April 4 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

The Canadian Minister of Defense is saying matter of factly that there have been face to face meetings between US officials and aliens! People – this is going to be the Satan-provided explanation for the disappearance of the Christians when we are raptured. Satan has deceived these government officials. I have no doubt they believe what they are saying. Wow! Just Wow!
Praying so hard that those that don’t know our Lord and Savior will wake up and come to a saving knowledge of him. https://youtu.be/OFl29Uos9K8


the onslaught of ufo news like that, is one of the biggest clues, in my mind, that Bible prophecy is reliable. I’m in no way WELL-versed on end-times prophecy but the little I do know makes me feel wow’ed right along with you, watching it unfold!!


Discord server. “The Disciple” The Disciple - YouTube

Link on his FB page. I am a member. He has a breaking news section where people are constantly posting news. I check this out regular. Lots of other forums for Holistic health, Worship, Bible Study, etc.


maybe it’s a little like the tower of babel…
Jesus did say he came to bring division
and I guess we’ll find out later none of us were exactly right about any of it

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This is only being written because I am concerned and wish to be corrected if it’s off base. I do not want to start discord or division, please!

I was reading and praying one day recently about when the Lord told the parables of the waiting virgins and servants; some were ready, prepared, excited, and the others were not. Upon reading, it seemed to me a distinction was made between believers. My impression was that only those who are waiting, ready and eager to go to the Lord, will be let in to the wedding feast. Don’t we all know people who attend church and even bible studies but are not looking for the Lord? Friends who say, No, it’s not time yet. Some think Trump is coming back, and seem more interested in the America they want than heaven with Christ. I’ve heard them suggest it’s still many years away yet. Maybe not even this century! How can they be so blind? Or am I missing this completely? My concern is for them. I don’t know what else to say to them. It concerns me greatly that they will be left out.

I am sorry to disagree with Pastor on this. He says what I am referring to is called “partial rapture.” I am concerned and don’t want that to give people a “free pass” when they should be waking up and recognizing the peril which may exist! I just heard him say Lot, had to be pulled away from the destruction of Sodom, and said he was a type of the Church. My take on that event is it applies more to the last part of the tribulation and Lot is a type of Jew who God will force out of Israel to protection in Petra.

Please help me on this–I am distraught when I hear church friends say “The Rapture is a long way off,” even saying “Oh, they’ve been saying this for a longtime” or the worst–they don’t even know what it is, let alone believe it’s coming!

Except you and and me, and I’m not sure of you :joy::innocent:



Partial rapture is false teaching.

It is based on two assumptions that are incorrect.

  • One, that all who claim the name, truly are a Christian.
  • Two, that one must do something to “maintain” their salvation.

We neither work to gain, nor to maintain salvation. Our works do purify us through our lifetime of Sanctification.

Biblically, ALL who are truly saved will be resurrected or raptured. It is a PROMISE to the Body of Christ.

No one can determine that Christ relationship but the person and Christ themselves. Only Christ knows the heart of a person, and we know there will be those who thought they had it down, but will be told depart from Me, for I never knew you.

On the Parable of the Ten Virgins, I do not believe it speaks about believers and the Rapture. My long researched personal opinion.

On the comment of someone saying “the Rapture is a long way off”, I cringe a bit and think of Jesus speaking about the wicked servant who says to himself, “my master will be a long time in coming”. I know this is actually in reference to a non believer but still those words are very ominous to hear come out of someone’s mouth.

Who are they to decide for God when God will act? How many times has the Lord said to watch and to be ready. Our lives are but a vapor, and who can see past the current day but God only?



@FearNot the best I can suggest is that you read all of the parables of Matthew 25, in sequence and in full.

Whilst you do so, try to cognitively step away from hyper-analytical dissection of each word as a potential symbol or nested rabbit-hole and instead view each parable as individually simple metaphorical messages which, taken together form a meta-metaphorical message in response to the contextually relevant question that initiated their delivery from Christ:

3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying,“Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

In Christ.


Woldslastchance.com has some interesting articles. Thanks for sharing the link. I had never heard of that site.

Thanks for posting this Jack.

This Dr. is more than credible, and he speaks the plain truth about what is really going on. He exposes the lies so simply and clearly. Please say a prayer for him.

Anyone who speaks truth these days needs prayer and God’s protection from the devil and his spawn, who roam about to silence the truth.


In the following video with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, she outlines the parallels to CV 19.

Turns out, it is the EXACT same playbook that the Nazis used in the 1930-40s. Right down to the pharmaceutical and medical industrial compex—same companies in the usa too…just different names!


I’m beginning to wonder if this man is the antichrist?

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He isn’t the antichrist, but he is a narcissist and sociopath. He needs prayer like so many others to be blessed with Godly guidance out of their prisons and to the saving knowledge of Christ.


thanks for the reminder. I usually forget to be prayerful for people like him.


Although I could see him asking for worship, i don’t think most of the world would fall all over him. However, maybe there is a mood ring change once the age of grace concludes, and he just looks then…well…different…to them? I am encouraged to see prayers toward him for his salvation. Amen :slight_smile:

@NamDoc , I think most of those situations can be explained as either someone is just wrong, or there are just different applications (rather than meanings) for many of the stories, and verses in the Bible.

Like women being instructed to be modest–can mean both with the way she dresses, AND with her attitude/behavior.

But that’s just me.

@jay I am currently “pretrib”, but like you, I do leave room for God’s final say as well, it will happen when God says, he is God after all. I think it’s a verse “let every man be a liar, and God be true” (Romans 3:4). That’s kinda my motto on all this.

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so I’m seriously curious how do you process this supposed “messiah” annointed by Orthodox Jews? Do you think it’s impossible for it to be a first seal event because you’re still here or is it something you’re flexible with on rapture timing or I thought of another possibility which was that the first seal is pre-70th week, as Revelation itself doesn’t explicitly state that the scrolls take place within the 70th week, it is a bit of an assumption we make.
Or is there another way to really mentally and spiritually engage the subject?