April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

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Admit they made a mistake or overlooked something? Naw…My only concern is having a forum to enjoy. An Upgrade with issues I strongly suspect. We probably have a new back door to keep better tabs on us.


Are we talking the forum keeping tabs on us or the goobermint?


25 May 2024


Billy Crone vs The Fowl, LOL


Pfizer & Moderna And Other Biotech Firms In Talks With US Government To Produce MRNA Bird Flu Vaccines


AI Is Now Creating Digital Twins Of Your Personality And Habits, Sold For Profit And Replacing Workers


In future, cute movies like this will be nostalgic because of bird flu, no pet chickens allowed at home!


The wolf shall live with the lamb , the leopard shall lie down with the kid, the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them.


:purple_heart: Wishing everyone a heartfelt Memorial Day weekend. May The Lord bless and keep you.



Gooberment I would suspect…and I would hope that what they read on this forum sinks in deep as the truth that they should follow in this life before it is too late.


I don’t know if the actually read stuff here, probably not but I can assure you they collect it all and store it for if and when they may ever need it. Considering the number of people that were caught up in the J-6 fiasco and got away clean at the time but were later picked up, arrested and now sitting in jail, it is safe to say they were only caught because their cell phones were pinging cell towers and those records were gone through with a fine tooth comb. There were a pair of roommates in the town I live that were recently sentenced for their part in that event. They were arrested many months after long after they had traveled back home across the country.

It is well known that a number of people who were just in the DC area or passing through on that day that were deeply investigated simply because their cell phone pinged towers in DC even if they were not involved they got looked into, their entire internet history, shopping patterns, what they bought, and so on was thoroughly researched.

And what the goobermint does not directly monitor they subpoenaed from the cell service providers who gladly turned over what ever was requested. Our devices are our own worst enemies betraying our privacy. But that is to be expected if we consider what prophecy tells us will likely happen during the tribulation after the MOB is set in place. The beast will be able to track down every person who keeps technology close at hand and so many will never realizing that is how they are being found out and caught.

Edit Add: I forgot to mention the NSO group cell phone hacking app called Pegasus. It can access any cell phone no matter what type or what OS is being used. Many nations have paid very big bucks to get his app and while it is often used on specific targets such as journalist, dissidents, terrorist, etc. it can and does also access all other cell phones and other devices such as tablets and laptops. But primarily it is used on cell phones. It is insidious in what it can do, what it can see of your data or force your phone to be a spy device accessing both camera and microphone without the user being able to detect it. The level of control is full and complete.


Here is something of interest.
Just remember that I did not verify it.

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I see the love of Jesus in you brother Tony. :white_heart:


2 separate livestreams tonight on the pretrib rapture. Robert Breaker

27 May 2024

Congrats to NARly, 2 more new apostles added: Greg Locke and his wife

On BRICS front:


This talk by Hope and Tivon on WBAN Basics:


As for the last part, this Mon morning I attended a church brother’s funeral. He and his dad used to be in the same bible study group with me before the covid plandemic.

Last Fri afternoon, he “died suddenly” without any warning signs. This incident was a whole shock to his family members. He was only 46 years old.

I suspect it’s the injection that caused his death.

Today funeral sermon is on well known Rapture passage: 1 Thess 4:13-17


Dennis - your friend got his promotion - absent from the body - present with the Lord - MARANATHA :latin_cross: :pray: :+1:


That’s nothing short of a miracle. Praise Jesus. Thank you for the encouragement :slightly_smiling_face:


28 May 2024

This week is World Health Assembly meeting. Some folks were cheering and rejoicing at this news:

But wait, do you think Lucifer gonna wave white flag? LOL.

Isaiah 57:21 There is no peace for the wicked," says my God.

Billy Crone latest:

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Just an FYI. Thank you JDF for all your love and patience. I still lean toward a first seal vibe you guys know me to be about. But at this point, I really don’t think Trump is all that patriotic. This might not be news for any here. But for me Trump does not have to be. It would just be nice thought that if someone might be against the NWO to have like one patriotic vein in their body. But my fear is that we all go into Idiocracy and the tribulation is actually low grade evil where the world just gets too dumbed down to defend itself anymore. Something any era could have fought off…but ours. Goin through a sad phase. But glad you guys are here to be a shoulder to cry on (one that sees…one that cares). Blessings.


I feel your pain and sorrow, Teren. It is so evident, like you said, Americans are being “dumbed down”, but not just us, the whole world. That is why the faithful forum family can see what is ahead, not just because we read it in God’s Word, but the Holy Spirit is preparing our hearts and minds for the battle we are in for. It is getting worse with every minute that the clock ticks on and closer to “D” day. If I can glean one thing from all who post here, it is the fact that we care for and encourage one another. Yes, there is just a handful now and I miss all those who were faithful to share and encourage, but those of you who are still seeking truth and fellowship, I am thankful for you all!! It will get harder as the days go by, so keep posting, discussing truth, loving each other and serving Him. If we become weak and disinterested, then the enemy is winning. We must keep the faith!

We are soldiers in the army
we have to fight; I know we have to fight.
We have to hold up the blood-stained banner,
we have to hold it up until He comes!

1 Timothy 6:12 - Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
