April 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Closer We Get The Crazier It Gets

Dearest forum family; I suppose one day it just won’t come back up and that’s okay if it’s because… Harpazo!!!
But if it’s not because of that, then I’ve realized (because this has happened prior to this most recent incident) that I shall not again behold your written text. Not your epic revelations, thoughtful posts to encourage and inspire or your spontaneous bouts of humor.

When the forum goes down for a spell as it just did, do you ever wish that you had taken the opportunity to connect with one another outside this ultra safe haven of anonymity? I often wonder why it has to be like this but I have accepted it over the years. I still appreciate you all. I just wish I knew you better. I feel as though there are some blessings being locked away.

I know this though; we are called to be “fishers of men.” I fish occasionally and am here to tell you that in order to catch fish you have to go where there’s fish. If we’re all redeemed here, then we’ve already been “caught.” We’re no longer fish. Church buildings aren’t necessarily the best places to fish (actually that’s debatable :thinking:). So we have to go to the places where the fish are and use The Light (and don’t forget His Love) as our bait.

:heart:Tony Clark


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiley:

Timing is everything. I had just posted when I got the notification from Microsoft that the software was down. I thought, What have I done NOW?!


I put this here because what I am about to say is insane to even think of. My sister’s pastor has a large family and that is good. But late last night I got an email from her. His daughter and granddaughter were in a very bad head on accident. It happened in the middle of nowhere so both were air lifted to the nearest city. His daughter suffered two broken legs which required surgery and is still at that hospital. His grand daughter suffered internal inguries and they had to remove part of her intestine. That would be bad enough but they had to opt to leave her open and air transport her to another specialty trauma hospital as she may have also some spinal injury in the area of her neck.

That is only part of the pastor’s problem. In his home is his mother and an aunt both well into their years and being cared for. So the Pastor has gone to be with his granddaughter and his wife has gone to be with their daughter. Fortunately though they have more family to help take care of the mother and aunt and many members of the church are chipping in to help at his home as well. So please keep that family in your prayers. They are dealing with a lot right now and that will quickly take its toll on them all.

I hope this does not sound snarky but it is not the government, not the people in entertainment, and not the news that is the problem. This like what Pastor JD and his wife are going through is from the pit of hell. Old soot foot is pulling out all the stops. I would not be surprised if over the course of this year we hear of other God fearing, Bible teaching pastors suffering similar attacks. It is getting very rough for Pastors at this time and that will not go well for the flocks which will break and scatter.

Anyway please pray for my sister’s Pastor and his family.

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Update on this situation. The pastor’s daughter had only one broken leg that required a rod inserted and is doing well. Her daughter on the other hand has a lot more going on but not as bad as orginally assessed. While her intestines are a mess and some surgery has been done to deal with the immediate problem and that saved her life at the first hospital and some work has already been done she also had a broken collar bone and the C2 vertibrae in her neck. The good news is that she is not paralyzed and they have her in a generic halo for now while a form fitted one for her size is being made. The doctors at this point believe that if they just keep her immobile in the halo the C2 will heal without surgery and that is what they are hoping for. Through all this the pastor and his wife were running ragged first day out with an hour plus drive from home to the first hospital and then the pastor doing another 2 hour drive to the next hospital and all of that through some nasty weather on back roads. But God, one of the church deacons and his wife managed to get door-dash sent to each the pastor and his wife to make sure they had food to keep their strength up. This was done from their home town across the state.

While this is a long term situation and will require a lot from the pastor, his wife and his family and will be a distraction, we still praise the Lord. A day later another head on happened in the pastor’s town and one perished at the scene and two were transported but did not make it. So all in all as bad as it is, it is not as bad as it could have been. Thank you Father for your mercy.


I am not sure if everything this guy says is correct, but he definitely does bring up so very good points!!! :+1:


Praying for all the pastors and their families. Dark forces are mounting and prayer will help -MARANATHA


Will keep them in prayer Jack. So thankful we have a Heavenly Father who cares for our every need.

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Thank you for the update. My best friend was on her way home from my house Friday and turned into Costco for gas. Someone hit her on the passenger side and she flip over 2x. Firemen flipped the car upright as they could not get her out. She just turned 80 and all she had was bruising. Praise God for His protecting hand on her.


Sorry to hear that. Seems there is a lot more of accidents happening of late. In one day to State Troopers where I live were on routine traffic stops and were well off the road and still where hit by drunk drivers. Minor injuries in both cases. About 3 months back another was not so fortunate as he was pronounced dead at the scene.

I go through the local police and sheriff reports that show up on Twitter and FB daily and sometimes even listen to the police scanner online. Lots and lots of accidents are happening with many of them being hit and run and many times involving unlicensed drivers with no insurance. It is a mess.

Just glad to hear your friend was not seriously injured.


I have been debating to put this up but I think now it is probably a good idea. I do this if for no other reason than to remind everyone to remain vigilant when out but even at home. Given what Jesus told us of the changes coming in human nature people are getting worse. The rise in crime, especially violent crime, the rise in herd mentality with groups start going on rampages just shows the times we live in are very dangerous even when they don’t appear to be, when we think we are safe.

So let me preface this with as always need to wait until the facts come in to actually make a determination. But given the many strange occurences and the common usage in the intelligence community to utilize cover as a utility worker this story raises serious questions.

  1. The decease is a Chechen national and in the country illegally.
  2. He was in the neighborhood of active duty Special Forces types taking pictures.
  3. It is said he was doing sub contracting work for a company that has along side civilian contracts also government contracts and is one by a Moldovan(part of the old USSR with ties to Russia) national.
  4. The deceased was in a private car and not a company vehicle, had no ID on him and was only later found who it said he worked for. He was wearing no utility type work clothing and the people in the area were never informed that such work would be taking place.
  5. The time of day at around 8:30 pm was when he was confronted which is well after working ours unless dealing with some kind of outage of which there were none at that time.

So this begs the main question why in that particular area and appearing to be gathering intelligence on the man’s home a high ranking officer in the Special Forces. Is it for work he may have done in the past, is it for potential use for some future event, or is it due to the upcoming national elections. I don’t know at this time as only small snippets of information are available at this time. Also it is not making any national air play for the most part so it is kind of flying under the radar which is never a good thing especially if it may lead to something more impactful.

So here is the news story as best as I have seen the speaks to it.


I heard this on Pat Grey Unleashed this a.m. I want to say it is unbelievable, but that phrase just doesn’t fit our times right now. How utterly evil that people hate this country so much that they come here to use our freedom against us to get away with it. Well, he certainly didn’t and is meeting his maker now. How sad and so common now. We have had people come to our door saying they represent the utility company and need to do a servey of our property. I call them on it and firmly say “no” and please leave. They don’t respond well to that word, but I am prepared to be firmer in my answer if necessary. The boldness of evil is not even surprising.


That is just one case. A Chinese illegal was caught on the Marine Base at 29 Palms. Since there is a lot of open land for the training area it is pretty wide open if you are stupid enough to risk showing up on a live fire range which is where he was. He was just lucky to live through it. Then of course there is the massive buy up of farm land that is close or borders military bases by so called Chinese investment companies. It is happening all over the place either physical with people or cyber into industry, infrastructure, and government. It will be part of our down fall.



Who cares? I don’t. I know it will have some kind of ramifications but what those are exactly I don’t know. Since I don’t and can’t narrow it down to less than a half dozen possible scenarios then it is a waste of my time to even try to figure out which way to turn in the secular aspects of this nation. Kind of like what natural disaster will I have to live through next, storm, quake, wildfire, volcano eruption. Just don’t know, so I am positioned to deal with which ever one shows up that I live through.

All I see this doing is muddying the waters for the sheeples who are deeply invested in the political engine of deception. As such my thoughts are simply get ready for some more of the crazy occupy rioting and problems of 2020 after the George Floyd fiasco. I make sure my home security is up to standards I can handle. I go out in the day time only or in the wee hours of the morning when even bad guys are few and far between. I avoid crowded areas and definitely leave areas that appear to be gathering potential numbers of radical folks screaming and hollering. Other than that everything else is the same. I have what I need to last for a while and means to get what I need if I have to outside of normal life. That is I know where the deer live, rabbits are all around, there are several small well stocked lakes and I know more than a little what wild plants I can forage for and harvest and where to find them. All of that within walking distance of my home. Let the heathens rage all they want. Just leave me out of it.

I will say, though, this will make for some interesting comedy as it progresses up to and the few months after the national elections. Baring some external problem like China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran making a direct move on the US it should be quite and interesting show to watch.


Having concerns over my own views of late (as seem to have regular cycles…firm believer in self critique and probably even more so in not taking oursleves too seriously also) had this not been brought up to any degree, I don’t think i would comment on it online much. On one hand, for the simple reason that we live in a country (USA) where globalism is choking us out…as well as a lot of drama queenery on the opposing side too. In the midst of it all there are people with real thoughts, concerns, and confusion for sure. So in a way for me, it just is what it is. So outside of 2 videos of a NJ wrestling highlight (I like social artifacts that demo pulse–like if we looked back on America 100 years from now…what would be in the time capsul kind of thing…something to earmark the age), I would have likely not said anything further.

On the other hand, we are in the midst of 2 storms (as far as i can tell). 1 storm is Trump worship and hope for a country (for better or for worse), and the other storm is thick watcher langauge of American destruction and at times views to see politics as only deception (which is not a non-opinion…it is very very much an opinion seemingly to nuatralize). I can appreciate those (as this forum will support) who trend to believe politics are just deception and destraction. I concur with the sentiment of concern (as where I would post an An0maly video) considering the best real world perspective of just how much of this is theater (from a non-eschatalogical POV…which i believe is healthy to include at the consideration and weighing things out table).

So the main reason i would post is not so much to give my POV. I applaud any who are JDF veterans like myself who have stayed in the mix for years. Thank you guys for your devotion and loyalty to our journey together. Amen. But of those, many know my POV (as it is controversially the odd duck for sure). But the reason why i would feel led to post is in relation to perhaps the same reason i would post my POV. Not to affirm exactitude. But to provide contrast for consideration reasons (more than certainly for controversial).

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To get it out of the way, the trajectory i would see most probable: Further Trump drama, increased use of Antifa (as @BayouBushi mentioned…maybe even as Hamas replicas), incrouching WW3 propoganda, and massive drama but a Trump win in November. I’d also guesstimate that Maga will become stronger during Tterm2. I don’t get this deduction from Trump worship, Nor do i get it from hoping for a better America. I get it because of the Abraham Accords and the Saudi line up to nuetralize with Israel. Because those are fitting slated puzzle pieces that nicely co-join an already steepened Ez 38 landscape amasing. I believe in MAGA not for its own sake, but Israels.

When i bring that up often it is looked at as perhaps a petty way to hope for a salvaging of America. And God does not need the USA to protect Israel. And many watchers see Ez 38 occur without an America (not exegesis but well meant biblical POV). But I think God kind of wants us to “get it.” So very low tech POVs (far from high end eschatology) would simply be: America for dacades has protected Israel. We have (a) Ez 38 on the map. (b) Abraham Accords. (c) Saudi normalization potential. And (d) a likely Trump return. When viewed this way it is what i would call coloring book eschat. Its very low hanging fruit. Controversial fruit. Yes. But that is what makes it so exciting. Me thinks.

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So the reason i post is because JDF has seen my sincere heart in how i not only have trouble with my own view, but at times can frown upon and hate it…lol. Like, “I don’t want my view to be anything near reality,” out of frustration and even some anger. Human emotions. And only God knows the outcome.

But the reason I post is because there is already a very loud voice of things the church in prophecy should look for presumably. The overspill of some presumptions on that have caused ruckas on the forum. As some may know, i am not a huge advocate of church watcher mode and theory. But instead, i believe the ideas about end times reside much closer to Israel than what might come from a church eschat blueprint. I believe a lot of things can take a large meaning of their own from perhaps having too much focus on elements watchers might deem most important. I think a lot of it is helpful…but, to me, seemingly more like side dishes. And Israel (via Ez 38) the “main course.” And all the side dishes make the most sense or best sense or only sense in proximity to the main dish “first,” kind of thing is i guess how i would see it.

Now that may not be accurate (but Ez 38 is pretty readable and trackable). But if true my "getting it out of the way’ section (a child’s coloring book version) would basically be low hanging fruit God might provide even the commonners. Rather than distraction and deception it might be like litterally dropping it in our laps. Its not so much “watching” to see it like that though. Which raises like a huge eyebrow…in a social setting where doing so seems to escape the masses (at least in its super ease of dismissability often).

So i apologize if this is yet another rant. But its not in a vacumm. We well know there are other narratives that do have a voice. If politics is low hanging fruit brought into our effortless laps, it might be a lot of things…but deception and distractions would not be the two i would use to desribe that. Just saying. Well thanks for letting me post. Bracing for me to be in error here folks. Because in some ways…i actually want it to be. Blessings.


You are right, Teren. The present political focus is not the deception and distraction. As believers, and I mean those who watch with their spiritual eyes, see and feel who and what is leading this old world. What we do with our time and talents is the main thing. He is our peace; He is our focus, He is our life and everything else is just fodder for the enemy to use to take that away.

Thank you for the rant!! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Are We There Yet?


Hi Carol Ann. Thanks for your kind heart and I understand what you are saying. This forum desires to honor Christ in focusing on Him through the end time season rather than let events that occur distract us. And i would have to really honor and respect that desire. Especially knowing that intense events (seemingly good or bad) can lead or even add to very wrong responses. I understand your dear concern my lovely sister. I do. And concur.

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There are two things my rant is responding to though. 1 is the reasonable concern of current political manueverings as they relate to prophetic events. And 2 is related to a generic overlay of church blueprint. In both cases those vibes tend to imply how we are looking at things.

One way to sway lets say those caught in the political moment that is not healthy dependence (like overly favoring a Trump type like person in office) might be to encourage thinking on Christ instead of things unfolding before us. I understand this encouragement and believe it is healthy to encourage this way, Amen. However, where it might or can tend to become unhealthy is (from what i have seen in general in watcher world) perhaps is a tendency to overly permitting charectorization of what is happening politically to be presumed as the devils plan. Or as you have expressed dear sister “fotter for the enemy.” I understand the sentiment. For the enemy has made plain use of politics (in our faces even) especially these days.

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In the case of 1: If God is more of an actor in politics than Satan, and it is end times, then it would be odd to be on a watcher forum encouraging us to look away from God forming prophetic events in front of us and just trust Christ instead. I don’t think that is meant. But if what is occuring in front of us is Joel’s prophecy about bringing Ez 38 to Israel. And if what is occuring right in front of us America’s role in that unfolidng…then how is that “fodder for the deivl” if God prophesied it in Joel and Ez 38? God brings Gog to a hook. Satan does not do that. If America gets all Maga’d out and we would be correct in our senses to frown upon Christian Nationalism (amen), but if God (not the devil) is supplying MAGA power to protect Israel…it would be kind of reverse psychology to relable that as something not to consider “if” it is actually a ground swelling reason we are on a prophecy forum to begin with i reckon.

In the case of 2: What can occur here is to potentially downplay how prophecy is actually unfolding and refocus that to “trust in Christ” instead, yet all the while not point away from potential church blueprint like narratives we might favor. And not say, “trust Christ” instead of those narratives but rather give those narratives authorial intent (or wink and permission to exist or thrive) as for having reasons to trust Christ instead of Christian Nationalism and the like. I mean it makes sense when this condition might exist. At the end of the day though i don’t say these things to be a troll. At the end of the day, it might be yet another form of “revealing” in our day to favor narratives of men (who mean well in Christ) more. Which is what we really mean to encourage away from in trusting Christ.

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You have seen i have honestly considered the problem areas of my own views–even somewhat hatred for them. I appreciate this forum as our somewhat radically differences are actually of great helpf and value to me. In ways it helps keeps me honest regarding how i consider my own views. But when i look out at the greater watcher world…who is keeping that honest? There does not seem to be an office for that…lol. Of the two views (what i have been accustomed to and the alternative watcher world perspectives i used to be very convinced of as well) I would say, in honestly truly weighing things out, the latter seems to have more of the burden because it tends to ulitmately make Ez 38 a plan of Satan inadverntently. I don’t think this is happening on purpose. You mention about having spiritual eyes. This can mean a lot of things and we may differ on how that might look. In any event i do appreciate your heart and those on our forum that strive and even come along side such a wild card version of eschat as me self. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I admit though, it is difficult in my view to soften all the moral implications of my perspectives.

To that i am challenge and I have a friend that is reintroducing me to go through the book of Job with him. I found it interesting what conclusion Bible Project comes to regarding Job. That even though Job was scolded by God, he was purposley honored by God for His striving with God (similar to why the Hebrews got the name Israel: to strive with God). Job reminds me of a theological representative of a spiritual grammar of sorts we find in logic: Logical fallacies. Like Job is demonstrating how theological fallacies can operate. And it would seem most likely Job was written soon after those events (by internal evidence) as well as being about the time of Abraham. Which if true makes it the first book of the bible written. Which if also true would mean God laying down Job conceptuals prior to any other words of His written. A piece of theological fallacy in observation and His deepest contention toward honest striving with God (perhaps in contrast).

11 minutes

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Again, I am appreciative of this forums even contrasting view. For it makes me workout inside…lol. And not just weather down some rough edges in how to interact with others, but also truly truly have me consider the forum perspective increasingly. Although obviously not entirely effective toward that end, and because this forum has received the most intense and real hearted differences I have, JDF has literally been the most profound and genuine sanctifyer for me in all things eschat wise. In light of all my views, this forum family has been most edifying and encouraging (not to mention Christ like in most cases in understanding and back and forth and such). It would seem in many ways to refine me still yet in my own views. But in addition, has deepened a hunger in earnest consideration of the views of others. And I realize my presence here has not always been the most welcoming. On the merits I would not find need to apologize. But where I’m yet to be further sanctified, yes, there I truly do apologize. For it would seem the addage “better to understand than be understood” apply. Amen. On that note, family, these indicators postures 2024 likely like no other. Blessings.

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