Special prayer

I’m asking for Special Prayers. Our Pastor, JD, serves us all and goes through his trials keeping a smile on his face, thats filled with love from our precious LORD. I just want to mention, we all go through trials, however our Pastor has gone through some very heavy and serious trials throughout his life. Even now, with his wife. With him, in the position he holds as our Pastor and teacher, I know he is a target for the enemy. Well, Matthew 18:20 says, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am among them.” So, I am asking all of us to hold him and his family up in your prayers to our beautiful Heavenly Father, in Jesus, Holy Name. I really feel in these times, we should pray without ceasing.

p.s. I’m new to the forum but not to the church. Please forgive me, if I posted in the wrong place.


Welcome to the forum Debra! :pray::pray::pray:


Continuing to lift up in prayer he and his family far above the fiery darts of the enemy and that he will remember that God will work all things for His good and for their good as well.

We’re so glad you’re here, Debra and thank you for reminding us to pray. In light of the constant stream of odd end times distractions is easy to take our focus off of The Lord (though we yearn for His coming) and also lose sight of the importance of fellowship, encouragement and lifting one another up in prayer. That is the strength of The Church in these times.



Thank you, Debra. Our pastor is very precious; a gift and blessing from the Lord and I will continue to have his back in prayer and support for the work he is doing. His family is my family and I love them so much. I hurt when he hurts and that is truly what God wants for us as a family; to know their needs and hold them up in prayer. I am glad to be part of the two or three (or more).


Pray for Pete Garcia’s daughter Ella. :heart::pray:


I am holding precious Ella up to our Holy, Perfect and Faithful Father. We are asking for you to be with Ella, family, friends, and hospital staff. We are asking for Your complete healing touch for Ella. In Jesus Holy Name.


Update on Ella’s progress



I always keep Pastor JD and his family in my prayers. :yellow_heart::pray:if he needs one Sunday off each month to take the pressure off then i’m sure Pastor Mac and Pastor Leitu wouldn’t mind helping out.


They are always in my prayers as well. However, for a few days, he and his family were really heavy on my heart. Extra prayers never hurt. Thank you so much for keeping me updated on Ella. God Bless.


My prayers are going out for Ella and her family/friends. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for them to sit around and watch and wait for news or updates. I would be a total mess if it were me. God bless Ella and heal her and give her family and friends the peace that passes all understanding from our blessed Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Please Lord, heal her as only you can. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!



Hey Joe, hope all is well in your world. Hope Celia’s papers went through and she’s feeling well, too.

UPDATE on Ella’s progress: Tyler from Gen2434 gave an update this morning. Ella is going home soon! This is a miracle in a line of miracles. She ate her favorite foods from Cheesecake Factory and has even been joking with her nurses. God IS good!

Pete, Ella’s dad, asked that we pray for both drivers. Although no one else was injured in the accident (another miracle), both are having a tough time with Ella’s injuries.

Miss everyone! Shalom!
:heart: gr


Only our God can do this! All Glory to God! May God continue in her healing.


I am so sorry Debbie! I meant to say welcome and got sidetracked with the Ella news. Please forgive me. :heart: gr


We’re so glad you’re here!


Thank you so much!


Still gonna post updates: We are home and she has done great. Laid in bed for awhile, we opened and read about 100 cards so far. Took a shower, changed her brace and she is comfy in her new pjs. It’s been a loooooong week. She is so thankful for all the prayers. I caught her tearing up when reading thru the cards and she says she feels so loved and popular! We will never be able to find the words or gratitude to express how touched and loved we feel. It’s overwhelming. Thank you all so much for lifting our baby up. Tonight we are all home under the same roof and alive. It’s that simple and that’s all I need to sleep peacefully. :heart:

Pete Garcia

I sat down to do a short video this morning thanking all who have prayed and are still praying for Ella, but there are too many to thank and I don’t have the mental or emotional bandwidth just yet to get through it without becoming a blubbering mess. So at the moment, this will have to suffice. I just want to say thank you, sincerely, from my wife and I, and our family for the outpouring from all over the world. If you have the time and ability, I would simply request in addition to the prayer,and if you can, a get well card to Ella (she’s 11). I want to overwhelm her with love when she comes home (whenever that is). Just make it to Ella Garcia, PO Box 967, Decatur, Texas 76234.

Pete Garcia