August 1, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

The custom is the lamb is taken on the 10th of Nisan, kept and inspected for 4 days for blemishes. Then sacrificed on the 14th of Nisan. Jesus was kept and found without any blemishes for these days. He was passed from the religious leaders’ homes until landing at Pilate and sacrificed


Will be praying for both your parents and for you :pray:

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Regarding the vaX and it’s inevitable government mandate…

As someone (me) who has experienced having a job (truck driving) over a long period of time where eating, sleeping, and taking a shower was exceeding difficult, “living” without these common necessities leads to a very unhealthy body and a horrible state of mind.

I don’t see the deadly and debilitating COVID vaX as influencing our Eternal destiny and I’m honestly not sure what to do if/when it’s a matter of being destitute and homeless versus taking the vaX.

Though, I do see this decision as a precursor to the choice that many will have to make regarding the “mark” during the Tribulation.

Those saying adamantly now that they will not take the vaX might be forced into changing their minds when the evil minds corner us with a decision that is either bad (the vaX)…or worse (???).

Relying on Almighty YHVH GOD at this point is all we’ve got.


Yes, this has been in play for many, many decades starting with the global economy which they needed as a stepping foundation to spider web it all together, But God…Thank You Lord Jesus \o/


This is HUGE. The family owning the corporation behind the UK’s covid passport has bona fide NAZI ties. No lie. The Third Reich is still alive.


Being a mature, thoughtful bride or wife means that we value a husband’s love. One way to value it is by not putting that love through tests, i.e. doing things that are potentially or actually harmful then expecting husband to cover for them afterwards.

I have a husband in the natural. I have no doubt that he loves me and that he would protect me to the death if necessary. That does not give me the right to test his love and care by putting myself in harmful situations just so that he can rescue me.

I too have a husband in Jesus. As His bride, I follow His example. When Jesus was told by Satan that it was written in the Scriptures that God would protect Jesus from any physical harm, and suggested Jesus demonstrate it by throwing Himself off a high place, Jesus told Satan, NO, it is also written that you do not put God to the test.

Meaning that if Jesus threw Himself down, then expected to be rescued, that would have been testing to see what God would do.

In the book of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would have avoided a whole lot of drama, had they just crossed their fingers and bowed down to the golden statue. After all, it wasn’t like it would mean that they worshipped it. They might have figured God would understand and forgive. And refusing to bow down meant more than just losing their jobs, they were going to get thrown in a hot furnace!

They knew that God was all powerful and could save them from this situation, or any situation. God might have overlooked their bowing to the statue. But they refused to compromise and went into that furnace, not knowing if they might die as martyrs. They stood for God. They didn’t pre-empt God, and thus allowed God to perform an incredible miracle in the midst of the fire.

There’s no doubt that we’re all being severely tested. We’re definitely facing a Red Sea moment, with the Egyptians on our trail and a roaring sea in front of us. With faith and prayer, we need to give God charge of this situation and not turn back toward Egypt.



I have found the passage about the lamb being held for 4 days. I would like to find the passage that says Christ was held for 4 days


Thank you Liza and thx so much for the link. My son wouldn’t listen to me and took the jab; so has all my siblings and their families. One Christian friend I sent a link to and told him to pray on it said he is putting his trust in math and science instead of God. I don’t think he even looked at the links. Trying to tell ppl this is not a game or political. Thank you for your prayers sister!

God bless!



Your very welcome, it’s heartbreaking when loved ones don’t want to take our advice :broken_heart: but God!!! There is power in prayer & He remains good & faithful & nothing more powerful for us to do than pray :pray:


Rose Lilly, your words are amazingly deep. Very well said.

Oh that we may all see as our Lord Jesus see, and focus our eyes on the eternal, and most of all recognize that the temporal is so insignificant.


Greetings Saved-By-Grace,

I do agree with what you said.

My point is, what choice will be made when we are looking at our loss of a way to survive versus taking the vaX ?…if it came to that ??

Would you accept the loss of your home and personal way to survive as your stand against the vaX ?

Unless something radically changes very soon, the globalists (and their agenda) are likely going to make it severe for those who oppose them.

Also, keeping in mind that the vaX is not the mark of the beast…nor are we in the Tribulation.

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All Good Points, Thank You.

I think your Strength and Resolve is Great.


We are caught between rocks and hard places, for sure. I am praying that our merciful Father will provide a way to escape and survive until we are rescued. I’ve no idea how or when . . . Just desperately praying against the spirit of fear that assaults every time I see the latest headlines.

Father, we praise your name! We trust in your promises and your mercy towards we who are weak and tired and attacked from all sides. Thank you for your protection and for the rescue that IS coming! Praise God, our God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever hope or imagine! We are looking up, arms held high in worship of our God!! Maranatha!!


Thank You SongSparrow,

Perhaps what you said is our Faith Test for the short remaining time we have left here.


Our hope is built on nothing less. . . Jesus, our ROCK!! :heartpulse::pray:t3:


Wow is right :pensive:

Perhaps this can start you on your quest “ The night of Jesus’ arrest, He was brought before [Annas], [Caiaphas], and an assembly of religious leaders called the Sanhedrin -John 18:19-24, Matthew 26:57. After this He was taken before Pilate, the Roman Governor ([John 18:28), sent off to Herod -Luke 23:7 and returned to Pilate -Luke 23:11-12 who finally sentenced Him to death.”

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