April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

Hi Dennis. Thanks for your diligent research. You have always been very investigative in good faith research and I appreciate your heart. Out of this recent batch there are two primary articles that interest my research as well as offer potentially a healthy contrast even.

  • Roy’s Report – Christian Nationalism
  • Jonathan Brentner – Don’t Run in the Wrong Direction With Bible Prophecy

Additionally, I am interested to check out your posting on Bab the Great, but perhaps laterz.

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I like Julie Roys because she helped put church abuse in check. Julie’s news org went against Pastor James MacDonald and was successful in unseating his pastorship for really good cause. She is known for being the peanut gallery against John Macarthur, but I believe it is helpful to bring some of that controversy to the surface. Julie can be emotional and use inflated language, but even so, there is enough “receipts” she actually brings to the table that do have total merit. And has proven to be accurate with concerns of totalitarianism in the church. The caveat here is that if you have a concern for Christian Nationalism (CN), we should have a concern of how vast control freakishness has become at the pulpit in many respects. I have severe first hand knowledge of this. And even though I’ve lived it, there is not a day that goes by that God is not showing me where I would do well to see “His” transcendent hand over the course of events in my life. So it causes me humble observation to see even how God might in good ways use totalitarian churches. A difficult line to walk for sure.

I don’t really know Brentner all that much so I can’t really speak to much on that. But for sure there are problems in the church today with Replacement Theology (RT). From my own experiences I tend to have a a lot of empathy for differing Christian eschataological perspectives because I have seen the vastness and I have also seen the benefits when Christian hearts don’t tend to be conquered by divisions. Replacement Theology in many instances is confusion derived by deep eschatalogical differences – differences I have not seen in general that have not been hugely helped by more sober minded eschatological positions. I would rack that up to Laodicean conditions in the church at large. I would say a lot of eschatology can be ironed out through caring discussions over longer periods of time…as this seems to be a very ripe age for possibilities for minds to be changed one way or another. And likely as things progress this year – even more.

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I believe there is intersectionality (to use a modern term often used nefariously) with Christian Nationalism and Running the Wrong Way with Eschatology. From what it honestly seems like to me is that in our attempt to not be about “either/or” mentality, it likely escapes notice how subtle this logical fallacy is.

In the article about CN, do we actually think that believers would have no role in social events? When God sent Israel into captivity to Babylon He told them to do good to the land. We should not further Babylon the Great, but the either/or here reminds me of similar overstatements I have seen Calvinism do with the doctrines of grace. Honest Christians know man is sin filled and fallible. That is the honest biblical take. The doctrine of grace borrows gnostic views of 'all physical BAD and all spiritual GOOD" vibes. And envelopes the fall of man into gnostic “all physical is EVIL” branding. Man is sinful and flawed and cannot save himself. But American Calvinism often focuses on how wretched we are even as we are being sanctified in Him…and in my estimation deflates many faith walk attributes to a living relationship in Christ (in order to champion how evil man is).

So on that i’d just say that CN is bad and ridiculous for the church to be involved in (although I realize their weakness toward that). But for the church to have 0 role in society seems to be more related to gnostic fallacy than real world biblical application. Especially in a Democratic republic. Where CN and RT compliment each other is at the either/or intersection.

The short route in conclusion to me is that the church can tend to focus on our relevance to make sense of prophecy and perhaps overstate rightly (and partly very unrightly), claims. I believe confusion as to our focus of relevance is at much on trial as would be not rightly dividing because of RT. I don’t believe MAGA is about America. I believe its about Israel (as is the Abraham Accords and Saudi Arabia normalization). I believe seeing what happens in the USA “as it pertains to Israel” is a more sober right divide practice of the word. But I also see this as tend to be an impossible exercise of sorts for the church (in general) unfortunately because it is seemingly too up close and personal (which is totally understandable). Just saying.

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So I do try to consider Hagelian Dialectic (HD) where it may in fact be a thing. I am more inclined to see this from a grass roots view more than an organized religious perspective. Which is why on HD view I would be more open to an An0maly style consideration on that. For those interested as we all go into the uncharted 2024 terrain obstacle course ahead. Blessings.




Does anyone have any reliable links that can confirm Trump was bailed out by a globalist at some point?

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The research i did on that was that i believe in the casino’s Trump owed on he sub out his name which salvaged for the banks. It is possible Wilber Ross was given office in 2017 in gratitude (but Ross seems no longer connected to Rothchilds…for what that is worth).

Inside the Bailout That Saved a Debt-Ridden Trump Organization | The Choice 2016 | FRONTLINE (youtube.com)

Who Is Wilbur Ross? How Did He Assist President Trump? (investopedia.com)

My concerns with Trump and globalism is his openness to fund Ukraine with house speaker Mike Johnson. To me that is a far deeper tie to globalista activity than Ross. It seems like Trump makes out well in past bad situations.

In my book, its hard to see Trump as an authentic player for USA sovereignty if he is smooching with the globalist agendas. Its understandable in the cases of Russia where Putin has to play a certain amount of ball till forming BRICS. But in Trump’s case the globalist line is starting to thin out a bit.

If America is to “come back” (which contrary to popular Christian belief i still hold rather strongly) it might be from a resolve of the people holding Trump accountable. lol. As bizarre as that sounds, it makes more sense than a heroic globalist Trump on his own. Then again there is always the possibility i’m talking out of my neck and America collapses 2025. I hope some of this is helpful. Blessings.


re: reasons not to trust Trump
Trump Tower(or Plaza?) street # 666?
Nothing to see here.
re:Del promoting “vaccine confidence”
Reminds me of Dr.Peter McCullough when he starts his talk with, “I am not against vaccines,” which kinda makes anything he says following suspect.
If you are not against vaccines, then what are you?
For them?
I have been following studies on vaccines for over two decades.
If I could have the choice to have all vaccines I was subject to as a youth removed I would.
The only thing is that my body might go into shock after the sudden removal of aluminum and other toxic substances from my brain.

On a more cheery note, Pastor JD will be back this Tuesday for the prayer meeting, I believe.
Grace and peace.
For my soul trusts in You;
And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge,
Until these calamities have passed by.” Psalm 57:1 (exerpt) NKJV


I’m gettin’ ready to leave this world I’m gettin’ ready for the gates of pearl Keeping my record right
Watching both day and night
I’m gettin’ ready to leave this world

Mark Murchison


Dr. Charles Simone has research tieing vax with DOD production holding Warp Speed was a myth. Interesting times. Revealed on pro Trump sourcing…kind of hard not to ask more probing questions. If he is the first seal…lol…it appears it might be on the wings of how much people choose to look the other way. A fitting hero for the age of apocalypse. Blessings brother.

From what I see, Trump Tower is in the 700 block of 5th Avenue but Kuschner owns/owned 666 but was trying to build 660 to replace 666. Idk. It’s all a bit muddled. :man_shrugging:t4:

What rolls (edit 2 days later. I knew that didn’t look right lol…I meant roles)will the son in law play going forward?

You know, it’s funny; whenever I hear someone ranting about Trump or Biden, vehemently supporting or vehemently opposing in one form of derangement syndrome or another, I want to ask them In what world do you think your vote counts either way? Our election system has been compromised, corrupted, tainted.

People are under this very willfully naive assumption that they have choices. We do not. If you’re not completely trusting in The Lord and in His plan, then you’re going to be strapped down and immobilized with anxiety over the “election” season.

(My two cents :laughing:)


666 5th Avenue (owned by Kushner) and Trump Tower’s hanging garden above the tower entrance (6x6x6 garden rows hanging) and Trumps all gold penthouse with Apollos painted across his ceiling (as he became US president) freaked me out. In his first 6 months in office I was certain he was the antichrist. But as I did notice he had an interest in some form of patriotism, and even more the he favored evangelical Christianity, he could not be AC per Daniel. Since then I just down graded him to 1st Seal status. Not sure either if that is accurate or if so what that actually means in terms of who this cat is and “really” like. As bad as Trump being tied to evangelicalism by Paula White is, it is a mercy to know 'info wise" per Daniel that Don is not the AC. The irony…I know :crazy_face: I don’t think it all leads to fake peace. I believe it leads to appointed peace. Ez 38. And that would be very real. Likely far to real for those remaining after.

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The Kushner Companies purchases, at Jared Kushner’s urging, 666 Fifth Avenue, an office tower in Midtown Manhattan, for $1.8 billion at the height of the real estate market. They invest $500 million, and cover the remaining amount with debt. Even before the financial crisis hits, there are signs that they paid too high a price and took on too much debt for the purchase. It was, at the time, the highest purchase price ever paid for a New York office tower.

Timeline on Jared Kushner, Qatar, 666 Fifth Avenue, and White House Policy.

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It’s ironic too that 666 got downgraded to 660 lol. Maybe like a comic book presentation…it is info…take it or leave it. If I were to wager it would seem to suggest that building is winking at us. Likely letting us know Trump is likely related to end times…but not employed by Satan as much as sovereignly usefull to the Father of Truth.

Just to let you guys know…if Trump wins, Abraham Accords strengthen, Saudi normalizes, and Israel starts to enjoy unprecidented peace, I be book signing on the 70th floor of what use to b 666 5th Ave :grin: cheese. PS…I’d bring a wind breaker as this will be quite a bit above the 41st floor marker. Just for precaution :+1:

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I hear ya Tony. I believe though that America will see we need to get our stuff together and choose peace. As a former Calvinist, I would not be surprised how the Lord might highlight how free in deed He has made His creation to be. Blessings dear brother though regardless of where we may differ. Always blessed with your heart engaged. :heart:


3 June 2024


That’s because we’re both one of a kind :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Yet….of one accord. That’s the beauty of His creation of The Church. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Amen. Love you brother. :heart:

Just in passing…

Donald Trump receives thunderous applause at UFC 302 :us: (youtube.com) 1 min 45 seconds

Donald Trump Entrance at UFC 302 Newark, NJ June 1, 2024 (youtube.com) 2 minutes 22 seconds

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Pastor JD’s first service back from vacation tomorrow:

Scheduled for Jun 5, 2024

2 waiting • Scheduled for Jun 5, 2024

Pastor JD explains why just a simple change in how we pray, can change everything when we pray.