August 15, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

They did not worry in the fiery furnace - JESUS WAS with them and protected them - just like he protects us - have no fear he is coming for his bride- and we are ready - MARANATHA


I also heard they are going to build a facility in Tennessee. A law just passed for this signed in by the governor


As bad as things appear to be for us from the Prophetic Scriptural Perspective…

Those of us in the U.S. still have it better than most other regions in the world.

As I write this, reports from Afghanistan indicate that women are being raped, little girls are being taken away from their parents to be Taliban sex slaves, and a slaughter of a large multitude is taking place.



Respectfully, “they” do not need to put 100 million in an internment camp.

A few thousand would likely do the trick as it would cause major nationwide shock, fear, and panic. Then the propaganda broadcasts (from CNN, FOX, etc.) would begin which would likely mean many would then rush to get the vaX to spare themselves from the camps.

I am not trying to raise anxiety or stress in saying that, however, as Pastor JD said today, nothing should surprise us any longer…the globalists are very serious with their agenda.


Please Lord, come!


I was feeling the same way. I started to think about it more and tried to disseminate what exactly was causing those feelings. The more I thought about it the more I think, for me, it’s grief. Not grief for the love of this world, but grief for what the devil is doing to the world, to people, to children, for the injustices taking place. As Pastor JD stated, it’s heartbreaking. Just know you’re not alone. God is with us through every moment and our hope is ONLY in him. I pray our Father places a covering of peace and comfort over you.


Very clever!

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Hi Alison. It is not important now that you believe or understand everything about the “Great Taking Away”. What you do need is your belief in Jesus as your Savior and trust Him fully. Stay in His Word and listen for His voice. He will guide and direct you. If you can find a quiet place to pray and talk with God, things will become clearer. I am praying for you, dear sis!


I think most of us have been there with the anxiety at one point or another since covid started. Take heart. You have support here. Keep reminding yourself that the Lord is in control of all of this. Together we can affirm our faith while we keep watch. Thank you Lord Jesus for our salvation. Thank you God for being the mastermind in control of everything.


Do you live in California or New York @Tony? Just curious as it’s becoming increasing obvious this week alone that those of us here are going to be on the front line. :frowning:

Yes, JD assures us the shot is not the MOB, but I still disagree that refusing it if mandated means we are not trusting the Lord. Jesus said DO NOT let ourselves be deceived. DO NOT! Who knows what this shot does to us mentally and emotionally (and even spiritually?) as well as physically. Many have said it is changing the personality of people they know in very negative ways.

I had a friend who used to say she was Christian, but is now atheist and says I believe in fairy tales. Recently she has become mean-spirited and seems to have lost all empathy for others. I remember telling my daughter once that she had a good heart, but now its like she is someone else entirely.

So it’s not just fear of dying from the jab…

Just my opinion.


As I was listening to the prophecy update and heard Pastor JD talk about them not testing for the specific delta variant I began to wonder if the vaccine is really working the way it was intended to, meaning those that are vaccinated are getting sick again so that they’re even more likely to be open to getting the boosters and scaring others into getting the jab. I really think they wanted people to get sick again. It’s then easier for them to convince people to keep getting those “upgrades” like graphene oxcide. It also easier to control and conquer people when they can be divided and turned against one another. Fear is a powerful motivator, but God!


Hi @Tony . I remember waaayyyy back in the 70’s a movie that all the churches in our area were showing. It was called Thief in the Night, produced in 1972. I was a teenager then and boy did I repent after the movie. It was quite the salvation winning tool back then. Now days our youth is so used to violence and special effects that this movie would be laughed out of the theaters. I am glad there are some churches teaching about the Rapture because the world will not listen anymore, but the church is hungry for hope! I pray we were of hope to @alllllz


Thankyou J D for once again bringing clarity and encouragement. Your humour is appreciated. God bless you and your family.


You have most assuredly made a great comparison regarding which is truth and which is the spirit of error.
In Luke 21:35 for as a snare shall it come on them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 watch ye therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these thing that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.
By studying the prophets and listening to Pastors like JD we are ensuring that the time has not come upon us unawares.
As a born again believer, we are written in the palms of Christ’s hands. Nothing can snatch us out of His hands.
Jesus said in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” He knew there would come times that would cause us to be fearful.
Just reading that gives me such a strong sense of His peace and of His love for us.
Praying that we will be comforted by His peace.

I have listened to some video from Prophecy Watchers and found them to be informative in further defining the days of Noah.
Hal Lindsay also has been writing, speaking and doing videos on The Rapture and teachings on the Book of Revelation for decades. He is very well studied.
God bless you all.


Hi Tony,

From my perspective, I am seeing an entire world disrupted with citizens worldwide knowing that previously accepted life normalcies will never be what they were. I think most everyone globally knows that something is wrong and headed in a bad direction.

Since many don’t have what we have with an understanding and trust in Messiah, they can only rely on Big Government to save them.

I’d very likely be among them if my understanding, hope, faith, and trust was not in Yeshua Ha’Mashiach and His Word.

When I think about it from what might be the globalists viewpoint, I can’t help but think they are partying (ex: Obama’s 60th) as they think their plan is coming about as pre-planned. Little do they know that their plan ends in Tribulation disaster, and eventually they’ll be much more distressed than we are now when they experience Almighty GOD’S Wrath firsthand.


I agree 100%. I was just lagging behind on wha I thought about this first vaccine. I had heard a few people say it was so rushed they weren’t able to do it right the first round and get all the “poison” into it that was intended but now I’m thinking it’s working exactly how they meant it to.


I want to tell others about one of my daily primary comforts and companions.

It is ‘The Word Of Promise’ Audio Bible.

Very Well Done :+1:

The entire Gospel of John is still free as far as I know, the cost for the complete OT / NT was about $40…if I remember correctly.

How I do wish that I could invite every one of you on JD’s Forum over my house and we could have really awesome Bible Study parties :scroll: :smile::tada: :scroll:

One of the best things I’ve ever purchased : )

If anyone is interested…


@Flamingogirl49563 , I watched this in 2014:

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I read all of the books from the Left Behind series and it certainly got one to thinking about what the last days would be like. I think the young are just as hungry for the truth today as ever. The times have got to be extremely confusing for them.
There isnot a lot of stability for them in a world that isn’t even sure of physical social interactions anymore like going to school in person or just hanging out with their friends all while watching their parents navigate through all of this.
I pray for our youth that they would have a hunger for truth and pursue it.