April 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Closer We Get The Crazier It Gets

Well lets really talk crazy here. First of all the US does the stupidest thing possible to help the people in Gaza which they know will do little for them but will help Hamas and that is set up to build a floating pier on the beach at Gaza to assist in the inflow of humanitarian support. Now does the US rush to help by flying materials needed and using the existing Naval assets as security and construction administration? No, they pick the slowest possible method to get men and equipment to the Gaza area and do so on some of the slowest possible vessels that have the least amount of self defense security. So it took nearly a full month for the first of the two big boats to get to Gaza off shore. One week was spent in the Azores for repairs and another almost two weeks in Crete with the latest confrontation between Israel and Iran.

But it appears work has begun and what is the first thing Hamas does? It bites the hand that is trying to feed it. Yep they are lobbing mortars into the marshaling area where they floating pier is to be anchored thus hendering the completion of it. Even so work seems to be going forward. This will be interesting to watch how much Hamas keeps shooting itself in the foot.



Thank you all so much for your prayers and recommendations @staceylovesJesus, @Margaret, @Peggy1357, @Blessed, @Flamingogirl49563 and all who are praying! I had a chat with my Dad a little earlier today and he is very much aware of what the rapture is and that we are definitely in the end times, so he’s more blessed and aware than I had previously thought he was.

Thank God my Dad IS saved and I think he was just as happy to hear that I am saved too. He really perked up a bit when I was mentioning about how soon the rapture could be, even as soon as the next couple of weeks, if the articles I’ve been reading lately are correct in that the rapture could very well take place this Pentecost, which just happens to be around May 19th this month.

I told him it’s obviously not written in stone, but could very well happen any day now, with all that’s going on in Israel and the Middle East. I’m going to try to talk more about these things with my Dad again soon and would love it if y’all would continue to pray for him, that God bless us all and especially bless those of this world who have been and are being deceived regularly by Satan and his minions worldwide.

God Bless you and Thank you all!



Oh that’s happy news Joe! Thank you Jesus :raised_hands:t3: i am so happy for you and your dad got to chat and it DOES seem like the Rapture could be within months i hope. Thank you for sharing this sweet joy. :blush: God bless you and your dad.


Praise God, thats so wonderful Joe, will keep Joe Snr in prayer. Delighted he’s saved hope to see you both may 19 …or thereabouts


That is such good news Joe! We will continue to pray for your Dad.


Amen Joe. Thanks for sharing with us brother. :slight_smile: Blessings.

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Joe that thrills my heart to hear of your dad’s salvation and his looking for the dear Saviors return. God is so faithful and has honored your prayers for your dad all these years. What a day of rejoicing that will be when we ALL see Jesus and sing and shout the victory!


Love to read about this. Thank you for encouraging all of us with this affirmation of good news :slightly_smiling_face:. You have inspired us to continue in prayer.


To bring a little levity to these crazy times, I’d like to share a poem that a friend’s written. I hope you enjoy and that it’s ok with @moderators…………

My bladder is weak
My knees are sore
My tummy is flabby
…wait there’s more

My husband is tired
My brain can t think
My hearts all a flutter
And before I blink…

My sight is diminishing
And so is my libido
My skins getting wrinkly
Oh no…here I go

The news is bad
Friends pass through
I miss my children
Oh what a to do…

But the good news is
I’m still here today
To enjoy the sun
Laugh eat Pray

And though I’ll maybe struggle
As my body shows its age
Hope renews my heart
So I write another page

In the book of my life
Making the most of every day
Loving God, family and friends
Living the Way

Confident that when at last I’ll be no more
A new body I’ll receive
As I step through heaven’s door

Until that time
I’ll find joy in the journey
Appreciating you all
Happily making a new memory…

Until I can t remember them no more !


Thank you Emma. That’s very sweet. :slightly_smiling_face:

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In the realm of crazy lets look at what the sun has been up to recently. Starting 3 days ago we had a 4.5 X-class flare. Since that day there were several others ranging from 1.2 to 2.9 and last night/early this morning we had a 3.9 X-class flare. Now such flares are common followed with CMEs. The first CME is pretty powerful and while not a bulls eye hit on the planet, we will get enough of it to mess with radio communications and possibly have auroras visible as far south as the southern states of Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia. Not that they will be over head but will be seen as faint colors in the sky when looking north.

No this is no where near a Carrington event but has the potential to mess up all forms of radio communications. So people living in the mid to northern part of the country may see stuggles with their cell phones, Wifi and Bluetooth connections. This could possibly also cause some slow downs in accessing the internet and certain sites that are based in servers in locations in the north part of the country and Canada. That same is true for our brothers and sisters in places like South Africa. So if you have never seen the northern lights before starting tonight and for the the next 3 or so nights if you go out well after dark away from major light pollution and look north you have a good chance to see them.

cannibal CME

Even now when I go out early morning my time I am seeing high electric field readings already and that from the most recent flare activity of X-class 3.9. I expect it to get higher over the next few days and by late Sunday and early Monday the magnetic field should start showing activity as well.

While the meter says harmful that would only be if it was highly concentrated. But if anyone out there has a pace maker it would be wise to spend as little time outside as possible. Things like buildings, tall trees and poles and high power lines will dampen the affect considerably but be safe anyway.

Besides possible cell phone difficulties there could be problems with internet connections over the next few days as well. The communication satellites are getting hit pretty hard with exterior charging so not sure how much that will interfere with sat-to-ground radio communications. Also GPS may get a little wonky too. Don’t be surprised if you can’t easily check your GPS devices for you location.

As to how bad this can get, is hard to say but the night fireworks in the northern sky should be interesting.


This just came in my Youtube feed today. I don’t follow this guy (Amir Tsarfati), but I thought his message was very good, sound and timely! :+1:

If at all possible I would suggest you watch it, as I don’t think it was a coincidence that it came in my Youtube feed today of all days when I was just discussing what he talks about with a Christian friend! :heart:


So we just dropped of a KP index level of 9 which is as far as it goes so we don’t really know how high it really got. The Geomagnetic storm level for that was a G5 Severe level which dropped off to G3 for about a half an hour and is now back up to G4.

Called the local county Dept. of Emergency Management earlier today to see if they have any serious concerns. Had to leave a message. Just about 20 minutes ago I got a call from a strange number and it turned out to be the guy filling in for the spokesman who is on a long weekend. What he told me is they have people manning radio equipment at this times to make sure they can back up the local 911 service if it gets seriously degraded. He also mentioned that they have been in contact with the local power company and the local power company has a team on over the weekend on a just in case bases. So some emergency management folks are taking this with some amount of seriousness. I am glad mine is because this is pretty much uncharted territory as far as for what is happening.

So far though I am not seeing any serious problems yet and may even get a chance to see some aurora activity without having to travel too far. Did see a live stream out of the UK and the guy was in his back yard, not worried about light pollution at all and was getting some spectacular views that he fed to YT on life stream. Got to follow from the earl part where the sky was just a green haze of light to where it started to turn blue, then purple then to bright red. It showed up just fine.

Hopefully were everybody is living their local power and emergency services like police, fire, and ambulances are not seriously affected. Hopefully it just ends up being a nice night time light show. All we can do now is sit back and wait and see what ends up happening. Here are some captures from earlier.

KP 9

This last one is out of the Czec Republic at a latitude of around 48 degrees. That equates to southern Canada on our side of the pond. Did see the aurora prediction chances in Euorpe were as far south as Spain.


Or Google heard you talking and AI provided the video. That is actually a bit of humor in that God created mankind with the ability to design google and AI. Of the two, God transcends. Thanks Goodboy. I’ll check it out. I have a dissfamiliar zone in place on purpose with Amir as well. Blessings.



The crazier it gets…
Ben Shapiro PREACHES JESUS on His Show & Leaves Everyone Speechless (youtube.com)

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Thank you, Emma. That poem could be about me…lol and prolly most of us here. It gave me a good laugh and smile.


Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants | International | EL PAÍS English (elpais.com)

Melinda Gates says she is resigning from philanthropy group founded with Bill Gates - Times of India (indiatimes.com)

World gold reserves skyrocket to 1970s levels. (citizenwatchreport.com)

Bipartisan Senate Letter Urges DOJ To Stop Attacking Bitcoin Privacy Software (cryptonews.com)

Some trends to likely blossom…

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It’s time to invest in Argentina! They have reliable anti-socialist leadership, cut their government spending in half, cut regulations and reduced inflation. After 30 years of socialism, they are finally on the right track to freedom. The boom is coming.


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Well nothing is crazier than having the forum go down for a couple of days. Hope the @moderators will give us a heads up on what happened. Had a lot of people freaked out.