December 31, 2023: Topical Study -- How Minds Are Renewed (with Worship)

I believe during the time of judges there was only 1 female judge. And 1 female assassin: Jael. Seemed to be a point of exceptional cowardice on the part of men. But yeah i believe Anca is correct. That blog post is really helpful. And brief. She gets to the point. :+1: Blessings.

Beautifully said. I would augment the augmentation of your thouht with where I believe it would boil down to: 1 Tim 2:14. That would not be cultural. However, the cutlural aspect of the context 1 Tim is in suggest these statements in relation to the main service it would appear. But also we see general overlay, like, how women dress. And what, in general, would be godly qaulity most beneficial of Him to come from them. So on one hand we have the issue of physical adornment contrasted with atttitudes of the heart. In a similar way, on another hand, it would seem that attitudes of church practice follow how God has designed each of His creation to express His chaecter.

This is the short few minutes video clip of what John Piper had to say in reference to women teachers. It would be good to get both you take Anca and Dan’s on that. Blessings.

Is it wrong for guys to listen to female speakers? ( THE FIVE MINUTE VIDEO


1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Without doing a study on it, I think it means Eve will be saved by a child that is born from her bloodline, that child being Jesus.

What do you think it means? :thinking:


Sounds very reasonable to me. I wonder could it mean that she would be able (saved) to have many children if she walked in the Lords ways?

But I really see yours as prophetic for sure.



Oh, sister, it was just the thought that nobody would get born if men were to take over that job. Oh isn’t that where we are going now?

I read only the 1st couple of paragraphs kind of knowing what he would have to say. I never really followed much he had to say from way back.

Of course He did and of course she was. Lol Thanks, I will check it out after I put on my Armor!

Glad you said that, I did not want to offend you but did not want to say I agreed or it as fine either. I still see reasons they can or may need to but it tends to remind me of this realm of scripture.

Matthew 19:8
He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning, it was not so.

Now Jesus made the ground rules. But I wonder what Jesus or Moses would have said to women if the husband was the adulterer?

Why was King David not put to death for what he did to Bathsheba? He was King so I don’t know if she had a choice.

So what about my divorce question? I am clueless on that one.

OK, now I understand the giving birth thing!

Shalom Sister
I enjoyed the conversation.

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Are Men Better Than Women?

Why is God male?
The reason God is male has nothing to do with which is the better or higher gender. So women please don’t be offended, as it only has to do with reality and nothing else and here is why.

Adam (man) was the first and only human created directly by God.
Eve was created from Adam (man) and was not the first human.
God was not created from anything and is the first and only God.
To say God is a woman would mean that he was created from another God.

Why shouldn’t women be Pastors?
First let me just state that I believe that God always states what is best. Isn’t it best that a child has a married father and mother? Can an unmarried man and women living together raise a child? Yes, but that is not best. Can a single parent raise a child? Yes, but that is not best. So it is not so much that an unmarried couple or single parent cannot raise a child, it is just not the best way.

I believe the same thing applies to female pastors. Would a female pastor be better than no pastor at all? I could be wrong, but I think so. However it would not be the best thing. Meaning if there were a good male pastor around, then he should lead the church. So what is the logic to why women should not be pastors? Of course most of us know that Paul states this in the Bible and gives the reason for it which is that the woman was deceived, not the man. So then the question becomes, why was the women deceived?

I have no direct answer to that from the Bible, but I will give you what I believe to be the case. All of God’s intelligent creatures have emotions. Satan has emotions which ended up getting him in trouble. One of his emotions (pride) made him jealous of God. So he wanted to be like God and be worshiped. If Satan only had logic with no emotions, he would have never rebelled as this was a very bad decision. Satan now correctly believes that using someone’s emotions is the best way to deceive them.

So Satan used Eve’s emotions against her, telling her that eating the forbidden fruit would make her like God. Did Adam have emotions? Sure, but not to the same level as Eve or most women. Now Adam’s emotions also got him in trouble, as his love for Eve made him also eat the forbidden fruit. However, Adam would not have been deceived by Satan. So my point here is that strong emotions make one easier to deceive and most women have stronger emotions.

Am I saying that it makes men better than women? No not in the least way! God made women with strong emotions so they would give emotional support to their children. Also, while most men will not admit it, they want to get this emotional support from their wives. It is hard for a single man to give his child all the emotional support they require.
Not impossible, just hard. It is also hard for a single woman to give her child the strength and leadership they require. Not impossible, just hard.

So most women have strong emotions which is great!
So most men have strong logical thinking which is great!
However, God made it so when a man and women are paired together they have all they need regarding both emotions and logic. Of course there are many things other than emotions and logic, but I just use those to make the point regarding deception.

Again, I have no bible verse to support this; it is just something that makes a lot of sense to me. So if you think this is a lot of malarkey, that’s fine. No offense taken! :grinning:


Ok. I’ve just watched it.
Is it wrong for me to listen to Beth Moore?
First, a small (or not so small lol) parenthesis:
(Of course it is wrong! Even if Beth Moore were a MAN it would still be wrong to listen to “him/her”, but this is because of the content of his/her teaching, more precisely false teaching. Just as it is wrong to listen to Osteen, Copeland etc. Here’s proof that she is a false teacher:

So I don’t understand why Piper hesitated to answer “YES” in the first place. Maybe he was trying to be nice, “speak the truth in love”, but that can get slippery down the road. Hence I much prefer a straightforward YES or NO answer. This verse comes to mind:

What I mean with quoting this verse is we should avoid the grey as much as possible and speak in more exact terms. (I know it’s not always black and white.)

Let’s assume her teaching is biblically correct, and she doesn’t become the authoritative teacher/shepherd in the Church, I would still say it’s wrong for women to get their doctrines mostly from women.

I agree with women teaching on certain delicate topics such as a woman’s role in marriage, particularly intimate relations. But I cannot imagine myself being taught most doctrines of Scripture by women. Thanks, but no, thanks, I’ll just have water.)
Parenthesis closed.

After the nice joke, Piper really speaks in clear terms, and that’s refreshing. :slight_smile:
The Bible is clear that women shouldn’t teach nor have authority over men, women shouldn’t be the authoritative teachers in the Church, that’s why we have elders.
So yes, I appreciate his answer.

I found this very short video of Tim Keller and Don Carson, I like how they answer the same question. Very biblically sound. Enjoy!


Gross but funny.

The 5 Minute Video

In my original post with Anca i let her know I lean massively in her conservative view direction. But there are nuances in it i am considering. Blessings.


Hi @essie, the very good news is that we DO NOT interpret this verse by saying that women can be saved (get eternal life) by having children. There are enough women who are barren, and enough who don’t even choose to get married, let alone have children. And God is perfectly fine with that. The Bible doesn’t teach everyone should get married and have children.

What I learned from Andy Woods is the best explanation I found so far for this verse. Here’s his take on the verse:

”Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.“
‭‭I Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭15

The word save, saved does NOT ALWAYS mean salvation from hell to eternal life. Save also means delivered, rescued from harm, danger, sad situations. In the Psalms it is often used in the sense of being delivered from enemies. Also, Paul uses it in his letter to Timothy when he writes to him that sound doctrine will save Timothy and many others from the dangers of false teaching. See 1 Timothy 4:16 below:

Here, Paul is saying that women will find meaning, satisfaction, fulfillment in raising children, they will be saved from a meaningless life, they will be saved from insignificance by way of her role in the family.

**"A woman will find her greatest satisfaction and meaning in life, not in seeking the man’s role, but in fulfilling God’s design for her as wife or mother with all faith, love and holiness with propriety (i.e. self-restraint; cf. 1 Timothy 2:9 (quoted here from the Bible Knowledge Commentary)

And what about those women who are not even married, let alone have children? They can be saved from insignificance also, because they can have spiritual children in the church, be a mentor, one who counsels others.

I hope this helps, it really was a blessing to me to understand what this verse could mean, after seeing how it was grossly abused in many fundamentalist circles to mandate women to have an unlimited number of children, whether they were capable/healthy or not.

God Bless!

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LOL. Oh i see you caught that. lol. Yeah there i go again posting false teachers…lol. Hey it was just for Pipers comment. Again, i see we have ourselves a Laodicean church era. I did not check to see which video you posted Anca. But thanks for catching that. I am getting a bit too comfy. You did the right thing my sister in pointing that out. The reason i recall beth moore as false is because she had a vision that the catholic church was a branch of Christianity. Thanks for that. I have been busy addressing brother Dan in PM. We have not done that in a while. Some important detialls before the month gets really busy. :slight_smile:


Ok so in case this goes into a food fight i’m just letting the forum know i just got back from Costco…and i’m loaded for bear. Game On!!! lol

I wanted to preface what i was just going to say here with: Please keep in mind ya’ll that Tim Keller is a very controversial figure. He teaches evolution and has been known to have marxist and woke church leanings. Tim is no longer living. There has been great controversy over his teaching. In my earlier years I learned a lot from him (he has a gift to merge the gospel into every single portion of scriptur…and amazing talent). I visited his church with a friend in New York in 2016. I was trying to get a friend back into to going to a church and seeking God. I knew at that time that Keller believed in evolution…however (yet it was downplayeed and something you might never run into ever in his teaching–you had to rarely catch it–even the discernment ministries did not know about that and would do confrences with him…lol), i was going to another church very very well known that also had issues all over the dang place. I believe even before i thought it was end times, i kind knew we were already in a Laodicean age.

My STATEMENT: One could grow from Tim Kellers ministry. One could grow from John Pipers ministry. Heck i have seen people be saved from listening in part to Jordan Peterson ((who is not even saved). So the reformed world is kind of my background. But i believe that God transcends the wrong messages of a lot of our churches. There is no church i have found without some errors. Some worse than others. But i would not recommend Beth Moore or Tim Keller for above stated reasons. However Tim keller does understand the gospel. And you can see from this video he is an insightful man. The other man in the video is DA Caron. He is a reformed Charismatic. So we can only imagine. Yet he is a scholar and out of all the commentaries, DA Carson does the best job of: 1 Corinthians 11:19. His commentary on that verse is the super very best and EXTREMELY rare. I have not really found his view in other commentaries. Maybe one. But not seeing 1 Cor 11:19 as DA Carson does = fairly bad doctrine…and possibly even hurtful doctrine. DA Carson is the only one i recall whom the Spirit of Christ helped to see 1 Cor 11:19 soberly. So i guess just saying you guys just please consider i consiider today its a treasure hunt with a lot more work rather than labeling Great Teacher vs. Heretic. That was a big part of my reformed “Discernemnt Ministry” thing too. Kind of a glorified Fundamentalist throwing most any bible teachers under the bus ((although admittedly we need to at times amen).

My apologies if anyone is offended by this. It is meant to provide context to see issues from different perspectives. And also a heads up to some of the dangerous teachings out there in varying denominations.

Lots of great stuff like Anca posted. But like i would see with most of the church rubric, be careful because none of us are in Kansas anymore.

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Thanks Anca for your additional feedback on women and teaching… You make a lot of great points. Blessings.


Such great remarks @goodboy. God bless you.

And what you’re describing here is exactly the case with Deborah in Judges. I will post the link again to the blog post explaining that, because it is very biblically accurate.

Great observations.
Women are indeed more emotional, and that is a beautiful thing. Men are more logical and that’s beautiful as well.
Another good quality women have is intuition, I’m not saying perfect intuition, but certainly they have more intuition than men. I think the dream Pilate’s wife had hints to a woman’s intuition, and that is a positive example. Had Pilate had the same dream, chances are he would have dismissed it due to him being more logical and not putting too much value and confidence into a dream. But his wife being more emotional and have better intuition did not dismiss the dream.

Correct, that is a fact. :white_check_mark:

See, if we’re honest about ourselves we can admit this reality, embrace it and flourish in our sphere of influence.

No malarkey at all. Thanks much for the amazing remarks!

God Bless!

PS: And all of you guys on this forum: “Man up! Be yourselves, as God intended you to be!” :wink:


Yeah i caught myself. lol. It kind of looks cool that way too though you know. But will watch my Ps and Qs and my Cs and Ks :slight_smile: Blessings.

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Hi Jack. It was just a general observation. Just wanted to contribute to the fluid sense of the thread title. And just wanted to say “Hi” in passing. But feel free brother to reply in any fashion you might consider. I am honored if you might consider watching that video. Actually i would love your take. But the video was really for anyone who might be interested in hermeneutic like appraoches for the laymen…which would be me. Any feedback would be welcomed. Blessings.

Excellent synopsis of what I purposed as a theory. :+1:

I put together some vegetables but you added the meat!!!

Feel free to share what you have created when and wherever. I am very impressed with both your knowledge and ability to merge my thoughts with scripture!

Ending your comments with telling guys to man up is also on point!!! :+1:

Utilizing an expression that was once popular… You Go girl!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s how it works in the Body of Christ, each member contributes and we all get edified.

The knowledge is from me reading the Bible and also many and various people who I’ve listened to in the past. 99.99% is absolutely what I learned from MEN teaching the Word of God.

That’s 100% the work of the Spirit who gives me understanding and discernment.
I have nothing to boast about, absolutely nothing.

Thanks a heap!
All glory to our LORD!


Ok I will address each link in turn. In the first one it deals with what Israel calls the Iron Beam. I will not deny that such a system exist, it does. But in reading the article it tells you several piece of very important information. First of all the cost is $2000 per shot. That is like having to pay $2000 for each bullet you shoot on the range. Not what one would call a cost effective measure.

Next is the main design purpose is for a defensive weapon against aerial attack. As such it only has a range of effectiveness of 7km or just a little over 4 miles. That simply means they have to let the potential danger get in fairly close before they can even consider trying to take it out. Effective range is important with laser based weapons because the natural atmosphere will interfere with its ability to maintain a focussed beam on a target. in a combat situation where there is smoke and dust this even further limits the effective range as that smoke and dust rapidly disperse the light waves making the laser less effective. Then there is the power output. The Iron Beam is working on just 100 kws and the US is working on 300 kws. While that is fairly strong to reach 7 km it is not sufficient for much longer ranges. Now related to what is going on at the USAF facility on Maui it is 30 miles distance from Lahaina. It is also designed similar for now for ranges of about the same as the Iron Beam and that to intercept in atmosphere weapons like missiles, aircraft, drones or any airborne inbond weapon. Still it won’t be a kill shot till it is inside that for mile range and in the line of sight.

Next is the Army’s microwave based defensive weapon. While it is not intended to cause something to blow up it is functionally a viable weapon as one that disrupts and fries any onboard electronic circuity thus destroying navigational ability and communications if it is under remote control as in drones. Again there are still limitation as there are with lasers and that is distance. From the article we get the statement of what the design is intended to do.

the IFPC-HPM is an electromagnetic pulse system that disables an aerial target by zapping its electronics.

Now it specifically mentions aerial target but it could be use on land based weapons as well if close enough in clear line of sight. Not likely to be used that way but it could. No the intention as a defensive weapon is to impeded the advance of offensive airborne weapons before the strike just like Israel’s Iron Beam. While I can’t find a specified range I did find on the website of the developer mentioned this statement: “a tactically relevant range.” That simply means in combat range on the field of battle which can be from a few thousand yards to a few miles. In the case of this device it is mainly being designed as state to counter UAVs or drones which are now a common use tactical weapon. That is they can get in close to an enemy and engage them. As such the so called high power because it is in the kilowatt output range is designed to defend from one or a swarm of UAVs over a battle field. It has little effectiveness over greater distances. Such weapons have existed for a time now. The army has for the original ADS (active denial system) from 2010. It is the forerunner to what is being developed now with a slightly higher output power than the ADS which was only 100 kw. While the ADS was intended for use on humans as a non lethal weapons the new Leonidas weapon under development at this time will have a higher output power of 300 kw. Yet is not all that different than ECM devices installed in combat aircraft going back to the 1970s. ECM devices were broad band including microwave emissions sent out from planes to disrupt radar guided air to air and ground to air missiles. So the technology is not all that new but the targeting and tracking ability has advanced greatly such that it can find, lock on, and follow a target or targets simultaneously. Yet even at 300 kw, the range is only a few miles at best.

The third link provided is just more of what the second link said. In both links the weapon is under development and not yet even gone out for trials.

What should be noted is that both in the case of the laser and the microwave devices under development is the fact that are short range defensive weapons and require line of sight. Which brings to mind the old addage to remember that tracers work both ways. That simply meaning because of the short range if you use tracers then your enemy can see where they are coming from and direct their fire to your location. Point being the close proximity of the enemy is required to make the weapon effect and that of nothing beyond the horizon on level un-obstructed ground. If aimed into the air maybe a bit farther but only to the output power levels it is designed for.

Yes, this is possible and given the nature of the present world under the sway of old soot foot and the well known desire of certain elites to eliminate a large swath of the population mainly those that might or will resist we could see them used on home soil against citizens but that is another discussion for another time. Even so earlier ADS systems have been deployed to and used in places like Afghanistan.

The ultimate take away is there is a lot of talk of directed energy weapons right now for various reasons, the need for them against new and emerging weapons like UAVs, the fact that some already exist, and lastly the amount of news available on them while under development even now. But they have been around for well over a decade or more as ground based weapons and even longer as airborne weapons. In time you hear the term ECM that is a directed energy weapon based on either radio wave, microwave, or laser based system. It is just that recently they are getting a lot of air time because of the real possibility they may be used against civilians on home soil. Remember that in Waco the government did not shy away from excessive fire power on civilians they considered a threat.

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Ok I watched the video before I responded.

I get where he is coming from about how he comes up with a local flood as opposed to a global flood. I differ on his take that because of the number of times a term was used to mean one thing as opposed to mean it always. It is great to understand the meaning of the original word. It is good to understand it has various meanings as well but it is best to understand the context of both how it is used as well as to the style of writing it was used in and how the people of that time would understand it to mean based on their knowledge of the world and universe when it was orginally written. We can never disregard anology over literalness. For instance if I were to say given up grass in this day and age, it would mean something entirely different to people say in the 17th and 18th century. To them they would take it to mean the stuff you cut in your yard.

So when reading Genesis there are several considerations that need to be considered. One is where the story orginated. It didn’t just start at the time it was written it started when it happened at that time history was strictly oral. Later some cultures which also report a massive flood such as in China, India, even the American Indians all have a historical record of the event. Some of them have written records from oral records long before the first scripture was ever penned. To disregard that evidence as extra biblical and then turn around and rely on other extra biblical text such as Josephus begs the question why is one acceptable and the other is not in light of whether a global flood happened. Later he nitpicks through concepts like how did animals from distant lands make their way across great expanses of seas and land. Those he calls miracles to which we have not information to clarify it. Yeah that is true but throughout the bible we have only a spattering of documented miracles compared to the numbers that happened from the beginning of time. In fact that existence of the universe is a miracle but we don’t just disregard due to lack of information on how it came to be. We accept things like “in the beginning,” then wha little follows as a narrative. So why do something different with the great flood? Basically what I see is a lack of inconsistency in his attempt to understand something we cannot understand in this world like so many other things we take from scripture as true but don’t have the full understanding of how they happened. Lets use the sun not setting for three days. We know it is not the sun that sets but that the earth that rotates giving the appearnce of a rising and setting sun from our perspective. Yet Joshua called for it, it happened and is also recorded in extra biblical text from the time it happened as in China.

What we do know is it was not the sun that stopped moving but the earth ceased rotation for a period of time. We are not told how it happened or the consequences in other parts of the world when it happened just that it happened and we accept it. Then why is it so hard to accept scripture at face value when it is called a global flood but the mentioned effects pertain to the region of the middle east which was the known world at that time?

So basically I find his research somewhat myopic in scope as he fails to consider other similar situations in depth enough to make a decent comparison. If there are known text of a global flood and known text of a short period of time from other places, why disregard them in favor of something that requires miracles to accomplish. In short miracles either happen or they don’t. We as humans don’t get to determine when, where and how. That is God’s area. We are to just trust and believe just as we do in the fact that Jesus is the son of God, he died on the cross for our sins, and then was resurrected. That we accept without question so why is it so hard to accept that the Noah flood was a global event?

So yes I disagree with his various premises as well as his conclusion as the former lacks a truly deep dive into all the aspects of the event not only from a human perspective but from a Godly perspective. Either God is capable of making the event happen as scripture says or He is not. Like wise He is capable of creating the universe or He is not and He is capable of resurrecting Jesus from the dead or He is not. I find the video maker’s exploration of flood to be intruding on things of God that are well above his pay grade. It is not our place to tell God when He has to provide full disclosure. It is our place to trust what He has said through the scriptures if we truly accept that to be the inspired word of God recorded for us to see.

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This was before your video.

Well of course there are it’s your MO. Lol…



Your humbleness sounds a lot like me. I can’t brag about how good a Christian I am because I am not. I don’t mean to say I sin a lot, but I don’t read the Bible or pray all that much. The only thing I can say I do as a Christian is hand out my testimony.

In any case, the Holy Spirit gives me understanding and discernment also. So much so that some scripture I understand better than some Pastors. I use to question why in the world would the Holy Spirit give freely to me understanding and discernment when I should be reading the Bible and praying much more.

The answer I received is that God loves to give freely to those who are humble as per the verses below.

James 4:6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.

1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

I have written over 100 things that I share with whomever will listen. Many ask me where I received this knowledge and ask me if am I a Pastor. I tell then nope, I am just a sinner saved by grace who gets this knowledge freely from the Holy Spirit.

I don’t know you but my assumption is that you are also very humble taking no credit for your Bible knowledge.

God Bless you and keep up the good work of God!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks Jack. i appreciate your feedback. and the time you took as well as taking the time for the video. Although i am no longer in the reformed camp, i like to frequent Gordon Comwell Theological Seminary videos (this is not one of them) because of their studious level of investigation. So naturally when Gavin with a PhD in Historical Theology makes something like this, and delivers it with a genuine passion, it just speaks to me at some level i reckon.

Although name dropping does not amount to much, i was interested to find that Gavin was endorsed by some pretty established names:

William Lane Craig
D.A. Carson
Sean McDowell

I never really looked into any of this beyond a Ken Ham Seminar. I just assumed the global flood was the right view and calling it local, to me, seemed a way to make it not biblical or non-miraculous. You seem to have dabbled in the controversy a bit. I agree though that with what actual evidence there is out there of a global flood, it did not seem like this video or format is where it would be presented–at least maybe in how Gavin might prep stuff…not used to his sytle yet. I mean I guess if I were hot on this subject for evangelism/apologetics, i would yes for sure see the contouers and contrasts and strong/weak arguments. i don’t recall what those are at the time.

The reformed perspective from my experience will tend to move away from the miraculous. Although DA Carson (a scholar who endorsed Gavin) is a reformed Charismatic. As far as the accounts in scripture I did not get a sense that Gavin was wanting to explain biblical text by minimizing miracles or something to that extent. For me, there would be miracles either way. But if there were less miracles after creation in world animal population, yeah, the creation/miracle question does come into play. If it were local, i guess finding ways to convey that to some who might feel Christians might overdue a sense of blind faith (I mean like if someone we are witnessing to has issues with where some Christians might not have an informed faith as much as where it might be blind faith–something like this might be helpful).

Ok so I am surprised that i was willing to consider a local flood. I always associated that with unbelief. You bring up some good points regarding the global flood perspective. But even like a conversation concerning this kind of approach i think is pretty cool. Like if unbelievers got a sense of Christian inquisitiveness within our own culture, it might be a way to help people take interest into a discussion like that. It might remove some of their bias too toward how they might not know that Christians started the major Universities in the USA. There is a stigma of sorts i believe.

Thanks again for watching the video and taking the time to write about it. On my post earlier i put “It changed my mind or view/stance.” I admit I associate global flood now with some experiences with the discernment ministry churches i don’t exactly trust as much anymore these days. But what this conversation with you has encouraged in me is to consider why it matters. Because that is a good question. For you it would seem to be about Gavin limiting perhaps the miraculous in the word. And what matters perhaps strongest for you is just taking God at His word. For me i would consider like, “does it matter?” I mean before i would think if it is not global then the canapy over the earth that allowed people to live longer–would that be an issue? Or like how or would it matter if it is global or local? And is our understanding of what we perceived the word to mean…what it means…in places. Good things to chew on. I would say i would not just walk away sold!!! Like on how the word might mean different things than we think. But the way Gavin brought it, it made me hungrier for historical/cultural senses of scritpural meaning. This has always fascinated me.

Jack i am reminded from a previous conversation that you are not so much into things like this, where you might see as you used the word “nitpik” approaches in some cases. Or other areas where it would appear to you a person may not be trusting in God in what is written so much. So thank you brother then doubly for taking the time here because it might not be the most edifying for your tastes.

One point i wanted to land on though in light of your observations is that I believe it is the gospel of John (or certainly one of them) that if the miracles Jesus did while He was on earth were recorded, there would not be enough room for the earth to store the books written about them. Hyperbole, but still definately means that when Jesus came there were a ton more miracles than what we were told about. What you mentioned reminded me of this. Perhaps Noah’s period was a period of creation miracles as well. These ways of looking at things certainly have me considering other ways to look at some things. Thanks. Blessings.

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Gavin has a Ph.D. from Fuller Theological Seminary in historical theology, and an M.Div from Covenant Theological Seminary. He is the author of eight books as well as numerous academic and popular articles. His Why God Makes Sense in a World that Doesn’t won numerous awards. For a list of publications, see his CV.

Gavin is a fellow of The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, a fellow of The Center for Baptist Renewal, a fellow of Credo, a member of St. Basil Fellowship of The Center for Pastor Theologians, and a Visiting Scholar at Reasons to Believe. He regularly speaks at churches and conferences around the country.

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I always think i am highlighting something by accident when i read your texts now…lol. Wonderful observations Anca.