February 13, 2022: Bible Prophecy Update

They were called by God. Trump is a Satanist and I really hope you dont compare him with them. :woman_facepalming:

If we compare Trump with people from the Bible I would see him like Saul (but more evil) or Nebukadnezar or the Pharao.


Just adding who is on the hIt list in Canada for euthanasia…dementia patients, disabilities, the mentally and chIldren…yes children.

Someone else had some of the same on his list


Faytene did a show on this at the time and her audience was to call or write their member of parliament and let them know we did not agree with this and they were to vote against it.
Well, you know the results. the sanctity of human life is almost none existent anymore. Another sign of the times we are living in.
The article is a heartbreaking reminder of mans inhumanity to man. It also included comments that I had to stop and think for a moment otherwise I would have thought it was referring to what is happening today in medicine in some countries. The similarities are startling and jarring to say the least.


Canada is leading the world on euthanasia laws

The review will also study the issue of “mature minors” — children — being able to access MAiD. They remain barred under Bill C-7.


Does anyone else sometimes feel as if they are in a twilight zone?

I go onto Facebook or talk to family everyone seem oblivious to stuff happening in the world. I see no mentions about the economy or supply shortages or the truckers or the Middle East/Russia or China/Taiwan. Some stuff about the Super Bowl, yes, but mostly folks seem to be totally self-obsessed with their own life.

BTW, after I watched JD message, I saw this shared by someone on facebook:


Yes, Violet. Yes. I have lost all sense of belonging to community. The people that were part of my church family for many years are lost to me now. I don’t know how to speak into the lives of the people around me because no one wants to look and see. Feels like I’ve been given direction to “get my house in order,” but everyone around me is in denial and therefore doesn’t want to talk about anything that truly matters. Shallow. Hollow. Futile. “What is my purpose now?” I keep asking the Lord. . . “What do you want me to do and to say as the moments of the day pass by so quickly?” And it seems all I do is weep



Giddy-up! The 4horsemen are raring to go! In all my years of watching there has never been such a convergence of signs waiting to manifest and find their ultimate fullfillment during the 7 year tribulation, and if you can so clearly see the tribulation at our DOORSTEP the rapture is at the DOOR!

Its Russia against the Ukarine as America continues to pour in troops, while China is just timing Taiwan for an invasion, while during the Olympics ‘THE’ lethal killshot as Pastor Tom Hughes put it, is waiting to be released! All of this as the return to the JCPOA is a penstoke away! Isaiah 17 is on the cusp and i mean on the cusp! The world is a powder keg waiting to explode! All of this points to a month of MARCH MADNESS as i see all these 3 wars breaking out at the same time!

Each of these 4horsemen are casting their Shadow right NOW!!!
:racehorse::white_flag:THE WHITE HORSE WITH THE RIDER THAT CONQUERS (At the climate change COP26 conference Prince Charles said “with trillions at his disposal”, well who is the ‘HIS’ that he is talking about? The world leader, the eventual anti-christ is lurking in the shadows ready to come on the world stage to stamp his authority and set up global system of peace, safety and economic ‘salvation’! )
:racehorse::dagger:THE RED HORSE SIGNIFYING WAR (Its clear that the stage is set for major wars across the planet. Russia is waiting to invade Ukarine, China to do the same with Taiwan and its Israel vs Iran!)
:racehorse::balance_scale:THE BLACK HORSE OF GREAT ECONOMIC TURMOIL (Global Inflation : World Food Prices Are Climbing Closer Toward a Record High!)
:racehorse::pirate_flag:THE PALE HORSE OF DEATH (The number of deaths that have taken place because of the ‘VIRUS’ and because of the injected poison!)

Jonathan Brentner
"The dark threatening clouds on our horizon point to nearness of the time when the four horses of Revelation 6:1-8 will burst out of their stalls and gallop across the earth.

For us as believers, the black clouds on the horizon signal the nearness of Jesus’ appearing; we will be in heaven with Jesus when He opens the seals."


God bless you
Watchman in the wilderness


Todays update was a bit all over the place, I was in service so I will listen again but the thing about Trump rang with me, yes I voted for him but was not in perfect peace about it in fact I had a dream before the election that made it more difficult to vote for him but I listened to teachers of the scriptures who I respect and other believers and the fact of pro life so I voted for him all along feeling he was using the pro life issue to buy votes. All in all God uses these leaders to fulfill his purposes and His plans. The dream I had stilll haunts my thoughts but God . I look to Jesus not man.


@reeniefr, I just loved JD’s message about the elephant in the room. I was with him the whole way and did not feel confused about anything. I did get a lot of laugh’s from him he can be so funny at times. We know God has us and is in control. God Bless you.


Yes. When I try to talk to family members at home here who are medically treated, its very difficult and often feels strained.
They are currently irritated at the truckers for delaying delivery of goods to the stores and have indicated they wont be very happy if it comes to bare shelves.
They know I support speaking up for freedom as long as it is peaceful.
We are on the opposite sides. I truly do feel like I don’t belong anywhere, anymore. If I didn’t have the smiles and hugs of the two grandchildren, it would be very difficult. They are the bright spot for me these days.
I feel the heaviness of the oppression around us and even more so now that the push for freedom has come about and no its not the February blahs.
I just keep remembering that the day of the Lord is gross darkness until He appears to bring the Light for He is the Light of the World.
I have focused my attention on sharing the prophetic updates with my daughters and to encouraging a friend who is in another city. Her and her husband and mother have not taken the shot. They won’t.
Since I am retired, I now spend time trying to focus on hobbies etc. and give thanks for each day that the Lord gives and sharing on this forum as well as being so blessed by you all.


Rock Harbor Q & A for Feb 14
2-12-2022 Current Event Q & A - Part 19 (rumble.com)


Ugh, yes. Same here.

I was watching a video today where one of the speakers put forth the idea that a possible reason some countries are backing off the mandates was they had pushed things far enough that they were at a point where letting the economy back in full swing would cause a collapse now. He didn’t say, but I guess that then means the US is not at that point yet… but IDK.

They surmised with so much coming out about the injuries and deaths that the truth about the jab could come out and the PTB need something else to shift the focus onto, like an economic collapse or war or who knows what.

Anyway, when he brought up about it coming out, I just got this awful image of what it might be like if all the people who got jabbed were to realize that they had been poisoned! And that they had given that poison to their own kids! The horror, anger, rage. But who would it be directed at? Those in charge would likely all blame each other, elite blaming Pharma who blames science who blames medical who blames who knows who. It would be chaos. And I kinda think lots of them would hate us who didn’t take it, too, even though we tried to warn. :frowning:


This video is so full of hope and he talks about never giving up. Our days are feeling long due to such heaviness but we know our time is short.
It is of Michael Youseff, Sunday sermon.

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Nobody worships Biden …
People worldwide worship Trump …


I’m thinking that our dear pastor JD maybe also tried to tell us why some ‘prophecy teachers’ have gone into different directions?

For example, prophecy teachers who admired Trump extremely much and then these same prophecy teachers also choosing to take the jab,
compared to the prophecy teachers who warned that Trump is NOT our savior and that the jab is not good.

Maybe that’s the elephant in the room as well, because there is a lack of discernment in the first group .

I thought it was a really good update like always! Praying for you, pastor JD and team.

P.S. I’m not sure if the word ‘prophecy teachers’ is a good choice of words, but you know what I mean :joy:


Reading what others wrote, and your question, caused me to think, [not an easy task]. I love your posts @DallasT :rose:

I went to AA for over 30+ years, and spoke many times. After a while I would preface my talks with the statement, [“I know what I am going to say, but I don’t know what you will hear.”] because I found everything is filtered by personal biases and opinions.
I heard people dividing into camps
I heard satan is dividing.
I heard rapture very close.
I heard Trump , not what he is cracked up to be.
I heard Christians dividing again.
I heard a quarter of the population will die, spoken of in Revelations
I heard the economy was purposely manipulated by the V shutdowns, to keep the economy from shutting down to soon.
I heard all this was done purposely,
by the puppet-master :snake:
[Now the biggie , no one mentioned (could be wrong)]
I heard that the lifting of the Covid restrictions starting around the world, will cause the puncturing of the 'Everything Bubble" that, collapses the economy, and becomes the means of moving to a digital system.
That is what I got.

In the hour and a half talk
he didn’t just say [Trump bad]****ONLY.… IMO

Warmly Doc :dove:

2 Tim 2:23 AMP :mega: " But have nothing to do with foolish and ignorant speculations [useless disputes over unedifying, stupid controversies], since you know that they produce strife and give birth to quarrels."


the first statement does not necessarily equal the 2nd statement, in my opinion. when all options lead to the same evil outcome, how is it even considered a vote at that point?, is my thought.