April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

What happened to the group? I know a lot of people have a lot going on. I pray for them, when they come to mind.


I’m so glad to be alive during this time in history to see so much prophecy unfolding right before my eyes, that was predicted thousands of years ago. We’re literally watching the Bible come alive right now. What the Prophets and the Apostles predicted and even Jesus Himself predicted, we are so very blessed to see it come to pass. I’m so excited.

A red cardinal was passing by from where i was sitting at work. A God wink moment :heart:


1.Source: USA Today. Reputable, perhaps; reliable?
2.In these last days, we are seeing a dichotomy: more information at a click, yet more deception=more people being deceived (yes, including me) due to disinformation, misinformation, etc.
3. As the legendary Austin Powers would say, “Who does number two work for?”
[translation: who does Hamas work for? Some would say Islam, or Satan, which is likely; some would say they, like the CIA, are installed by the puppet masters-which to me is most likely.
I would look at the writings of Albert Pike, Free Mason idol, who “predicted” [they do have a plan, a playbook] the first two world wars; and it appears his ‘prediction’ of WW3 is being fomented by creating and manufacturing strife in the Middle East.
But they are fulfilling God’s word and prophecy, who said Ishmael will be a wild donkey.
So, was Hamas created by Israel?
Answer: it does not matter, at least prophetically, since ‘these things’ must come to pass.
On a judicial and moral level, it matters at least, to me, that our beloved United States and Israel are in the business of fomenting wars, which causes thousands upon thousands of innocents to be slaughtered.
This world is not our home (Phil.3:20); Jesus Christ is coming soon to snatch us out just in time. Then, after 7 years, we shall rule and reign with Him.
What is your take on things, brother Teren (whom I hope to see in the clouds any day)?
Grace and peace :heart:

Yeah, it’s the same old story of the bankers/financiers funding all sides to manipulate their desired outcome.
They have no national allegiance, only to their god Lucifer.


Philippians 3:20-21
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

Got to meet Jeff Kinley a few weeks ago at my friend’s church in Yukon, Ok. They had a Prophecy Conference at her church. Todd Hampson and Jeff Kinley.


I’m calling a Red Alert.
Biblical prophecy is exploding now!! Jesus is coming!!

John Traczyk


Thank you sister! It is helpful for me to see and listen often because Satan is so crafty with this false religion and there are not enough people who teach against this hence you need to be reminded… You know he is crafty when you see that he has deceived Christians about this religion.

What is sad is that for some people I know, who are born again (as far as I can know) don’t see this… and the only thing i can figure, from the Bible as to why they don’t see this?
They love their families/friends more than the Lord.
They love the lies more than the truth. They love their comfort. They are ignorant of the Word and RCC teachings. One or more of these.
Rather than examining this religion and its teachings in the RCC catechism against the Holy Word they would rather assume it’s all the same . There is a strong delusion or a strong bondage there… the tie of family or comfort that wins over the Word of the Lord. And it should shake everyone to the core.

Two sisters in Christ, in Bible studies this past year during our group study time (when talking about other things) have said of their mothers who were RCC and have died “oh but they loved the Lord!”…
Ultimately however what Lord did they love? Who was this Lord that they worshipped? BC if they are following the teachings of their religion, they have a false Christ; they don’t have the biblical Christ. It’s very similar to the Quran, where they feature “Isa”… the Jesus they created as their version, just like RCC made their version. Only RCC is so much more deceiving bc we share some truths together (trinity for ex).
If they loved the Biblical Lord and were indeed born again, they would not have stayed in the RCC… The two are not congruent. Oh you can get in conversation with a person following RCC and it’s easy to think you are on the same page… but you are not. You might use the same lingo. But you are not following the same teachings, the same grace, the same justification, the same sanctification and on and on.

The Jesus that was created by the Catholic church is this (from their cathecism)*source Proclaimingthegospel mike Gendron:

  • He did not save sinners completely
    -He did not give assurance of salvation
    -He did not completely pay the punishment for sin
    -He did not purify all sins
    -He returns physically to earth every day
    -He did not finish the work of redemption
    -He did not redeem man from the curse of the law
    -He is not the only sinless mediator
    -He is not the only way to God

This is the Jesus that the Catholics worship. Does he look like the Biblical Jesus in any way shape or form ? They also have a false Gospel which is no Gospel at all .
When you look at Mike Gendron’s website and the testimonies of the people who finally had their eyes opened and came out of RCC it is amazing. When you see the RCC people who write to him (shown in his newsletters) your heart breaks for them and the bondage they are in. When I think about the criticism /persecution Mike and his wife and others receive, even among the “church” for preaching the Gospel and truth to these people it leads me to pray more and more for them. A very difficult ministry. Because even so called Christians won’t get in the Word and properly examine this. They love their families more than the Lord. And actually, I wouldn’t call it love. They love themselves too much to share the truth. They don’t want to rock the boat. They don’t want to create conflict. They want everyone to get along. And they certainly don’t care where their family members are going. When you don’t have the right Jesus and you don’t have the right Gospel, well, you aren’t going to heaven.

Lastly sister, I have found that pointing out RCC errors (like the video above for ex) to a RCC believer may cause them to be defensive which is understandable. It can be helpful to ask them questions to get them to think and share Scripture …every situation unique of course. Mike G does a nice job teaching on this. It takes time and is very hard work. ESP because you have the Church that is ecumenical and deceived. And in this regard, they are doing satan’s bidding.

I do not go out witnessing with Christians who have been deceived into thinking RCC = Christianity.
When new people come to our group wanting to join, aside from getting their testimony about Jesus, this is one of the first questions asked. Do they understand what RCC is and that it is not Christianity? If they don’t understand we ask them to learn from Mike Gendron’s website. If they still don’t want to understand it, they are not welcome to join. This is 101 stuff.

Sorry if I am harsh to anyone in this message. I have had it up to here with satans schemes , If you knew how much born again Christians suffer for sharing the truth you would be mad too. And to think, they suffer mostly from the Church who persecutes them! God help us all


For your consideration:
(please pardon the title, as the content is rational, relevant and thought provoking)

p.s. in Pastor’s absence, I am currently viewing “Classic BPU’s.”
Very relevant and informative, indeed!
Watched Oct.31 2021 & Feb.5 2023.
Noted: Trump made a vax deal with Moderna on January 2020!
Two of JD’s pastor friends took the jab and died soon after (death report said due to covid complications. Whatever.).
Also, Gates admitted that the “vaccines” were not effective; and, bragged how much millions he has made on vaccine sales. Obscene.
Finally, Pastor continued to re-assure believers who had been jabbed that this in no way affects neither their salvation nor their relationship with God; we belong to Him, are heirs of Him; and there is no judgment for those in Christ Jesus (Rom.8:1,35-39).
Grace and peace, brothers and sisters :heart:


OK, don’t know if this means anything but talking to my friend who works in Congress. Non-believer stated that the PL 102-14, 102d Congress, 1st session HJ Res. 104 1991 is nothing, it is a Resolution, and it is not a Bill.

Could answer none of my questions regarding, what the Noahide Laws were but swore there is nothing to be worried about.

Apparently, it was Introduced 01/31/1991, and on 03/20/1991 Became Public Law.

Excerpts from “Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know” by Deanne Loper, 2019.
(For fair use and educational purposes)
“Many of his[rabbi Itzhak Shapira] statements were deeply disturbing, such as the claim that when Yeshua returns, he will destroy Edom [those Christians who are not aligned with the current state of Israel].” “…Shapira’s book is deeply rooted in the kabbalistic tenets of past Jewish sages…[believes that] Yeshua is Metatron-the (fallen)angel who gives knowledge to mankind [sounds like Lucifer-Robbie] and a prominent figure in the writings of Kabbalah & the Babylonian Talmud. Equally disturbing is Shapira’s consistent use of gematria (Jewish divination)…” p.8
“…Shapira has shared platforms with some of today’s leading Evangelical Christian personalities, all of whom adhere to the popular message of a political Zionist Israel-centered gospel versus the incorruptible gospel of Jesus Christ, Who is the fulfillment of all Scripture…as with any work on this subject, many will label the book as anti-Semitic, when…it is simply a compilation of kabbalistic methods of enlightenment …based on doctrines of demons…” p.9
“…Kabbalah is sorcery…consulting with demons to obtain secret knowledge…” p.17
“The occult practice utilizes gematria (numerology)…” p.18
“The Babylonian Talmud is the basis for the 7 Noahide Laws. Sanhedrin 56a of the Babylonian Talmud states “One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the 7 laws subjects the Noachide to capital punishment by decapitation.”
“…if a Christian acknowledges that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, or God manifest in the flesh, he is guilty of the crime of idolatry.”
" While these laws are not yet in effect, they are already considered “binding on all men” and have been written into the legal system under Public Law in the U.S.” p.53

On page 62 is an image of Leviathan/ouroboros (serpent eating it’s tail); in the center is the start of David; in the center of the star is the cross with the circle on top; on top of the star is a swastika!?!
This is the seal of theosophy, of which the Babylonian Talmud is a branch:
No believer in Jesus Christ should have ties or sympathies with Theosophy.

Article from NBC News Dec.2021:

MAGA MEGA=Make Eugenics Great Again


8 May 2024



Would that include white chocolate??


The forum closed a lot of the social topics like nature pictures and food fights down. Even the prayer requests…
Even the topics i didnt join in it was nice seeing they werte there


I’m biased toward chocolate chocolate but to each her own! :joy:

Our daughter loves your white chocolate as well. :grin:


Thought of y’all at the grocery earlier today :grin:



God didn’t make white chocolate, man did. There’s no such a thing lol.


The Forum should have at least kept the food fight thread open for fun. Thank you @DallasT that started the thread and for all the laughters in the difficult times, they did help. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yes Robbie…Freemasonry is behind it with Islamic ties to Judaism

The Resolution could be binding to United Nations, International Law…it depends on the language used and if it leaves room for interpretation. I am not an expert so i was reading off the United Nations Charter.

We definitely don’t get enough of the Dallas T’s “hee hee’s” anymore. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::heart:


That is cool!!! God just knows when we need a little encouragement. :joy:


Those are good finds…it has taken me a few to connect the dots to freemasonry. Good job!
Thank you for posting that.
I knew the dots were there, just needed to find it.

Is there Bible prophecy of the return of Babylon?

Babylonian Talmud - just saying :woman_shrugging: