August 29, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

People don’t bother to research anything, or don’t know where to look.
I find it amazing that people, even doctors, rush out to take the vaccine when they don’t even know what’s in it! The package inserts are blank.
It’s almost like vaccines are a false religion. You don’t dare question it!
People who are so careful about what they eat but not about what’s injected into their bodies.


Dear Janny,

My heart is breaking with you. How we all long to just escape what has become a dystopian nightmare! I pray that you are able to have some contact with your mom. . . By phone? Skype?? Perhaps writing her a long letter?? It is so hard for those who have made the decision to take the poison to understand, if they have been lucky enough to escape any ill effects from having done so. Seems unless someone has been effected personally it is easy to believe that your concerns are unwarranted. One of my aunts had shrugged off my attempt to share concerns saying “I got the shot because I want to travel. All of my friends got it and had no problem with it.” But last night, after hearing about the rise in hospitalizations and the need for boosters already, she was able to listen! I sent her information about things she can do to help protect herself! The intended psychological impact of the past 18 months has worked it’s dark magic wonderfully well, but things are changing rapidly now, and it just might be that one day your brother will begin to awaken. When he does, you will have a wealth of helpful information to share.

Father, I pray you would just wrap your love around Janny now. She is tired and weak and worn out. . . But YOU are strong in her weakness. We know nothing is impossible for you, Father! We pray that you would arrange something wondrous, some shift in circumstance or a special message from Heaven that would be a balm to her aching heart. Reassure her that her mom knows and sees how much she loves her and yearns to be with her now. Father, work your good even in this, we pray. In the name of Jesus. Amen :two_hearts:


I’m not understanding. I expected to see a 666 lol but I didn’t. what’s up?

I’d say everyone needs to read this, but sadly it seems at this point that logic isn’t going to get through to those that don’t want to hear it. seems the remaining potential Christians out there could only be moved if God speaks to them in a very specific way. you have so articulately outlined all this and yet my mom would find some stupid way to disbelieve it. all I have left is love and prayer for those that may still come to understand.


This is a frightening reality, isn’t it? Seems so many in the medical profession are advising their patients when they haven’t done any research at all for themselves. My daughter-in-law is a nurse. She is expecting their fourth child. She miscarried their third baby just after recovering from COVID. :sob: Of course, she was told that losing the baby had NOTHING to do with Covid! Just a chromosomal abnormality. . . At her last appointment, when she asked about the shot she is now mandated to take, her doc advised her to wait at least “until the baby is viable” :rage::rage:
And that she should def get it after the baby is born!!! :rage::rage::rage: I guess everyone in the office has gotten it. And apparently she knows nothing about “shedding” and VAERS report showing breastfeeding mothers can spread the spike protein to their infants causing death!!! Oh I’m just so heartsick I can’t even think straight! Lord, HELP!!!


there is.

Pfizer Vaccines Customer Service 800-666-7248

Vaccine Products: 800-666-7248


This has blessed me more than words can express. Thank you so much for your loving response and prayer. It means a lot! So grateful!
Yes I phone my sweet Mother almost every day. I pray too that my brother wakes up from his insanity and comes to see the truth.
God bless you dear sister.
Love from,
Janny :two_hearts:


thank you! <3

Just watched a video about fema camps being set up all around the world. Just like Hitler’s camps with extermination buildings. It was a video and can come across as anything. I will have to do more research if I can even bare to do it. I know the Lord out God is in charge.

The link above was mentioned in the caption of the video. It’s about the Georgia Guide-stones.

Things of conspiracy theories, but they all seem to be coming true.

However, we know God is in control. No one can harm us as we are his children and he knows what’s in the future. But I just wanted to share in case anyone else on here has looked into this as well. Or was interested in it.



This is beautiful, thank you so much for all your time & effort in putting this together!!! I truly hope this will become true, the last couple of months I’ve been telling loved ones this is what I believe, but what makes me doubt is that the Bible said no one knows the day or the hour & therefore I’ve been feeling like I might be wrong. If He doesn’t come on the first day of the feast, we’ll know the day, but not the hour. I would love to know your logical argument regarding these verses in comparison to what you’ve shared:

But of that [exact] day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Matthew 24:36

Watch therefore [give strict attention and be cautious and active], for you know neither the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come.
Matthew 25:13

Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to argue, but would really love to know your reasoning!*** This following verse makes me even more confused:

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
1 Thessalonians 5:4

I know the Bible is not contradicting, but rather complimentary & when I see something that looks like a contradiction (like these 3 verses mentioned) my conclusion is the problem is with my understanding :blush:


Oh, @Janny, my heart breaks for you! :pray:


Appearing is the rapture. Setting foot down on earth is 2nd coming. There are many differences of the rapture and 2nd coming.


I’m a 4th term nursing student and I’m at a loss myself with how the medical community is behaving. There seems to be a total lack of veracity and benevolence that is drilled into us starting in our fundamentals class. I’ve been praying for guidance on this for just this reason. Truthfully I’m not sure if I will be able to finish my nursing education because I clearly see where all of this is going. I know that whatever happens though the Lord will guide me through it all.


My sister is an RN at Mayo Clinic. She had a horrid reaction to the shot. Fever, terrible headache, but even scarier, her whole body went into spasms (rigors) for hours. She was shaking so hard that she could barely text me what was happening. Her teeth were chattering along with her entire body. She told me that she left the backyard sliding door open just in case, for the ambulance people if they need to get her! Her symptoms finally subsided about a day later. I was finally able to talk with her, and she said she was “fine” now, and “100% would take it again”. :flushed: I just couldn’t believe it.


Just unbelievable! I hope she doesn’t do it of course!


Hang in there @Janny. Surely it won’t be much longer. I’ve followed your posts since your original, and been praying and praying for you and yours.


Thank you!!! I have listened to John Haller and do like his updates. So full of great, factual information!


That was her second shot (Pfizer). Unfortunately I think she will get whatever boosters that they start throwing at the population. :pensive:

We know very few Christians who have blindly taken the shot and they think we are nuts; but I have to do what I feel the Lord is leading me to do. Trust and obey for there’s no better way.


God has taught me so much about his patterns in scripture, and I think one of the biggest tie backs I have noticed is God always allowing his people to be in a situation where HE has to provide the solution, which he ALWAYS told them AHEAD of time he would! I believe that was the spiritual application of the manna. God told them to go out and gather what they needed ONLY for that day. If they gathered more than they needed (greed / fear), it would rot and be useless! They had to come to him at the start of EVERY DAY and trust him to provide what they needed for that day!!! He also told them he would provide double for them on the 6th day so they could REST on the Sabbath. The temptation was always there for them to go out and gather more than God told them to and more than they needed either out of greed or fear that he wouldn’t provide. Same with the 6th year when God said he would give them double crops so they could let the land rest in the 7th year! He would always tell them AHEAD OF TIME that he WOULD provide! They had to exercise their faith and sit still on that 7th day and 7th year as a way to show they were putting their trust in HIM! I have felt so many times over the past year and a half that we believers were at different Red Sea moments where the water is right in front of us and lapping up onto our toes, and Pharoh’s army is closing in from behind - and Jesus is standing right beside us with his arm around our shoulder whispering in our ears - “Do you trust me?”. So, I guess my practical advice is to take one day at a time. Pray for wisdom and God’s physical provision every day . That he will show you how to make the decisions that you will face THAT day, and then do it all again. One day at a time. There is no way to play out what the next weeks and months will look like, so don’t let satan try to take your mind there, because that brings nothing but fear. Others are watching us, whether we realize it or not, and the peace we exude when we are trusting God is magnetic for them! People are desperate and fearful and will want to know why we arent! What a beautiful open door this has been!!