April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

I personally loved all those…the laugh one too or even the old people posts. :joy:

This is getting harder, and the uplifting posts were really fun. I miss them!

I am thinking the internet will not be available for a lot of us due to blackouts. we lose our power for at least 7 days at a time and it is getting more frequent. So, while we have the power can we please open the other posts. Unless there were issues that we don’t know from this end.


part one…

I agree media will deceive. For me though I would see that God as sovereign and transcendent beyond the enemy that even though there has been massive historical deception, I believe God as a transcendent being (and the definer of all other beings) because of His great “I AMness,” would by nature of His being who He is – it would stand to reason that in His creation fallen there would be strong elements of reality that remain…because even though fallen…it was His creation. Even further i guess i would say that since mankind has been created in His image, that realm even fallen would have properties of the creator that would still stand (being of the nature of by whom they were created). Add to that the flood and the cross and we would have time epochs that seem to be further refining by the creator toward reality and toward a more profoundness of His nature’s intent for His creation (even fallen).

For example, the flood reset the stage in general. Whereas in the arena of time (democracy being within a few hundred years of the cross), after the cross we went from monarchs ruling the world to democracies. And although all of course is fallen, the idea of democracy would lean more toward what is more humane and sober about human governance.

Further still we would see that the information age (internet) brings with it the ability to get out from underneath local propoganda. And provides access to perspective outside the conditioning of immediate corporate influence. And in general it would seem advance clearity within the context of general revelation to have a leg up on challenging false narratives. An ability (still flawed of course) toward more sober comprehensions. Like going from Dark Ages to modernism we could see that myths about science would evolve into clarity about how better to treat disease. On its merits, it we would see that modern medicine ideas were more in keeping with the way reality is compared to superstitions of the dark ages.

No doubt postmodernism brings with it the fall and more refined levels of how distorted the fall plays itself out in our minds and hearts. But “in general” people live longer because of modernity. We could say that modern medicine was all a lie and there is no reality to people living longer, but that would be not in keeping with what had actually occurred historically. So like just saying on that note, in general, we do see properties of the “I Amness” in how general revelation also works. In Romans 1 we see that general revelation itself is sober enough by which God can hold creation accountable kind of thing too.

I did some deep dive research on this a while back. And I did it just wanting to know because I used to watch On Point Preparedness on YouTube (Mike is a believer but sees the church going through the tribulation–so I differed with him but found a lot of his research interesting). He would use that Albert Pike Quote at times. At the time what began over the many months to be a question for me was: “It looks like Albert Pikes statements and prophecy line up together.” And it just stood out to me as odd that Pike would be one of our prophets of sorts. And increasingly what seemed to be the case in those days a few years back is that indeed did it look much like Freemasonry aligned with how some in the church would understand Christianity. And it caused pause no doubt. So was it the word of God or Pike we might be tracking with was my concern.

What I discovered is that there is no such physical letter by which Pike predicted WW2 and WW3. So I guess my challenge would be, if you can find the actual legitmate letter affirmed to have existed in the archives of electronic media (and it not be someone sourcing it–but documented confirmation of its existence) I would be interested to see that. Because where my research led me was some detailed discoveries that this letter was never affirmed produce able but seems to have been ideas about Pike handed down through the decades to where it would seem in our age to constitute a level of fake news. This is where my research led brother. So yeah, if you find documentable proof of that letter it would interest me.

It would seem rather that Pike’s letter is likened to meme’s posted on Facebook that get shared enough to where snopes posts about if something is real or not (noting that snopes is certainly not the arbitor of truth and accuracy of course). But this kind of thinking today seems to go with the age we live in. So its good to note where some of those inconsistency can arrive from.

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part two…

So my take on things is that I try to look at things in terms of probability. That is of course secondary to God’s infallible word…but we are given to at times read things into that. So yeah I believe in weighing things out. Like what saying everything is false might look like to me is Jonestown. Where we can rewrite all the scripts. So there is that lesson from history (more recent would be David Koresh version of that). In respect to that I don’t start with everything is false. But rather what can rise to stronger levels of probability. Please keep in mind that in so doing I am not saying this in contrast to the Word. But rather maybe in contrast to views I or we might have read into the Word. So the Word will stand. But what we make of it in places may not so much.

Thanks for asking my view. Well that would be in general that yes Biden wants and needs WW3. This will look in great alignment with Pike presumed. But I would just see that as cover for global reset hopefuls. What seems most likely is that we get close to WW3 this year as a means to undermine authentic vote in the USA. This probably sounds selfish. But I am not exactly super proud of America. We have a lot of flaws, amen. But it would make sense to me that America stands a chance of being in prophecy because of the Abraham Accords, the Saudi normalization and the need for a strong and peace and safety Israel to T up to Ez 38. In that sense because of prophesy, I’d say America stands a likely huge chance of being strong for Israel’s sake.

Israel becomes stronger and at peace because they are being cued up for Ez 38 entrance into the tribulation. Not because of Maga. I don’t think in terms of Maga. I think in terms of what will make Israel strong right now. Because it would seem to me that Ezekiel 38 to be a hotter focus than what else might trend us into the tribulation. In that respect it would seem (if correct, and of course I could be reading things totally inaccurately), that the Abraham Accords exist to bring Israel peace and safety with USA backing (as the US agreed to protect Saudi Arabia militarily if it normalized with Israel). That is the overall direction I see as most salient in any version of prophecy. To miss that, would lead perhaps to many other rabbit holes (pending of course that I am even looking at things accurately of course).

So yeah bottom line is Ez 38 being the triumphant end of age of grace hotspot in my view. That is not to say that along the way to November America not go through protests, riots, violence, and likely even terrorism along the way…with a WW3 potential towards its close as a cherry on top as it were. So yeah that would be my best Guesstimation.

In general my rule of thumb is kind of this: Yes everything is cloudy and distorted but can there be some discoverables along the way that line up to some portrait of sense making? I believe there can be. And I don’t believe it is because John, Joe, or Sue see something unique in scripture. I think maybe its as simple as noticing that the most detailed prophecy in scripture on any one subject (Ez 38), and being that Israel is a prime focus of God in transition…if we see what that looks like (removing any other watcher trappings to boot), it permits viewing I imagine a way to see Abraham Accords beyond an antichrist trope and aligns it in an age of grace where Israel is not yet subject to that level of testing yet. So yeah I would just see I guess like which prophecy to we see as having maximum weight today. The watcher community would see Revelation. I would see Ez 38. They go together of course. But where we align our thinking in relation (Revelation first or Ezekiel 38 first) will help fill in the other blanks according to which one of those “focus points” is what everything else we think about rides on. If that makes sense? Blessings.


My favorite was the nature pics some of them were so beautiful…and photis of pets lol




It is documented in William Guy Carr’s book “Pawns in the Game” which I was very interested in & read about 12-15 years ago.
Here is a link via the wayback machine:

this is akin to stating that a fox is not a guardian of the henhouse :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The secret societies generally do not publish their true secrets, according to my recollection of understanding. So it should not be surprising if either, a) it was never written for the general public; and/or b)it has been scrubbed from the internet.


Oh, yes there is. White chocolate is from the same cacao beans as other chocolates, white chocolate production involves a little twist. Chocolatiers take the brown cocoa solids out of the original chocolate equation entirely, using only the cocoa butter. The cocoa butter is then mixed with sugar, milk products, lecithin, vanilla. :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hello @Qtip , this may interest you:

Funny because

Take a look at the verbiage used by WEF and United Nations,
Why rule of law is the bedrock of sustainable development | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
"rule law is the bedrock of sustainable developement…’

I usually never go with rumble …I go directly to the source. A lot of reading and a lot of research!!!

United Nations is using the same verbage
The Role of the UN in Promoting the Rule of Law: Challenges and New Approaches | United Nations

“The rule of law is the bedrock

What does the Resolution say?

What is the “Rule of law”?

Now look at the UN Charter VI, especially article 38 and then Chapter VII

They deal with International and private law. US Government is taught under United Nation LAW!

My uncle was an attorney, he passed away just recently…I asked him specifically if they are trained in the US Constitution-guess what nope!
WE ARE DEALING WITH LAW - the law of the world. It will not be obvious until the flip the switch
National and International levels all mixed into one big package. Enforcement laws, public safety, peace…

Globalization of the World under “Rule of Law” is taking some time but they do have it there.
They have to establish law. We all know this will fail and it is not a so-called rainbow movement. lol

By the way…the government will not just hand the information over to us on a silver platter. They know most people are fearful, on anxiety meds now, and do not have the time to read documents 600 pages long. They use verbiage to hide their goal but when you find the right verbiage it all clicks.

It seems that using the Talmudic is more important than the Torah and if you erase the Bible then it will be good. Change history to work for them. What was created first Torah or Talmudic?

and you thought you can trip me up on the Rumble thing. :joy: :joy: :rofl:
My friend doesn’t see this either and she works in Congress. I don’t think many people do. This is why I never trust man! My guts get tied in knots and I know JD has ulcers. :sweat_smile: Cause this stuff is real and it hurts me…I can’t imagine how our Father feels. :sob:


If you look at the person who the US so highly put on a pedestal, you will see what where his influences.

We can see the culture instilled into him, the religion background. Doesn’t matter about the word “Jew” look at the influences that one individual had in his life and why would the US grab onto him years ago? What did the US do when they put this person on a pedestal?

It is really sad but telling the US that this was the bedrock of civilization, really sent goose bumps up my arm. Why did they let this say that because it’s just a “Resolution” but not really?? This is being taught in our “public schools” along with the influence of this “Rebbe”. This along with “Nazi style” indoctrination.

Look at the bigger picture now!

Okay now add the Babylon Talmud…It does have Islamic influence, Judaism and Freemasonry embedded in it. I can prove that with the research I have done.

It is actually mind blowing to me because if go back to why the Tribulation…

The Tribulation is for the Jewish Nation

The Bible time and time again gives us a timeline picture of what the Jewish nation did over and over. This is no different. They are falling for the civilization around them. It is crazy to watch this unfold.

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Yes-playing the harlot, until the sins are fulfilled at the end of the seventy weeks (Daniel 9:24-27).
I have seen many Scriptures that strongly hint to Jerusalem being that harlot-the great city which kills the prophets, who is guilty of the blood of the martyrs.
Does that sound like New York city to anyone?
This world is being run by the lowest of men (and women), but they are all subject to the Sovereign God (Daniel 2:20-22, 4:17).
Listening to classic JD, was reminded that when we are weak, we are strong, and Paul rejoiced in his infirmities (2 Cor.12). These trials are developmental training (Hebrews 12), and loosen our grip on this temporary world (2 Cor.4:18).
“In the day of prosperity be joyful,
But in the day of adversity consider:
Surely God has appointed the one as well as the other,
So that man can find out nothing that will come after him.” Ecc.7:14


AstraZeneca suddenly withdraws its COVID vaccine from the global market, virology fraud exposed. Info one day old.

Mike Adams

Bombshell news today on the vaccine front as AstraZeneca, after admitting its covid jabs cause fibrous clots, is now withdrawing its covid vaccine from the entire world marketplace.

The EU has now revoked authorization for this vaccine, meaning it is now illegal to administer this jab to anyone in the EU.

Meanwhile, an attempted reinfection trial that exposed 34 volunteers to 10,000 times the “dose” of covid deemed necessary to cause infections failed to produce a single sustained infection. The premise of virology as being capable of causing pandemics is a total fraud. And that means vaccines are a fraud, too.

In this 2 + hour news talk show, Biden is withholding weapons from Israel to help his pole ratings.

As well as A powerful interview with accomplished actor and filmmaker Nick Searcy, creator of the J6 “Capitol Punishment” film that’s blowing the lid off what really happened on January 6th. Find this full, mind-blowing interview at the same link below.


Yes, I do more than you realize :heart:because of my diagnosis my mindset maybe different than most but my eyes are to be fixed on God and therefore constantly in His Word. I actually did the research for you all here on the forum. We all knew this was heading into this direction.

and I have tried very diligently to stay away from heavy prescription drugs for cancer.

WE MUST guard our hearts and minds because Apostasy can set in.


…or “c” …

Hi Robbie. Thanks for that. It helped me to pickup and refine research that took so long to get to s certain level. From this point, it took about 1.5 hours further to refine it down to my following thoughts dear brother. The best consolidated research on this I can find is a well documented 6 minute video with corresponding text for documentation research. The author of the blog seems to be pretty well known in England for being against big brother…or Sister…as he calls it. He ends the corresponding video by saying…

“Mainstream media are not opposed to promoting considerpacy theories, they just tend to promote the ones that arent true.”

. . . . .

Please find below at the following link research that demonstrates there is no evidence of this letter historically I understand our views of secret societies would want to keep things hidden. That would be a way to sway us away from such British Musuem responsed to Freedom of Information Request:

230426 Response 2345.pdf (whatdotheyknow.com)

But if we trace why we thought it was there to begin with, the reason we research is to find out probability of a thing. From the folliowing here is what is evident:

  • No evidence of a real letter ever existed
  • Popularized by 1950’s author after WW1 & 2, during newly placed middle east conflict of Israel in the land
  • Author “Carr” who affirmed existence of Pike letter was displayed in the British Museum retracts that in his later book Satan Prince of the World
  • Further to note in Carr’s retraction–evidences Carr never saw the letter in the museum himself. Nor photos of it.
  • Supposed language used in that letter of Pikes used terms beyond Pikes ability to reference as such. This would lead stronger to ideas about Pike’s letter added later, rather than a letter that had been hidden…because even the language used in the supposed letter was not fitting.

Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars Letter Hoax | WideShut.co.uk

[William Guy Carr Satan Prince of this World.pdf](file:///C:/Users/teren/OneDrive/Desktop/William%20Guy%20Carr%20Satan%20Prince%20of%20this%20World.pdf)

. . . . .

So when probably is a factor, the size of the claim i believe would be the determiner of burden. In other words, if it were a love letter to a woman, it would not be that big of a burden because it would just be about a soap opera matter in man’s life. But if its about a person who had a supposed dream of 3 world wars before there were any…and be a generation’s primary prophet to interpret unfolding biblical prophecy…yeah…that right there is a pretty HUGE burden. Because the claim basically makes Pike THE END TIME PROPHET for our generation. Based on a letter in a book not seen and later retracted. Yet…still…here we are. So it is in this sense i would mean probability. If that makes sense though? Blessings.


Thanks Ken :slight_smile: Blessings.

Watching “classic JD”, came across this:
[thanks to Dennis @dlcv for posting; I was pleasantly surprised that the reporter of the banned video was A.J.]

[this is the portion of the interview which they spliced out]


I am sorry for any problems I may have caused. I will see you all in heaven soon.


Isn’t that interesting? Clinical studies for safety and effectiveness are performed-by the manufacturer-after the release of the shot [Pastor JD calls them ‘death shots’, which I, for one, agree with].

No problem, Q-see you there!


10 May 2024

Trojan Horses in the Church Today - Part 4: Study Bibles and Commentaries


Like Pastor JD said: Controlled demolition of world economy!

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