Dec 20 2020: Bible Prophecy Update

Great idea!

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Globalists Climate Change version:

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When I reverse search that image in Google I see it appear in 2016. Seems like your friend isn’t being very truthful :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s also a pretty obvious photoshop…


Well, I hope that JD’s rest was restful, and great time was spent with family and in prayer. Two weeks is such a short break, and yet it feels like it has been months since the last update! Very much looking forward to Sunday.

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same. it feels like a long time. I don’t know who else to believe anymore, as far as pastors go. what jd says is what resonates with my heart. its been a hard wait. but it’s true that we all need a break sometimes. so looking forward to tomorrow!!

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Welcome to 1984

Time for us to relook into relationship with Big Tech… prepping for AC…

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@alllllz , understand your situation. so deep deception is going around.

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Good you could join us, welcome!
Yea there is lots of confusing points of view about the virus, and I think there are lots of people who feel the way you do, in the middle. Fact is well known at this point that anyone who dies for what ever reason, and is Covid-19 positive, gets counted as a Covid death. So, the stats are intentionally inflated, I believe to cause fear. I default to Pastor JD for clarity when I am not sure on something. I can usually find answers to verify my own research in his or Pastor Mac’s sermons.
Interesting you should mention,
“It is not lost on me that the same people shouting the loudest for lockdowns, vaccines, etc are the same group that says the earth is overpopulated.”
JD was talking last Sunday about how Bill Gates wants to reduce the world population, and I believe he provided an article.

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Hey welcome to the forum!
Clouds during the hymn appear to have been captured by someone in a single engine plane.
Clouds with the apparent figures were a photoshop image. Both were well done though.

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Thank you for this wonderful informative ministry. Is it possible to have a transcriptions for the lastest Bible Prophecy updates please? Thank you

Now my home screen wallpaper. Love it.

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Great Video @debbieross285 well worth the time to watch before it is taken down. The General confirms our biggest fears. We have an unconstitutional president and the election was completely stolen. Shame on James Comey for selling out to the Chinese. That is TREASON,

lol. thanks for the help Ken! and thanks for the welcome! :]