Greetings in Jesus, brothers and sisters! Happy Labor Day weekend!
I praise God for Pastor JD Farag’s faithful and powerful messages today!
As all of us on this forum would agree with, and to reiterate the Word from Pastor JD, we are definitely living in the last days when Satan is working on overdrive with his minions to distract our attention from the prize that awaits us in Jesus.
This is the time to fervently pursue what Jesus has commanded us to do with the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:18-20
[18] Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. [19] Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [20] and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Think of the story shared by Pastor about the lady who was struggling with her suicidal thoughts, and how the billboard with the message of Jesus’ love and the ABC’s of Salvation rescued her from the demonic plan that the enemy had put upon her mind in desperation.
Or that fearful, anxious mom in the ER whose daughter was being deprived of treatment for her health problem, and how her faith was restored by a note posted with a similar message about Jesus and the ABC’s on the back of a restroom stall door.
As Pastor JD always says, there are no coincidences!
Deep within me, I truly believe that Jesus has a divine purpose for me to continue operating my online store, despite my daily struggles in faith to close it down.
To be totally transparent with all of you, my store isn’t doing well from the world’s perspective of profit and loss principles.
But every single sale, no matter how few and far between, represents the potential of someone’s life being touched by a devoted believer in Christ who dared to declare their faith in the clothes they wear or other things they use.
Our mission is to declare the love of God through salvation in Jesus by using Scripture-inspired messages to a world in utter chaos during these end times.
These inspirational messages on our products are designed to spark blessed conversations that give you the opportunity to share the love of Jesus and the Good News of Salvation through Him, or simply encourage and strengthen someone’s faith in Jesus.
A simple T-shirt with a lifesaving message worn by a devout disciple of Jesus can be anointed by the Holy Spirit, and becomes a powerful tool for God’s Kingdom work!
Please pray for me as I begin to test paid ads on FaceBook and Instagram, which I consider to be mission fields. My ideal customer is not the unbeliever who has rejected Jesus, but rather the faithful Christian who wants to share the good news of salvation in Jesus to a lost and fallen world.
These targeted ads require significant funding and I’m releasing the faith that God will provide the needed resources to pursue that which I fully believe is His plan and not mine.
I’m at a season in my life when I’m semi-retired, no longer working the corporate grind that I was enslaved to for decades. My job is now is to take care of my 29 year-old daughter who has autism and intellectual disability requiring 24/7 adult supervision. There’s a part of me that just wants to kick back and relax, while focusing on my walk with Jesus and taking care of Sarah.
I have lots of days when I’m very discouraged and just want to throw in the towel with regards to my online store, rather than manage all the countless moving parts that come with running an e-commerce venture. But I can’t seem to shake off this nagging voice inside of me, telling me to press on.
My deepest appreciation goes to those of you who are called by the Lord to pray for me. I’m feeling quite isolated these days, being unvaccinated and sometimes ostracized by a few extended family members. But I praise God for my husband and daughters who are fully supportive of my store’s mission.
I praise God for giving me the courage to post this message!
I’m including a link to my store, and photos of some T-shirts and hoodies that tie to Pastor JD’s teachings. If you know of anyone who would be interested in our products, I would be extremely grateful if you could pass them our website URL which is Our store name is Amela’s Chamber.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post and may God bless us all as we await the coming of our Lord! Maranatha, Lord Jesus!
With love in Christ,