April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

yes…as it is to all the unregenerate.
I had the privilege of sharing some Scriptures including the Good News two nights ago at work with a colleague and Roman Catholic lady. She had asked me if I believe in “purgatory;” she is a faithful catholic; yet when I share the Gospel with her, she agrees with everything, and says that she “gave her life to Christ.” However, she frowns when I tell her that Jesus is God. I emailed her a more detailed explanation of purgatory with plenty of Scriptures of Good News. I have high hopes for her. :slight_smile:

yes; when I went back to my job last August, I was stunned at how many of my colleagues had lost loved ones in such a short span of time.
p.s. I was just listening to Amanda Grace, and she actually gave the Gospel! Also, I was watching Canadian Brainwashing Network, and a commercial by Billy Graham’s son, who gave the full Gospel!
Praise God!


Love that, Stacey-lol!
“Did you…get the Rapture memo we sent out??” :rofl:


Rapture memo? not sure what you mean?

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It’s my "Rapture-izing"of another line from that movie “Office Space” that you referenced with the meme.
aw what the heck , here:


Such a highlight of “ladies and gentlemen we know you THOUGHT you were still in Kansas…” social artifact of sorts. lol. What a movie. Thanks Robbie. Blessings.

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3 May 2024

Regarding spiritual gifts mentioned briefly in PU, you can go to audio sermons by JD on 1 Cor 12 in app or website:

Each sermon has a downloadable pdf sermon notes:

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, ( Romans 1:20 )



Thank you sister. I don’t think she would take it well now to hear a video. The best way is for her son my husband Sean to share with her and he’s done it with his dad and now he needs to do with his mom so please pray that Sean is obedient as he fully knows this is a false religion and that it does not save. Thank you for letting me know Billy Crone has some videos on this.


Amen Jack. If God said it (and twice, no less) I believe it, and that settles it for me. There has been much evil done by many that say, “I have a word of knowledge for you”. Now I have had several come and tell me this, but none of what they said spoke to me, nor did the Holy Spirit put it on my heart. As I have heard JD say, if God told you, then why didn’t he just come directly to me?? I can understand the stubborn heart (thats me), but if you are given a “word of knowledge”, it should ring some bells and very loudly, I would say. Healing is happening all over the world and especially to me personally, so I know my Savior heals today. Hebrews 13:8 says "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. Works for me.

Also, thank you for reminding me that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. ONLY BELIEVE.


Wow you are “targeted” by prophets in training! LOL

The spiritual gift of knowledge enables individuals to receive divine insights and understanding about people, situations, or the mysteries of God’s will. These insights go beyond what can be known through natural means.

6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to our faith; 7 or ministry, let us use it in our ministering; he who teaches, in teaching; 8 he who exhorts, in exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness. (Romans 12)


Amir posted my pastor today bc he did a sermon on Sunday about Israel. Seems so concerning that this gets attn… meaning how many pastors are really preaching it? That God has a plan for them….

Prayers for pastor Troy for protection and to continue helping the church understand Gods heart for Israel and His plan for them. As Pastor JD says Bible prophecy is controversial… it sure is and the controversy begins in Genesis involving many things, chief of which is Israel.


I think the spiritual gifts are still active today. Even though speaking in tongues can too easily be “in the flesh” rather than in the Spirit, it is still possible for it to happen genuinely. Also, i don’t mean it in the NAR way of all these new “apostles”, but that gift of being an apostle to be someone who starts new churches. Anything the Holy Spirit does first exalts Jesus and agrees with God’s word. In the Church Age, God doesn’t use prophets the same way as in ancient Israel, but believers having the Holy Spirit can hear God’s word or voice and prophesy (verb) to others in order to comfort or exhort (which i personally experienced), or give a word of knowledge or wisdom. If we can do nothing without Him, and He equips us through His Holy Spirit then i believe the gifts are still active. That is not counting when believers try in their own strength. We stifle the Holy Spirit way too much these days by unbelief and fear of looking foolish. There’s a whole lot of crazy out there for sure, and i don’t want to get into that, but just staying in the word and trust Him to be open to the Holy Spirit. I’d love to hear some experiences you and anyone else have had! :blush::dove:


Thanks Dennis. That is an excellent format that Pastor JD has them placed into such note form. Appreciate it brother. :+1:

Earlier I had a question if Pastor JD is Charismatic. This term seems to infer what we associate with it today where the Charismatic camp runs amuck with meaning. The cessationist proper view sees Acts 2 as a transition in the church and not a norm. Just as Christ ascended once…so the spirit came upon the church uniquely (as Joel predicted) inaugurally (meaning the book of Acts is showing how the events in how God was interacting with the first century church). Cessationist proper persepctives would see that since Christ had to go to the Father to send the Helper, when anyone receives Christ, they also received His Spirit (which seems to relate to regeneration–for without which one is not born again). Romans 8:9 gives a sense to this.

As I look at Pastor JD’s teachings on this in the past, it is good to see that he does his level and honest best to bring understanding. Amen.

Pastor JD seems to have the cessationist understanding about being baptized in the Holy Spirit at conversion. So in that sense, Pastor JD seems to be more inline with cessationist perspective on the Holy Spirit baptism. Whereas Charismatic circles tend to view a later baptism in the Holy Spirit. In that sense, Pastor JD is in line with cessationist perspective of Acts.

Cessationists do not believe that the gifts of the spirit have stopped today. All spiritual gifts are fully functioning today in the body of Christ, except what are known as “sign gifts.” Or gifts God gave during the 1st century chruch authenticating a New Testament being written. In church history, those sign gifts have been noted to have phased out. But all other gifts are understood by cessationsits to be in full bloom in the believers life today. Amen.

Believing in what is understood in scholarship as “sign gifts,” tongues would typically be one of them. This would classically categorize Pastor JD in line with Charismatic thought. I would like to note at this point that as a cessationist myself, I do believe there are brothers and sisters like Pastor JD who take a much more responsible approach to understand how gifts work in the more responsible wing of charismatic gift beliefs.

For example, please note in 1 Cor 11 the following passge:

17 Now in giving this next instruction I do not praise you, because you come together not for the better, but for the worse. 18 For, in the first place, when you come together [m]as a church, I hear that [n]divisions exist among you; and in part I believe it. 19 For there also have to be factions among you, so that those who are approved may become evident among you. 20 Therefore when you come together it is not to eat the Lord’s Supper, 21 for when you eat, each one takes his own supper first; and one goes hungry while another gets drunk.

When we see verses on either side of verse 19 we can see that both are negative connotations. The broader context of the chapter and book of course does demonstrate Paul’s proclivity to sarcasm. I have always heard verse 19 to me: we must have factions or heresy to know who is correct. Yet from the context it seems to be a part of Paul’s criticism.

I am from the reformed perspective that likes a verse like 19 to affirm somewhat bullish behavior in the church. Even so, to this degree that if God grants a sense of leadership roughshod to win over the layperson, then providentially God has proven roughshod rule to be “approved” in their roughshod behavior. Admittedly it is an odd phrasing.

I bring this up because D.A. Carson is the only commentary I have found bold enough to consider this as part of Paul’s sarcasm. Whereas the church at large has pretty much affirmed vs 19 as “literal.” D.A. Carson does not. And he maps out clearly why its not. I believe this is a great use of biblical discernment. D.A. Carson is a Charismatic of the responsible school. Amen.

So I bring that up to demonstrate that even though I do not see the “sign gifts” in operation today, I try to extend charity where views like this can differ.

Lastly, Pastor JD does have a continuous or Charismatic understanding of the sign gifts such as miracles and healing and prophesy.

The concern today regarding prophesy would be if the insight given a person today about prophesy works the same as it did in the first century. From best I can tell all these gifts are mentioned in the context of “as scripture is still being written.” Prophecy would have with it the sense of supernatural insight God Himself is providing the believer in relation to scripture. It may surprise some to know I do think there is a sense in which God does provide the church with insight in prophecy today. But I would see that in contrast to its function in the first century (because the Canon was not complete yet).

Because prophecy in the 1st century would be supernatural abilities to discern or to speak forth what would not be clearly known or understood in relation to the overall sense of prophecy unfolding in Christ, prophesy gift would function in this way in the local church. However, once the Canon is closed, I would see the word of God being the final authority.

The way I would understand supernatural insight from God today prophetically would be insight God would assist in the believer when looking at scripture or even related events in society. For example, Pastor JD’s concern about the vax I believe would be God granting Pastor JD insight into concerns. How accurate and relevant might be debatable. But it would be similar to God allowing believers today to make sense of things going on today as nearing the tribulation. I believe this ability to see sensitively like so is of His Spirit. I would not categorize it so much as a gift as I would see it as the Father’s character toward His church. Like a Father telling his child not to play in traffic. It would be “sensible” for the Father to impart this insight because of what time it is. Although I would extend this understanding to God likely granting some specific focus on this or that, while others focuses on some other things too. But again I would not see them as gifts like the first century. But more like graces because of what time in history the church finds herself.

There is no reason to overlay the book of revelation with the same spiritual gift in which it had already been canonized, is how I see it. This would more or less be the cessationist view. I believe it it great that many watchers weigh-in with their thoughts and concerns. I believe we have to be extra careful with views like COP28, rapture dates, and theories about potential occurances. When I share my views, it is always from my own convictions. I appreciate Pastor JD sharing from his own convictions. I believe it is healthy in the body of Christ to have pause if believing in supernatural gifts of prophecy as current, not to blend them with our convictions with too much ease. I say this as a cessationist. But we have seen these sorts of blends potentially ascerted as potentially more than conviction in the watcher world (sometimes its an epidemic). When coming from someone like me, its a random persons view. When coming from the public, it is of higher account–all the far more reason for caution. Amen. Blessings.

MARANATHA MARANATHA MARANATHA MARANATHA !!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :+1: :latin_cross:


Did I say"……………… MARANATHA


PS- I agree that when the believer receives Christ, he or she also receives the Holy Spirit and that no other Baptism in the Spirit is needed. Also, as far as God said He will “pour out My Spirit”, isn’t it so that since the day of Pentecost at every new conversion that God pours out His Spirit into each person who comes to Him through Christ? Maybe i was misunderstanding this?

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Lightenings are increasing, never thought it would strike a home, this happened just north of my hometown recently.

Please come quickly Jesus


You are correct.
Romans 5:5 “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”
“…He gives the Spirit without measure…”
Grace and peace


The following is just my personal opinion.

National Security Reports China’s Attacks On Critical U.S. Electric Grid, Food Supply and Water Systems

FBI Director Wray warns China has successfully gained access to companies throughout the U.S. in energy, telecommunications, water and has targeted 23 pipeline operators.

Another shocking report reveals there have already been more than 70 attacks on America’s power grid in a single year.

Security experts have raised the alarm for years about the most vulnerable aspect of our infrastructure in the United States that puts the USA in potential critical danger.

Officials report that attacks on just 9 of the nation’s 55,000 electrical substations could result in nationwide blackouts for up to 18 months.
Our life would be frozen in time right at the moment the power fails. Lights all over the country would go out, throwing people into total chaos and darkness.

Our enemies would just sit back and watch as we self-destruct through looting, rioting and the targeting of police officers. Our government is woefully unprepared.

Let us not forget all the food processing plants that have suddenly had fires and had to shut down, along with mysterious train derailments.

How about the recent China high altitude ballon that flew over the entire US before being shot down over the Atlantic. Or the fact that the Chinese are buying up lands next to our military installations.

I also remember seeing an article that the Chinese and Canadian military held a joint cold weather training exercise next to the US border. And the Chinese are flooding our country with Fentanyl coming in through our well secured Southern border.

What is it going to take before America wakes up.