April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

During the next few months, don’t let the elephants and donkeys let you forget that you belong to The Lamb!

(author anonymous)


4 June 2024

Congrats to Mexico for electing a pro-WEF lady president:


This Daniel overview will help you:


This may be long, maybe give yourself 40-60 mins to listen the IHR amendments and how the laws will impact us. For those who want to go to Israel, better think twice.


China Unveils Its Version Of Neuralink, An Implanted Brain-Computer Interface:


Elon Musk Says AI Will ‘Do Everything Better Than You,’ Making Employment Obsolete:



I’m pressing on the upward way,
New heights I’m gaining every day,
Still praying as I’m onward bound,
Lord plant my feet on higher ground

Thanks Dennis. I’m gonna check out Maria. Good on you for keeping watch on that whole WHO thing :+1:

Aslo, told you USA was Babylon the Great…lol. Just playin. In any case, it does however seem MORE likely now ya’ll that we actually have a Sister CERN. :grin: Just sayin, I guess. Blessings.

Awesome message of Hope from Lee Brainard!


Recently Jack Hibbs insisted Christians need to get involved in politics…JD says he’s out as he saw USA politics gone off the rails!

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Personally I don’t trust Malone as he was involved in mRNA research and creation. He still believes in vaccines as a solution.

I think James Roguski which I posted his substack recently is the one been following through the WHO plans.

Also the Dr Doom Fauci appearance in June 3, 2024, Congressional Testimony is a poltical theatre… for show only. He will not be hanged for his crimes.

Yesterday Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and former U.S. chief medical advisor, was summoned to testify before the House Select Subcommittee on his actions and directives given during the Covid-19 pandemonium. During the hearings a number of things were revealed, such as him admitting that he made-up the 6ft social distancing rule and that made people’s lives more “difficult” so they would accept getting vaccinated.

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7 April 2024

mene, mene, tekel, parsin…tonight


First video just for laughs since reading/watching Tribulation setup can be “depressing”




Hi All. I just wanted to weigh-in on one the the popular memes @dlcv provided in his awesome and helpful cluster postings and info for our forum. Trump’s flip flop on mail in voting.

Before I clarify something on that front (from a generic USA perspective), I posted a video I found interesting on another thread…

I wanted to repost it here again because after watching it again last night, I praised God afresh from a very profound place I am grateful for how God has also used this forum in bringing me to. Sometimes it is not easy for me to digest some claims of the watcher world and some heavy convictions even of Pastor JD. The reason for this is I have been exposed to pretty high-end and ongoing spiritual abuse in the church. Deep significant moments in my life have had to contend with rather sophisticated narcissistic infiltration in my life (and then of course there is my flesh with its defensiveness and stubbornness).

So its been extremely helpful for me to be able to relate to some of the profound concerns on our forum (that most certainly do have validity) from others like An0maly, or Maria Zeee, or Dean Letini. Because their approach is much more conversational rather than strictly conviction oriented (not that this forum is not conversational–for there is very much loveliness of heart in that–it’s just in general the watcher motif can tend to roominate from conviction central in ways in general). I don’t do well with church “mike drop” moments. Because i spent over 20 years with high octane impassioned “career ending statement” Christian convictions that ended up being postmodern billboards of marketing technique…and contribute to my somewhat “flat tire” syndrome i find need to often crawl out underneath from.

But yeah that Dean video helped me see more clearly (because in conversational delivery vs hot conviction delivery I am less triggered by defenses from my past) and locate that precious and honest place within my heart (that place the Lord provides to see a bit more clearly and cohesively from and through) and actually hear (as in better understand) concerns of politics being too much in focus in ways, convictions not to vote, and the lesser of two evils montra Big Eva settles for. Dean has helped me to appreciate more so from a sincere and profound place in my own heart…the majesty of these positions and POVs and how to better allow them to make helpful deeper sense. So i post this (knowing i am often very contrary to some views here) with good faith efforts to process and consider. And appreciate your patience for striving with me slow self in catching up to some of those mature perspectives and the spiritual weight behind them.

. . . . .

As to the Trump mail-in ballot meme…here is a short few minutes take from 4 years ago…

Here is a short few minutes video from 10 months ago…

Although Trump has generally been known to be against thick and heavy dependence on mail-in ballots, and even use strong language to end the general practice…he has always understood its practicality (especially with those in the military personnel stationed wherever). Now that his daughter-in-law is in on the official GOP committee, for sure they will use every means possible including mail-in ballots.

In 2020 Trump did complain about fraudulent use of mail-in ballots…WHILE signing onto the biggest social money package from Congress (exceeding Clinton and Obama’s socailismish money grabs) in history up to that point. And much of that money would be used to fund mail-in ballots that would surely defeat his presidency. I would understand that under the banner of us being in a age of revealing…so it makes sense Trump would do such a thing (because I think voter fraud is being exposed on a grand scale level now–I realize these views of mine to be controversial). In any event from 4 years ago and from 10 months ago and now in our present era…it seems to me the same:

  • We need some level of mail-in ballots
  • Mail-in ballots (even noted by Jimmy Carter) have high potential for fraud historically
  • Legacy media will always paint the picture in favor of leftist views
  • Trump likes to turn the tables on the Dems…and will likely do so in spades this time (only God knows…we will have to see)

So although the mail-in ballots situation can get confusing…what is true is that we need its practicality within sober limits, it was used for grand scale cheating, and Trump would exploit what works for Dems against them. However I don’t believe there is an interest in the generic Republican mindset to cheat for Trump. Some might. But I think the USA genuinely wants fair elections even if that means 4 more years of Biden.

On a final note, I believe what we will likely see in November is a cyber attack shutting voting systems down to stall election. And we will go to paper ballots. And of course, yes, a Trump victory. Having said that, I am hopeful to provide perhaps a helpful idea for you guys (whomever might watch Dean Lentini) that I do try to go out of my way to hear things from conversational media because it is, for me, a more fluid form to hear some convictions better ala conversational mode (in contrast to what might tend to escalate into potential sensationalism arenas of sorts in watcher venues). Not only do I try to hear…this sort of thing is crucial to my own honest recovery from some downtrends in my own Christian journey. Therefore, I think it is important to contrast my own proclivity toward the sensational with going the extra mile in honor of JDF. Blessings.

International Criminal Court Power Grab Could Put YOU in the Crosshairs (substack.com)

Here is the “Rome Statute” under the Rule of Law, under the “Bedrock of Civilization” and finally ties to the “Noahide laws”.

8 June 2024

Bible Prophecy Update, It’s Not Just Possible It’s Now Most Probable - Sunday, June 9th, 2024

Pastor JD explains why details in scripture speak to how the pre-tribulation rapture is no longer just possible, but now most probable, given the swiftness with which everything is happening.

Jan Markell’s latest UTT is out in Rumble and YT:

@SkyTheSheepdog , she got invited in next event, lol

and Mike Adams pushing this conspiracy theory in his Brighteon channel:

Not to be outdone, WEF openly talks on mind control:


Hey guys.

I’m pretty much on the poverty line in the UK and no one can seem to get any financial relief.
It’s amazing to me how say my energy company over charges me to the sum of £1000 and im paying this debt back on a prepayment meter, they then just decide to sell my debt at random to a company, like is that even legal? Anyway, my point is the amount of people barely getting through a month - the amount of people saying they ring a company to sort out their bills or payments, saying it’s something they put off because of the AI/automated call centres. When you get through to a human, they put you through to another department and you have to give all your details all over again. A family member works on the phones for a local authority and even she does not wanna call a company to sort out a problem they keep creating, saying they say they will do one thing, then blam they do another, or they cant “change the system” so you basically get a copy and paste reply.

I thought it was just my end of the world, but i got a few buddies in the USA and they are going through the same stuff, no shuffle room - struggling to pay rent, homelessness threatens them monthly, health care is none existent unless you got lots of surplus cash, my guys walking through the street talking on the phone and people are hollering back and forth about “what can you do?” saying the place is messed up.

I dont know if you guys are seeing or hearing this in your area - but its like the bottom rung of society are seeing through the grid - calling out the control systems.

Additional - i’ve been seeing lots of “bird flu” propaganda on places I check online - now obviously rolling our eyes at the next pandemic but the bible says it’s coming, be that the 4 horsemen or seals, or trumpets. I’ve seen some stuff that says bird flu has passed to cows, thus its in the “milk” and the PCR testing for bird flu has started in the USA - so chicken, beef, poultry, and dairy products could become less. Obviously i don’t know if this is legit, but if you wanted to take control of food sources another scamdemic citing a flu thats jumps from animals to humans, would give the elite power to control more of the food sources.

I also noticed one of the 4 horsemen is a “food merchant”

5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Food merchant buying and selling in food - so maybe the food becomes contaminated

Then i saw this: to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

Could that be contamination from food source? I am also aware that animals lose their natrual fear of man in the end times too.

thanks all -


As Christians our most powerful weapon of action is prayer. The veil has been torn. We can go before the Throne of the Creator.

…I really need to spelcheck :grinning:


i get regular emails from iwaspoisoned.com which outlines food poisoning etc in whatever region you request; reports cover multiple countries. bird flu reports have come through lately. the common denominator i KEEP seeing in all these reports is that its never small businesses nor actually-quality-sourced food that ends up in these reports. its always huge corporate farms/businesses. pay the premium for truly good food, is what id suggest to everyone. and consider signing up your email for that website so you can keep up with recalls and see the patterns i speak of. local, high quality food is worth doing without other luxuries.

turns out panera cookies come from same place as costco cookie dough does! blech. they found salmonella, despite panera being commonly regarded as quality. its really not. consider the standards across their boards, then. look beneath fancy marketing, see a local butcher, etc. so much deception and bands of profit-driven companies which pander to our tastes without actually fulfilling the reason we chose them. never going back to expensive, greedy, low par panera.

one more thing - lotsss of walmart beef recalls lately. dont remember whether its ecoli or listeria or what, but this is just a reminder that when you save money at walmart, youre really doing as my old saying goes, “paying the high cost of low price.”


We used to grow over 500 cloves of garlic and massive garden each year. We lost all our garlic due to gophers and nothing seem to have grown. We had goats for milking and made cheese and so forth. All our herd taking out by mountain lions. We typically hunt our own food. We have been receiving several email warnings from Fish and Game about deer chronic wasting disease. I know we always look at the health of the deer before we cut or even slaughter any animal. I know this stuff exists out there, but a good hunter will look at the signs for sickness. Fear tactics are becoming the norm. We personally know cattle ranchers and would much rather buy from grass fed but even cattle ranchers are struggling.

We instantly were reminded on putting our FAITH in God. HE WILL PROVIDE! He is FAITHFUL! The shoes never wore out in the wilderness for 40 years. Our walk with Him is all about Faith! Loving on our Father and trusting in Him to get us through these tough times. Everyone is in my prayers. HOLD ON to HIM! He will get us through.



The love is disappearing, and it amazes me how distant some brothers and sisters have become to one another. Almost a divide in trust? Family members who do not believe have become angry and bitter towards us. Hate like bitter. It is out of character for the ones doing this but without Yeshua, I can’t imagine how anyone could have any amount of hope. We have done nothing to deserve this type of treatment but yet no honor. We act surprised but yet we were warned. I can now see why we are to continue in His Word and focus on Him. Our heart, mind and soul are ALL on Him. If we put everything on Him there is no more room for worry, fear or even concern. We are to cling!

As for any political views…

Psalm 118:8
It is better to trust in the Lord
Than to put confidence in man.

The powers at the helm seem to be arguing for position. :woman_shrugging: For the first time in my life all I see is a bunch of humans trying to become “King” of the world.

I am questioning what US LAW is. No one can answer my question and if it is UN Law with US Codes attached…No President will be able to change the damage done to the US. In reality, if the Codes are actually UN Charter Laws, the fight is now for the “Power” to control. Someone needs to push this into a “One World Government” and the next president, whom ever, will probably push it in to affect.

The Restrainer is still Restraining!


Dennis, it is so hard to see 2 dear brothers whom I admire and trust, be on such opposite sides of the “political isle”. I understand both sides and frankly my thoughts are of staying away from any of the madness plaguing our nation today, BUT I must be led by the Holy Spirit as each of us must be and see with my spiritual eyes what God wants me to do. Vote or not vote, that is the question for me. I will not vote for anyone who waivers on killing babies in the womb, that is for sure. I know God is in control and will place whom He wants in power, so as one who loves Him with all my mind, heart, and soul, I must put His will before mine. I am for a nation that will put God first and that is not what we have. Our days are over if we do not turn from our wicked ways, call on God and repent. Then, just maybe things can turn, but I am not expecting the world going on much longer according to prophecy in HIs Word! We have seen the greatest nation in the world succumb to Satan and his plan as God knew it would. We just need to adjust to God’s plan and bring as many to a saving knowledge of Him as soon as we can. I am ready, aren’t you, for this to be over?