September 26, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

I JUST USE the 3% in the brown bottle - it’d works great and some doctors say use it


Thanks for your direction! You Just use the hydrogen peroxide straight from the bottle, or Do you mix that with saline?? If so, how much?? I’m confused!! I’ve listened to a couple of video explanations and read the article posted here, but ??? I still am not sure what you actually put in the nebulizer and in what amounts! Guess I’m a bit slow on the uptake here! :woozy_face::joy:

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Complete details for the intake great help.


Hi Brenda,

I’ve used the same as Ralph, and found it very helpful. Here’s an article by Dr. Thomas Levy that may help. There are a number of others in the links section of the health thread on “discussions” for further reading, if you’d like.


Hi Brenda,

The nebulizer cup for the machine holds about two teaspoons of liquid. So two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide is what many Dr.s use, plain. Some mix half saline and half HP, so 1 tsp. each. The links on the health thread on the discussion Tent have different mixtures or variations of these, but those are the basics. Dr. Levy wrote a free e-book. Its shown on "orthomolecular dot org site, and most likely “Doctor yourself dot come”. Also there are vids of y.t. that show how it works.
Here are some articles and vids that illustrate how it works.

Here is an example of a very mild formula using water and hydrogen peroxide. three parts water, one part HP.

Below is an example of the strait up 3% OTC type when or if needed.




Jesus said this before he died on the cross.
Christians did not exist yet.

This is after the cross, now Christians exist and it applies.

By following God’s plan for Israel in real time, we know that we are close to the rapture, just as Pastor JD Teaches.
He does not hold your views.


Thanks for sharing Joshua. It is good you go by your conviction. I have some rather unpopular views myself. I have weighed through many strong youtube debates. And pretrib against them all to me still stands. I have always been willing to change my views. But I see pretrib the one standing. I know there is a lot of conjecture and even stretching in some or many pretrib arguments. So I have always sought answers beyond my comfort zone and the comfort zone of others.

For me, the strongest pretrib concept is in Revelation. One that does not get much press. But I see the book of revelation as future events after chapter three. And Rev 12:5 has a baby going up to heaven. The woman and child could not be a sign for the past but the future. So when it occurs it points to a male child (or as I see it, body of Christ) caught up to heaven. If it is a sign, it is a sign of the future for the the future. For the sign is not the thing it signifies but points to what it signifies. The Greek word there has been used for “children” too.

I came across someone several months ago with a rapture view on the 7th Trumpet. It kind of sounds similar to what you are saying. In all honesty, I was rather thrown back by this view and needed our forum here to help me process it. It is rare for me to get sideswiped like on that one because i have heard most of the arguments. But that one was new to me. Whether you agree or not with my conclusion, I think you will find this thread unique. As most rapture debates don’t really tread those kinds of waters. In any case I hope you might find time for it and if nothing else, it can perhaps provide for you some depth to your own arguments.


The Seventh Trumpet Rapture View


Who today, believes that and why ?


I know, look at the question again.

Heart breaking testimonies from Israel.

Never again was their slogan after suffering the horrors of the holocaust.

Watch before its removed

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To be clear from my side, there is no hostility. I am just blunt and to the point.

This is a letter to the Galatians. What am I getting at ? Those who believe this are quoted below and previously mentioned above.

This is New Testament. In these New Testament books that were written by Paul the gentiles were his main mission. However he does not forget his own people evidenced here:

Romans 11:14

The Ingrafting of the Gentiles
…13I am speaking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the apostle to the Gentiles, I magnify my ministry 14in the hope that I may provoke my own people to jealousy and save some of them. 15For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?…

We can count ourselves blessed with the grace of God that His chosen people rejected Him for it worked for His good and to our salvation.

If this had not happened, and I speculate here, and ONLY the Jews had accepted Christ’s sacrifice, then God would have had no problem in sending Israel, in my opinion, as He did before, to slaughter everyone who did not believe, ALL GENTILES.

Therefore because God is good this would have been right for Him to do.


It is sad because this is a self - induced holocaust propogated by lies. Satan is not using an identifiable person or group that was easily identifiable over 80 years ago. He has convinced everyone through lies that this group or idea does not exist anymore. What person would knowingly harm themself ?


100% correct Jaimie.

This is satan’s final plan and those who dont heed the Word will succumb.



This is so horrible! I know Israel is one of the places where everyone is required to get the jab. They’re making it sound like it’s a good thing, just like here in the U.S. But it’s even worse there because they’re locked down unless they get it.

It’s staggering and horrific that the media won’t cover this story and get the truth out there to everyone. People are dying and having adverse reactions to this shot but hardly ANYONE knows this because it’s not being reported!

It shows me the evil that is happening and how Big Tech and the media are part of what is happening. Yes, this is a conspiracy!


The level of deception is stunning to me. Some days I feel like I’m going crazy, because the whole world has turned upside down. People don’t see the truth. They are wearing masks everywhere and talking about how they just got their shot or their booster. No one I know—not ANYONE—says anything even remotely questioning about the jab. They don’t know of any people who have died or had adverse effects. They are buying what Biden, the media and Big Tech are telling them hook, line and sinker.

If I say anything at all, they look at me like I’m crazy. My oldest stepson isn’t speaking to my husband because my husband told him he’s not getting the shot (and why). Their phone discussion got so bad my husband had to hang up.

I believe in a pre-trip rapture. I wish it would happen soon, like yesterday!


You are not the only one :blush: :+1:


I think you have a blessed and caring heart. I would see it differently, that people that are hostile do well to learn compassion. I say this from having learned (and still learning of course) that the aim is not so much the protecting our understanding of a doctrine, but to care about the concerns of others genuinely when in conversation as much as holding tight on our doctrine. Are we as fanatical in the perfect law of liberty and royal law of love as we are in the purity of scripture? The two kind of live and breath and have their being together. So if you see honest and reasonable differences and are not approaching the forum with a bent toward schooling the community (which by far I see you not at all like that) but rather have differences and respectful in the appreciation of the Lord find this forum a place to exercise a cluster of the gifts God has birthed within you, the hostility of others God might grant as opportunity in ministry.

I have been going to a church that believes the rapture is at the sixth seal. And they also have a different trajectory of how the tribulation is laid out. Some believe it is only 3.5 years (I understand it clearly to be 7), but this church kind of sees it as 10.5 years…lol. So when I am speaking with them, it is like we are talking two different languages at times. The ten plus years might sound a little cultish, but the church is a well respected independent Baptist church that truly strives in teaching the word and the true gospel. The pastor’s father has made some history online as well in his contending for the faith. There was a time i wanted to sit with one of the elders and go through the book (about the 6th seal rapture) the pastor’s dad wrote when he was a pastor. I am always open to differing approaches. But I am not exactly what in philosophy would be called a cheap date when it comes to doctrine. It takes me quite a bit to be moved. But as you will see in that thread (and thanks for considering to read it), I am not afraid to consider other options diving in with both feet honestly giving the approach a real and sober measure of a chance. As we live in a Facebook arm-wrestle selfie age of “I am right and you are wrong,” I believe being holy is realizing we both might be right in places and wrong in others. Blessings.

Incidentally, I recently moved and will be finding another church. I ended up at that independent Baptist one because of a friend of mine. It would have seemed that a lot of people from John MacArthur’s church ended up over there (as a Baptist church is not Calvinistic typically…so neither was this one I was at). I never got the timing right to meet with the elder there on a regular basis to go over that book. But practicing (meaning honestly engaging yet equally fully holding to my own convictions while open to what God might want to show me) empathy toward that brother and church and being able to also see other things God might want to show me that might either have little or nothing to do with the tribulation and rapture or maybe even things that would further secure my footing in what I had already been seeing–all that was on the table too. I wish it could have gone that way…just things never cycled in that direction with schedules.


Please get this to Pastor JD. It sort of ties everything together.


This is heart breaking :frowning:


Thanks all!!! Very helpful!!!