April 7, 2024: Bible Prophecy Update -- The Closer We Get The Crazier It Gets

Something that has been on my mind for a while now. It goes back to even before the big solar flares and far reaching auroras of last month. We have been in a significant lull with strong quakes, magnitudes 6.0 and better. That is they pop up once in a while but not rapid fire like they were earlier this year and late last year.

With the strong solar activity I was fully expecting to see some increased activity but it never happened. There is a slight increase in all quakes even down to those we don’t even feel but that is not quite the same.

Now the sun spot region that gave us the massive flare and auroras has already come back around once and is now on the back side of the sun not earth facking. Even so its second time of earth facing it did very little. What X-class flares it did a couple I think were barely in the X-class range. Even now we have a couple of potential dangerous sun spots, earth facing but they are not looking like they are going to much of anything.

So those are two things that have the potential to wreck havoc on the world but are strangely quiet. On the other hand we did go through that long round of Midwest storms with lots and lots of tornadoes. Now some people think that is strange but I can tell you as a weather watcher from my preteen years cyclic season changes do happen where in a given year such excessive weather just pops up. I remember times in the 60s and even the 70s when the Midwest was hammered with very strong frontal storms that brought lots of tornadoes. More often than not the next year not much happened. Things like seasons of heavy storms are cyclic and they now know the major cause which is the change from El Nino to a neutral state, and to La Nina. On the times of the change over is when bad weather shows up. Once they settle in then different seasons are affected. Last year was El Nino which brings me in PNW warmer and dryer weather and that is exactly what I got. We are no in a shift to Neutral state so I can expect a much colder and possibly wetter winter this year.

So different parts of the country are affected differently such as heavy heat in the New England states as they are having right now. Also with the first tropical storm out and running, Alberto it is looking to be and active hurricane season. How active still remains to be seen.

My point is that looking at natural events in the US and lack of an early jump to political uprisings I am kind of expecting to show up some time this summer but may not, we are in what appears to be a very over all calm prophetic state. That is not to say there are not events happening as they are, just not the really big news attention getting say like back in Occupy Seattle, New York, and what ever other places they did that as well as any kind of Ferguson event that sends people into the streets in a frenzy.

What I am say is things in general seem to be strangely quiet for now and that has me concerned. That being said I am guessing a possible sudden and drastic change in all that which will catch most people off guard. I know some have dealt with the storms of the past few weeks and that was bad enough but I am thinking possibly something more significant. Pray I am wrong but maybe keep you situational awareness elevated for the next month or so and see how things go. Stay safe.


Jack - we are ready - our Blesses Hope is coming - yea and MARANATHA :latin_cross: :pray:


Developing: Trump Enters Landslide-Victory Territory in Blowout New Rasmussen Poll | The Gateway Pundit | by Jack Davis, The Western Journal

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Read these three Bible verses and then look at what the Jehovah’s Witnesses claim on their web site at position 7:54 of the video below.

Psalms 118:8 - It is better to take refuge in Jehovah than to trust in humans.
Psalms 146:3 - Do not put your trust in princes nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation.
Jeremiah 17:5 - This is what Jehovah says: “Cursed is the man who puts his trust in mere humans, Who relies on human power, And whose heart turns away from Jehovah.

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This 30 minute video is fascinating. Overall the way this guy tried to understand how his discovery makes sense today seems rather off. But the consideration of “decree” implies that perhaps the rapture is potentially slated in 2027? A theory. And i have heard this “decree” reference before…but not like this. What do you guys think?

The Decree Everyone Missed: Counting Down to 2027 and the Return of Jesus (youtube.com)
