April 28, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update – Why Bible Prophecy Is So Controversial



Not to mention the fires up there, Robbie. This past weekend was heavy with haze.

Will’s answer nails it. Prayer, and just do the best you can. I am actually having to decrease my vitamin C, among other things, due to overloading my system. I trusted the advice that we simply excrete the excess. No, the body tries to dump the oxalates by overtaxing the kidneys, and what it can’t expel, the body stores in toxic ways.


Hi Robbie dear brother. Thanks for your coming along side me. Yeah. I hear you brother. What i believe is that if someone has truly believed in Christ and become a new creation, that person is saved no matter what…even if he goes Charlie Manson like. But my understanding is that it is very unlikely one touched by the new nature in such a way become a complete athesiest. Or devil worshipper. As you noted above. But hyper grace as you define it…then…yeah i’m a hyper grace too then :slight_smile:

This might sound a bot middle of the road…lol. But it does expose something about me for sure. Can someone who has become a new creation worship a different god? I’ve never purposed to so i don’t know what that might feel like. But can we worship a god of our image more than the word? Probably all of us are guilty of that.

In that sense, i could actually imagine someone who is born again become athiest. Or devil worshipper. But to me this condition would be symtomatic and not lasting. I speak as one who is weak and not strong. I don’t profess any great stance in Him. And i am far behind most in life to even assert a measure of some bold fruit. Amen. But i’ve tried to become an athesiest. When i left the church and tried to run from God i sought out Christians Annymous. For real. I wanted to deprogram. I wanted to deconstruct what i was thinking. I was sick of what Churchianity made me. Or rather i dressed myself up with her.

The thing is i came to realize that “oh,” so Christians Annymous wanted me to put away bible myths to believe in true science like evoloution…lol. I was actively seeking a meeting to go to with them until i saw that. lol. So what i did instead was spend a year researching if Christianity was true. I was just mad and fed up with the whole thing. But i wanted to believe. I did. I just hated what my sense of being formed into the image of a church person verses a real Christian did to me. As i married churchianity, i became the hulk empowered authority over my soul to plunge me deep into certainty having any measure of a talent to remain…for i became a professional churichainty assissin…killing Teren one bite at a time for the great state of Churchhood. On the real, it is hard to share this but really it is just not having enough spritiaul guts to take God at His word for me…and blaming it on the church. So it is not undoing those nuances…as we know we are in a pretty bad church age and how much the church wants to blend itself into our psychy and share a seat at the trinity table. But what i say about her…i likely say about me. Please pray cuz it is still a lot to undue brother.

The point is i can be this far…and yet see Him working in my life. Could i have surpressed the truth to say, “God you don’t exist?” Yeah. I know though i would not believe that. I would just lie to myself. So maybe like that? Someone can believe the bible and things about Christ and not believe in His majesty being God literarlly saving their souls. But in trappings thereof get a whiff. And think, “Yeah i am a believer” But i don’t know brother. I don’t think Jesse Duplantis or Kenneth Copeland are saved. They bear fruits of sickness not Christianity. Yet they think “some” of the same things we do. But i see not the new creation in either of those guys for example. So i don’t think they once believed and then lost salvation. I don’t believe we can lose salvation. Just that i find it once we have the real power of heaven in our soul…i can’t imagine (even being extremely mad at God) that we could unbelieve Him. So that person to me who hardened in devil worship or antheism never received salvation. Never believed unto a new creation. That is how i understand it though. The seed of truth would move a person past it is what i would see. Biased of course :slight_smile:

. . . . .

There is one exception to this. And for the life of me i don’t know how to understand it. Megan Phelps was a member of the Phelps dynasty over at Westboro Baptist. Yes shd could have believed in a false enough version of God. But Westboro Baptists are Baptists and for the most part believe as you and I Robbie. Minus the Calvinism. They are extreme fringe Calvinism. But even at Jmacs church which is much less fringe like, as odd a bunch as that church seemed to me, I could see they meant their abuse in love. So also Megan thought she did. Like seriously in love. Yelling at people calling them horrid hateful things (that would agree with scripture in nature). Megan knew they meant it in love. It was not prejudice or bias. It was just how they wanted to warn from hell. And thought it that toxic an issue. And i can understand Megan seeing the mindgame of cult in her church. And seeing God outside of that…not a cult. What freedom and fresh air and not yelling at poeple and being harsh…and running the family like a mafia feels like. Wingleing her toes in wet grass where kids a playing with neibhgors and life has a hue glow of normal. I can see how she could see the God of love in that.

But it blows my mind that because the church (and other scholars she searched for) could not find a reasonable answer or interpretation that did not make God out to seem to be a control freak of sorts, because she could not find good exegesis for Romans 9:20-21, she just stopped believing altogether? Even as gortesquelly frustrated as i was with Calvinism, I was willing for Calvinism to be correct and me long suffer if need be…even when i wanted out of cultish Christianity practiced in America where it is. I was willing for me to be wrong even though i hated what i was becoming. I did not hate Romans 9, for i was well whipped into shape and style to just go with that. And trained to even out Calvin Calvin in how honorably i thought so much more God could freely manipulate all of us…lol. It sounds sick. But if that is who God was, i just wanted to know and believe accordingly. But for Megan, even thouigh there are awesome beautiful and robust interpretations of Romans 9 that leave the reformed perspective in the dust…she just left believing in God. She burned out on bad bible. So wow…she seemed like she really believed. How do you see something like that though brother? Blessings.

How Megan Phelps woke up from the Westboro Baptist Church (youtube.com)

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Thanks for the laughs(Manson, pea soup, etc)!
How I see that is, when I first “joined a church”, I kind of relied more on what the “church” was saying (ie, I read their printed materials, along withScripture-in short, they guided me into understanding Scripture and especially doctrine).
Since I found out that it was actually a cult I was in
I have learned to question all teachers and Pastors. In the cult, questioning ‘church’ (ie, cult) teachings was akin to heresy and damnation (RCC, anyone?).
You often mention commentaries, which reminds me of the days of Jesus of Nazareth in the flesh. The rabbis would talk and debate,; but rather than referencing or basing Scripture, they’d say, “Well, rabbi Klein say this, or rabbi Stein says that.”
But Jesus taught as One Who had authority, and would constantly refer to Scripture.
So, I have learned the hard way, I guess, to trust in Holy Spirit to teach me rather than men.
“But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.” [1John 2:27]
Another point I will add is that Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin; but for us He guides into all truth. Which is why you will never hear (see) me say “God convicted me of my sin.”
re: Copeland, MacArthur, etc- I have listened to them long ago, but I do not anymore.
Whenever I hear additions or subtractions to the good news, I just wince in my spirit. And if you ever heard Jmac, there is just too much of that, for someone who is a pastor, a Greek scholar, to put an impossible burden on saved believers is beyond me.
It is inexcusable.
" “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Mat.11:28)


Thanks Teren for your reply, my aim was to find out why study bibles and commentaries are problematic based on the sermon title. This will help me on proper bible study.

Maybe he went “rabbit trail” on explaining salvation issue? Some pastors tend to off the sermon script at times, even JD as well, hehe.

At least I get to understand that a Christian can get “indoctrinated” into Calvinism unknowingly by relying much on footnotes and commentaries printed inside the bible.

Examples are NKJV Reformation Study Bible, John MacArthur Study Bible, Geneva Study Bible and Matthew Henry study Bible.


Your quotes seem to contradict. Can you confirm whether you believe a born again believer can be also a satan worshiper or athiest?? I find no scripture saying we can serve 2 masters.

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Yes Dennis. Thanks it is a great reminder. I love Ryrie because of its format. Macarthur study bible had too much study notes per page. But this was a refreshing reminder brother. And I believe in good taste brother. I would understand the pastor with his views might seem a bit odd. But for the most part it was really good to hear him and be challenged like that. Amen :+1:

Can a believer lose his mind?


I believe commentaries are helping in discerning a range of potential on verses. I believe God is often refining our hearts. And even among trusted teachers there would be variations of interpretations. I have heard some perspectives of those who never use commentaries. And although God is working in their hearts, there can be a tendency to read into things too though.

The word of God itself seems to indicate God’s general revelation use of commentaries if we bring our hearts there with sober judgement to be helped in range of discernment.

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;” Eph 4:11.

If God did not have a purpose for “teaching” commentaries would be just comments of men. But from varying studies and expertise i believe the word of God does demonstrate to make use of them. The products mentioned in the video: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and Strongs Concordence. Beyond that apologetic, scholarly research on ancient culture or history, ancient idioms, and the like can help bring out context and meaning without the use of general revelation tools might not pick up.

Over reliance on commentaries as unhealthy is i believe the point the video was making, though. If we look at commentaries as authoratative, then we are not walking in the spirit doing that. But it would seem though also that scripture provided teachers to edify. It would seem they have their place though. Blessings.


Although i can’t and certainly don’t want to speak for Robbie, it would seem to me that if someone does become truly born again and later becomes an atheist. that in and of itself would not seem to rule out a genuine conversion. I would say becoming athiest certainly questions one genuine conversion. I had been through quite a bit of church abuse, but never doubted God. I did get mad at God like a Jonah. But it never was a temptation that He did not exist.

When i tried to run from God i got into drugs and alcohol. And i was no longer attending church, i ended up needing help and turned to the 12-steps of recovery. When i got to step 3, i had a problem: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. I knew who God was. But my perspective from bad church and my own selfishness led me step 3 where i knew i could not just make up a god. Because i knew who He was. I was jaded. My view of the true God had become jaded. But i knew that God was the God of the bible. So for me its difficult to understand how people could become athiest after genuine conversion. I literally tried to do that. But it was nowhere in sight for me to do so. I could not.

There is an interesting brief article of someone who believed, became an athiest, and came back to Christ. She tells her story. What gave her doubts was the church. But later God did use people who loved Him to also bring her back…like her pastor for one. So it would seem that some could be so disenchanted with the trainwreck the church can at times become for some that it almost convinces some God is not real if church is the example of His existence. I understand that temptation. But not its full force practice.

So i would think Robbie agrees that there are some false conversions. And they eventually fall away. I think Robbie and i would see eye to eye in that. Could a believe get so misled as to go into satanism? Perhaps. If they were truly converted though to begin with, it would seem to me that the spirit would make another religion unbarrable. In theory i think it is possible though. But being the grand exception.

You mention “no man can serve two masters.” It would seem in the context, Jesus was pointing out the practice of religious people serving God or the temple and money. And was speaking against the temptation of the love of money in the believers life. He would seem to mean you cannnot hold onto God and be greedy… Eventually, one will dominant your life. And prove who you are. In that sense i would say if someone who believed later gets into satanism or witchcraft, it would sugges to me satanism won out proving they did not know God. But falling into satanism would not seem to be an attempt to serve two Gods. It would seem to be the defection from one to the other. If they remain in that state, to me, it would suggest an original false conversion. Or God could just kill them for that level of disobedience.

In 1 Cor 11 we see church leadership eating all the food, and causing others to go hungry. They got drunk at the Lord’s table. And seem to be factionist. For this, God says that some of those will get sick and some die for that level carelessness. But it would seem they were saved even being as savage as they were though. When we fall into selfishness, we are serving ourselves as God. Yet we have His spirit, and at times serve two Gods. We repent, or are disciplined as His. But even if to death, we are still His. If that makes sense? Blessings.

From Christianity to Atheism and Back Again - Greg Boyd - ReKnew

PS @Robbie Brother what would be your view on that 6 minute video i posted on Megan Phelps? I realize that previous video did not unclude some things. This 20 minute video, if you have a moment, covers the reason she left and walked away from Christianity altogether. Blessings.

Struggling With Romans 9 & Calvinism? WATCH THIS! | Leighton Flowers | Soteriology 101 | Theology (youtube.com)


Thank you for your response. Yes, in thst context Jesus was focusing on money and greed, but the Word of God shows throughout that “master” can mean anything that we worship instead of or in place of God. This can also mean idolatry.


Got it. They are radar sites not antenna.

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Partially right. Each Radar is a special kind of antenna. Otherwise it could not send out nor receive the signals that provide the data. Radar works on sending out a signal and then reading the bounced back return from what ever the signal hits. The antenna set up on a radar and like I use on my HAM radio is tuned to specific frequencies. Then internally on the transceiver frequency filters are used to eliminate useless noise. So in the case of what Prof. Hurtado sees in a Nexrad radar using its preset frequency and the returns made by large flocks of birds that such frequencies bounce off of. Things like 5G from cell towers is a mix of various frequencies so that calls and data don’t get confused in transmission. Such transmissions if picked up by a Nexrad system is filtered out because it is just radio signal noise. That is why Nexrad and Doppler had become so important in weather monitoring and forecasting. It was designed to look as certain aspects of weather wind and precipitation. Birds just happen to make wind happen when they move in massive flight groups. Here is a demonstration out of Rome that shows millions of starlings doing beautiful swarm dancing. It is part of their migration when such things are seen.

So back to the original problem, the content provider on YT does not know any of this or if he does, cares less about putting out lies. I have a couple of images that explain the phenomenon.


16 May 2024




Now do this one…were last weeks auroras caused by a natural CME?

Or this…

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Personally, i think it is an awesome age to live in where pastors like Brandon, Hughes, and Crone can just groove into a chair with Alison. On a fairly well know and loved network. Something about that is so exciting ya’ll. :slight_smile: Blessings.

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Oh thanks for the laugh. I have seen this since late on Friday when the auroras were at their peak. This is again people roaming the internet with nothing better to do than think up silly stuff to post. If they knew anything at all about HAARP, what it is and what it can do and who is not in control of the actual facility they would know that HAARP was not responsible for the recent strong auroras seen as far south as the Florida panhandle. So while HAARP is capable at times and under very specific conditions can spark very faint auroral activity very high in the Ionosphere it can only be seen if you are in the area around Gakona, AK and barely at that. Gakona is the location of the HAARP facility.

That being said yes HAARP was operational at the time just days before the auroras showed up but the planning of that operation took months well in advance to plan. So to place blame on HAARP fails to take into consideration the time frames it takes to put together a specific study, gather people from around the country and move them to Gakona and acutally fire up the HAARP facility. Even more so those putting this stuff out never bother to show you the many other times when HAARP was operational and we had no auroras to be seen at all. Even when HAARP does do studies that spawn very faint auroral activity it is only in the ionosphere and will always be a faint green haze affect not the more spectacular rays and curtain affects with the colors ranging from lavender to purple to deep red which happens above the ionosphere.

Looking at the various dates above it is easy to see that we should have seen auroras on those dates if what people are saying now about HAARP was actually true. So if what people are claiming was actually true then they would likely have more proof than a simple ad found on the internet.

What you don’t see and probably have no idea that it exist is a couple of other HAARP type facilities in other parts of the world like Norway, Russia, China, Australia to which not one of those using the HAARP ad seen here have any idea of those places were also operational because if they did they would put that out as well. But since they don’t even know of such facilities they can’t even speak to them. Then there are other radio based facilities in the US like the Jim Creek Naval Radio station that works in the same frequency band as does HAARP and it is operation all of the time. It is one of two in the nation but most people have no clue they even exist or what they do. Yet for as often as they are working most of the time auroras like were seen over the weekend only coincide with significant solar flare and CME activity which was seen last week.

Now on top of all of that there is a company called LeoLabs that runs some half a dozen radar facilities around the world that work in a similar fashion as HAARP does but most people have never heard of it. They use phase array radar that is fixed non moveable radar that is built similar to what HAARP is and they scan the low earth orbit all day every day mapping out all the things in low earth orbit from satellites to space junk down to 2 cm in size and provide that information to space agencies and private space companies for managing launch times and locations to put satellites or where to move them to avoid collision with space junk. And yet you never see anyone blaming them for auroras. No HAARP has had a long standing bad reputation because it was initially a government research facility and HAM operators for years complained because their research at times interfered with long distance communications. It was later picked up by the many crazies on the internet who stumbled across it and started claiming it was a government conspiracy.

Before I bring this to an end I will add one more facility that very few know about which is the Project Sanquine in Wisconsin which is a Navy radio facility like Jim Creek and a little newer as it started up about a decade later than Jim Creek. But most important is that long before such technology even existed auroral activity has been around for as long as the sun and earth has. A little look into history and the time that emperor Tiberious Caesar sent Roman legions into the area of Ostia Antica around 35 AD because seeing auroras at the mid latitudes where Rome is he thought the town had been set ablaze. Then there is the time of Napolean where they were seen over Europe and lets not forget the Carrington Event of 1859 all times well before HAARP ever existed. So to equate HAARP as the cause of the most recent auroral activity is just people with too little knowledge and to much belief in superstition. This is what the internet is full of these days. It is also why so many people are now chasing lies because they never actually take the time to look into them to find them false. As the old saying goes it is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. That has never been more true than what we are seeing now. It is sad more so because many Christians are failing miserably in their much acclaimed discernment to discern simple truth or lies so how can they be expected to discern even more important truth or lies.

I will finish with this, if people are so dead set to take the easy way out and regurgitate junk they see on the internet from people who have no knowledge of the things they talk about but have huge followings then fine follow such people but don’t go crying when the consequences of not validating that junk comes back to haunt. We are in a time when Satan is more active than ever and his key weapon is the LIE and yet people fall for his many lies day in and day out. Well that is their problem if they don’t get wise to what is really going on in the world and it ain’t fantasies of basement dwelling folks who have nothing better to do with their time and follow others like themselves and then spew the same junk over and over. There is another old saying that comes to mind and that is that a lie will reach around the world dozens of times before the truth is finished tying its shoe strings. It is a matter quantity over quality. Massive repetition of lies is winning out over the truth because people are not willing to wait for facts to come out. It is the world we live in filled with instant gratification. People have no patience any more. So fake info is running circles around the truth because people one don’t know about a large portion of the stuff they talk about and two are too lazy to actually dig into the information as it takes to much time to actually learn if what they are saying and/or seeing and hearing is actually true. This is why Jesus warned us about deception and yet time and time again people fall for it and post it all over the place even here on the forum.


People probably wonder how we sleep at night after mulling over all this Bible prophecy, speculations, deceptions, sensationalism, spiritual interference and revelations all the while processing “news” which has sort of become a mirage. Oh wow, it’s midnight and I’m actually not asleep. :face_with_spiral_eyes: lol

And now for something completely random to redirect our worrisome imaginations:

Don’t forget to pray. It will remind you of who’s in charge :slightly_smiling_face:


I have to say sleep has never been a problem for me. I have slept through tornadoes passing mere yards away, explosions that rattled the house and broke windows, living near the end of a fighter jet runway with constant AB take offs night and day, even slept once on the gunnel of an Army boat in rough waters. I have been told I could sleep on the edge of a razor blade in a hurricane and not notice a thing. But let one of my kids make the slightest noise when they were little and I was out the bed like a shot to check on them. The coming end of the world and all it shenanigans ain’t nuttin.


The AI has been running since the internet came online.
Its been planning this 100+ years easy.

Things people are notcing more:

Suspicious “stock” internet - youtube searches - narrative - google mostly useless out of regular searches.

Weird vibe and energy in daily life - emotions and feelings leaning into negative end of spectrum.

“truman” type events in daily life - synchronicities -

People noticing immense bot presence in comments - unable to have a conversation of real substance without swarms of bots hijacking threads.

people noticing changes to reality - AI/lucifer/mandela effect etc

Real life conversations are difficult once mentioning anything not on the CNN/BBC

Dream like state - people appear to just want to get through the day -

feeling of reality just not been real.

These are the things i’m seeing and hearing.