the Gospel

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Dear sisters and brothers,
Please pray that my husband would share the Gospel with his family- particularly he plans to golf with his dad Thursday. My husband received Jesus 5 years ago and has had some conversation with his dad before although he does not have a burden for them and has said he doesn’t feel he needs to share.

I believe this is the only time. If not now perhaps never.
His parents and family are Catholic.

I tried sharing with them about 4 years ago and was kicked out of their home. We don’t see them much anymore except holidays (which is hard bc we aren’t celebrating the same thing ) and when they come to my daughters hockey games. My husband will see them sometimes on his own but rarely.
They came to a game yesterday and they were asking about our daughter Lizzys activities and if she still does band. There is the usual praising of doing all these worldly things (as the world does). The Holy Spirit took over my mouth and I said I wish she still did band and was helping to lead the worship team at school and then I said it is my ardent prayer that she know the Lord her God with all her heart, mind, soul and strength. I shared some more about my testimony of how God saved me. It was a beautiful thing to talk about the Lord and break thru the emptiness of the worldly things. But it was not received. They were uncomfortable that I talked about the Lord in such a personal way.
So I ask you all please pray that my husband would be a true follower of Christ and share the Gospel truth with his dad . That he would have a deep conviction and burden for him/them and that the enemy would not be successful in him saying nothing or his dad telling him how crazy I sound - if he does that may my husband stand for Jesus . My husband was not there to hear my testimony with his parents. He may even be mad I did it if he knew which shows you what a problematic state he may be in.
This is it folks. This is it and I pray he stands and helps them to see how serious this is. Without my husband sharing with them I don’t see the Gospel getting to them. They favor their own so this is the best chance . But God.

Thank you all


Hey Merritt! I’d be honored to join you in prayer. Before I pray, I’d like to ask you if you’ve ever seen the video in which Penn Gillette (famous atheist/magician) talks about the man who gave him a Bible? I’m hoping you might show your husband this. Perhaps it will encourage him.

Gillette poses the one question that really drives me, and should drive every Believer.

How much do you have to hate someone to truly believe in everlasting life, know there is a heaven and a hell, and NOT tell them?

Father in Heaven, we come to You with grateful hearts because You loved us so much that You gave Your only begotten Son, Yeshua, our blessed Kinsman-Redeemer, to be sacrificed on a Roman cross to take away the sin of the world. Please help us to grasp the magnitude of Jesus’ love and sacrifice for us, and help us to speak of His great love for us— bearing and paying for the sins of each of us (a price we could never pay) and dying a shameful death in our place. Father, embolden us to tell of the miracle of Your Son’s resurrection because He knew no sin and the grave could not hold Him. Please help us honor Jesus in all we say and do. He is worthy of our honor and praise!

Lord, please give us Your words to speak to the lost and rebellious, especially those we hold dear. Please pour out Your grace upon us all, Father, that our words would please You and that those who have not accepted Jesus’ sacrifice would have faith to believe and be saved. Please open their eyes and ears, Abba; break every bond and tear down every barrier that keeps them from accepting Jesus as the Lord and Savior, from knowing the joy of Your salvation.

We thank You for preparing hearts, for giving opportunities to share the gospel, and for giving us strength and courage to tell others of Your great love. Thank You for all You are doing in our lives. We praise You for it, Father! And in the Name of Jesus, the Name above all names, we pray. Amen.


Thank you so very much dear sister GR!!!


Please share with us any edifying update dear sister :pray:


Oh thank you so much precious saints!

He did something! He told his dad he was worried about his salvation pointing to what doesn’t save and pointing him to the scriptures! Yah! Big big big thing for him! Thank you for your prayers!!

His dad, however was very annoyed by it and clenched his teeth and got upset. So it didn’t go far but I am so happy my husband brought it up!! It’s a much greater witness to hear it from the two of us and esp him rather than just crazy me ! My husband said he wants to try more with him.

Thank you so much for your prayers ! I have to say I didn’t feel alot of hope. What a knucklehead I am!!

Thank you both so very much, and anyone else who prayed also. Our God is on the move .


Praise God! :slight_smile: Thanks so much Blessed for sharing this with us. So wonderful to hear :slight_smile:


Wonderful news, Merritt. I’m sorry your FIL reacted negatively, but I know for sure two things will happen because your husband spoke to his dad. Biggest thing— and we all need to keep praying for Jesus to soften Dad’s heart and tear down barriers keeping him from accepting Jesus’ gift. But now your husband will have more peace should/when his father passes, knowing he had that conversation with him, knowing he did try. The next time the opportunity arises— with Dad again, with his mom, or anyone else— telling them about Jesus will be a bit easier.

You might encourage your hubby to listen to others who regularly share the gospel, like Tom at the Watchman River channel or Todd Adkins at his channel with same name. There are many more he can listen to for inspiration. Tom usually shares the gospel at the end of his daily video, and recently made a video solely devoted to the gospel. Adkins always shares he gospel at the beginning of his videos. And Jerry Root, a CS Lewis scholar, uses a novel approach. His videos are wonderful, btw. Instead of asking, ‘Would you like to…’ he asks, ‘Is there any reason you can think of why you wouldn’t want to trust Jesus and ask Him to save you?”

Will be praying for your family!


Wonderful news!! I pray he accepts!


Thank you all! I am sorry it took me so long to respond!