April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial

Wishing all mothers a very blessed Mother’s Day and prayers for health and peace as we wait for our Redeamer/ Blessed Hope - Jesus is waiting for His instruction from the Father - HAPPy MOTHERS day :+1: MARANATHA


And make money from “clicks” I’m sure. Although I’m not sure how all that works, fear mongering sells. You are absolutely correct :+1:t4: We must be very cautious. Deception abounds on so many levels.

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Thank you, dear Ralph. BTW you are the first and only one to say this to me personally. Missing my mom something awful but know she is in the presence of her King.


My mum went homne last year.


My take on the video that I posted was that the pulses were emanating from the 5th generation communication towers all across the country. There is plenty of evidence that the 5G network is harmful to the environment and people. The Nexrad satellite is what picked up the pulses of the cellphone towers. The video never even hinted that NexRad radar is a DEW. If not pulses from cell towers, then what are they? I think the Professor does know what he is talking about!

See: Today's US Composite Radar Loop Archive (6pm-6pm)


I am sorry for the sorrow you have experienced, Fred. The emptiness we feel is overwhelming, but I am thankful for the memories that flood my soul and the Holy Spirit comforts me. I pray this for you, too!


I have mentioned this harm in a past post as one big tower was just installed 2 blocks away. It took them over a year to install as it is huge. Did I say huge, big?? Lol. The local Baptist church allowed them to build it on their parking lot. Hmmm, wonder if there was a financial incentive?

Dennis, did you listen to the full video of the Trojan horses in the church? I must say that some of what he says is concerning regarding those who practice sin on a daily basis. It is typical of the Southern Baptist doctrine, and I am not surprised, but this is false according to the Word of God. Maybe you missed it or maybe you agree. Not sure where you stand, but prayerfully study God’s Word to understand that he has missed the mark concerning this particular comment on his video.

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I listened to the 4th one on Commentaries danger, not the rest. I have not checked his theological background. He seems strongly against Calvinism and Lordship salvation issues.


They are indications of changes in state of moisture in the air from a gaseous state to a liquid state. Nexrad has two modes. One is during times of clear weather it is usually used to check winds. When storms are around it checks rain fall and to a lessor extent general moisture content in the air as liquid state not the gaseous state. That is how Nexrad and its forerunner Doppler radar works and what it was designed for. Radio signals from 5G towers are also on slightly different frequencies so the radar receiving antennas are not tuned to pick us those signals and this is done on purpose to keep such other technology form interfering and causing false readings.

I am sorry who ever is speaking is not a professor. Note well his raising of his voice as he talks especially when he is trying to hammer home a point. Also a little research into him and he is on more than just this one platform. What is showing on other platforms is that he is a big time gamer. I doubt he has a degree and if so it is not in electronics, meteorology, or electrical engineering.

So he pulled up a NIH page from the government showing experimentation with microwave affects on aspect of the human body. Did he write that paper or did he just see it and grab it because it seems to justify his ideas on what he thinks he is seeing? I can tell you that he only looked at the abstract and did not dig deeper into the actual white paper. If had done so he would have understood that the text run were dealing with microwaves in nanometer distances from the material being tested not over distance of meters and kilometers which is what Nexrad images he shows is dealing with. Yes at close range microwaves can be dangerous to human health. But this study does not show long term affects only short term affects but the content provider is implying that any microwave is long term as a matter of fact and it is not a matter of fact.

So here is they question if you agree with Mr. “Just a Dutch Dude- @Qwinten” why are you carrying a cell phone, why do you put it next to your head to talk or stare into the screen to read long articles are watch long winded videos. The close proximity to your body when doing such things is far more dangerous that what Mr. Just a Dutch Dude is claiming.

So again I say be careful who you follow on the internet. Way to many people out there have no back ground in what they often talk about. It is no different than the days before the internet that homeless people claimed to be homeless vets and whey you talk to them and ask them what they did, where they served it quickly became obvious their claims to be vets was false and was just being used to garner greater sympathy to get free money. It all goes back to what Pastor JD said about using discernment. Sadly to many people think they use it but not really. I see it here and other places as well both on the internet and in the general public all the time. I hear it in what they say and how they act.

I am sorry if I sound harsh saying all this but it is the nature of the deceptive world we now live in.

Hi Carol Ann. Do you have a time stamp for reference where you feel he goes off? Thanks :slight_smile: Blessings.

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Thank you, Teren for responding. I believe it is at 34:30 minutes. My husband and I listened and discussed it today and we both agree that what he is saying is not scriptural. I am sure you have come across this belief before and understand it more theologically. I know scripture that clearly shows how God chastens His own and if I am hearing him right, he is saying even those in doctrines of demons, can still be saved. He asks the question, how much of the Spirit do you have or not have to be saved or not saved. Well, I will let you listen and see if maybe I misunderstood him. I don’t think I did, though.

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There are a few videos on You tube doing the rounds now of people vanishing. It’s AI edited video footage. Some scenes are quite elaborate, such as the kids’ bus, and the driver apparently looking stunned as a cop investigates the vanishing. (just type people vanishing in to you tube) Do you know how many people are noticing the internet is mostly bots now? Its a lot - way more than a few years ago when i pointed it out.

By the time the sleepy people realise whats happening here its going to have passed them by, and be like “hey we are stuck in this realm too - you didnt notice the changes? well here we are.”

This is blowing my tiny little mind daily how advanced this AI is and Jesus lets me see it.


This is the Professor…and it’s my understanding he created the “map”. This guy is just repeating or even sensationalizing his findings.

Just saying.

Professor Paul J Hurtado


Map…these are pockets of moisture?

Ok here is where the mix up comes from. The professor does not create the map images. They are taken from the .gif image archives at the University of DuPage in Illinois outside of Chicago. I have used the COD Nexrad site for weather watching for close to 10 years now.

What you are showing is a web page done by the professor where in he uses probably under special license an API access to the DuPage web site to gather the image data. Since his basic background of study is statistics and biology and conservation he uses the Nexrad images to collect data on bird migrations which will at times show up on the Nexrad radar returns. He is not looking into things like 5G or how it may or may not interact with Nexrad and/or Doppler radar systems. That comes from the person who did the YT video that you first linked. It was him, Qwitnen or as his other online name JustaDutchDude decided what he saw was telling him. I can tell you looking into JustaDutchDude(Qwinten) is not a scientist. He is in fact and avid gamer and what appears to be possibly a QAnon follower from that time or a recent convert of the many of those that still are out there. It he who is twisting the data he sees and creating a narrative he follows not the Professor Hurtado. Professor Hurtado is using the data for something entirely different that what JustaDutchDude is claiming it is.

For the most part yes. As air temps change during sunset moisture content in the air goes from a gaseous state to a liquid state. That is it starts to condense on particulates in the air. That concept is the whole idea of cloud seeding to make it rain, putting very fine particulate matter in the air for the moisture to condense on and the become heavy enough to fall to earth as rain. Nexrad can measure that change to condensation and that is the blooms you see popping up mostly in the early to midnight hours. As the suns goes down air temps drop naturally from lack of solar heat. In the morning it starts to warm up again and the what micro sized droplets that have not fallen to the earth as dew returns to a gaseous state and the blooms disappear. One of the strange side affects of the Wind Mode of Nexrad is that it also picks up large bird migrations that happen daily when birds wake up in the predawn hours and then later take flight to go food hunting and when the return to their roosts in the evening. Took the people manning Nexrad a while to figure that out. So Professor Hurtado is using the Nexrad imaging from DuPage for the study of the environment as it pertains to biological life not weather or even as a means to see 5G data. That simply is not what Nexrad does not do. It was designed to measure wind and moisture and/or rain in the air. It was never designed to measure radio frequencies of any kind. In fact radar is nothing more than radio frequency sent out and received back much like HAM operators who use the moon to bounce signals over the horizon to make long distance contacts. And yes that is a very real thing and has been around for longer than radar has.

So for each bloom you see the center is a Nexrad radar often seen around airports as large white ball domes. They are in place main around airports so the tower controllers can give pilots the best possible data on weather for take offs and landings. It is picked up secondarily by local and national TV for weather forecasting as well since it is now set as a nation wide feed network.

For years now many so called experts have used it to claim all kinds of crazy stuff such as 5G pulses. But what most don’t realize is that the blooms were around a lot longer than 5G has existed. The first 5G networks did not start deploying till 2019. If you go into Professor Hurtados page and go back to Sept. of 2015, 4 years before 5G was ever deployed you can see gif images of barn swallows setting off blooms in Portland, OR. Same looking images but definitely not 5G spawned blooms Here is the link to look at.

Which this takes me back to the warning about YT and other content makers who just pull stuff from all over the internet and make claims it says or shows what it does not. They are banking on the idea that you the viewer know no more than they do and will believe them to be some kind of expert. They are not.

I will leave you with this old saying, it is easier to fool a person than to convince them they have been fooled. There is a ton of truth in that because people don’t like to think they can be so easily conned. Unfortunately we all can to some degree or other. Scammers do it all the time and hundreds of thousands of people lose tons of money because of it. Many of those losing money think themselves intelligent enough to not get scammed because they have college degrees even Masters and PhDs. And yet they fall for scams and lose a lot of money. So please be very careful what you watch and accept is valid information especially off the internet.


I would like to caution believers to discern because I still find some Christians pushing this false narrative that injections is the MOTB without the two beasts present.


Hi Carol Ann. I am going to highlight your areas of focus:

His orientation is free grace. From what i can tell, free grace is the accurate biblical interpretation in contrast to Lordship Salvation and Calvinism. Radical free grace though seems to be something different. Radical free grace means that if someone came to Christ and later became an athiest, endorsing of homosexual lifstyle, or satan worshipper…he is still saved. I don’t believe free grace is accurate.

I do not hold to Lordship Salvation that insists massive repentence and massive lifestyle change MUST accompany salvation. I am like a (1) point Lordship Salvationist. What i mean is that anyone given new life and becoming a new creation will have supernatural essence about them and would produce fruit (not necessarily good works and radical departure from sin). There would necessarily be a different perspective about sin, self, and world view. Especially about God, Christ, and infallibility of scripture, the trinity, and a hunger for the word.

Some people break away from sin right away. Some struggle (like the Corinthian church who were saved). This in general is my view. So i hope it is helpful somewhat. I try to be very balanced here because i have been on both extremes.

Because of the subject matter and how interesting his delivery was, i just went ahead and listened to the whole sermon. He did not give me the feeling he was hyper free grace. But from what he was saying, he did not mention the subject of God’s chastisement because it was not (in his view) the focus. He wanted to alert people not to just go with study bible notes as though those notes were canon. While demonstrating his test passages. I would say though dear sister that based on the verses this pastor uses to test commentaries, it would have been helpful for him to share his view regarding God’s chastisement.

My view is that sinning saints leave themselves vulnerable to God’s chisement, very bad destructive decisions, consequences galore, and a great lack of peace and joy…with 0 witness. And for dessert, massive loss of rewards.

Now this view may vary from Christian to Christian. If by doctrine of demons we mean the free grace view that a believer can become a devil worshipper after coming to Christ, no. In my understanding a believer may run from God. May sin and hide from the faith. May do bad things. But becoming an atheist or devil worshipper, to me, strikes at the core of belief. Even in my Jonah season, i knew who i was running from. And God was faitfhful to pursue.

I believe a person can be a Calvinist or Lordship Salvationist and be saved if they truly believed on Christ as savior for the sins. But those doctrines can bring a cruel sense to their beliefs and keep them from growing. I have seen very mature and God loving and God fearing Calvinists. And i have seen verry immature non-Calvinisits later have awesome walks in Him.

I believe at this point the pastor was making that statement the issue. Like: “Does the spirit of God have a dosage for salvation? No!” I believe he was stating that as a bad thing. From what i can tell, this pastor has a sound perspective on the gospel. And his five verses he uses to test commentaries i find fascinating. Some of those are controversial verses. But my hats off to this pastor’s conviction in how he understand them. Could he be in error there on those verses? My gut instinct after decades is: he could be off but the primary truth of how the gospel saves is pure in regards to those controversial verses is my take.

Carol Ann, please consider this feedback is coming from me. I am free grace with some “the jury still being out” on some finer points relating to some of those 5 verses the pastor uses as commentary litmus test. I would say those related verses did have me confused when visiting some of the older commentaries. There is an air of like Catholicsm lite with some of the older commentaries. So i get where he is coming from.

As noted before, I kind of view our age as Laodicean. So our social norms even within the church i would imagine to be generally off. Not that we don’t have the gospel. Its just one thing is for sure, we are in America in a land saturated heavily by Calvinism and Lordship Salvation. Tints of both probably are ways we don’t even realize we think in. For example on the Lordship Salvation issue, I have only seen one really well done exegetical approach in dethroning it. Andy Woods has a series that is really good (to give us a taste of how saturated our church culture has become in Lordship Savlation). But the one’s that, to me, did an even deeper dive were Calvinists…and not even dispensationalists. Yet make better dispenstionalist arguments countering Lordship Salvation more than i have seen Evanglicals able to do. So we are kind of in our thick pea soup in places i reckon. I hope this is somewhat helfpul. Grateful to @dlcv for the sermon. I enjoyed it. But please if this does not seem clear i would be happy to discuss further. Blessings.


Hey my Friend,
I would categorize myself in the category of a more ‘radical’ free gracer;’ I have found that many who claim to teach grace either frontload the gospel or tie a cart to it (burden).
Any one who at one time haws trusted in Jesus is born-again, sealed with Holy Spirit; in Jesus Christ.
These free gifts are irrevocable.
Someone who is saved and later says they are now atheist cannot undo God’s new creation (therefore now no judgment for those in Christ Jesus, Romans 8:1;also verses 34-39:nothing or no one-including myself-can change what I now am in Jesus Christ).

I am not certain I understand what you mean, Teren.

agreed! This would be “frontloading the gospel” which nullifies it.

Agreed-most likely not indwelt by God(Holy Spirit) to have such a vitriolic hatred of Him to go the way of Cain.

I have been in the other extreme of works (front & backloaded so you would never ‘feel secure’ of your salvation); I am so grateful God gave me grace teachers, from Hal Lindsay, to Bill and Anabel Gillham, to Steve Brown and finally to Johnny Tatum. I would also like to add I have been pleased and blessed by Pastor JD sticking to the gospel.
After listening to teachers mock ‘radical grace’, I have come to believe those who criticize grace do not understand it. They are usually-but not always, either King James only, or they do not understand the dispensations of God and the magnification of Paul’s Epistles to the Body of Christ.
“Bind up your minds, keep collected; fix your expectation fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Pet.1:13
"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior… [btw, that is Jesus!-Robbie] Jude 24-25

I have noticed the chemtrailing has been heavy this Spring up here in south central Canada. It is rare that I do not either have a morning cough, sore lungs, and general fatigue. You would think I was a smoker how I cough upon waking up!
I am making more of an effort to eat more oranges, in addition with my daily (well, almost) consumption of a pint of fresh carrot juice. I also go for ‘barefoot walks’ in the grass almost daily.
What are you guys ('n gals) doing to combat this war on our health?
Grace and peace