April 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Closer We Get The Crazier It Gets

“Donald Trump vows to declassify bombshell 9/11, Jeffrey Epstein and JFK files”

lol. looking like such a national hero. and ppl will buy into his supposed integrity. i never guess who AC is but this type of headline makes it look like just such a figure could be revealed soon, whoever it is. we’re in a time when ppl are more distrusting than ever, and crying for “truth” more than ever as well. so it makes sense for puppetmasters to “cater” to that.

if im flawed in my view, i apologize, im really not that worldly. i just have my thoughts.


Alison, by no means are you flawed in your view. I would guess for the same reason Job was honored by God. From what I know of you dear sister, you bring a beautiful openness. This does not mean you are without convictions of your own. You have demonstrated to be one who strives for insight. I believe we all are. But I have seen your thinking outside the box heart. I believe with His spirit, this will serve you well.

You bring up a great point about Trump though I will address my struggles in my next “generic” rant. Blessings.


GENERAL RANT (for those who might inquire)

I understand my views are rather abstract. Even extremely counter intuitive. And admittedly, perhaps not accurate. If it stands out clearly to me this way, I’d be very willing to admit it. Sometimes it feels like maybe I am trying to help my own views survive on life support. But 5 things keep me still working through it all.

  • 2017 – Jerusalem affirmed for Israel
  • 2019 – Golan Heights affirmed for Israel (on Purim)
  • Abraham Accords
  • Saudi Lean Toward Normalization
  • Ez 38 Dramtically Falling Into Place

Everything else to me is theater (in a way). I kind of mean that tongue-in-cheeck. Because its not exactly theater to me. But next to those five items, it can tend to be more like window dressing. Those 5 things to me are a steam roller that demolishes any view that massages those things to mean what they may not mean. Even here, yes I can be wrong about where it goes (as any of us mortals…amen). But those 5 together are demonstratively, to me, an iron clad silhouette pretty much for…everything else.

The reason I believe this to be so is the following:

  • Ez 38 is the biggest portion of prophecy in the bible on any one subject
  • It makes sense that all its detail is likely meant to give us a heads up and where to look
  • Although there is fascination with Ez 38, we see most don’t articulate its exact “at pace” current stance
  • Since its in His word, the biggest prophecy portion, has most detail, and about Israel who brought us prophecy (not the church), it would seem to overrule whatever else the church tries to define outside of its rippling genre

. . . . .

Whatever Trump is about, the above would be the rubric I use. Not trends, current events, or political mood swings. If the above is a solid, I simply force EVERYTHING ELSE under it. When I do that, to me, it seems not only to make more sense to me…but reveal quite a bit more along the way potentially.

For example:

This was a recent post from our beloved brother Dennis. If the silhouette5 where not dropped in our laps, I’d tend to see of course with how Dennis understandably feels. Without the silhouette5 the danger we may tend to run into is the following, i believe:

  • We are all looking in the word and trusting God’s word is true
  • We want it to be true (and it is)
  • We don’t want to be tricked and see beyond imagery
  • On that last point, so do New Agers

And that last point is where I would see the silhouette5 transcend a church mirror practice of New Agers. I don’t believe we can discern “best” Gods unfolding end of age of grace plans struggling to see through a similar matrix device the New Agers use. They, above all, don’t want to be decieved either.

If the silhouette5 is a plumb line spilled effortlessly into our laps, then narratives we tend to create (regardless of how convincing) will likely contain error. Like American collapse, non-accountability, and no real potential economic upswings. Without the silhouette5, I would be a mere boy holding a balloon saying, “Yeah but things will likely change or get better.” And i would be…a boy holding a balloon saying that.

. . . . .

We all have our hobbies. Mine is spending 10% to 40% of each and every day challenging my own narrative. I believe it is not only healthy today to do so, but almost crucial in light of how we all got so postmodern like in our age. We are a product of our age. I don’t believe the answer is in being a contrarian. But i do believe that the answers will likely challenge our biases at the gut level. Look at church history from the standpoint of our tendecy to hold to group think. We might tend to be too rigid in places for our own good. If God “transcends” then we might expect Him to in how we view things as well. :butgod: is more than a Tshirt…in my book. And one of the most loved attributes i find attractive about Pastor JD.

If we merely sun tan under the waring ideologies of our day and dig our heels in on one, it will likely need for us to turn over and tan the other side, would be my general view. Our concerns with Trump are not without merit. Amen. But if the right placement of the irony piece in our jigsaw puzzle is in proximity to “story” vs “bias” this is what we might see:

Might God use the superhero comic book dumb down version of lazy stupid Trump loving America to be the thing its not (1 Cor 1:27-31)? If we take into account silhouette5, yeah. I think so. I’m not proud of that view, but if God transcends…superhero is not only cheesy but foolish. However, Ez 38 and the silhouette5…not so much. That blend tends to challenge our otherwise church wise senses. :butgod: …in my humble opinion. Blessings.


I hear you brother Jack @BayouBushi! I have lots of different things way more important that I’m praying for and politics is very far down on that list. My brothers girlfriend, Celia, has had her vertigo return again and my Dad just turned 91 years old - with his white blood count continuing to drop, so he doesn’t have much longer to live… not to mention my praying for the lost in this world, for Israel, and for the Rapture to happen… multiple times a day.

I trust that God is in full control and have faith that HIS will WILL be done! I thank you all for any prayers y’all can add on your prayer list for my Dad and Celia, in addition to everything else.

God Bless You All Brothers and Sisters and Give You Peace, In Jesus’ Blessed Name, Amen!



You got that right. While we wait patiently on the Lord we still have to live day to day, deal with all the things of this world that we need to take care of, bills, health, family, etc.

My mind set is that, ok, I know time is short, I know I will see all manner of ugliness coming in the world but the majority of it is not having a direct affect on my day to day life and that which may such as laws, fake pandemics, etc. are only corrected if I can change the political landscape. But I have already seen that I can not and I definitely don’t have time to try and rally across the nation to do so. I know that any effort on that score is useless because I already know that at some point the US will fall from its position as the major world power. It will happen not because of what anyone is doing as much as it is happening because God is allowing it to fulfill His prophetic word. It has to so that there can be a Tribulation period with a single world leader owned and operated by Satan. So not need for me to get all worked up over that which I have no control over. Like you said I got things and people at home I need to be dealing with and praying for while I am still here.


It is fodder for the devil when we focus on it. Yes, we are to be in the know, but so many, if not all on forums such as this and more to the point, the ones who gain income from their posts, are sensationalizing it. Some are in it for the ministering and sharing of the gospel and warning of their future, but that is the exceptions. Honestly, you cannot deny that it is so if you are spending more time in the Word than you are on social media. Social media is a BIG deception and if you take a step back and truly see the Big PICTURE, you know that is a correct assumption. Oh, yes, the gospel is being spread by the internet, but I believe so much more is evil on it than good. Just my opinion, of course.

I am reading your post bit by bit so please forgive me if I said something that you explained later in your post. More to follow, and BTW we may disagree, but I enjoy and grow from reading a completely different approach to God’s Word. It sharpens my “spiritual eyes” and causes me to ponder the Word which is a good thing, right??


Seems to be somewhat of a rarity Carol Ann. Megan Phelps left Christianity over an unexplained verse amidst very harsh reformed culture. She went on to do Ted Talks about being better able to understand others. There is an athiest channel i check out from time to time bause of the level of insight it provides in respect to how some see things. A Christian couple have engaged with those on that channel. Even spending the weekend with them. Not out of compromise, but to offer relatability in Christ. Those kinds of things melt my heart. And i appreciate yours (:heart:) too in how you consider Christian growth. Amen. :slight_smile:


Joe, I wanted to add this to the explanation of why the US will collapse under strict government take over akin to what all of the world will be facing during the Tribulation.

I know a lot of MAGA folks from my work days and still some with strong Christian backgrounds who also have military time and should probably know better but live under a false hope that the US can go back to Andy of Mayberry. It ain’t gonna happen the way many think. There will be no chance that any group or groups like militias will ever succeed against the government who controls the military. With current technologies in the hand of the military as well as all the intel gathered to date on people, there will be no place to hide on the ground in the US especially if such groups also try to rely on what technology they have available to themselves.

This video is from the Wa. State Patrol Cessna that I often see in the air around my home at night. It is up doing air assist for troopers doing night patrols on the freeway. Now I suspected they had FLIR capabilities as most police aircraft these days do, whether fixed wing like this one or helos. What I did not know was that they could call up a kind of street map over lay like the one seen in the video.

Now I know the person on the ground was thinking, it is night, no way he can know exactly where I am except for maybe GPS. That is why he probably left from inside the house and went to the brush and wooded covered open lot behind his home. He was thinking he would not be seen from the air. Bad call on his part.

But my point is this is just local law enforcement with this kind of technology in their aircraft and the same is also capable on the drones they use. I know because I talked to an officer flying a drone and he told me they have FLIR capability, infrared, and plain old night vision ability. With the push of a button or a flip of a switch they can change modes just like that.

Now if we consider that what the military has for such surveillance as well as the weapons they can carry, there is not a chance that people with only ground ability to hide out from such surveillance. Yes people could mount a resistance but it will ultimately fail as citizens are so far out gunned, they will fall quickly. And that is just the surveillance ability. There is also SIGINT or signals intelligence abilities that the government has in the alphabet agencies, FBI, NSA, DIA, etc. as well as the now known cyber units in all of the branches that can gain access to any network or device. Communications is already compromised on the citizen level that even before any resistance can be mounted a lot of the people thinking they can win will be rounded up. So things like supporting and chasing after Trump as some kind of national savior is a fools errand. All that does is put a target on your back for future use. Hence the US will fall as the world’s leading power and subject themselves under a one world government.


Well just in time for Human 2.0 right?

Santa Klaus said thus:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is based on technology… It doesn’t change what you’re doing. It changes who you are. It has a big impact on your identity. Schwab agrees with Charlie Rose that gene editing changes what it means to be human. Schwab agrees that it raises big questions on ethical and legal implications but he is confident these issues will worked out at the 2016 DAVOS meeting of Billionaires and unelected influencers. Hence the Covid-19 Plandemic…

Yeah, readying humans to be iron mixed with clay for 10 toes final kingdom!


im praying for celia, and for your dad. praying he stays comfortable physically and close to God spiritually through this transition. 91 is a long legacy, full of amazing stories, lots for him to reflect on, and i hope you’re getting plenty of time to hang with him through it. my dad loves to talk but i know im going to think of so many new questions when hes gone and it will hurt to not be able to ask any more. may this time for you two, be very blessed.

in my natural remedies reference book, it says that when vertigo strikes, one should drink 3-4 cups of lavender tea per day until you’re steady on your feet again. don’t know if celia has tried that but this book has really helped me with other issues so i thought id offer the suggestion. praying for relief for celia.


Thank you and God bless you Alison @alllllz ! Actually, my Dad isn’t really the talkative type and not a story teller. We are very much the same in that respect, so our conversations are usually short and to the point. We chit chat only a couple times a month for only a few minutes. He spends a lot of time in prayer and in church and his free time is spent mostly with bingo or with family playing cards or something like that.

I’ve not heard about the tea remedy for vertigo before. I’ll mention that to my brother to tell her. Thank you so much! I hope it helps her.

Thank you and God bless you again. I really do appreciate the thoughts and prayers more than you know. :pray::heart:



Is Celia a super-healthy eater? I’ve learned the hard way that overloading on super foods can build up the naturally-occurring neuro-toxins (oxalates) in certain foods in the body over time. Vertigo is one of the possible things that can happen. If so, I can point you to some things. Either way…:pray::pray::pray:.


Thank You and God Bless You @Myrrh for your prayers and potential help and recommendations. To be honest, I don’t know how well Celia eats or what she eats. She is in the Philippines and she lives a fairly comfortable life with her 3 older children, from what my brother tells me, so she may not actually have a very healthy diet. As a mother of 3, I can see her sacrificing her own healthy choices so that her children can eat better.

I’ve never met or even spoken to her myself. She is my brothers long distance relationship and he is hoping to meet her soon by her receiving her Visa to come here to the states so they can be married.


Yep, there are some really thoughtless and stupid people out there in this world, that’s for sure, brother! I’ll bet that person never points a laser light up to the sky again.


She sounds like a dear woman.:revolving_hearts:


My brother just texted me back and forwarded the tea info to her to read when she wakes up after bit. He said her Dr mentioned that she had higher than normal cholesterol. I immediately did a search and found that the vertigo CAN be indirectly caused by high cholesterol. :+1:


Thanks for your kind heart and care for the body of Christ brother. We appreciate you a lot. Prayer to you and you family brother. :slight_smile:

What I love about Jack is that he has a lot of interesting in-depth observations. And helped me make sense of an aircraft video I was not sure what I was looking at. He was dead on.

The one ironic controversial little ditty I would add to his thorough military overview would be this: “Not if the military IS the malitia.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Blessings.

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This is one channel i frequent. He is reformed but is very understanding toward the non-reformed (like us) perspective. He often brings to the surface plenty of difficult situations in his own camp. This one on Al Mohler would be one of them.

Dean Lentini sees Trump more like how this forum would see him. Maybe not “as concerned,” but certainly is no Trump supporter. In this video (1 hour) he demonstrates the problems of when his own camp tries to promote Trump. He sees that as hypocritical in ways and provides other context for not getting involved in politics.

I wanted to post this in our forum because Dean is a very down to earth loving believer (pastor) that cares about church culture. He is not really into end times. But he would agree with Pastor JD about voting and the lesser of two evils motif.

So yeah i wanted to post this video because i have been watching Deans channel for a few years now. This is not advocating for his channel or that anyone make a habit of it. But i thought of our forum with this video because he does agree with quite a bit of the stances and convictions we have here on this forum.

I know my views can seem pretty extreme. So i thought it to be somewhat helpful (hopefully) and in good faith and in good manners to post this video because I really like this guy (as well as love this forum)…and he agrees with a lot of the sentiments in our forum. In addition to Pastor JD, Andy Woods, and others…Dean is kind of like An0maly if he were a pastor kind of…lol. I guess. Not exactly. But his podcast is worth a listen at least once in a lifetime. And just wanted to share it with whomever might have an interest. Blessings family :slight_smile:

Al Mohler Went Too Far Defending Trump - YouTube

PS – Al Mohler was in the circles i used to run in more than a decade ago.


Saved or not. Highly secular or not, there is a growing sense of uneasiness in people from all backgrounds. Some have their finger well on the pulse others are just noticing now with all that is going on that does not seem to make sense. In short just about everyone is starting to sense that as the movie title says, “Something Wicked, This Way Comes.”