February 19, 2023 - Bible Prophecy Update - Distracted From Our First Love

21 Feb 2023 (Continuation on Asbury “Revival”)

Copied from Facebook:

Another red flag at Asbury. I don’t know who the speaker is, it may be a staff member, but regardless, he was given the platform.

I think one of the reasons why this “revival” has captured so much attention and is viewed as the real deal, is that it’s contrary to what has been touted as “revival” in recent years. We’re used to celebrity speakers hyping up crowds in stadiums. We’re used to the “revivalists” at Bethel spouting their fanciful claims that God is moving in their midst - when all they can offer is glitter, false prophecies, unverified miracles, and vain imaginations of encounters with God. All you need is a bible and a brain to see through their shenanigans. This is different. Instead of the usual boisterous, pompous, and narcissistic apostles, prophets, and worship leaders in the NAR, there are nameless and quiet people on the stage. No celebrities, no official leader, no program, no bizarre manifestations. It’s gentle, it’s of a contemplative nature…and there’s the problem - subjectivity. Asbury is no stranger to the contemplative aspect: Contemplative prayer is practiced: “Jan. 17 – Pause: Silence, Reflection & Contemplative Prayer – 11 a.m.”


Former dean Dr. Brian Russell was allowed to promote his book on centering prayer during an Asbury Seminary podcast called Thrive.

The description of his book (Centering Prayer: Sitting Quietly in God’s Presence Can Change Your Life) on Amazon - “A new, but ancient, way to pray can turn your life around. Discover how to experience God’s love at your core, freeing you to love others, and even yourself.”


It boils down to a subjective experience with God, quiet, and contemplative, unlike Bethel’s grandiose encounters with God, but mystical nonetheless.

Furthermore, we cannot ignore the first-hand testimonies of others:

  • A Roman Catholic’s experience: "Father Fischer, who wore his alb and stole while at Asbury, told OSV News he “got into praise mode” during what he called the “modernized Taizé experience,” and found himself “filled with love.”


  • Laura Levens, assistant professor of Christian mission at Baptist Seminary of Kentucky wrote the following in Baptist News:

"A revival not heavy on preaching

Some who were present at the beginning of the current revival say it began in a mood of contemplation and a search for connection, repentance and calling. This revival is not preaching laden. On the contrary, it seems almost preaching averse."


And that brings us to this clip. People don’t get saved by experiencing a “presence,” they are saved when they hear, repent, and believe the gospel. The power is in the gospel, not a subjective presence.:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16.

“And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?.. So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:14&17.

While God may be doing a work in some folk at Asbury, we cannot ignore the many red flags present, and we cannot call this a revival.
