August 29, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Much of what he said is true; however, it sounds as though he is saying we are in the first 42 months of the Tribulation. Also the way he interpreted Matthew 24:15-16, as if it is something already happening because of the vaccine; when it is actually, unless i am wrong, speaking of the time when the anti-Christ goes into the third temple and declares himself to be God. Then God will send his people to a mountain where He has prepared a place for them to be safe. He seems to take the verse out of context. Am I wrong?


First nest of this year…


have not seen any scanners round here yet, but there is a Savers nearby, I’ll have to go see if they have the scanners.

Your doctor should be able to help you with that, Liza. there is also a website called they have a test that costs $250., I think it is, and they will show 14 B-cells in your body with antigens showing you are lifetime immune. Former Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann was on Jan Markell show and she sent for the test; but had not yet received it. Check it out at mbachmann@edu. That is the only address she gave but said you could also email her at Regent University where she is Dean.


This is interesting, but I’m not sure I understand what he’s saying. Is he saying the tribulation has started already?

Janet7, I find his post inaccurate in some regards. I watched most of it and had to turn it off before it was finished. I think he takes some things out of context. We know that God is going to save born again believers from the wrath. The time we are now enduring can be a pre-curser, showing us how close it is, but we have to read the Word as it is written. The vaccine can be and probably is a ‘conditioning’ to see how many people will fall in line and blindly obey. We can possibly expect the Mark will be something very similar; but, we won’t be here! Praise God, we will already be with him.

The Scripture he quoted in Matthew 24:15-16 is, I believe, written to the Jewish people when the anti_Christ goes into the temple and declares himself to be God. Then, they must flee to the place God has prepared for them in the mountains; many people say it is Petra, in Jordan.
I went and listened to JD’s Bible sermon of the Scripture the man in the video quoted; Matthew 24:15-16, to be sure. It is about the anti-Christ desecrating the holy of holies in the third temple. I recommend everyone to go and listen. It is so interesting. I am sad there is no video for the Matthew sermons. JD explains it all very well and thoroughly. He quoted numerous Scriptures that go along with Matthew 24.


I agree that Bill Gates is not a good man; rather, he is quite an evil man. My son actually works for Microsoft and has not spoken to his Christian mother in over two years now. I did not open the Rand Paul link b/c I don’t want any more politicians soliciting me for money.

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Thank you.

Such sage words. that is exactly what we need to do. He has promised He will care for us. He cares for the flowers and the birds; how much more so, for His own children.

Thank you so very much :blush:


In 2008, I had a dream that I was attending a political rally with some friends that was taking place at a high school gym. We were very excited to see a politician who was running for office. And while we were there, news came in that he had won. And then the politician stood in front of the crowd and began chanting “Success!” and getting the audience to chant it, too. But instead of just saying, “success,” he was winding them up to it. Like in the old days, when people would say, “hip-hip-hooray,” he was doing the same thing, but with the word “success.” And it sounded like, “Suc-Suc-Suc-Cess!” And the crowd was chanting in unison, “Suc-Suc-Suc-Cess!” And they were chanting and shouting this over and over again, very loudly.

And at this point, I got a sickening, sinking feeling in my stomach and I realized that the entire auditorium was chanting 6-6-6. And I looked up, and I was no longer in a high school gym anymore. I was in a massive, major sized sports auditorium, filled with hundreds of thousands of people. There were thousands of faces everywhere, a sea of people. And I looked around, and everyone was chanting 6-6-6. And I was in the middle of this crowd, this sea of people. And I was the only one not chanting, as far as I could tell. And the people all around me had this glazed look over their faces. Their eyes were glazed over, but open. They appeared to be in some sort of state of hypnosis, some sort of mind controlled state. They were there, but they weren’t “there.” They were being mentally manipulated, controlled, influenced by the man on the stage, as if under some sort of spell. And I looked around and I saw my friends: educated people, people with PhDs and Masters degrees, very intelligent people. And it was strange to me that these very smart people were so strongly deluded, but they were.

And it was a sickening feeling and my heart was pounding within my chest and I began praying silently in my head, “Lord Jesus, get me out of here! Please help me to get out of here safely!” And I quietly slipped out and headed towards the bathroom, pretending to be calm while my heart was racing. Because there were security forces staring into the audience into the faces of the crowds, looking to see who wasn’t under the spell so they could kill them. And as I quietly walked out, armed “men in black” stared me in the face to see if I was under the spell or not. I recognized these men as disguised demons. So I just smiled faintly and pretended to be calm and glazed over, while inside I was ready to explode. And I went to the bathroom, pretended to go, while silently praying, “Lord Jesus, help me get out of here! Please help me, Jesus! Save me from this evil! Protect me and get me out of this place!” And then I was able to leave the bathroom and quickly slip out of the building while the security forces weren’t looking. And I knew that the mark would be coming very, very soon. The rapture had not happened yet. There was more that happened in the dream, but not really applicable now.

Anyways, that dream was terrifying, but I remember it vividly even after all these years, and it has given me comfort during this time. It is bizarre and surreal to look around you and see everyone engulfed in a strong delusion, with glazed over eyes, under some sort of spell. It is so bizarre to look around and see yourself encircled by a sea of people, all of them under this delusion, all of them under this spell. It is hard to be screaming in your head and heart, “I need to get out of here NOW! Help me, Jesus!” And it is hard to see even the so-called “experts” are under this spell. Having a fancy degree and being “wise” by man’s standards doesn’t make someone immune to this. Only the Holy Spirit can open someone’s eyes and make them immune to this. So I’m glad I had this dream, because it makes what is happening now a little less terrifying. And it helps me not to trust the “experts,” but instead to trust the Lord.


Thank you Janet. I know that God is faithful and I am feeling the prayers of so many.
God bless you my sister.


A very powerful dream. We need to realize unbelievers all around us hate us for being believers and for being resistant to the party line. Everyone is supposed to conform; but they see that those dratted Christians are ruining everything for them so they will have to force them. Well, good luck with that. He who is in us is far greater than he who is in the world.


Lord, have mercy! Please protect @Faith1’s sister from further harm, and open her eyes and ears to see and hear the truth.
Help Faith1 to be a good witness to her sister and give her the patience and opportunities to keep God in the conversation.



Thank you for that reminder and your reassurance!


Your very welcome, I needed it myself :blush:

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Many of the doctors that have spoken up have lost their medical license - this has happened all across the world -


That is sooo interesting! I have had just a few dreams in my life that I know were from God, and when they are, I can always remember them in vivid detail like what you described!! So cool when God goes before us and plants those seeds so he can bring them up at the perfect time!!