April 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Closer We Get The Crazier It Gets

While I agree with much of what you said about all that happened 4 years ago and the surrounding years I must interject about the mention of false flag cyber attacks. I have to let you know that it was real. Now some of it happened from outside the US but a lot more of it happened by politically motivated folks. A lot of it was not actual attacks in the sense that people broke into systems but that systems were specifically altered to move data out, alter it and the move it back in again. When there was not that exactly there were the claims of it happening and all of that behind closed doors.

Why is that an important distinction to make? It would seem that picking or choosing who runs the US really should be no difference as we are supposedly a nation of laws. It should be in reality it should not matter who runs the US except in how they deal with foreign policy, are they dyed in the wool war hawks or peacenik doves. More importantly how effective are they at their stated foreign policy goals. But that is not the reality. What is a reality and one probably why interference is a serious problem is that we as a nation in the US have long ago gone past the tipping point. It is only a matter of time or as it is said when not if the US falls. So how does interfering with the election help those outside the US? First off we have relegated to computers what should be done by humans only how we count votes. In so doing we have put that in the realm of accessibility to anyone with a computer and an internet connection. And sadly to say I don’t see that ever changing.

It started with the post WWII blossoming advnacements in many areas of life. It was Eisenhower in his last address to the nation who saw this warp speed change from living with challenges that kept people honest and hard working to one coming where a life of ease would do untold damage to the very heart and spirit of what the US was once known for. Strangely enough he lost out to JFK who ran on the idea of young people moving up rapidly without mentorship of the older folks to help guide them into a new and fascinating future of technological advancements as well as so called progressive ideals. Yet within months of his inauguration we got a speech from him with a dire warning about secret societies which at the time very few people even knew existed but some of them were already centuries old. It was a speech that some think was where the plans were put in place to eliminate him before he disrupted the behind the scenes status quo. And we got out first real taste of secrecy withing the government in the Warren Commission explanation of his assassination where we got the first taste of the terminology “conspiracy theory,” which makes those that those outside of law enforcement that recognize conspiracies are to be discounted. Yet many of our laws that people are charged under have the word conspiracy in them, conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit fraud, etc.

Fast forward to the Nixon years where he is run out of office as a disgrace for doing the same things that his opponents were doing all along and that was weaponizing certain agencies within the government. Move even more forward to the late 80s and early 90s and we really start to see a prominent mention of a left wing and a right wing with more clear definitions of what those are with the rise of people like Rush Limbaugh and the early ability to reach not just those in his circle but nationwide, a forerunner to what the internet and social media will set on fire among the unwashed masses as we are often called by those in power.

So how does hacking the election, well the vote count work in favor of foreign countries. By calling into question the legitimacy of who actually steps into office it creates a very strong political divide where in we now see the results, with this being pride month, all the stuff you mentioned around the last election happening, even things like Ruby Ridge and Waco attacks and counters to that like the Murrow building attack. Then ultimately what appears to be some kind of government knowledge of the attacks on the twin towers pushnig us into a war in the middle east that has set in motion activation of state of emergency which allows the government to put aside the very laws that grant us our liberties. Even now people can be arrested with charges of being a terrorist whether true or not and even though they are citizens be treated differently outside of our constitutional protections. It is why we keep hearing mentions of Christians as being viewed as local terrorist even though we do not blow things up. But when we see the marriage of the church to supposedly the morality of this candidate or that, who ever is in the office makes those who supported the opposition appear to be fringe lunatics.

In the end the division is working just like it was always planned to do. We are the proverbial frog in the pot slowly being boiled so even with what destruction we have seen in civil uprisings it is not enough to fully destroy the resources that are to be controlled.

My point is that what was in the last and some preceding elections will be here in the next. It will just add more fuel to the fire of what is coming and open up probably new avenues to where the world as a whole is heading in the Tribulation period. For me that is enough to say why bother with voting. For others with a strong so called patriotic fervor will say we can still save the nation and by extension the world and put off the coming Tribulation by making those pushing for a one world government step back for a while longer. To them sorry but God’s time schedule is not up for debate and we will never convince him to change it. If we could we would not be in a state of the world that we are now. So for those wanting to vote, go right ahead. It is your right. Those not seeing any value in it, don’t vote it is also your right. Yes both views have the right to choose which way they go, but neither side has the right to tell the other they are wrong.