April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

In this Jack you are a bit more empathetic. I understand where you are coming from though with pastors being responsbile. I understand how you mean this and it does display a sense of empathetic love toward the body while maintaining a sober outlook in general. Amen to that brother.

I don’t really go with any pastor’s view on end times. I’m here on JDF because all things considered, as radically different i might be on some theological points, Pastor JD is the closest “in general.” Plus he has an awesome forum setup and the family here has been a very rich and deep blessing as well. Amen. What i like about what you said brother above is that these men, pastors, are coming from where they come from and they have the right. In the sense of God affording them the free range grace to do so, yes. Amen. In that sense i do believe there is something to be said about a pastor having the dignity to lead the church in the way they see best fit. I actually kind of like that. As oppose to I guess a raw constant of push back of heresy hunters. Wow…in fact you might be rather instrumental in moving my thoughts along these lines as well (which given our past I would have never thought to be the case likely…but is nice to run into you this way).

In general i guess the reason i see it as unprofessional is that the parable of the talents might yes for some be in how God is looking at it to include the value or exercise one places on voting, but one thing is pretty certain. That is not the reason for parable or the theological import of it. So to do church by footloose and fancy free according to one’s whim…yeah i would see that as innapropriate use of office and therefore unprossional. To take our Fathers word and own it for well meant purpose? I suppose every single pastor in the world does that, but not so blantantly.

I do not mind in the slightest that Pastor Hibbs sees politics as important. I agree with him actually. More than this forum would see things as. I do not mind Hibbs using the book of Romans to show character heart of scritpure as maybe a principle or bases for voting or political action. I could see “some” wiggle room for that – even though i would see it as a stretch…well…ok though. But using parables with very selfish use of them…i just can’t see that as anything but unprofessional. That is not the job of a pastor. And its wrong to use God’s word to favor one’s view in an office that effects the lives and thinking processess of so many. So yeah i guess we would disagree there brother. Aslo it sets an immature and fleshy dumb down version of Holy writ (while America is being dumbed down in general…as problem in generan anyway). So its like teaching us to lower the maturity ceiling down to our knees rather than perhaps somewhere above our heads. If a pastor is not demonstrating maturity…that does not demonstrate professionally an extended ability to mature for those under their care i reckin.

I understand the sentiment Jack. In fact I would see that taking biblical positions to any extremes apposing Christian Nationalism is being used by the enemy as our dividing too. Not because I stand for CN. Not at all. I am certain it will fail as God will not bless that insanity. But to not understand why churches (even as you have expressed understanding toward Hibbs not being unprofessional) would feel that way except that they are deceived…to me…is falling pray to the devices of the enemeis ability to divide. Instead implying empathy on why CN churches might feel that way (except for like those WOF versions) I believe is a better way to talk about so as not to be a useful tool of the enemy in dividing us…is kind of how I guess I would resolve that. I guess a plumb line of sorts for me would be: Are we as eager to work with the different ways churches are looking at things as much as we are that they might align too with how we do? When Pastor JD invited Bud and interviewed him online…this was an olive branch in the right (not being used by the enemy) direction. I’ve seen we can do it. But yeah whatever the whatever…where we super agree???
