September 24, 2023: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Lord Will Protect Me From All Evil

I used to listen to Chuck Missler all the time and heard his complete videos.
As far as I can remember, Chuck never made such statements. The bride and body are all the same things as far as I know.
As for Perry Stone, he might say that type of thing. He has a lot of weird teaching. I used to listen to him for awhile until I got to know the word a little better and began seeing some of his errors.

After we are raptured, there will be absolutely no true born again
believers left on this earth. A lot that think they are saved but never really were. Or those that trusted in their works like going to church every week, or trusting their religious org. etc.

If there is any mystery as far as I am concerned, it is that the body of Christ is ALSO the Bride of Christ. No separating the two.
That’s my opinion and I am sticking to it. Hee Hee.


I am hoping for a bit more on the subject as there is more to the scriptures to make a case even though I don’t except it. I do want be a Berean and due more research and get more input from others. Either way it’s an interesting subject that deserve attention.

Thank you,


You put that rather nicely sister :joy: And I do agree.

I have always believed this and I believe they are part of the Church, like the Tribulations saints are part of the Church and I believe the OT saints are part of the Church also.

But yet they are somehow different but not sure how to explain it. Closest thing I can think of as different job descriptions.

Sounds like what I have always believed.

Love it.

It’s one of those video’s I am not sure you want to share, at least till I know more about the subject that’s why I ask about the idea.

I don’t think I can remember anyone teaching straight on a difference of the Bride, the Body and the Church.

Thank you,


Yeshua declared, I go to prepare a place for you that where I am you may be also.

In this address to believers it was His promise not dependent on if we have faith in the Rapture. We as believers already know the truth concerning our Blessed Hope.

Whether we live or die we will be in the presence of the Lord.


I checked out online as the subject intrigued me. Most seem to agree they are the same. Here’s what I came up with. (bits and pieces from a few sites)

  • As to the union of Christ with the church, the church is His Body;
  • regarding the intimate relationship of Christ with the church, the church is His bride.

Adam and Eve were spoken of as two becoming “one flesh,” but they were still two persons; God still counted them as two.
Adam was Adam, and Eve was Eve. They were united to be one.

When God first created man, He made male and female. Eve came out from Adam; thus, she and Adam were one.
Even so, the church comes out from Christ; therefore, the church and Christ are also one.

However, since Adam and Eve both existed at the same time, there was a distinction between them.
Likewise, since the church and Christ coexist, there is also a distinction between them.
Regarding oneness, they are one, but as to the matter of distinction, they differ from each other.

These two positions have to do with a difference in time. Today the church is the Body of Christ, but in the future the church will be the bride of Christ.

It sounds kind of complicated. But when Adam was Adam, Eve was part of his body. Then God took Eve out of his body and she became his bride.

Thanks for the study. I may check more out at another time.


I look forward to that time!


Robbie is new to the forum. He was just very blessed by the PU. I see a fair host of things differently than Pastor JD. But i am often blessed by his heart toward the Lord. His passion to love on the saints. And his desire to bring His word to the flock. Even though I would have areas of differences with Pastor JD, those are the things I find very important as to how God uses him in my life. The passage you bring up Rodney is one area i would differ with him in.

However, even so, i do I like Andy Woods take on falling away as rapture:

Rapture or Apostasy in 2 Thess. 2:3? - YouTube

Am i sold on Andy’s view? Not exactly. But i do consider its weight. Overall i would see 2 Thes 2 half the way you do. And half the way you do not see it. Here is how i get there:

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If you look at KJV, this helps i think get the sense of 2Thes2:1-2:

2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

It makes “concerning” a beseeching. In the Greek interlinear, its “emplore you” not “concerning.”

2 Thessalonians 2:1 Interlinear: And we ask you, brethren, in regard to the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of our gathering together unto him, (

Its like saying: By the fact that we are going to be drawn to Him, there is no reason to be all tripping out you guys.

The next issue is IS IT “Day of Christ” OR “Day of the Lord” in verse 2? Most commentaries have it from the older manuscripts that it is Day of the Lord. Which mean the concern is the day of the Lord not the rapture. Or missing it. There is a case for the KJV using “Day of Christ” meaning something good (as it is used as such in other places…and could be the rapture referred). But i think what seals the deal is the following:

Notice in the Greek “has come” = is present OR currently occuring. How could they be tripping if the rapture is currently occuring? They would be excited. Not troubled. But if the day of the Lord, yeah…that would be a concern. And the Greek i believe solves the mystery. It is certain it is current ongoing (or presently right now happening underneath your feet).

"that you not be quickly shaken from your [b]composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a [c]message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come.

2 Thessalonians 2 Interlinear Bible (

The Clearest way to understand this is: Don’t be troubled as though the Day of the Lord is happening right now."

. . . . .

Other than that, i do see the exegetical drive of 2 Thes 2 to be mid tribulation. This is where we might agree. As we look at what focus is on the man of perdiction it goes into these features (or at least this is where i would see everything exegetically cluster…so if we walk it back to the beginning of the text…that man of lawlessness’s import is in relation to the exegetical followng:

  • makes himself out to be God
  • demands worship
  • Gets killled by Christ (that guy)
  • Strong Delusion (massive deceptive supernatural false wonders and false miracles enforced by God because they saw AC and had been warned by the angel in midheaven not to take the mark…so God blinds them with miraculous fantasy).

. . . . .

Even though we see it differently there is a tendency today for us to have passion in defending His word. And this is understandable and commendable. But there are quite a few variables to consider at times. Even though i would differ for what i would understand as a proven difference with Pastor JD’s approach, i like what Andy Woods does with it so much…that perhaps there is dual meaning (or that in some ways it might actually mean both/and). Like can it be rapture in one sense and apostacy in another? Can God use the serpent on a pole to represent Christ? Can God be put to penal death for blasphemy? So because of Woods, i am more appreciative to consider Pastor JD’s sense about the passage. Not because i would see it as exegetically matching, but that God can do things with words that transcend even our poetic senses of them. And that kind of turns me on :slight_smile: in the spirituall.

Galatians 3:16, blesings.


I love this answer. :slight_smile:


Double welcome to the forum @Robbie now that we got the party started. Blessings.


Welcome, Robbie.

  • Drinks are in the fridge in the corner
  • Coloring pages are set up by the window with crayons and markers and colored pencils
  • Don’t pet the dogs when you have whipped cream on your hands (only in cups)
  • Food is readily available whenever you wanna make something.
  • Smash Burger Monday
  • Smash Taco Tuesday and Thursday

Enjoy your time, man!


I understand your logic in the duality hypothesis but I personally am not one to play it safe with the clear text. Thanks for the concise breakdown though. God Bless.


Welcome to the forums, @Robbie.
I am pretty new here too, only joining about four days ago.

Everyone is so nice here. I’ve been on other forums, and it’s so nice where I can come and talk about Christ without getting flagged for off-topic posting. Everyone is unbelievably nice and it’s really refreshing.
No one really told me welcome.


Billy Crone is a special guest at Prophecy Watchers


Thanks Stacey @staceylovesJesus,
I wrote Psalms 121:1‭-‬8 as a personal prayer and proclamation. I thought you (and someone else) might like a proclamation. Seems appropriate for the times we live in. Our God is mighty to save!
:heart: gr

I lift up my eyes to the hills. Where is my Help? The LORD is my Help! He Who made Heaven and Earth never sleeps; He if faithful. He always protects me! He will not allow even my foot to be moved!

My Lord protects Israel. He is our Protector and our Source of power; nothing can harm us! Our LORD will protect me from evil and He preserves my soul. He will watch my every step from this day forth and forevermore.

In Jesus’ Name we praise our great God and claim His faithful protection. Amen.


Every. Word.
every jot, every tittle

In Jesus’ Name.


My offering in my near desperate need to keep the main thing the main thing tonight. Thank you, Pastor, for this word to encourage us. He who loves us so is keeping us . . . Holding us . . . Protecting us . . . Providing for us . . . Even in these days which “are growing gloriously dark”

“We’re living in strange days, are we not? When I see what’s happening to this world, if I didn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ, I’m not sure what I would do. Yet, knowing the Bible and Bible prophecy, when I see all these things coming to pass, they do not shake me. Sometimes they grieve me, sometimes they sadden me, but they do not shake me. That’s because I know God’s Word. I know they’re a fulfillment of prophecy. I can say with all the saints, “Praise God, it’s getting gloriously dark (words attributed to Adrian Rogers)


@R461810d, Rodney, I had not seen Terren’s comment prior to doing a little word clarifying search. I used Strong’s Greek concordance with interlinear. Here is the site: 2 Thessalonians 2 Interlinear Bible
It is a little different than Terren’s. Remembering that the original text didn’t have chapters or verses, this is what it reads as from Chapter 2:1-4; We implore now you brothers by the coming of the Lord of us Jesus Christ and our gathering together unto Him, for not quickly to be shaken you in mind nor to be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word. nor by letter, as if by us, as that(3754) is present(1764) the day of the Lord. No(3361) one you should deceive(1818) in not one(3367) way becauseit is if notuntil shall have come the apostasy first, and shall have been revealed the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction, the[one] opposing and exalting himself above every so-called god of object of worship, so as for him in the temple of God to sit down, setting forth he himself that is God.
I have provided the reference numbers in parentheses.
Number 3361 = a negative, reversing meaning
Number 3754 = a firm declaring
Number 1764 = to be upon, threaten, impend
Number 3367 = not even one
Number 1818 = properly, thoroughly deceived, hood-winked
Paul is imploring the church in Thessalonia to understand that the apostasy and the revealing of the man of lawlessness would not happen until the day of the Lord. The day of the Lord occurs after the rapture. The negative #3361, No “As that is present” as though Jesus is physically present and proceeding with the day of wrath.
They were obviously being attacked and tricked by satan into thinking they would have to go through the wrath.

I found the interlinear study rather interesting. The site has every coordinating Greek concordance number above the word or words. Simply click on the number and its definition pops up on a second page.
I don’t know if this is helpful to you, but it was to me. Thanks for the nudge to do some studying.



Jason, brother, I don’t think Rodney is pretrib.


Greetings Robbie ! Great to see you. Enjoy the Forum.