April 18 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Yeah, Ice Age Farmer on youTube talks about this a lot.

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So, in reviewā€¦

The vaccine was not made for the virus.

The virus was made for the vaccine. The virus is a prop, to push the vaccine, which really isnā€™t a vaccine at all.

Itā€™s gene therapy, and the people who push and make it are of a whole other agenda. Control, observation, and depopulation.

The vaccine has been around for quite a few years and that is provable by patent and comments from various quotes of those who push it.


Hey there! Great to hear this news! I donā€™t mean to sound dark about that, but Iā€™ve been talking about PEG since this was announced in the shots. Plus, finding out from a pharmaceutical company employee with studies management, PEG is also known to be cancer-causing. So, Iā€™m watching a few people that have had various kinds of cancer who have taken their shots, Pfizer if I recall correctly, to see if they have any effects during my stay on this rock. Iā€™ve known many who have taken their doses and many are fine. Some quickly came down with shingles, or various side effects we all knew would occur. But none have died (thankfully). Iā€™ll keep praying for them to stay healthy.

I have a friend who is into sports and coaching and found a job he would like to do at a high school coaching one such sport. Dream job, you may call it. I told him heā€™ll quite possibly have to take the shots to get the job and keep it. No matter how wrong that is, itā€™s obvious many donā€™t care. He stopped talking to me about that.
Peer pressure of any kind stinks and Iā€™m glad you found proof you ought not take this!


I usually hear from this one family member often. Not heard a peep since they realized I wasnā€™t going to cave.
Guess we truly are going to find out who our true family and friends are during this time.
Feeling like another way He is siftingā€¦
Good to hear from you!


Good to hear from you too!
I remember a famous man once said that families would be torn apart in the last days. Perhaps this is part of that? He wasnā€™t well liked back then when he said this nor now but man does He have quite the following regardless! And eventually EVERYONE will be admitting whom He is.

Gary Coleman. No, just kidding. Not him.

I believe yes this is going to be part of the persecution we will be facing. Letā€™s pray we donā€™t see much more. We know we will, but man, thereā€™s only so much I can take. Iā€™m frail after all!


I believe I finally had my first vision or dream of the coming endtime. It might not have been but it sure was very vivid and rememberable, I never had a dream like this.

It started out I was watching this very dark and scary storm coming and everything started to catch on fire under the storm. I wanted to do something but I couldnā€™t.

All of a sudden I was standing on a high hill or mountain and I could see a large river far away. I could see that the river was under duress. I could see that the water was jumping and splashing with all these whitecaps all over it, then suddenly I was standing next to the river on the bank and this crazy water was about to overflow and I felt doom was coming when this happens.

Then I was moved again, this time I was in a school cafeteria. I used to be a cook in a school so I knew the surroundings. At the school I use to worked at the senior class would leave the school in May every year so I was telling everyone for some reason to get ready for this departure to happen and then my dream ended and I woke up.

Iā€™m not saying the Rapture will happen in May, we donā€™t know, could even happen next May, who knows, but we know itā€™s happening soon according to how fast prophecy is happening. This dream was so vivid and letā€™s hope it does happen soon!


Thanks. Will do.

I love being a Covidiot!!


Recently watched this series called Know Your Enemy by the Fuel Project. Somewhat long, but the content is extremely interesting and educational (and the narrator is Irish so his voice is nice to listen to (o:). There are 4 parts and it goes from when Satan tempted Eve all the way through current times (videos were made 9 years ago, so doesnā€™t even address The Great Reset or the World Economic Forum). It explains the Satanic influence through ancient times, the gods that people worshiped (and how they relate to today), symbolism, Jesuits and Freemasons, Roman Catholic church, and how Satan has influenced so many areas of our culture and even the Church.

I knew The Great Reset actually meant The Great Re:Set (this was on their website at one point) - and it is in reference to the gods of Re (Ra) and Set - gods of order and chaos. After listening to this series it holds even more significance.

Highly recommend this series! Links are to Bitchute, but you may be able to find on Youtubeā€¦maybe.

Part 1 - Know Your Enemy - Exposing the New World Order - Section 1 (Parts 1-21) - By The Fuel Project

Part 2 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/nQ2RfFoGIsyk/

Part 3 - Know Your Enemy - Exposing the New World Order- Section 3 (Parts 38-60) - By The Fuel Project

Part 4 - Know Your Enemy - Exposing the New World Order Section 4 (Parts 61-77) - By The Fuel Project


Iā€™ve noticed videos lately on youTube that would have been removed just a few months ago. Anyone else notice this? IDK if that is because the amount of them is increasing so its hard to keep up or what.

Praying God steers lots of folks to see it who need it!

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The ā€œfullā€ video just includes the first few minutes that were originally blacked out due to technical issues, itā€™s not the full full video. Unless they uploaded the full video originally and have now replaced itā€¦? Title is a bit misleading tho.

I watched the whole thing this morning. Same as the live broadcast on the website. Thatā€™s what struck me as odd. I had been uploaded 4 minutes prior to me watching it at like 3 AM my time which would be, I think 9PM Hawaii. It had a different title card though and not Satanic Propaganda. I looked again around 6AM my time and it was the right title card. I even looked to see if it was someone else that posted on their channel instead of Farag and it was Faragā€™s channel.

Could have quickly been taken down or struck, I donā€™t know. But it was the full hour and three minutes and change.


@Jon hope others saw it like you!

Did you guys see that the Governor of Florida held a panel discussion on research findings on Covid with experts that included four professors of medicine from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford Universities, all PhDs and experts in a field of disease research plus other qualifying credentials.

YouTube decided it was spreading misinformation and took down the video saying it "had content that contradicted the consensus of global health authorities.ā€ Proof that weā€™ve lost our medical freedom when we arenā€™t allowed to view alternate opinions from qualified doctors?


Oh noā€¦ yeah, the full length one isnā€™t there anymore and this one is 6 hours old (should be 9? 10? hrs ago if it was uploaded at 9pm hawaii time). I hope it wasnā€™t a strike that took it down! :frowning:


Had not watched that, @Violet, but I can also say, it doesnā€™t surprise me anymore.
Theyā€™ll accept censoring something like that, but not the blatant lie of saving 15% on your car insurance by switching to Geico on their ads via ewwteb!

Sorry, had to go there. I feel better now.


I love his Shirts!


You referring to JDā€™s Aloha shirts? If so, me too! I wonder if he has a Hawaiian Dirt shirt?


Who knows? :smiley:

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Thanks for that wow

Pentagon already made microchip to detect covid