šŸ„§ DallasT needs our prayers

:raised_hands:. Thank you, Kariena! You are a GEM!


Thank you for being our lifeline to Dallas, Kina. Itā€™s good to hear how Dallas is doing.

I wonder if we should/could send our cards directly to Shar. I asked our post office how long it might be until my card made it to St Boniface. They said IN the US mail is taking 7-10 days, may be longer to cross the border. Donā€™t want to add to Sharā€™s burdens, but would like Dallas to get the cards weā€™re sending. Just an ideaā€¦. thanks again!
:heart: gr


It is only a pleasure to do such a little thing. I went to our post-office here in S Africa and asked how much it would cost to send a card from here. They said R 700!! And it could take 2 months! So that was off my list. Perhaps we could all send a handwritten message and share here :thinking: :thinking:then I can copy them and send to Tilly who can print it out and give to Dallas? Just a thoughtā€¦ :thinking:


Thank you Karina @Kina1234 for the update :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I did that directly to Dallas on FB and mentioned Tilly probably getting to it and then taking it to her to see. But I like you idea, post wishes and prayers for Dallas and maybe once a week snatch them up and send them to Tilly to give to Sharleen to take to her Mom. I think that would really boost Dallasā€™ spirits a lot.


Thank you for the wonderful update. God hears and answers prayer for sure. Sending lots of love to you and to sweet Dallas. :flamingo:


Sharleen here. I just want to thank all of you for your prayers and well wishes. I tried to sign up to the website but was unsuccessful. I have been reading and playing your messages to my mom when I am visiting her in the hospital. She has spoken fondly of you, to me in the past, and asked that I relay any message if something were to happen. They have set small goals for her for now like swallowing, coughing and making sound to get her voice back. It will be a long road. They are still assessing her for deficits in cognition. Only time will tell. God bless you all. Sharleen


Thank you Sharleen! Itā€™s good to hear Dallas is moving forward with rehab. Weā€™re trying to figure the best ways to send your mom encouragement and notes. If you have any ideas or a preference, please let us know.


Hey Kina, that sounds like a good idea. Sharleen posted a note and I repliedā€” asking if she or Dallas had a preference. Not trying to but in; just thought Iā€™d ask her. Whatever is the best way, Iā€™m in. I donā€™t do FB, so Iā€™ll need to depend upon someone if thatā€™s the route decided upon.



thinking of and praying for you. :hearts:


Thank you Sharleen for the update on your mom. Continuing to keep her in prayer and trusting the LORD for her healing and praying for your family as I know this is difficult for the whole family. Hugs :heart: :pray:


Sharleen, bless you for taking sweet time to pop on over here and to give us the latest update. Dallas is a very important sister (VIS) among us! More prayers and causes for praise.:cherry_blossom:

IF you get a chance to check Dallasā€™ private chat messages, you may find some additional messages for your mom. Iā€™ve sent a very brief personalized video message to her back at MeWe, but I canā€™t repost it over here. Iā€™m M3rrilee over there. If you find it, may it serve to strengthen Dallasā€™ smile.:pray::smiley:

May God strengthen you both, this day.:cherry_blossom:


Thank you for checking in and keeping us all up to date. Your Mom is quite a gal and strong to. Just hang in there with her and she will surprise you. Give her our love often as we are all thinking about her daily, well at least I am but I have to time to do so. Oh and give her lots of hand squeezes or hugs from all of us.


Thanks so much Sharlene for the update! Just know we are praying for our dear Dallas!

I am going to just write a message on a piece of paper and post it here to show Dallas.

Thanks everybody for your wonderful support.

I so appreciate you all and you are like REAL brothers and sisters!



Awesome idea. Thanks Kariena. Very cool to be reminded you are in South Africa. You donā€™t feel that far away. Blessings.



Lovely letter, Letitia. And the gardenia, oh my my! My favorite flower. I can just smell it. Did my nose make a print in the photoā€¦lol?


Gardenia is my favorite too! Maybe Dallas can imagine the smell.
(Do they have gardenia in Canada ?:thinking:)


Oh, yes they do. They are very prevalent in the pacific northwest and northeast.

There was a restaurant my boyfriend took me to back in the 70ā€™s called Jack McGoverns on Lake Union in Seattle and they would give every woman who came to dine a gardenia coursage. Needless to say whenever he asked where I wanted to eat, I would say J Mā€™sā€¦lol.


ā€œFrom the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORDā€™s name is to be praised.ā€

Psalm 113: 3

just praise Him Dallas :yellow_heart: