April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

by Israel, we could mean the people, ie the average citizen.
Or, we could mean the political and religious leaders, which, in my opinion, are definitely supported by the Rothschilds.


yes, I agree because this is where the next piece comes in. Personally, I think there is a number of people confused with this…How many different types of Jews are out there? Ashkenazim Jews, The Yeshiva Jews, etc. do they all follow Torah? Should they be, yes. Isn’t that why they are to go through the tribulation? Tribulation for the Jewish Nation!

Are there Islamic Jews? The Noahide Laws tends to have similar beliefs with Islamic beliefs. It sounds possible, in my opinion, that the Talmud and Quran were created in the same time frames.

This is why it is so very important to know The Holy Bible…People will be deceived.

The Seven Noahide Laws seem to be listed under Talmudic Doctrine and not under The Bible. This is not God’s Word! This was slipped into law by Congress and so far, it is my understanding that our 1st amendment is stopping it from being pushed through completely. It has been hiding for a while in a law dedicated to education holiday.

The Noahide Laws are for the “children of Noah” not the children of Abraham. Basically all gentiles. The law is universal!

…it is about control over people.

The law is so vague that Christians could be punished for “idolatry” because we believe in the Trinity. Christians are not “monotheistic” in their eyes. What is interesting is Islam is and has been considered “Noahides” because they have one god.

This is clearly the antichrist system in the background.

The Bible is no where mentioned nor do they claim that “The Noahide Laws” was written by God.
This is all demonic!
We must pray for salvation for the Jews and pray for the world. Our time is running out!

I am still reading on this stuff!


Oh man. It’s really gonna heat up very soon in Israel. Hezbollah is just waiting to get started with their A GAME. Rafah might just be that spark :rocket: The Israeli War Cabinet unanimously decided to give Israeli troops the green light to go into Rafah to exert military pressure on Hamas in order to promote the release of the hostages and to remove the last hardened Hamas stronghold.

The FULL Scale ground invasion of Rafah is getting ready to get started and this will upset the entire world. The neighboring Arab enemies sounding Israel are going to do more than just warn Israel not to go into Rafah. They will want blood.

Soon they will want to wipe Israel off the map, and that the name of Israel be removed. They want a 1 state solution. They want the name of Palestine :palestinian_territories: to take the place of ISRAEL.

The unsuccessful siege of Jerusalem will be coming up in the not too distant future.
Zechariah 12:1-9 in particular.

Buckle up and look :up: It’s gonna get wild.

Israeli forces are moving in tonight to capture the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza in the next few hours. The IDF plans to control the Gazan side of the crossing and monitor ALL aid coming into Gaza.

In the next 24 hours:

  1. Hamas will start declaring that Israel has massacred hundreds of civilians in Rafah. The international media will automatically parrot and repeat these claims.

  2. The UN will warn that famine is imminent in Rafah- despite the fact that thousands of aid trucks have entered the city.

  3. The hated of Israel will continue to grow as Israel will be declared a war criminal. Both for NOT evacuating civilians and then also FOR evacuating civilians. Hamas & the UN’s UNRWA will try to keep as many civilians in the line of fire with horrendous pictures and videos coming in the days ahead. Hamas has a history of killing Gazans trying to flee to safety and then blaming Israel for the massacre.


Yes, I agree that, like Ruth clinging to Naomi, we do well to cling to the written and Living Word of God.
Do not put your trust in man, even though he bear the title of teacher or pastor or doctor.
There are many wolves disguised as shepherds in these last perilous, violent and perplexing times.
I know a little of the subject you have been referring to, partly from a book I read from Deanne Loper, describing how those who are Kabbalists and Talmudists worship a “pig” god, something to do with tetragrammon (sp.?).
Also, devotion to ‘sacred’ gematria is key.
To them, worship of Jesus Christ as God and man is not only sacrilegious but blasphemous, & punishable by the death by beheading.
Schneerson is no friend of Jesus.It is interesting how the presidents starting with Bush Sr. paid homage to him.
The true enemy of the state is not the Jew (yet)-it is the Bible-believing, born-again truster in Jesus Christ, our God and Savior. We have been entrusted, for a season, with the only way out of this planet alive: the Gospel (good news) that all have sinned; there are none righteous; the payment of sins is death-but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. I believe that He died for my sins, and trust in His finished work, and at that moment I am born again-saved once and forever.
Grace and peace.



noahides01.pdf (daat.ac.il)
Here are the seven Noahide laws that I have found with the US PL102-14 102d Congress Resolution:

  1. The prohibition of idolatry
  2. The prohibition of blasphemy
  3. The prohibition of bloodshed
  4. The prohibition of sexual offenses
  5. The prohibition of theft
  6. Requirement of dinim (to establish a legal system)
  7. Prohibition against eating the flesh of a living animal

“In recent years we are witnessing renewed interest in the Noahide commandments. Various groups that bear the name Noahides wish to learn of their Noahide obligations. The Noahide obligation to establish a just legal system constitutes a point of commonality between the Jewish People and other nations on the most fundamental level of social existence. In 1991, in recognition of the ninetieth year
of Rabbi M. M. Schneerson (the Lubavitcher rebbe), the U.S. Congress issued a joint resolution reaffirming the commitment of the American people to the moral and ethical values contained in the seven Noahide commandments (see Appendix III). The resolution expressed concern for
the deterioration of fundamental human values in our time. The resolution concluded by declaring a day devoted to the study of the moral and ethical values embodied in the Noahide commandments.”

Have the Noahide Laws been recognized by any governments? – Noahide Academy (noahide-academy.com)
"Other world leaders have joined the call for further observance and knowledge of these laws. For example, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Union wrote (in July, 2014) that he seeks greater “dissemination of the universal values known as the Noahide Laws,” and Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor General of Australia, lamenting family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse in modern society in a 2008 letter, wrote that he believed that observing the fundamental values of the Noahide Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society.

We only need to look at the havoc in which we find ourselves living today in order to recognize the validity of these truthful assertions."

I will no longer be looking at this information. I found what I was looking for. We need to pray and keep our eyes focused on God. Our time is drawing near! I can’t wait to see our glorious Father and worship Him.


It is ALL in God’s plan. The plan that is designed by our Maker. There should be no blame because it is a perfect designed plan - using individuals as a potter does with clay…vessels. This had to happen for us to move forward. This law could fall flat with no prospering forward. ONLY GOD KNOWS!

Forgiveness and love our enemies, Pray for them.

Only God knows their hearts!


offenses will come;
but woe to the one by whom they come.


Hi Robbie. Out of curiosity, what do you make of Hamas agreeing to cease fire after meeting with the CIA and US witholding military to Israel simultanously?

To me this looks like terror groups are CIA children and US leverage to withhold arms to Israel as the bargaining chip to leave Israel out of the negotiation. Like Hamas agreed with the CIA for ceasefire without negotiating with Israel. And US would then pressure Israel into agreeing by witholding military aid.

In your view would this be a reasonable conclusion? Blessings.


Hi Robbie,
Sorry for the delay. I just have to step away for a few and pray. My heart hurts on what I had found out and it is hard to let go. I have tried really hard to not have sinful thoughts throughout my days. This might sound really weird, I don’t know but if I were to die, I do not want that to be in my heart and mind. I know that sounds strange. I think everyone is feeling the pulls and tugs of this evil world one way or another and it’s hard to not have bad thoughts a time or two because we are human. We are all human, even the ones that are doing this. Okay some may be demonic, but they still are God’s creation. I just have to give it all to God. We all know it doesn’t work in the end…it fails! We know who wins. We have to give it ALL to Him!

You are so right…They will be judged!


United Methodist Church Affirms And Celebrates Its Fall Into Apostasy
The United Methodist Church voted on May 3 to change its bylaws, repealing its longstanding ban on same-sex marriages by its clergy or in its churches. The change allows clergy to be homosexuals themselves and to perform all homosexual ceremonies celebrating homosexual unions.

Another One bites the dust…Come Lord Jesus and save us from this wicked place.


My heart hurts…The US turned its back to God :sob: We were a nation once blessed for a short time.

Please, come quickly Lord Jesus



It sends me into a very negative tailspin so I’m not going to elaborate on my thoughts on that and a load of other burdensome signs.


Let not our hearts be troubled.

Consume chocolate.

Laugh out loud. Cuz Satan’s goin’ DOWN! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you so much!

You are so right.
Chocolate sounds really good. It is so funny…have to share this - I remember the food fights on here. love those days! miss the people. I find it funny when I started down this path with cancer everyone wanted me to change my diet…i did but now I have been told to enjoy my days and moments. Food sounds great…sugary the better. :crazy_face: :rofl: My guts go through turmoil afterwards but who really cares at this point, right? :joy: :joy:

maybe I will run to the store. Thank you!

Chocolate and the Bible - can’t go wrong with that :heart:


Well I don’t want to inspire you to do anything that you ought not but let’s just say “chocolate” is a metaphor for….don’t worry…be happy :wink:

Maybe it’s pistachios or tuna salad or artichokes? :grin:


What a blast that was. You have to admit, we’re a pretty resourceful bunch! :grin:


It is good, Q; you remind me of Stephen who, when he was stoned, prayed, “Lord do not charge them with this sin.”
A high mindset which is most worthy, and more like our Lord.



yeah, baby!
Pass the Hershey’s!


Robbie, thank you…I struggle so much at times. I hurt so much for others at this moment. I want to scream out to the parents and loved ones, even a 2x4 across the head would be a thought but I can’t, we can’t. It is so hard to know and to watch!
I try so very hard to allow God to help capture my negative thoughts. I struggle, just like everyone else.


Amen, Ken.
" and delivered righteous Lot, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked" 2 Pet.2:7


OH YEAH, now that is what I am talking about. :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum: :joy:

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