🥧 DallasT needs our prayers

What a precious life experience. God had and still has you in the palm of His hand. We can never truly know how many times God has saved us, healed us, protected us until we are with Him, then it will all be clear. I never have to doubt His love for me when I hear such a touching and loving God Thing that was done in your life. It just confirms what I have known all along that whatever our life brings us, He knows all about it and is at the forefront of every moment. Yes, He is even speaking to Dallas through all her confusion and weakness, PRAISE GOD. I dedicated both of my prodigal daughters to the Lord at their birth and made a covenant with Him that I and my husband would raise them in the knowledge and fear of the Lord. I know that wherever they may go in life, God is right there speaking to them and allowing things in their life that will bring them back to Him.

Thank you for sharing. It gives me strength and hope.



O.K. O.k., I’m ready




I hope you’re still helping your mama read the messages here. I’m so sorry that this has happened. Dallas, you gave me a sense of acceptance when I needed it and made me laugh when I needed to. During times of frustration or adversity, you were respectful and kind. Like when I wore a rather strange hat that didn’t quite fit before I became a Sheepdog. He makes all things new. We’ve had some real life experiences, from laughter to tears right here on this forum. Yet my family thinks I’m crazy for worrying about some woman up in Canada named Dallas that “I don’t even know.” Well if I didn’t know Dallas, then the past three years have been purely imaginary. With imaginary friends in an imaginary place. Not true. The Church is a fortress without physical walls yet solid enough to hold the true hearts of we who call upon the name of The Lord. I continue to advocate that the fellowship….the relationships here, are legitimate! :blush: I see proof of this in all the heartfelt sentiments and prayers above.

Dallas, may The Lord bless and keep you. And may you patiently take all those small steps needed to recover while resting on faith that God is trustworthy and loves you more than you can comprehend.

We love you, DallasT Hee Hee :grin:
(Daughter of The King) :dove:

Hope to hear some updates soon. Has anyone had any luck mailing anything to her? And what’s this about so many of you being on Facebook? I’m shocked! :joy: JK. I actually had to open one again a few months ago to further local community participation. So, though I don’t really like the whole meta thing, I’m so encouraged that forum members are taking extra steps to be involved in each others lives.

Thank you Sharleen!

Tony Clark


Well said, Tony @SkyTheSheepdog. Most of us who were blessed to get to know Dallas especially before the last forum redo probably feel as you do. I’ve only been a forum member a few years— a virtual newbie compared to some of you old geezers, uh, I mean distinguished elders. Heehee :rofl::rofl::rofl: Dallas rocks!

Heart-to-heart relationships are strong and real, just on a different level. We don’t usually get tangled in the distractions face-to-face relationships often present.

I sent a card to the hospital, but did not ask for proof of receipt. If I had, I might be able to answer your question. Next card I send, I’ll ask for return receipt requested and post results. Not sure how that will work as address is for hospital. It would be wonderful if we could have a private address to send things. (Sharleen?)

I’m also getting antsy wanting to know how Dallas is doing and how Sharleen and her family is too. So, Sharleen… if/when you see these posts, we would so appreciate an update on things in Canada. We continue to lift you guys in prayer and think of you often.
:heart: gr

We love you Dallas,


Sharleen here, My mom is making slow progress, She moved her right foot a few days ago but hasn’t since, or at least not when I am around. She is trying so hard to speak but she has, Aphasia and Apraxia. When she tries to say something specific it comes out as words, but they are not what she is intending to say. She shrugs her shoulder for “I don’t know” She can say Yup and No to questions fairly consistently. I can only reply here when I am visiting as her computer stays with her. If she gets better, she will have a few bottles of “Ensure” to chuck at your next food fight. I’m sure she would say Hee Hee. I have tried to get her to type or draw but She doesn’t seem to know what to do. Doing any interactions with people is extremely tiring. They get her up in a wheelchair for 1-2 hours a day and she is tired afterwards. She seems to have her sense of humor intact. we have had a few laughs together, like when she says something, and then realizes it makes no sense she half smiles and then shrugs her shoulder while lifting her good hand. Then we both kind of chuckle.

Thank you for all the prayers. I have been reading your notes to her when we have opportunity to.


Thank you so much for the update! Funny…all that you described of her actions and reactions sounds exactly like the Dallas that we know. I love her sweet yet a bit salty personality. :grin: We will definitely reboot the food fight when she makes a comeback and loosen things up around here :wink:


Thank you Sharleen for keeping us updated when you can. Your mom is in my prayers and thoughts daily and so good to hear her sense of humor is still there :rofl: Can hardly wait until she is ready for a food fight :pie: :cake: hugs to both your mom and you :heart: :pray:


Thank you for the latest update, Sharleen. :hugs:
:revolving_hearts: Continually in my prayers. :revolving_hearts:


Sharleen, thanks so much for the update. Please tell your mom we’re glad she is making some progress and moved her foot. However, she needs to get tapping her toes more so here is some music to help.
:wink: :grin: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for sharing those songs. What a rich sounding harmony they have. Can you imagine what our voices will be like in heaven?? I am a singer and I know that I will be singing and singing all day long. Can’t wait to sing my heart out to the Savior in person.


Sharleen, thank you so very much for the great update. So she is taking her time, good for her. When she is ready she will get things done. Tell her I get the tired with human interactions at times. Just a trip to the grocery store these days and I need a nap when I get home.

I am so glad to hear that she still has that sweet, comical sense of humor. Sounds like she is going strong where it really counts. These old bodies are just rentals and some of them are well past their warranty. When we get our new ones though it is going to be a blast playing like little kids again.

Tell her I will take her Ensure challenge and meet her with few Gatorades to counter. We can work it up from there.

Next time you are visiting your Mom, I am guessing hugs are a bit much for now so do me a favor, give her good hand a squeeze and tell her that is a hug from me and I am looking forward to real hugs to come later. We love you Dallas.


Great music Paula @pbandj!

Thank you so much for the update Sharleen @DallasT! It’s encouraging to know your mom still has her sense of humor. And knowing when what you say doesn’t make sense is a step in the right direction! Can’t fix something if you don’t know it’s broken.

My brother was attacked and had a bit of both sides of his brain removed— right at the speech centers. After 27 days in a coma, he woke… and everything was “chicken.” I was chicken, the floor was chicken, chicken was chicken…. Two years later he graduated from auctioneer school and now sculpts deadwood (from storm-felled trees) with a chainsaw for a living. You mom will get her speech back.

Dallas, we’re all rooting for ya! We’re praying for our Father to restore your good health. We’re praying for you, your family, and your health care team. We love you so! Keep your spirits up! Keep doing your exercises and fighting your way back. Your family in Canada and across the globe are cheering you on. Can you hear us in your heart? We’re all there with you in spirit, Dallas.
Much love,
Georgia Ruth


Well that’s God at work. Undeniable!

Incredible GR!!



even when we refuse to see His goodness…


Hi Sharleen (Keep Courage),
2 songs for your mamma :hugs: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh yeah that is a probably not a possiblility. She is gonna be yackin in not time. My uncle wrapped a WWII trainer aircraft around a big ole Mississippi Pine back early 1946. It took 3 hours to get to him with a search crew and when they got there one look at the plane and everyone thought he was gone. Not only not gone but still conscious with so many broken bones and a knob from a panel stuck through his skull into his brain. He scared them when they wanted to break out the cutting torches and he screamed STOP or you kill us all. He was covered in fuel. Any way times of very primitive neurosurgery required removing about 3 tablespoons of brain from various places. Over the next 17 years he underwent lots and lots of reconstructive surgery as well as various therapies to relearn to chew, move his arms, and legs etc. By the time I came along the only way I knew any thing had happened was one knee was so bad they just fused the thigh and calf and he walked with a raised heel braced boot. He also had a metal plate across the top of his head under the skin of course.

He built his own house which still stands to this day, worked a career as a VA Veterans rep for those who did not fair quite as well as he did. In short he came back from the brink most thought he would not survive the first 72 hours after he was found in the woods. He showed them and live to a decent age of late 60s almost 70s.

They human body has remarkable ability to come back from some pretty horrific stuff. Some make a full recovery and others so close it is hard to even tell. Dear Old Dallas is one of those scrappers that will surprise us all.


Love that meme. Did you make it? I think you’ve got some hidden talent up your sleeve.:slightly_smiling_face:


Great rendition of one of my favorite songs, @hotchiwawa. Thanks for sharing— HalleluYAH!

Well that gave me a giggle! Sell-able art is not one of my talents. But my home is filled with my stuff. It makes me happy………



:two_hearts: Hey Sharleen, (I’m Denise)

I received this :point_down: message and was taken aback by this news. Thank you for posting this in the private message thread @DallasT and I share.

I am so sorry to hear this. I love your mother and she’s been a blessing in my life and so thankful that God brought us together.

I haven’t been on much lately with dear @DallasT due to a months-long debilitating and painful relapse in my Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have missed your mother and our conversations. She knew I was struggling as I wouldn’t abandon your mother for a anything in this world.

I keep her in my prayers and will definitely lift this situation up to the Lord. Please let her know that I love her, miss her and am praying for her…always…and give her a big, BIG hug from me :hugs::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:!


(:grin: We joke about the sisters, Mary & Martha - She’s the “Mary” & I’m the “Martha” :rofl:)

:relieved::pray: A prayer for “Mary” -

“You are the only source of health and healing. In you there is calm, and the only true peace in the universe. Grant to each one of us your children an awareness of your presence, and give us perfect confidence in you. In all pain and weariness and anxiety teach us to yield ourselves to your never-failing care, knowing that your love and power surround us, trusting in your wisdom and providence to give us health and strength and peace when your time is best; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”


:two_hearts: Thank you, Sharleen, for all the updates. Sending my love, hugs & prayers to you & @DallasT.


:revolving_hearts: “Mary”…



[Once @DallasT is settled into a more permanent address for her recovery/rehab, I’d like to send her a little something :blush::two_hearts:]


What a beautiful note Denise @LDHW. I’m sorry for your trials. And I miss learning from you!
:heart: gr