September 11, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update - Powerful Prophetic Demonic Deception

the “government” is too general a term I hear and see a lot to describe the people in power that rule the world. The right term to define the powers that are really doing all of this that are working in the shadows is what Paul calls the Powers and Principalities in high places. The congressmen, Senators and Justices are not all in the loop, just the ones that have real power that follow Satan who they affectionally refer to as Lucifer.


Amen…well said…this best response yet, imo. I remember right after 9/11 happened, I had a feeling something was off. The picture of Bin Laden and pictures of the “terrorists” were quickly on every channel….the same pictures over and over, until we could easily sketch them ourselves without looking. It seemed contrived and orchestrated to me….although I tend to be a bit lest trusting and more cynical than some…but anyway, I mentioned my concerns at a family get together….and I could not believe the anger and hatefulness I received. The patriotism the media had drummed up against the protagonist “Bin Laden” was already set in stone……no one wanted to hear or see anything different….now, many years later, it seems most people would agree that something is quite amiss with the 9/11 story we were told. Just like now, the truth about the vaccines is starting to creep out into even the mainstream media. People are questioning the Covid narrative now….but sadly, it should’ve been questioned from the start, as JD has done. I’m thankful we can discuss things like this without being shut down and censored here. Right or wrong, we still are allowed to think, research and question in this age of deception.







This all makes me think of church history. When the apostles were here and the church getting kicked off they were all together as a community. Probably couldn’t or weren’t accepted by those who didn’t follow the Way. They were holy and set apart while doing the Lords will.
When did that change so drastically? When did the church get so immersed with the world that the two were basically inseparable or unable to tease out? I’m aware the kingdom will be of wheat and tares and separated at the end but isn’t it interesting to think when this all happened? Was it when Constantine joined church and state? Was it prior?
I mean think of the Amish… forgetting the legalism here, isn’t it beautiful how they are all as one? Not following the ways of the world?
Yes I know we need to share with others and be in the world (but not if it). But has anyone ever thought of this before? Somewhere along the line the church started putting more stock in the government and the “news” and the way of the world. Anyway, it’s interesting to think about such things. I know Satan couldn’t defeat the church so he went within it . But as I look today it’s really kind of astonishing how far it’s come; that you generally can’t tell who the real followers are ; we are so immersed in the world. I’m not talking about the forum her in any way. Just looking at the church overall (remnant) and how weird it is that we are so very far removed from how and what that early church was like in community. It blows my mind when I really think about it!.



Brandon Holthaus also thinks the terrorist attacks happened.

Thank you for posting this. Dennis.

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Oh, I’m not disagreeing, at all.

I was just posting an article that was questioning the existence of planes and what happened to the passengers if there were no planes.

…pure conjecture.

I believe there were planes, those people died. Something had to occur so that the demolitions could be set off. The planes were just to cover for the takedown of the trade centers. Our government was behind it as they always are in every war, every unrest and every tyrannical leader. It’s a satanic government ran by greedy war mongers who profit from such.


Its sad that some people want to go. I am a person who likes to speculate over things. But in the end of the day, I ask myself the question: Does it matter? Does it really matter? And the answer about this topic is for me: No, it doesn’t matter at all.

You are so right Kris. It simply does not matter one single bit. The only thing that matters is Jesus and will we reach our lost loved ones, friends and neighbors in time before the tribulation? I see Pastor JD’s heart and what I see and have seen for the past over two years is a man who loves Jesus, a man who, no matter what the cost, preaches from the depths of his heart so many prophetic truths we need in these last hours of these last days. We can talk and discuss 911 to death, were there planes, were there no planes and in the end it does not matter at all. Only Jesus matters.


Rail strike threat is set to halt shipments of U.S. crops, autos

Effect on Canada

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Why does any of this matter?

It was 21 years ago?


You can’t change the past but you can change the future.


None of it matters now.


Is this how you want him to find you? Arguing over something that happened 21 years ago.


Forgive me. I am so sick of all of this.

Php 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


Amen sister!!

Just a thought.

All the forum members are in a big church hall…going at it…why this…why that…so and so said this and so and so said that and on and on.
Some are walking out, some are standing on chairs telling everyone about something they heard or read or saw on YT or Bitchute or Rumble.

Some are praying and giving comfort and speaking peace, some are praying, some are singing, some are crying in despair, some are reading the Word.

In walks Jesus.

A total hush ensues.
All fall on their knees in adoration and complete awe…and experience a love they never even knew existed…

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!


Hi Stephanie. I regret what I posted and should not have done so. I have had feelings of anger over certain pastors and people that I feel were not speaking out against the vaccine. As proverbs 10:12 states hatred stirs up conflict but love covers over all wrongs. I will pray for Amir. God bless you!


Whew! This forum has made my head spin! I just listened to the September 11 prophecy update to see what all the hoopla is about. Honestly, JD was just trying to get across how deep the deception goes and it’s been happening for years! Planes or no planes, we know people died and our government most likely had a big hand in it. I’m saddened that people are wanting to leave this sweet forum over this. Of course we don’t follow man, only Jesus and the scriptures. JD has not twisted any scripture, nor given us any heresy. Satan wants us to be divided over this simple message. Deception has been happening from the beginning of time and is happening now at warp speed! Please don’t let this message divide us believers or make you angry. I’m not sure if there were planes or not, but it really doesn’t matter. People died and we were deceived.
Blessings to you all….keep looking up, our Savior is coming for his Bride!


Amen. Twenty-one years ago, all over the USA, people were hanging flags and joining hearts needing to heal.

Today, we have in all of the signs that the Healer is with us and always has been. As @Kina1234’s song imparts, let’s refuel with the Holy Spirit, join hands as brethren, and point others around us to the Savior.


I understand why you’d be angry.
I’m very frustrated with many who have caved to the masses instead of taking a stand.
Try not to be too hard on yourself. I get it and I’m sure many others do as well.


I also agree


Ya…it is obvious he was threatened. Some of his videos during this time look like somone was filming him with a gun on the other side…anyway…