April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

Hi Wait4Him. Thanks for sharing you understanding. I’d see the pouring out of His Spirit and conversion nuance somewhat also not necessarily the same thing though. Although I would agree with @Robbie that God does as Romans 5 verse demonstrates. Wny I would see a difference though?

As a continouist, it could be thought of as the outpouring since Acts 2 ongoing. Something to consider in that perspective though, if that is true then we don’t need a later sense of Joel 2 (which I believe is mentioned–like an end time pouring out in our day as well). From how a cessationist hears this its like saying this:

  • The Acts outpouring never stopped since the 1st century
  • And there will be another one as we are approaching the tribulation

How can there be another one if the 1st one never stopped would be the cessationist question. Not to be argumentative. But to provide clarity and distinction in difference. Brother or Sister I would say I am not exactly the run of the mill cessationist. I’ve witnessed things myself (beyond my days of being a Charismatic) that I know transcend convention. If whatever that might be is a gift I have no idea what it is or how it is used. Too infrequent and seemingly far more related to the Person of God in how He just interacts with us.

I did meet someone on this forum a few years ago, who said he witnessed an actual town healer in a small town in South America. I have no way of verifying that. But the brother seemed very sincere. Can God grant a person in rural places to have the gift of healing in 2024? If He wants to, sure. But as we have seen in America the sham we make of it, and Pastor JD is right, we don’t see churches with the gift of healing going into hospitals all over the place. To me this strengthens the cessationist perspective. Here is why.

Pastor JD caringly mentioned that gifts like miracles and healing are not just “readily available” gifts to the saints. There seems to be a touch of sparing to how Pastor JD understands that works today (paraphrased). Whereas the way I would understand this is that if we were alive during the 1st century church, I don’t think we would have run into a church where they all have the gift of healing. But I don’t think our sense of it being overly rare back then might enter our way of looking at it because “what it pointed to” would be far more overwhelming. Like we have a saying today, “Does it bring them closer to Jesus.” The cessationist view on the gift of healing would be “Does it testify of this Jesus everyone had been hearing about” kind of thing. If that makes sense? But yeah if God wants to heal He will. And if He wants to grant a season for a church member too in gifted healing for a time, perhaps. I’ve never seen or heard of it besides the person that came to this forum. But I would see that God can do whatever He wants. And that of course might differ on how we categorize such observations we might have regarding how that works or might work. And how we land on perspectives of that perhaps differently.

. . . . .

On a closing note, @Robbie , I believe brother that you know like we have heard in our generation that we only use 10% of our brains? Well not sure how accurate that is, but I would say we likely are well limited in the Western world as to how the Spirit would work in our life had we known or been open to this or that. Amen. So I hear your heart in this way brother. But I really like this commentators brief overview of the context for John 3:34.

For all my Christian walk I never understood the tongues of flames above the heads of saints at Pentecost. Like why tongues of fire? Just within the past year I became aware of fire as the representation of God’s very presence:

  • the pillar of fire as God’s presence with them led moses generation by night
  • Exodus 40:38 sees the fire even in the tent at night when not travling: “For throughout their journeys, the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.”
  • God started Moses altar fire, and stated 3 times the importance for them to keep buring the fire that God started: see gotquestions…

Then came the Law. Outside the tabernacle, the fire for the burnt offering was commanded to be kept burning; never was it to be extinguished. Leviticus 6:13 instructs, “The fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; it must not go out.” This is mentioned three times in this chapter (verses 9, 12, and 13).

One reason the ongoing fire was so important is that it was started directly by God: “Fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed the burnt offering and the fat portions on the altar. And when all the people saw it, they shouted for joy and fell facedown” (Leviticus 9:24). The fire on the altar, therefore, served as a constant reminder of God’s power. It was a gift from heaven. No other source of fire was acceptable to God (see Numbers 3:4).

  • In Soloman’s time too we see fire as the glory of God presence igniter: And 2 Chronicles 7:1-16 demonstrates fire initiating the glory to dwell in Solomon’s temple.

So to see tongues of fire above heads of people at Pentecost would seem to reflect that fire presence of God that use to only generally be in a temple and lead people from the distance…now lives in us…amen.

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I know there will be different views from those more on the cessationist side and those more on the continuouist side. I understand as we have seen earlier on prior to this thread that in the body of Christ the concept of “false teaching” can be perhaps a bit more radioactive then we could otherwise foster discussion with one another as the spirit sanctifies. Personally i don’t believe it is ultimately the most helpful label–views (cessationist/continueism) that are upon the majority of the body…to term it false teaching so much. Because in that we can tend to be dimissive of one another. And since our kingdom, His kingdom, is not of this world. i believe charity where mature historical and biblical striving with one another would be more in line with the character of God whom resides in us…is my take. Blessings.

5 May 2024

Biblical Friendship, John 15:12-15 - Sunday, May 5th, 2024

Expositional teaching utilizing John CH 15:12-15 as an outline for Christians to follow when it comes to establishing biblical friendships. This teaching will examine each verse in its contextual setting, while gleaning from those passages in the hopes to extract and apply why it is most important that we have biblical friends.


While we are being distracted by student protests, WEF is talking about mind & machine: that is pushing blain chip into our minds because satan wants to read them.


American Christians need to check this new bill, will it affect Christians witness and worship?




I know there is a lot of worry about the various state bills and laws that are now being used as an excuse to ban some books of the Bible if not the whole Bible itself but that should not be of great concern. There are places in the world where the Bible is already banned and just having one can land you in prison for a long time even till life or bring your death because you have one. Yet still Bibles keep showing up as needed.

But even for those who never get the chance to see the Bible to them it can often be accounted great faith in that though they have not the word to ready, yet they still believe. Is it not the Holy Spirit that explains the Word of God to us when we have a Bible to read? So to it is the Holy Spirit that puts the Word in the hearts of believers who never get to see it in written form.

I am reminded of a very old piece written by Tex Ritter about a soldier in WWII, who after long 6 day march is in church service and having no Bible or as the tune says even a prayer book, lays out a deck of playing cards only to be charged with playing cards during service. Upon facing the PMO authority then explains how without the Bible his deck of cards is his prayer book, his almanac, his Bible without words. Here have a listen.

Let the heathen attempt to remove the Bible. God will speak to those He chooses and those that seek Him diligently. With God anything is possible.


Amen - Jack you are a wisdom of belief directed by the Holy Spirit and I love reading your posts - may God richly bless you and your family as we wait for HIM - I don’t respond much but always love your heart for our Blessed Hope - MARANATHA


I have a theory. It is possible that those in favor of a Trump election win in November might push something like HR 6090 for now (since Trump also included an Executive Order using the same IHRA defintion of anti-semitism to threaten cutting school funding for non-compliance) to qaush Uinversity manufactured protests. Like a way to deflate globalist upstarts using Hamas rhetoric. Then, 6090 goes to Supreme Court next year and is ruled unconstitutional. Like the far left do.


The Noahide Laws
Text - H.J.Res.104 - 102nd Congress (1991-1992): To designate March 26, 1991, as “Education Day, U.S.A.”. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

“Whereas **Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical **
**values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and **
upon which our great Nation was founded;
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock
of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as
the Seven Noahide Laws;
Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of
civilization stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;
Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening
of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and
threaten the fabric of civilized society; …”

emphasis added

rules of the Noahide that make the belief in Jesus Christ a crime punishable by decapitation. Drop the 1st amendment and they got the Antichrist system.




The Noahide Laws seem to have Islamic belief within the laws themselves but yet seems to be in the Talmud. I think? I checked with the Quran and it shows possible traces of the Noahide laws but falls back on the Maimonides writings - Judaism. It seems to have falling away from the Torah??? Does anyone know more about this?

The Noahide laws would seem to attach with the new Bill they are trying to pass about the Bible.


The school funding will not be cut. I wish that was the case. The US Department of Education is ultimately a very big part of this due to their ties with UN. There was warning by Charlotte Iserbyt but they did nothing. Our government is the problem.

Iserbyt_Soviets in classro copy (deliberatedumbingdown.com)

Did I post this in the wrong place? oh boy…just haven’t been on for awhile and feel a little lost. :rofl:


Amen Qtip. Personally i believe the US Constitution is the first seal and will conquer the world for a minute. I might be mistaken, but yeah i’m a total supporter of the 1st amendment. An0maly covers a lot of that on youtube and tracks the social media trends on that. Great time to witness how loud the 1st ammendment issue has become. Amen. Blessed time to be alive.



Yeah the DOE is a funny place to use for the appearance of right wing politcal moves. Like trying to shutdown school funding to sqaush the Hamas support. Its almost like one entity (DOE) eroding the system from one end while protests do it from another. It would probably do tthe country some good to just defund the DOE. Amen. Thanks for the article. Your posting in a “contraversail” update…so its probably ok to post here. Just my thoughts. Blessings. And thanks for posting again. Good to see you around. :+1:


we tried to shut it down but they are attached to the labor board. :sweat_smile:

Educational data is the most highly data wanted. It isn’t just for indoctrination. Especially when they steal the information from our children without medical consent. When they become college age, it is game on for them. testing is where it is at. No parent is hearing the bells from others…actually we were using sirens.


Wow!! It’s all coming together!!

:rotating_light::rotating_light:MIND BLOWING!!

WE KNOW…according to the Books Daniel (9:27) and Revelation (13) that the coming antichrist will “confirm a covenant with many” for 7 YEARS!!

Saudi Arabia, the U S., Netanyahu and other Arab nations are discussing a “Peace plan” for Gaza and ultimately peace with Israel with Arab nations for;
7 YEARS!!!
They will start with a 7-10 framework…

MW Breeden


That is why very strange for every USA presidents ( be it left or right leanings ) signed this Noahide law renewal ( Designating April 2, 1993, as ‘‘Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.’’.).

The Noahide Laws, also known as the Seven Laws of Noah, are a set of moral imperatives that, according to the Talmud, were given by God as a binding set of laws for the “children of Noah” – that is, all of humanity.

Let me say here, the Talmud is NOT God’s Word at all, do not mix or add these to the OT.

The Talmud (Hebrew for “study”) is one of the central works of the Jewish people. It is the record of rabbinic teachings that spans a period of about six hundred years, beginning in the first century C.E. and continuing through the sixth and seventh centuries ( 100-700AD).

If you look at the origins, the Scripture canon is closed at the end of Apostle John’s letter of Revelation. No other additional scripture is needed.

By using Genesis Noah story alone, I can refute Noahide Laws completely because God never gave that law to all mankind to obey!

Remember we need to discern and test test test everything!

Teren, your friend An0maly has this out:


Yes, I agree that it was very odd that each president signed it.

Thank you for that! so it is out of the Talmud. Interesting! The discussion of the crucifixion of Jesus is part of the new bill they have introduced. The connection is rather quite amazing to me. To put scripture together on how Jesus died how we are to pick up the cross and follow Him. It could possibly be literal, for those in mid tribulation. He died due to their disbelief, and they accused of blasphemy. Wow the connection is stunning. Am I crazy to see that?

People don’t understand…The Rothschild family claims to be jewish decent, but that doesn’t mean that they are supportive of Isreal. They are a demonic family! and maybe this is why we are supposed to be praying for salvation of the Jews.

Love will disappear.

My heart aches for the nonbelievers. I pray and cry for them. We are going home soon. It is a feeling, a strong feeling. It is more than a feeling…does that make sense? :woman_shrugging:

The blessings to be able to see! God seems to allow ones to see and others not. Christians need to read their Bibles! We are told about prophecy but yet people don’t want to hear it. I guess that is why we are told in scripture that we will be blessed if we hear. :grin:

The hope and excitement of being united with our Father is like nothing I have ever felt.


I am going to pour out my heart. I have done research for so many years. I have compiled a great and mighty collection of paperwork that I have filed in boxes for evidence. I know my journey, was my journey but I have always wondered why God allowed me to find and to retain it. It wasn’t my fight! Trying to open the eyes of parents, grandparents, family and friends was nearly impossible if God didn’t open them first. Maybe, it was all for me to see the devil’s schemes behind things on this planet? Everyone that I knew in educational research pulled their kids completely away from the system. Maybe that is why? - for me to homeschool? All this paperwork will burn, and all will perish. I pray that maybe after the rapture someone will read through it, see our Bibles with notes and get a wah-wah moment?? :crazy_face: It is hard to say but only God knows.

When my brain connected the dots on everything, I was sick to my stomach to see the unloving and uncaring souls out there. Humans are nothing to them! If we are made out goop, then that makes sense. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:But we are made in God’s image, and we are uniquely made. He loves us and will not forsake us.

It is like a puzzle to me, connect the pieces. I dig deep into everything. Dot to Dot person. :rofl: and I always have to remind myself:

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 6:12 NKJV




I believe we can look at something like this and see a wink in the direction of AC. However, there is a possibility (from what i have seen in the watcher community) to move tribulation events into the age of grace.

We all want to see and rejoice over scripture being true unfolding before our eyes. Amen. But honstely my take on this is in relation to Ez 38 which comes likely sooner than the AC. Israel needs to be dwelling in peace and safety, not for the AC to make a covenant with the many. Israel must dwell in peace and safety in order for Ez 38 to occur.

Ez 38 is the biggest portion of prohetic scripture on any one subject. It is likely presented in the bible as such perhaps aware of the tendency to bring Revelation and Daniel into our social moment a bit ahead of time. With this in mind, it is likely Trump will win, Abraham Accords strengthened, and Saudi Arabia normalize with Israel. Giving Israel super power and safety…which is when Ez 38 hits them–it would seem.

If we see this as the AC covenant with the many, we might not see so clearly what the events over the next year tend to play into. This is just my view. But there are growing communities outside of the general watcher view that see the pgragmatic value in what is likely unfolding. Blessings.


@Blessed Hi sister,

Here is another video for your mother-in-law to watch if you want to send this to your husband and he might want to watch this with her, it’s only 3:55 mins long. God bless :slightly_smiling_face: