December 12, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update


I would love to reply to you privately, but your profile doesn’t seem to allow it.

Light had been shed. Yes, those who had the wherewithal to do so. As I said though, I come here for refuge and now find none. The entire update has been monopolized by someone who is way behind the curve and stuck on "fact checking’ that is false and failing to look at past Prophecy updates for the last 19 months. The join date is months ago and only now takes time to post essays as to debunk us.

I am an author and know how long a 500 word essay takes to compose with real, verified reference. The time spent responding is unbalanced to real life, even if references are at fingertips. Looking through the posts, no reference links seems to be provided to debunk us.

But…but…God…tells us He will give us the words when the time comes. Maybe this is a proving ground, but we are falling into the trap of a circular argument instead of navigating the forest. And even we…WE…are told to shake the dust from our shoes/sandals.

I stand by what I have written/contributed with God’s grace. A time will come when many more Christians will seek a refuge from the persecution as any truth we speak before men …will fall on deafness.


Thank you Muddy,

When i checked before, the join date was October, one month ago, and it looked like only 6 hours of read time? If it was last year, it would have said 2020. i think.

I just went to recheck this, and …the individual/orplant appears to have vanished. Pooof! Gone. At least the quotations remain, so when such should re-appear, we may recognize the hallmarks.

In the meantime, peace restored. It’s usually every two to three months they (or the same one with different facades) returns with the same basic narrative.
Though i do not want to forget this time what I’ve just learned from this. So i may put up an educational post, one i can find and re-access, as not to forget the lesson.


Random educational moment

Just so I don’t forget to remember

the many devices that Jesus told us be aware of in these days, and not be deceived by.

“Let no man deceive you by any means.”

By ANY means.

What are feigned words?

“Feigned” is an adjective that means "not genuine, "like a feigned interest in a topic, group, a friends’ discussion…typically concealing a different agenda or ulterior motive, etc.

Genesis 3:1

“Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

Definition of Evasion:

EVASION. A subtle device to set aside the truth, or escape the punishment of the law; as if a man should tempt another to strike him first, in order that he might have an opportunity of returning the blow with impunity. He is nevertheless punishable, because he becomes himself the aggressor in such a case. Wishard, 1 H. P. C. 81 Hawk. P. C. c. 31, Sec. 24, 25; Bac. Ab. Fraud, A.

Source Free Dictionary dot com


“Evasion and Diversion Tactics

Manipulators like engaging in evasion and diversion. These tactics keep the spotlight off their behavior. They also aid them to avoid both responsibility and exposure. This artful dance can help them stay one step ahead of you. So, it’s important to confront these tactics head-on.

Agreeable, conscientious folks don’t relish confrontation. They hesitate to call out what their heart suspects. But to avoid potential victimization you have to do exactly that. It’s also how you hold a manipulative character accountable.”

----- By Dr. George Simon

Couldn’t help but notice the alleged “Berean” was engaging in what I call “Pokin and provokin” with a sweet mean cycle thrown in for good measure.
pattern: lay a nice egg, poke dagger, feign innocence, nice, poke again, rinse, repeat.

Wren if you forget this lesson again, …I’ll bop you over the head with a pillow, and your siblings have permission to put the symbol of thumbs down and swirly doo doo symbol to boot.


this is worth watching by Billy Crone… download the app “Get A Life” if you haven’t yet, under videos click on special messages then Covid-19 then Covid-19 Update 5


I was here when that happened, shutting the entire forum down. I pray God keeps shining into these dark corners that crop up. But we must be able to swiftly call them out for the sake of the newly saved in Christ that find their way here.


WE as Christians can be too trusting of men. We need to trust God to guide us.


Agreed. I chose to not engage, not respond directly. Others were/are much better at that. But, as my earlier post acknowledges …I came to my enough is enough moment. There came a time to stop the circular argument.


I don’t really get caught up in the vax thing. My stance is “don’t.” And if you have, “don’t do it again.” Personally, i know this is the “wild” side. But I believe COVID will fade. I am not a prophet. Nor am I certain. But I’d say 2022 is likely a great year to watch it evaporate before our eyes. If I am still here and anyone wants to quote this to show me up as foolish…please be welcome to do so come 1-1-23.

This forum is where a lot of things matter. “I was lonely, I was hurt, I was unable, I was distraught, I was confused…etc” I know there will be adversaries (some think I am). I know we won’t be perfect (I know some who think i am! psyche…just seeing if you’re really reading this). But so what? Christ is Lord. We are here for Him more than how we feel. If we can’t be somebody to others in need especially if its gets all thick around here, well, I think rethinking that rather than just shaming (shame is fine, we feel, we say it like it is…sometimes, amen, we must), can be more helpful.

Well I just hope to be an encouragement. @Muddy (by the way that is a pretty cool avatar. Is that a bat?). I appreciate your heart toward the brothers and sisters in Christ and toward the lost. But the forum seems to have slowed down quite a bit. Seems like some kind of endless recycling loop in time we are stuck in. Can somebody please kick something to force the glitch loose please? I’d just say I know it can be frustrating here at times…but I for one would say if people want to argue I know this forum advocates against…amen. But in the 1st century Christians had a hard time staying alive. With longsuffering hearts…desiring to turn arguments into ways to help each other see better, deeper…and not fear what the enemies does with stuff…but what God does with us…well…I hope you stay. We seem to be down to just a handful. Please consider.

PICTURE THIS PLEASE: What if 2022 is the last non-apocalyptic year? It stands a pretty high chance with all going down. I would rather win one arguer, as Pastor JD says, one step closer to Christ, than a quiet day with hundreds dying around us over there out of the way without Christ. Or how would we know how God might use how our interaction with others strikes readers from all walks? Just saying…it looks like end time showtime. And this is a very precious place. If it were not, I would have left a few months ago. Christ is worthy in it because for those whom He died are many (albeit dwindling…lol) here. I just see interactive opportunities with people and working through things as Christ like. I may be wrong but I don’t think so. So just saying this like in prep for the next batch of whatever this way cometh. Hope to see you around. Blessings.


If you’re talking about “B,” he’s gone. Problem solved. Maybe he was banned? Maybe he left. I didn’t read enough of his stuff to know what was going on. :frowning:


Probley for the best from what I have seen of his posts.


I don’t mind if people come defending the vax. I won’t. Nor will I join them. But if they honestly believe they probably won’t want to stay for long. Mind as well make them up a cup of coffee in the stayover. He was ok with me. He had some things that were differences in Calvinism. But Jack, he reminded me of our conversations (so those were helpful in how Christ matures our soul). He doesn’t like labels either. I don’t think he wanted to start the Calvinist fight. On another thread it could have been an issue. I was a Calvinist for 20 years and just tried to let him know I differ, but that I actually encouraged a statement of his saying yeah I agree that both Calvinist and non-Calvinists are saved. So in a way…lol…we were off to great starts :slight_smile: I so mind no controversy…lol.

So i dunno if he got into a fight and left mad. Or just got banned. But my praise report to you Jack is that i took his slippers off and put his feet up on the stool by the fire. And i kept my tarantulas in the glass jar under the sink, sealed lid of course. :slight_smile:


The first sign I saw was he was bashing Pastor JD and his views in his first post after being away for several months. I flagged that post, I figured the guy was here just to be a trouble maker.


LOL. No, that is not a bat, that is my cat …Muddy. You see, she came from a feral colony and was very fearful of everything in her new life. Kind of like new Christians might be coming into this forum. So I understand your concerns and they are justified. As far as the endless recycling feeling, there too I agree with you. As I have said in previous posts…it is time to move past the shots. WE see where they are leading and if we stay stuck here…about the shot…we are behind the curve continuing to wait for prophecy be fulfilled. Instead of sounding the trumpet of God.


And I would be so in that thread :grin: Minding my manners of course…well at least…at first :grin: A blessing to know you brother. Thanks for your encouraging words. Amen. :slight_smile:


Well said Wren. You have taken my thoughts on this and put them into words. I could not quite put my finger on it but it was a form of control and manipulation, a kind of a bating back and forth and backing it up with a subtle form of passive aggressive behavior. We are to have discernment and test the spirits and test the message that people put forth and be discerning readers and hearers.


That is one I am thankful i didn’t see. Someone dropped in Saturday and pulled one of those. I had to delete my reply because i almost lost my temper. “Be angry and sin not…” came to mind, and i went back and deleted. Had no wish to dignify the one leaving that denigrating cheap shot toward an honorable man with a response. They too vanished. Who knows. Maybe the Lord sends me in for a reason even i don’t know.


Sorry, yeah its just that one thing in the back almost looked like a wing. When I zoomed up…yeah…of course it is cat. :blush:I bet now filled with life and love from that which you provide :slight_smile: Thanks for your reply. And your care for the forum and others. :slight_smile:

Yeah I hardly ever talk about the vax. I am embarrassed for the human race that this is our end times…lol. I wanted something a little more fiery then a pandemic. Some of those apocalyptic novels are so much more interesting than the cheesy movie we really live in. Its like being at one of the bad motel 6’s (there are some that are pretty cool) with 1 channel on tv and there’s static and absoletly nothing else is on. There HAS to be more to the end of the age. I just know it, I tell ya :). Blessings.


what about Jesus with the moneychangers at the temple? that’s where my questions come in- how do we know if we are being like He was that day, or if we are being wrongly ungentle? that’s not easy for me to discern. I sometimes feel truly righteous in what I say back to people with starkness rather than gentleness, but it hurts no matter what later on. I don’t think that necessarily means I shouldn’t be stern at times. but I struggle to feel certain when it’s appropriate or not.


Thank you Janny,
I wasn’t sure if my sense of that one made sense…
if that makes any sense. LOL. Actually further up in the thread when you replied with that excellent post of research, I was like Yes!!! Nothing and no one who is sincere in what he purported could ever even begin to refute this cogent pack of dynamite-well researched proof that you compiled. And when he brushed it off, big lightbulb moment. You post had unveiled the truth. Thank you so much for sharing that!


I have myself not at all agreed with your stance here. every time you’ve said it, I’m like, how can he guess something like that at all? but now, when I see your point of view at this moment after what I’ve been through more recently, part of me instantly says “hey, maybe.”

doesn’t mean that I don’t think we will see prophecy continue to unfold quickly after that still. but I now see there is possibility to what you’re saying regardless. just want to update you on that even though I don’t think I ever told you that in the first place! I couldn’t think in that direction at all yet, but it seems were hitting a point where things are going to change again like things did when covid culture first hit… everything changing again due to the spiritual awareness all around, possibly? some are beginning to wake up who held firmly before. my fuse has blown a few times and I feel more assured in why I believe what I do. that is part of why I am blowing up- I finally have gathered enough info to sound remotely articulate when explaining it, no matter how the other person processes it. I feel a confidence I did not before, past a tipping point I guess is what I’m getting at in general as to what I’m seeing in the world. I didn’t read the rest of your post yet but thanks for all your great replies over time.