December 26, 2021: Bible Prophecy Update

Sorry typo. Correction. I Peter 5:8

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amen beautifully said :heart:

im so so tired. enough of this world where we hide our real feelings so much for fear of what people will think. im so longing to be free and no more hiding my feelings. Heaven is where we belong my sweet friend @wren
come quickly Lord Jesus
Maranatha :heart:


So funny you said that about hiding feelings for fear of what people might think. About 10 minutes ago, I read Galatians, and chapter 1, verse 10 jumped out at me: “For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be a servant of Christ.”


@Janet7 i always please my Heavenly Father. That’s not what i meant… there’s just too much here that too overwhelming for me… i meant like i want to be free like a little girl free-spirited where i can not be that with what’s going on in the world but in Heaven there’s soooooo much freeeedom.


Dear deborahutchens, i don’t get it either! I can understand being able to understand by the power of the Holy Spirit for sure, but it’s like how has God granted such great grace to some and not others, who are definately believers? The only thing that comes to mind is when God told Moses:" I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion". He lets us see it. Thank you Lord!


That’s not what I meant either. You said you were tired of hiding your real feelings for fear of what people will think, and the scripture seemed to agree that we really shouldn’t care about what people think of us. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


because of my learning disability, i have a difficult time of trying to say what i want to say with words.


Me too! Love you so much! Now that’s easy.


i love you too Janet :revolving_hearts:


Dear Iamblessed, Thank you for that! You are right in saying not to divide people into vaxxed or unvaxxed like the world. I don’t want to treat anyone like that. Luckily the church i go to doesn’t either. We’re supposed to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”. Also, brothers and sisters who don’t know what’s going on still have the Holy Spirit of course. They probably will see it soon tho as the truth continues to come out.







“As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.” - Looking forward to seeing Daniel, very soon!


Pray for New York. The Assembly will vote on this January 5, 2022. NY State Assembly Bill A416
For those who say we preach doom and gloom.
Good News


Welcome Israel1948. I like your post from Daniel 12:13 and I am looking forward to seeing Daniel and so many others from the bible as well. I hope you enjoy your stay here.


Reuters + Assoc Press (AP) + Agence France-Presse (AFP) are part of Babylonian system to spread fake news globally in aid of globalist agenda. So beware!


Dear Dennis,
Thank you so much for keeping us informed and for your labor of love in this. I don’t have television nor listen to mainstream news anymore, so very much appreciate what you share. You are our go-to guy for the top picks. Love and blessings, to you and family, and Maranatha



I trust very little coming from mainstream media, though, I trust Henry Kissinger even less.


Amen sweet friend. Tell me if I have this right……by “free” do you mean free to feel the Joy of the Lord again….which is our Strength! unhindered by any cabal……Free to run and sing and laugh again, without any cares, pain, fear and sorrow……free of all the heavy burdens and the curse of spiritual wars surrounding us now in this dark earth……free to enjoy God’s beautiful Creation and see Jesus hand in all of it……everywhere, for always, …….with no darkness, no crying, no murk, no confusion, no corruption, no impurity….for always…….Do you mean THAT kind of free? If yes, ….ooh mygoodness, can so relate and hear you.
It rejoices my heart just to think on these things dear Stacey. Thank you. Can’t wait!!! Some glorious day we shall all be free, free indeed, singing, laughing, and picking flowers together on God’s Holy mountains and even the flowers may sing to us a New Song! And the trees shall clap their hands! Yay!!!


I like Dr. Madej, I haven’t seen this video but will watch it later tonight.

Thank You : )

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I look forward to watching this one later tonight.

Thank You : )