April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial



As this world gets crazier, just remember that GOD is in control of ALL world events. Nothing surprises God or catches Him “off guard” as everything is by His design and His purpose.

God tells us in Isaiah 46:10 that ‘My PURPOSE will be established, And I WILL accomplish ALL My good pleasure’.

God even declared how it’s all going to END from the beginning. And God told us from old or ancient times, things which have not yet been done.

Bible prophecy is coming alive today and getting ready to explode on to the scene. Like a ticking time bomb with a timer :stopwatch: on it.

Are you ready? :pray::airplane::innocent:

BubbaNews Telegram


Good point. :slight_smile:

DISCLAIMER: As a reminder, I am on the JD Forum because aside from differences, many views expressed on this forum is where I had been thinking and would have otherwise landed. Over the years, the trajectory of how I understand end times unfold is similar theology proper (pretrib rapture, 7 year tribulation, literal thousand year reign of Christ), but tend to be rather different as it relates to “boots on the ground” current (and soon coming) events unfolding (of eschatological significnace). My eschatoligcal views are not really shared by any group. Other than that JDF would “otherwise” be the closest to my views. So that is how I ended up here and this is where I have been posting for the most part over the course of several years, amen. I note this because I love Robbie and appreciate his heart toward the Lord, his deep interest and research in the things of God, he’s never ending encouragement to me as an online brother, and his caring attitude in general toward our forum family. I also note this because there are times I often clash with generic themes on this forum. This is something I am about and do post in reference relating where I believe it might be helpful.

. . . . .

Thanks. I’ve never seen the InfoWars take on that clip. Excellent sourcing brother. I imagine many have not seen that Infowars clip either. In light of differing eschatological orientations, I would agree that Netanyahoo should come forth with corrective and apologetic statements in light of what we now know about the vax (and have increasingly for some time now). Obviously one reason he would not would be because he would be tomatoed to death. His silence on the matter granted does give rise to an unholy complicatedness in it all. HOWEVER, I would see a difference in these two things:

  • Setting up Israel for COVID vax beast system testing
  • Believing he was a hero

I go with option two because of how proud he was in what he volunteered publicly. I mean think about it, if COVID pandemic was real, it would have been seen as virtuous. Unfortunately it was not real. And now Pandora’s box is open. But Netanyahoo’s statements on tape attest to me that he thought it was real. If we don’t think men of high stature can be duped, there are plenty of politicians, judges, ex CIA types believing Lordship Salvation is real. I know this for fact. I believe there has been unreasonable and inhumane suffering in Palestine due to Netanyahoo policy. So its not like I see him as without flaw. However, I do believe a man of that kind of self agrandizement could fall pray for COVID deception. And later not want it to hurt his political career. Selfish? Yes. Evidence Netanyahoo wanted to make Israel suffer at the hands of diabolic inhumane vaccination. I don’t. Blessings.


a little humor


If we’re honest, most of us spend our entire lives wanting to be “ACCEPTED”!

Our time, our efforts, our jobs, our marriages, our relationships with both family and friends…
We LONG deep within our hearts to be “ACCEPTED”!

Because WE KNOW, there is nothing more brutally painful and piercing than to be REJECTED!
Believe me, I’ve been there.
It’s heart-wrenching when someone rejects you.
You begin to question everyone and everything including yourself!

You ask:

My friends amidst all these soul stirring internal feelings and questions, let us REMEMBER THIS:

The Bible says in Romans 15:7:
“Therefore, accept each other just as Christ HAS ACCEPTED YOU so that God will be given glory.”

You and I…

And at the end of the day brethren, that’s ALL THAT REALLY MATTERS!!

MW Breeden


No date or event setting, but I believe that the Rapture is real, real soon!!! :+1:

If you know of anyone relatives, friends, neighbors or just anyone who is not yet saved. I don’t say that you try to convince them because you can’t, as that is the Holy Spirit’s job. But I do say that you inform them, if you have not already!

Look there are in my mind three types of people.

  1. Those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior.
  2. Those who are evil and not attracted to what Jesus offers. (see John 3:20 below)
  3. Those who would accept Jesus as their Savior, if they knew and understood the truth. (see John 3:21 below)

John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Those in Category 1 are already saved and good to go in the Rapture.
Those in Category 2 are hopeless rejecting Jesus and going to Hell.
Those in Category 3 if they don’t accept Jesus before the Rapture, will have to accept Jesus the hard way in the Tribulation.

Now I will admit that we do not know for sure who is who. So it is best to share Jesus with each and everyone. My point though is that there is little time left before the Rapture. Do you want someone you love to have to go through the Tribulation? If not, better make sure they understand that the time is now to get saved the easy way during the Grace Age!!!

God Bless! :heart:


succinct !


Type 4:

Those who claim to know Jesus but don’t


Your Type 4 would actually fit into my Category 2 or Category 3.

You are actually saved or you are not. What you tell people does not matter.




Lol. I knew you were going to say that!


I think we may already be there.

1 Like

12 May 2024

Gold scam:

Some NAR deception:

Gene Bailey is a well-known pastor, author, speaker, and entrepreneur. He serves as the Senior Executive Pastor at the Eagle Mountain International Church in Texas. He has written two books and has worked extensively in ministry since the age of seventeen. He also holds a Ph.D. in Theological Studies from the Independent Methodist Theological Seminary.

In addition to his role at the church, Gene Bailey hosts two original programs on the VICTORY Channel: FlashPoint and Revival Radio TV2. He also serves as an executive director at Kenneth Copeland Ministries and VICTORY Channel, an assistant vice president at Kenneth Copeland Bible College, and a professor of revival history:

Do you need a PhD for this?

Three letter agency hinting plandemic:



But God! Only He can!



I’m surprised they didn’t already have an institute for Israel studies. But I wonder if it’s been a bastion of replacement theology like so many other Christian universities. I know she’s not but she’s only been there a few years.


In the Twinkling of an Eye!


@SkyTheSheepdog Tony this is what I am talking about where people think they know something but really are clueless. In this video the man is pointing out what is obvious visually seen but making claims that what is seen is proof of nefarious actions by the government. NextRad radar is not a weapon. It is a specialized weather radar that has to modes, one is airmass movement as in winds and wind speed measurements and preciptation measurements both of which are essential in providing the now often used severe weather and tornado warnings that many location have in place.

It also shows his lack of understanding of how radio waves propagate over distance. In short he is making the claim without directly saying it that NextRad radar is a directed energy weapon. Now things like 750 kW sounds big and dangerous but when dealing with microwaves in the range that is used 2.7 to 3 GHz it has little do with directed energy in that a radar dish does not concentrate energy but spreads it for a wide angle view. On top of that rotational or sweeping radar is spanning across the sky to pick up returns that provide data on wind, wind speeds and direction or when the mode is changed to read precipitation how much rain if falling how dense the rain that is falling is and direction of the moving rain storms.

On the other hand directed energy weapons use frequencies between 330 MHz and 300 GHz. Now at the low output power of 750 Kw on a scattered directional beam the effective range is around 3 miles and has absolutely no danger to humans. But lets take and ADS system which uses the higher range of frequencies of 9.5 GHz and needs 2.5 Megawatts minimum to be effective is only effective to a range of about 500 meters. The far end of that range is much less effective than the close end and most demonstrations seen online is around 100 meters which is going to be much stronger than at 500 meters.

So who ever this person is, they are taking bits and pieces of information, putting it in a blender and creating fear mongering fake news. Weather radar is simply not a directed energy weapon as this person is alluding to. And this is why I rarely look into the majority of content that is all over the internet. Most of it is obvious by the images shown and some of it is obvious by how the title is worded but the combination of the two gives a pretty good indication before viewing what I am likely to find. So a title of “Evidence of MASSIVE microwave pulses via Nexrad Satellite imagery” is designed with one thing in mind to scare people with half truth to get them to click on it and see what it might show. Notice the all caps “MASSIVE” is meant to be eye catching. But the real kicker on this being fake news is that it ends with saying that what is being seen is coming from Nexrad Satellite imagery. The problem is that Nexrad imagery being seen is not being seen from a satellite but from a complex computer generated output on a screen. You can’t see radar energy from weather monitoring satellites. You can pick up heat energy with infra red sensors but you don’t see flames, just a heat signature. Not even close to being the same thing as an actual satellite image.

So the next time you know their is weather moving through your area you are likely to see Nexrad radar images from the local and national weather service where you will see what looks like sudden blooms on the screen. That is simply the start of rain fall. You will also notice if you look long enough those blooms will come and go as the rain intensifies and subsides.

So be very careful about what you watch online. There are so many basement dwelling self proclaimed experts that put junk out that they have no idea what they are talking about. They just collect stuff from others like themselves push it through the blender and produce variations of fake news.


That is absolutely terrifying