December 31, 2023: Topical Study -- How Minds Are Renewed (with Worship)

Brother sadly that’s not saying much as most pastors have defeated discernment. But I know what you mean and glad to hear it.



He mentions the idea of how much people might put into it the miracles necessary but then says he is looking for what we might call a reasonable or even scientific explanation. At least he leaned that with ideas such as how did all the animals of the world get to Noah from far away places. That is looking to a practical application of what scripture says. It also misses the very first miracle of God speaking to Noah about the flood in the first place knowing at least that it was coming if not actually be the source that caused it to happen.

The way I see it come down is if one believes in the biblical creation story and in God then what need is there to try and dig deeper into the hows of miraculous events. Lets take Jonah for example, what was the fish? Was it a whale which is a mammal or an actual fish. To me it does not matter, what kind of animal, it just matters did it happen. Well if I believe in creation and the Noah flood story then I am certainly gonna believe in the Jonah story. Logically it is the old logic equation if A = B and B=C then A=C.

What should we care what others think about our blind faith. After all is that now what spreading the Gospel is about telling others in our blind faith in Jesus, His miraculous birth, death, and miraculous resurrection?

I would say first of all what does it matter if we qualify our faith with “informed” or “blind”? Ultimately at this time it is all blind faith as we were not there to witness the events. Besides we are to witness not so much by what the Bible says as much as give our testimony. I think all to often people get caught up in the idea they have to be some mega pastor type winning souls left and right, day and night. Last time I looked we are to spread the gospel that is tell of what Jesus did so that we may be saved and give our testimony of what ever things that brought us to faith. After that the job is turned over to the Holy Spirit. I would likely guess there are more folks out there that will never turn to Jesus because someone tried to brow beat them with a lot of detailed talk on Biblical particulars rather that explaining where their own faith stems from. I can tell you that mine stems from miracles I have seen in my own life, the number of times I was prevented from dying, the number of times I or a family member came through a serious ailment, the time God spoke to me either directly or through an angel relaying a message when I was at my lowest and in despair at the possibility of losing my job. I could go on but you get the point I hope. What more do I needs to say to someone than those things except that which I am a witness to is not all that different then the many other things others are witness to in their own life.

I have to wonder if things like this video do more damage than good. It creates more questions than answers and admittedly so by the man even producing the video. I am just of the mind why open the door to doubt when we are attempting to bring people to faith?

I am well familiar with Ken Ham and others like him. I am also familiar with devout Christians in various lines of highly scientific work who never make the headlines. If Ken Ham and this Gavin feel led to try and explain the miraculous, more power to them but from personal experience I have met more skeptical non Christians that laugh at the likes of Ken Ham and others hardening their hearts in non-belief. By the same token I am sure there are probably man non Christians converted after visiting the ark project. Who knows what the Holy Spirit will trigger in a person to open their eyes. I certainly don’t.

Yes that is what matters to me. I do take Him at His word. As I said my personal experiences with God have validated my faith time and time again. As for the canapy concept why not? It does explain a lot of how mankind was able to live such long life spans. Some kind of crystaline water/ice structure surrounding the earth would do to things, one is keep a constant air pressure while prevent a loss of gasses into space. Such things could well be the source of age. Even now a little known medical procedure that is gaining popularity especially in sports is pressure chamders where a person recovering from say some traumatic surgery is place in a hypobaric chamber where O2 levels can be altered to higher than normal. This has been shown to increase the speed of recovery many times over. So a canapy of some sort maintaining a higher atmospheric pressure and greater concentrations of O2 would be very reasonable.

The down side to such enquiries is where people use that concept to try and prove a lie as in flat earth believers. They promote a lie, use scripture well out of context and highly distorted to try and force others to believe the lie they are pedaling. That I believe does more harm to preventing non Christians from accepting Jesus because flat earthers present such outlandish claims that non believer associate that to all Christians.

Ultimately that is my view on it all. Just like as Jonah in the belly of a fish or a mammal does not really matter. He was in the belly of some kind of animal and yet survived and finally did what God wanted him too and it saved a city.

Hence I see no need to discuss such things as they do little in my eyes to bring people to Jesus and Jesus to people. Instead I have seen many times where they validate devout atheist and make it hard for agnostics to get off the fence and make a decision. I give my testimony of Jesus in my life, explain ultimately what that means to me and that being eternal life and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit. That is His job to make it stick. I sew the seed and then for the most part just water it with prayers. I am the day labor, not the owner of the farm.

Now you crack me up Dan, did you really go that far into your imagination?
There are not enough Epidurals in this world that could solve a problem like men giving birth! :joy:
Thanks for the laugh. :smile:

Just make sure you get the right size :smile:.

If there’s one thing that gets to me in this modern culture of ours, it is exactly this one, that we cannot speak the Truth of God’s word for fear of not offending, I rebel against that!.. LORD please help us.

My head is spinning now…. Too many hard questions!!!

Maybe Jesus would tell the wives to forgive their husbands, and IF they repent, save the marriage? God does work all kinds of miracles you know…

David, Batsheba (Solomon her son)… scratching my head… I don’t know. I will have to call THE MAN with the correct answer, he’s needed here. I just don’t have his number.

Maybe somebody can jump in and enlighten us all.

Thanks a lot for the chat Dan.
God Bless!

Yes Correct. Then it was reposted and dialogue added. I wanted to post the original as I had seen it.

I had heard original winds of 67 mph sustained. No matter what, it was high winds, low humidity, Maui was in a state of drought when this happened.

Your depiction of fire behavior is spot on I have known about it for years.
I was gone for most of the day and it is time to turn in, now midnight.

The only possible source would have to be a land based laser, and like you say, not too feasible.
There is a small uninhabited island next to Maui that is used by the military to test weapons / bombs. But I’ll have to go back and see if a line of sight could be established, and how close it is to the Lahaina area.
The possibility of a newer laser weapon that is still top secret and it either had an accidental or intentional discharge can not be ruled out just yet.

But my belief still is that the power lines coming down started the fire, and now I have a second location North by the school as you say (Possible higher elevation). I had looked up the actual streets on Google Earth Pro where the lines came down in the original video. Yes, I noted that they still have much of Maui blurred out in the satellite images. WHY?
People had been asking early on what are they hiding, they also fenced it off so people could not see in, and drones could not be flown. Put it all together and it is fishy.
More when I can get to it tomorrow.

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I believe the point here was not to offend before you understood how to approach the delivery of the message. When you 1st posed the question. I got the opposite idea of how you interpreted this message.

So I guess yes, we do need help, I know I do in all things of Elohim. To offend many shall happen but to draw them to Christ, even so, that is key!

I can see that from Jesus but not coming from Moses so much…
Jesus said do not even look as to lust.
Oddly many Jews do not see lust as a sin from what I have heard.

Shalom Sister

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Language barrier :slightly_smiling_face:

They certainly are a peculiar people, the apple of God’s eye. God bless them!

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If you have any sources on this I would love to see them.

I would not put a lot of stake in such an idea because of the already well known inherent problems with current weapons under development. I will check with my son this weekend when he comes through as he might have knowledge from his job that I am not yet familiar with. I will get back after that. Still I am not inclined to put much into such a device to be in existence at this time.

Two possible explanations. First is of course to cover up blunders made in the various decision about power shut down, water shut down. closing off and escape route that forced the death of many. All things that give serious black eyes to the local atuthorities, things that could cost them their cushy jobs they don’t want to lose. The second is the possibility of seeing burnt remains of those that died. Just not cool to plaster that kind of stuff all over the internet. More so I am sure Google is not fond of having to deal with law suits that are easily avoided by blur censoring parts of images and videos.

Again there is reasonable explanation. Generally after any kind of fire the area is cordoned off for several reasons. One is to ensure the fire is actually out. People walking around in the burned out ruins could stir up embers and reignite the fire all over again. Second is like any scene of a tragedy first responders have the job of searching for survivors and having civilians just running willy nilly every where makes that difficult at a minimum and impossible at worst. Look at any roads side accident or house fire after the fact, they are keeping every one out o the way so first responders and investigators can do their jobs while things are still as fresh as possible.

It is only fishy when the looky lews don’t understand the nature of how police and fire work after such events. Those with little understanding of such things will always take the tac of something sinister going on instead of just simple observation to learn what is really going on. There is a saying never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by common sense means. It only becomes fishy when people want it to be because of preconceived ideas.

We as humans have a thirst for gore and intrigue. If we did not there would not be so many horror movies or mysteries. Even now all over the internet you can find loads of things like UFO, cryptozoology, and other unexplained things. They exist because people enjoy them and watch them. If there was no interest in them they would have been gone long ago. This is not new either. It goes back to the first advent of movies and TVs. The visual representations of what we only got in text from the like of authors like Edgar Allen Poe. Infatuation with such things is not new by any stretch of the imagination. Hence a major event and you will have huge numbers of nosey people milling around. Cops and policemen know this so the first thing they do is cordone off the area of interest to protect it from disturbance.

Finally there is the age old practice of not giving names till the families of victims are notified formally. Nothing worse than to turn on your TV and see the remains of someone you can identify by a ring or piece of jewelry or some clothing or worse their face before you even know anything actually happened to them.

People need to slow down, take a step back and think through things before jumping with knee jerk reactions. Appearances are more often than not deceiving.


A prayer request by @joehuguenard came to another thread and I am posting it here as well.

Let is not forget Kellie Farag, and Pastor Farag as well in their time of trial. We pray for Kellie’s complete healing from cancer. We pray for their children as well, and that a peace that surpasses all understanding come upon the entire family.


From @joehuguenard

Hey All Brothers and Sisters! Can you all throw a prayer or two up for my brother, Stan’s girlfriend, Celia, over in the Philippines? She’s been having headaches and vertigo recently, so they did a CT scan and found what they think is a brain tumor. She’s having another CT scan done soon to verify.

They are both Catholic and go to church regularly, so please pray for them, for Jesus, our master healer and savior to intervene and do what He does best… heal the broken and bless abundantly.

Thank You and God Bless You, In Jesus’ Blessed Name, Amen! :latin_cross: :pray:t2:


Father in Heaven we come before your throne of grace today to bring Celia in the Philippines before you. Lord, we understand that she may have a brain tumor and will soon undergo additional testing. We would pray that the testing be definitive, and that no tumor be found. We would also pray that whatever the medical reason for Celia’s sickness be, to be brought into the light, and be healed.

We would also lift up Stan at this time, and ask that you give him a peace that surpasses all understanding as he stands by Celia.

We pray for your mercy on these two request’s let you Will be done for all, and to your Glory Lord.

It is in the precious name of Jesus that we pray.



Hi Jack. Thanks for your reply.

I understand. But people come from different walks of life. Understanding the flood account with thoughtful care for others who might have a disposition alternative to that can be I believe helpful and enlightening. I mean if we just boil missionary work down to, “Hey just believe it or not folks,” we can do away with a lot of research and disciplines. There would be no need for a lot of things though.

I agree the only way someone believes is the spirit animated them. Opening their eyes. Amen. I see a place though for apologetics on a number of fronts because it is what God has sovereignly provided in general revelation. I tend to look at things a bit through the missionary perspective. When a missionary trains to go to a foreign land, they learn the language, cuutoms, idioms, worldviews etc so as to best be able to relate with that people group. As we have seen over the decades Christianity can appear to the unbelieving world as in ways perhaps circus like (with for example the prosperity gospel and the blending trends we see in entertainment Christianity for example).

From a missionary standpoint, taking into account how this sort of view (being that it is thickly a part of our culture) it is understandable why some unbelievers might be confused by how Christianity is presented. Taking that empathetic view toward the mission field i would view as equal to the training integrity that goes into preparing missionaries for foreign lands. It also goes along with the golden rule. If people notice a genuine care for where they are coming from or hung up on with human care decency, that can go along way in demonstrating the human care toward people confused about the character of God.

Praise God for the miracles in your life. Amen. The angle of witnessing was one of my takeaways. Since this is apologetiic in nature. But I believe what the content creator is hopeful to do is create discussion though in the body…not doubt.

I don’t think something like this promotes doubt though. i suppose it could. But i would see it more as an honest attempt to try and be conversational where some believers hold to a local flood and others to a global. He mentions that we often enter discussions with attitudes of shutting one another down. So i just see here he is trying to demonstrate a way to discuss things rather than where Christian thought can tribalize. A way of discussion perhaps more than a way doubting. Because there is a camp in the church that believes a local flood.

In general though there are all walks of life. Unbelievers in acadamia will tend to listen to their peers. It could happen another way. But each occupancy of life will have peers. There are plenty that are interested in philosophical or theological nuance. For those it might be helpful. And I guess i am more of the school of thought that general revelation as afforded by His sovereignty plays greatly into our livelihood and the ability and interest to interact with others. Thanks for talking the time brother. Blessings. :slight_smile:

I won’t argue that as I fully understand it having lived in foreign lands, grew up in one location and living in another very different in culture even though the same country. Even coming from and office into retirement that was filled with a huge mix of people from all over the world some born here many immigrants. Each of them having different backgrounds, cultures, and so on.

That is true with all the stories from the Bible, Jonah, Job, Sodom and Gomorrah, even the accounts of the miracles of Jesus. But here is the problem as I have seen it play out. If someone is really interested then exploring various aspects of these stories may well lead to conversion. But often times devout agnostics and atheist only enquire for the purpose trying to prove their view. In such cases our own personalities and views get challenged to the point of defensiveness. With that in mind as I think of the many conversions stories I have heard of the majority of them arrive on the heels of catastrophe or some trauma. Sometimes they arrive just form an alter call and we may never know the back story where such alter call triggered them to come forward but I suspect at times their is some event that that the Holy Spirit used as a means to reach them at the time they make the decision.

One other case that needs to be added. There is a retired pastor that grew up in a religious home. He even attended a seminary, very liberal though. He started out not actually believing what he spoke on in sermons. This took up a good part of his life before his eyes were actually opened. So if a person trained and educated in a seminary does not even believe what he is saying then how much harder to reach those that have never cracked a Bible open and use only arguments they get from like minded people?

Unfortunately many times when talking with others especially those out to trip up a Christian to prove their point that faith is a sad joke on the world is the only civil response we may have.

I am familliar with the work of missionaries as I had an Uncle born in China pre WWII to missionary parents. Even now a son and his son are involved in missionary work in the Domenican Republic from time to time. In talking with them and memories of talking to my Uncle I have come to understand that while the main focus of missionary work is bring the Gospel to people who know little to nothing of Christianity, the bigger portion goes to attending to their needs, food, starting farms, medical care for those who have never been to a doctor, building homes some times and schools to educate the young. In a missionary’s life the larger part of their work is not directly preaching the Gospel and teaching the Word. That goes to what you said about meeting people where they live as their cultures are different. Still that is different than speaking to people say in the US or Europe or any more advanced nation. In such places people have been exposed to Christianity is some form or another and often times their opinions are set in place long before we come along. Such targets are harder to reach because of their preconceived ideas. Doesn’t mean they can’t be reached just harder.

It may not always but I would guess most of the time it does. Even non Christians familiar at all with Biblical stories have always seen this one presented as a global flood. That would take into account the majority of the advanced nations of the world. So if we start discussing and alternative view point as regional instead of global it would appear as if we were back pedaling. That will not play well in convincing people of the supernatural nature of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. It would be fine in dealing with people who have an honest interest in it but I suspect those numbers are few compared to the billions who are not.

I would think to go along that line of thought discussions on recent archeological finds such as the possible point of the Red Sea crossing where artifacts like a encrusted chariot wheel exist even to this day, one that can be dated to the time of the Exodus. Or the unique balls of pure sulfur found in the regions of the south end of the Dead Sea which are found in no other place in the world. They meet the description of brimstone like no other forms of sulfur do. And if we must resort to extra Biblical text then go and find where narratives that match Biblical stories are confirmed instead of raising doubt to the veracity of know Biblical stories.

Seeing as how I have gone over the 8k character limit I am having to break this up.

The finally.

As I see it delving into whether the great flood was regional or global is more of a study for Bible scholars rather than an open to reach the lost. As I see it just as you said about missionary work we need to familiarize ourselves with the culture we will be immersed in and show care and compassion for the nature of their lives and the struggles they face first then slowly introduce scripture to them. That reminds me of something my sister once told me as we have discussed reaching the lost many times. She said she was once told that we are to preach the Gospel and teach the word daily and WHEN necessary actually use words. That is first we must live the Christian life in view of the lost as it is a better witness than what often comes out of our mouths. I would have to agree with her on that as I have had more people approach me because of my actions than because of what I was talking about. That is how doors opened, they saw my actions, asked why I did what I did or do what I do. Then I can respond with the testimony of my faith.

That goes to what I said above, discussions of variances of views of Biblical events tends to be something for the academics not for the lay people. While it may interest you personally it likely flies over the head of most of the people you will come in contact on a daily basis. This may sound snarky but consider just going up to a random person and say hey did you that the great flood of Noah’s time may not have been global but instead regional. I am pretty sure that will go over like a lead balloon.

It is obvious that you are a heavy thinker. Not everybody is. I learned that the hard way. When I returned from overseas I saw myself as a great educator of all the interesting things I learned of where I was. That lasted less than a week. Not one person I tried to talk to about things I was hoping to tell them about where I had been was the least bit interested. For one it was too far removed from their daily life struggles and second I just broached the subject out of nowhere. Since their thoughts were on their own problems and struggles bringing some subject before them that was in no way associated turned them off and this in an institution of higher learning where I thought it would be better received. So while it may interest you it will likely turn off those you reach out to if they don’t have a prior interest in the subject. Even among Christians with a long history of belief in a global flood you may find great walls of resistance to a counter narrative to what they were taught to believe.

I will leave it with this, if this is of interest to you then first seek out those who would find such a discussion a worthy endeavor and are willing to work through it with you. But I would caution taking this once concept and using it as a focal point of reaching the lost. Good luck in your endeavors if you choose to go down that path.

Good point. To what degree he might be hardned or why…not certain. But in principle, Israel had all the history, customs, and the word. And did not recognize their messiah. Meanwhile, goofy gentiles started believing all over the place. I would just see this principle kind of too in that.

Ultimately yes. But i guess i would be more like a Renaissance period like believer in how multiple varied ways our creator provides, endows, enables, and makes us would be the direction to lean on. Because He has made so many kinds of animals, so many foods, so many everythings. He is a God of wonderful varieity. I guess as opposed to by contrast like looking at things perhaps resembling the Dark Ages. Bibles chained to lecturns. People being spoken to in Latin they did not understand. Told what to believe from priests (without the people knowing what the bible says), by contrast.

Yes it is more difficult when it is a diluted society. But in that the church can tend too to allow that dynamic perhaps in a defensive way? Like, “they should know better.” I litteral came across an earlier generation lady who had no idea what Christmas was. There are trends in America that could tend in ways to jade us from understanding the culture other generations under our noses are experiencing. The answer certainly isn’t to just be seeker friendly and downplay the gospel. But i would not think it is about ignoring those trends. Understanding them would be somewhat synonomous with learning a foreign language and foreign custom to be able to have an idea of how they are thinking and tracking like.

This is a good point Jack. It helps call to mind that the perhaps what impressed me most about the vidoe was how it linked gettting a more native sense of the biblical texts meanings. In general it would seem today we don’t do as much exegesis as would render perhaps more profound discussions and insights upon the word. It just seems like we can tend to do a service level of that. But major on our bulllet points or ways in which to offer a teaching or sermonette.

This is why i am a proponent of a teaching style that is rare. Like one that states the varying camps within orthodoxy views on verses. Their strengths and weaknesses. And why the view we hold is understood to be the better. In that way, the congregation would have a deeper and broader general perspective of how other demoninations are thinking. And i believe this approach would go a long way of putting out fires before they happen. Like instead of each believer shutting one another down with argument, it could provide more ways for the body (that will be different denominationally) to remain in a caring spirit of unity where we might.

In any event, thanks i read your last post. Its good to rap this up. Thanks for sharing that story from your own experience. I guess my reason for bringing this in the forum is not so much to take the flood issue on tour. More like just a desire to encourage discovery, research, and discussion in ways we might not be so familiar with. How that might apply to others or how we might work through that with some would vary greatlly on a case by case basis i reckon. Well thanks for such a discussion brother. And its great to have you here a bit more on the forum. :slight_smile: Bkessings.

I actually have a hard time reading long posts, but I did take the time to read yours. I think I have a very short attention span or something. :thinking:

All good and encouraging things that you posted that many need to hear. You keep doing what you do and have a blessed day! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I hear you :slight_smile:

God bless!

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Thanks for understanding! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If you send something to me, I would prefer that it is somewhat short and kind of makes it clear as to what the point is. When I am reading things I am anxious to discover what the main point is and will constantly be trying to figure that out.

To be very clear, I am not at all saying you are doing anything wrong, it is me that has some issue whatever it is. I actually tend to bypass anything that I see that is long and skip to something that is more brief and the point is clear.

I tell you this as I don’t want you to change what you do because of what I have said. Most people probably prefer a longer post. :+1:

God Bless! :heart:

I was raised in the Catholic church when Latin was still in use and watched the change over but i was way to young then to understand what was going on. Even so I was also encouraged by my parents to be studios in things like math and science as well as learning how to live from scripture. I see now it afforded me not only an understanding of the world from a Biblical stand point once I was actually save but from a stand point to see science not as some new religion as many are now trying to make it but a way to look into the great wonders of God’s creation. I have no problem with science except when it get used wrongly and attempt are made to turn it into a religion. I also have no problem with the Bible and its often lack of details. I get it. There is only so many words we can put out such that we can carry it in book form to have around always. Yet God in his wisdom has layered understanding in the limitation of words used. That I find remarkable and admire greatly. So am I Renaissance believer or a radical Bible thumper? Actually I am neither. I accept the short comings of science as fast as I can accept the less that minute detail in scripture. I can enjoy the newness of new findings in science as easily as I can jump with joy when God opens up something new in a passage I have been over so many times.

I hope I am not a Dark Ages kind of person in this respect. Even so there are things from the Dark Ages that can also teach us.

As I was saying to another, and this is just my view, we are very close to going. So close in fact I am of the mind we really can’t just play around with what ifs. Too much is at stake and time is just too short. It is like we are down river and there is a flood coming. We don’t have time to figure out what to take because if we dally then we lose it all by losing our lives. So I am just no much up on what ifs these days.

As I said to someone else my persona view of the times is not like that of say Abraham going to see the promised land but more like Lot or even Noah. We have so little time left that like Lot is move, move now, and don’t look back for any reason. So I just don’t bother getting into such academic endeavors now. I just don’t think we have time for it. But then again that is just my view so I prefer to steer clear of such things.

Additionally I don’t see where the academics of whether the flood was global or just regional does much in presenting the Gospel. I do see where the ABCs is extremely useful when speaking to people but even so I also understand that not all will be saved no matter what we do. Even Jesus said that on judgment day many will say we prophesied in your name and He will still turn them away. This to me points that there are likely a lot of religious people who will never be saved like the Pharisee types of Jesus’ time.

Then there is the admonishment by Jesus to the apostles that when they go into a home if the occupants receive them and listen then great. If not then don’t tarry their but move on and knock the dust from their feet. So that is the approach I take for the most part. If someone shows a real interest in the Gospel and even if they have a few extra questions then I will try to address them if I can from scripture. Otherwise I know I have at least attempted to plant the seed and turn it over to the Holy Spirit through prayer for them and move on.

To everything there is a season. Our season now is coming to and end probably sooner than many realize even in the church at large. Ultimately though our test will be at some point do we hold fast to what we believe or do we falter under the pressure?

It is a matter of priorities as best as I can see and majoring in the minors that have nothing to do with bringing people to Jesus. So I avoid it as best as I can and try to focus on what is pressing at this time. Just my way of seeing things. Does not mean others have to.

You stated this well brother. Amen. By Renaissance, i would just mean the rhetorical value of the period. Not really intending its realtionship with science so much as the explosive attitude toward the arts literature exploration politics etc. Like seeing how we can honor and appreciate God through His general revelation – like how we approach exegesis like even.

Wow i love that answer. :slight_smile: You bring up a good point Jack. I would need to do research to see how that is. But they would be there, amen. Typically the dark ages associates with limited learning, superstituion, and torture. But you are well known here for having a wealth of learning, are often aghast at the level of superstitution that can enter the church, and i doubt any of us are into torture…lol. So i’d say you are good on that front.

As for the study and research of his word, or varying ways of evangelism, in part our differences or orientations may be in relation to the kind of body part we are in the body of Christ. As for the video guy and approach to exegesis, i think we both have an interest there…although we might have different preferences on tool or angles of study.

Gotchya. I hear that. To me though, what ifs are not my thing so much either brother. Like my interest is not local or global flood. However it happened it did. To me, being whatever part of the body this is that does that, I am kind of like this, here: I’m online, and i have 5 conversations going at the same time. A dash of this, a pinch of that, a slap of that, and a taste of whatever that is over there. Being in the fluid joy and interest of Him in conversation at whatever adventurous turn we may find Him. Like being in an orange grove wearing a belt with five outreaching arms i can lach onto 5 orange trees at once, standing in the center of the five…dancing, doing jumping jacks, shake, rattle, and roll…so that simultanously we get oranges a fallin’ from all five trees together. Its the adventure plus the amount of fruit we open tunnels for to come a rollin’ our way. Yeah too much of that will cause attention deficit. But it also could become orchestrating ones life (in slower motion of course) so as to almost find oneself in a massage of His words, His providence, His joy, love, beauty pouring forth from several directions as we move and groove through life. And so quite often in that, i end up wowed and surprised by quite a few things in His word. Both from how I ended up at “that passage,” as well as whatever moving from glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18) events and people in life God might use to grow me…i come to a passage or a verse then slightly being a different person…and its kind of new. A freshness sprout out of it I never saw before like you mentioned above. Because of Him and this of which we speak do i find Pastor JD’s child llike heart in Him very attractive and edifying. :slight_smile:

Yeah just meant llike if we run into someone who had those kinds of issues. Imagine being able to break out with some meat for them to consider. Not meaning to evangelize like from a “Local flood” booth or something. But just like how things like this (and more specifically things like the exegetical approaches in part discussed) can tend to open people up to some things. Just like a tool in the kit. But foremostly i would see for exegesis sensibilities in research. Like picking up on some things from the video exegetically can apply to others ways of thinking (before) we were not ever thinking llike before kind of thing. Something like that would not cause me to change my whole of conviction on all things flood. But it did change my understanding of areas and modes of resaarch. And further battoning down some exegetical hatches in general. Like coming across a verse and seeing prisms in that text we might not have before. I don’t see those things as downplaying plain written ideas. Those tend to bear themselves out. But just like, “What a minute…look at how this verse flows when considering xyz” which may have nothing to do with the flood. Just certain focuses in appraoch exegetically like.

Understood Jack. This could be a conversation for another time brother…but my understanding of that is that was to the Jews at that time. They had all the history. Today alot of people are pretty darn clueless. Might take some times…lol…just saying…

I hear ya brother. Its been an honor. :+1: Blessings

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I keep trying to send you a reply and the system will not let me

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@ jasonacts177

An error occurred: Your post contains a word that’s not allowed:

From the Code of Conduct: Profanity or foul language is not allowed. This includes using punctuation, symbols, or acronyms to bypass the profanity filter.

Help….I can not find the violation anywhere!

I Found it I found it…how ridiculous.

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It happened to me as well when i tried sharing Craig Bon_ video in Dec and the system wouldn’t let me because of his last name?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: it said the word "Bon_ "was a violation. Anyway you get the idea what I’m trying say.